Vane Oreld

Kent Woolthorn's page

83 posts. Alias of Dennis Harry.

Full Name

Kent Woolthorn


9th Generation Ventrue - Willpower 8 - Blood 5/14

About Kent Woolthorn

Game Notes:

Excellent Kent, you do have some properness about you after all You hear a bit of an accent on the words syllables not quite midwestern for sure. I am one of the Harpy in this city and most all of what counts for fiance or business runs through me or my vassals. Your family business does well here with several locations and a hub in St Paul. I will moving forward not make any strikes against those holdings, however, it could use a stronger direct hand if you wish to further prosper. I am sure I could place you as a silent partner with fifty one percent ownership locally for a later equal consideration? In the meantime, you may travel to any Elysium being The Minneapolis Institute of the Arts, the Guthrie Theatre, Alary's bar, and Como zoo and Conservatory. In two days time I shall bring you to be introduced to the Princess Harriet at one of her domains Harriet Island. Until then enjoy the city and explore. Here is the number for my man Clifford "Kelly" Hecho. Call him to reach me. Kelly is the best knife and bow hunter and guide in the state and owns a bar called Kelly's in Centerville if you need to meet with him personally. Be careful there. It is on the edge of the Ring of Gold, the border of the treaty lands of the kindred and of those of the lupines.


McNeely considers it for a bit and says There's the sheriff named Matheson,

the Keeper of Elysium named Janice Jones Gangrel,
the Scourge is a Gangrel named Joshua Grant.

The Elysiums are Como Zoo which belongs to Janice,

The Minneapolis Institute of the Arts which is Toreador,

the Guthrie Theatre which is mine, and

Alary's bar which belongs to the Sheriff.

Finally if you meet a Malkavian named Scarpa he was a hunter before he was turned. He worked for the Columbian gangs and the FBI. People think he killed over 100 confirmed. They call him the Grim Reaper. Don't F*ck with him either, got it?

The Lupines are bad if you break the Ring of Gold and cross the line. Otherwise you are fine.

Duke Duncan - Brujah Harpy

Rivard - Tremere Advisor to the Princess on Matters Magical

Princess - Harriet - Clan (Malkavian/Gangrel?) Domain Harriet Island

Primogen - Ventrue Douglas McNeely
Toreador - Gordon Kimball

Keeper of Elysium - Janice Jones (Clan Gangrel)
Sheriff - Matheson Clan (Brujah?)
Scourge - Joshua Grant (Clan Gangrel)

Harpies: Etianne Brule - Clan Toreador (First Prince)
Duncan McGillivray - Clan Brujah (Duke of Duluth)


Mateo (Brujah?)
Sean (Brujah?)
Scarpa - Clan Malkavian
Rivard - Clan Tremere Advisor to the Princess

Como Zoo - Janice Keeper
Minneapolis Art Institute - Gordon Keeper
Gutherie Theater - McNeely Keeper
Alary's Bar - Matheson Keeper


XP Earned - 2

XP Spent - 0

XP Spent ON:


Childe of Sovereign
Concept - Socialite
Nature – Dabbler
Demeanor – Bon Vivant

Appearance - Kent appears to be a white male approximately mid twenties. He has a 70's type of moustache, very Tom Selleck. He generally dresses like a Yuppie when clubbing but when "undercover" would dress the part of an Anarch, leather jacket, beaten up blue jeans. These days that's generally how he appears as most of his good clothes were left behind when he was forced out of Chicago.

Equipment - Kent owns a Beretta with an ivory handle so its a nice piece. Very Ventrue ;-). He also carries at least one stake in a long pocket hidden in his leather jacket, more of a last resort for him as he's not particularly good with a weapon but even worse with his hands.


Physical - Tertiary
Strength 1 - Dexterity 2 - Stamina 3

Social - Primary
Charisma 4 – Manipulation 5 - Appearance 1

Mental - Secondary
Perception 3 – Intelligence 2 – Wits 3


Talents - Primary
Alertness 2
Intimidation 3
Leadership 3
Subterfuge 3
Streetwise 2

Skills - Secondary
Etiquette 3
Firearms 2
Larceny 1
Melee 1
Survival 2

Knowledges - Tertiary
Finance 1
Law 1
Medicine 1
Politics 1
Technology 1

Dominate 1
Presence 1
Fortitude 1
Protean 1
Celerity 1

Retainer – 1
Generation – 6 (9th)

Conscience 4
Self-Control 1
Courage 5

Humanity 5
Willpower 8

New Arrival (1) Newly arrived in Minneapolis
Sleeping with the Enemy (3) – Sabbat Nomadic Pack Gangrel – Lacey
Repelled by Crosses (3)

Hidden Diablerie (3)


15+7 = 22
Protean 1 = 7
Willpower 6, 7, & 8 = 3
Celerity 1 – 7
Merits 3
Backgrounds 2



Kent Woolthorn was not born to humble beginnings. His grandfather, Abe, was related to Frank Woolworth through marriage and opened a Five and Dime store in Chicago in the 1920’s. At his retirement, Abe passed the now three stores to his son Ken who proceeded to expand the number of stores to five by the 1960’s.

