GM Ring of Gold |

Kent Woolthorn |

McNeely had informed me that you had the line to him should I ever need to contact him and in fact tomorrow night I will need to be brought before the local head woman in charge at Harrier Island. I will need to know the best way to arrive there tomorrow and you are my contact regarding that duty.
However, I also need a local contact for myself as I will require a certain type to sate my own needs. Tell me, how many Gentlemen's Clubs are within the Twin Cities area? How many are in territories controlled outside versus inside of the Ring of Gold and how many, if any, are owned by my "kind"."

GM Ring of Gold |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Kaydee David |

"Cops are useless everywhere, got it," Kaydee mumbles, rolling her eyes.
"I appreciate the thought, Vinnie, but don't go out of your way for little ol' me," she says. "You boys just headed back to the hotel? If so, I'll catch a ride with you."

Kent Woolthorn |

Kent exits the private room and sits at the table with Freddy giving him an hour or so to relax, eat, and have a drink before they move out once more.
Outside in the Car
"I will need to contact the Coroner's Office in a few days but I am not sure it will suit my purposes. Still, feeding when not fully announced is dangerous so I wish to avoid it tonight, hungry as I may be tomorrow, some risks are not worth the trouble.
For now, let's find a phone book and a map and list out all of the Strip Clubs in the area, we'll need to hit several in the coming months so I am not too reliant on any one place.
We can do this work while waiting near the Art Museum for Sean to arrive, if he does not show it's back to the Motel, for at least one more night".

GM Ring of Gold |

Sean O. Doyle |

Benjamin Kas |

[Spoiler=ST] "That's a cool trick. Can you do Brian Blessed, or maybe Jimmy Stewart?" He sat comfortably, not a worry in the world. "Wish I knew tricks. I could look like Lancaster or Tracy, that would be neat. Or maybe old father Hannigan, wonder how he is... probably dead now. You know any dead guys?"

GM Ring of Gold |

Alary's Elysium
When you come out from the bar (and I presume call Bill the Cabbie) the silver haired woman follows the three of you out into the parking lot. I am Sabine Rocha, Chief forensic examiner for the cities. I heard you asking a bit about a friend of mine. I fear for his safety. He was following something to do with blood platelets which he felt was suspicious and I haven't heard from him since

Benjamin Kas |

Kent Woolthorn |

If the Caitiff does not arrive, he will head back to his Haven and sleep it out until the next day. Same thing if Sean does show except that now he'll have something to possibly talk about!

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"Evening to you, Sabine," Mal says pleasantly, tipping an imaginary hat in her direction. "Yeah, we had...a friend...say that he'd gone missing, and that she'd be much obliged if we made sure he was okay.
But, I'm sure you heard. The law in this town is pretty darn sure that he's just having a bit of a lie-in in his handsome house, and Woe betide any who goes sniffing about.
And I'm sure the sheriff wouldn't lie to me. About such an important thing."

GM Ring of Gold |

Alary's Elysium, parking lot
Sabine leans in and says for the last several nights I have had several bodies re-animate in the morgue and there have been scattered reports of "undead" and "zombies" from police and sheriffs. When I performed an autopsy I found strange blood platelets that I have not seen previously. This all links up to what he was looking into. Please do not stop investigating. If you are injured during this stop by the coroner's office and I will treat your wounds one time for free. As she talks she makes air quotes around undead and zombies and genuinely looks concerned.

"Vinny" |

"I do suppose it would ruin the serene peacefulness of a little farm if it got all overrun with zomb-os. Probably spook the cows too." Vinny sighs. "I guess we ought to get some gear, and do some snooping. What's your weapon of choosing Mal? You strike me as more of a gun kinda guy, but maybe I'm way off. I'm more of an up close and personal type of guy." For the first time, Vinny's smile is ugly in nature as well as just regular ugly.
"And I need a new swiss army knife, and a tailor for my favorite jacket. The bleedin' wankers put a hole in it, and me best knife fell out somewhere when they was jostling around poor torpored Vinny."

Kaydee David |

"Well, I never planned on giving up, but I don't really trust the sheriff, so I wasn't going to bother him about it anymore," Kaydee says. "Let's get up to no good."
Brass knuckles are in my price range, yes?

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Mal gives Vinny a sly grin as he opens his jacket to reveal a concealed heavy revolver. "I got the party favors, but if you could grab me some reinforced duds, I'd be much obliged."
Turning back to Sabine, he nods sagely. "Alright, I'll not give up on him yet. Consider this a favor, and I might need more than one free heal up, if half of what I've heard is true. Soon as you consider yourself too busy to heal up me...and mine, then I'll be too busy to look for your friend. Done and done."
Mal didn't really like the back-and-forth haggling, he was more a man of action. But it seemed like the extortion of favors was the coin of the realm in this area, so he resigned himself to it.
"Do you have any more clues? I didn't think that 'in torpor, at his house' story rung true. I mean, that would mean that he torpored himself, which doesn't seem likely, powerful as he is.
And how are the recent sightings of undead connected? Is there...like, a necromancer at the heart of all this?" he muses.

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Mal smiles and nods. "Fair enough, madam! Fair enough."
Deciding that he needs some time to digest these two seemingly unrelated areans--the Torpored elder and the rising bodies in the morgue--he moves back to Vinny and Kaydee. "Alright, let's go get us a farm!"
I'm sorry, Kaydee, am I supposed to call you by a different name? Apologies but there's no way I'm going to remember that. =)

Sean O. Doyle |

Kaydee David |

"If you two plan on house hunting now, I might go look into something while you do," Kaydee says. "Should we plan to meet up somewhere later?"
@Vinny, I was asking cause I planned to already have them.
@Mal, LOL all good. It doesn't really matter for narration, but Mal think Kaydee's name is Sadie, so if he actually speaks to her, he should probably use that name. But there are kindred who aren't terribly happy with Kaydee and the pseudonym is both a stage name and protection.

"Vinny" |

You think "Vinny" is my real name?
"Seems prudent to get ourselves a little base of operations as it were. You sure you'll be alright on yer lonesome though? Word on the street is there are boogums about. Some people even say there might be..." he pauses for dramatic effect, "Vampires out on the streets!"
He laughs at his little joke, and them sombers up.
"Meet back at the hotel?"

Kaydee David |

Wait! You mean the quotation marks aren't on your birth certificate!?! XD
Kaydee dons a look of mock shock and horror, then shares a little laugh with Vinny. "Good point. Don't want to operate out of the hotel forever," she says, "and don't worry I'm not going anywhere too dangerous. How long do you think you'll be?"

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"Vampires? No! Where?!?" Mal says in mock fear, head swiveling violently as if looking for invisible stalkers of the night before breaking into a round of chuckles. "Oh, that's right! Ha!" he says, smacking his own forehead.
"How long? Meh. If it takes more than a couple hours I'll just get bored, find a place we like, and kill the occupants," he says, again with an air that straddles serious and joking in a Schrodinger-esque way.
"You want us to come grab you before we pay a call on the morgue to get more data on Ms. WorksWithDead?"

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Mal adopts his best Ye Olde English accent. "Sir Lord Charles Viniforth Oakwood the Thrid desires to make purchase of a sumptuous estate of no less than 30 acres. Ideal properties should have an adequate townhouse, serviceable warehousing, and pasturage for some small number of cattle that a true gentleman must needs raise for the betterment of the lesser classes.
So to purveyors of real estate with you, my good man!"