Kent spent time in the stores as a boy and was told that it would all be his one day. Kent though had other plans and plans and plans. Kent’s focus was not the same as that of his father and grandfather. He found spending time in the store or the “corporate” offices boring. Kent wanted his life to be much more exciting. Perhaps the only thing more boring than the five and dime was the fact that the family went to church three days a week and dragged him along with his two brothers and three sisters. Protestant churches were so stuffy and formal Kent swore that he would swear off God as soon as he could.

Kent had many interests in school but lacked true focus to master much of anything other than his gift of gab with people. He had a way to get his friends to do what he wanted them to do, when he wanted them to do it, whether by hook or by crook. His expansive knowledge and interests made him appear to know a lot even though he really knew very little. Kent could discuss most anything but when it came down to brass tacks, he mostly just bullshitted people on the specifics.

Kent got into the University of Chicago mainly due to a large donation by his father as his grades were never really stellar. After changing majors five times he finally settled on Finance. By 1982 Kent was spending some time on campus, some time in one of his fathers’ stores, a little bit of time as an intern on the Cboe Futures Exchange and even more time in Gary, Indiana strip clubs.

Kent’s “allowance” through his trust granted him and his buddy Freddy Honeycut the IVth plenty of cash to spend on drinks and dances. Freddy had a rich name but not a rich family and Fred was the muscle when Kent’s occasional joke went too far. Kent started dating a stripper from Gary named Lacey Dreamz. Kent still assumes not her real name but what did he care?

By 1983 Kent was working full time for a commodity trading firm with little to no idea what the hell he was actually doing. With that high power job, Kent’s father backed off of him working at the Five and Dime’s of Woolworth’s, finally! When not in work he was hanging with Lacey and Freddy at dive bars in the rust belt of Gary getting into fights, usually getting his ass kicked though he was pretty quick on the draw with his piece so often people backed away when things got too rough. Sure, a handful of these goons received a round through the leg but in the rust belt who the hell was calling the cops anyway?

Then one night Lacey disappeared. Kent was beside himself with worry and regret, he should have drawn her into his sphere of influence, brought her to church, made an honest woman of her. He abandoned the church and it seemed God had abandoned him. That abandonment did not stop at work the next day when Kent made a massive error costing his firm millions of dollars.

The mistake was so large that he had to have a meeting with his bosses’ boss that night. The little wrinkled old bastard was pretty snooty with Kent until he found out about Kent’s family when his interest was piqued and he backed off of his snarling, Kent really thought the old guy was going to throw down with him for a minute there he was so pissed. He kept questioning Kent and strangely Kent began to open up about his life both by day and by night. Kent even told the guy things he did not want to tell him! This is the effect that Kent had on others, few had that effect on him.

Oddly enough the guy was more interested in Kent’s time in Gary than he was in Kent’s time working for the finance company. “Show me”, the old guy said. Kent agreed.

That night with a few security guards in tow they went to Gary and drove around with Kent showing him the places that he ran in at night. “Correct breeding, and an in with these barrens thugs. You may prove quite useful Kent. You cost me a great deal of money. I considered having you liquidated. Instead, I will use you as I see fit”.

The old f$&&er and his guards held me down and made Kent drink some vile concoction but afterwards he felt euphoric, the best damned alcohol or drug that Kent had ever had. “I am looking for someone and her associates. This is your new role with the company, please me here and the reward shall be great”.

Kent did not know it but he had just been turned into a Ghoul by Sovereign, a grandchilde of Lodin himself. Kent spent the next several months tracking down these “agents” of some chick named Maldavis. Kent did what Sovereign needed him to do and on their next visit together, Kent was “rewarded” with his death.

Sovereign told Kent that he was now a member of Clan Ventrue and that he was not welcome in Chicago, at least not for the forseeable future but if he was successful in Gary, he might earn a home there. Now that Kent had infiltrated the circle, he needed to use his new powers to strike out at it. They knew him as a Mortal and so a Mortal he must try and pretend to be moving forward. Still, Kent knew that none of this would have happened to him if he had not abandoned God, he silently cursed God for this happening to him. Irrational as it was he blamed his free will and his own nature on the creator. When he heard the story of the history of the Kindred being descended from Caine, he knew he was right and damned.

Kent and Freddy, his trusted friend since high school, continued to infiltrate and bring down all of the allies of Maldavis that he could. In late ’84 he was finally challenged by someone who did not fall for his new found powers and was almost destroyed, Freddy for all his fighting prowess was messed up too by this thug. A thug they both knew but did not know to be a Brujah Anarch. The only thing that drove the Anarch away was the intervention of a woman who was just a bit tougher than that punk. As Freddy was bleeding out Kent looked up into the eyes of Lacey!

Shocked as he was, Kent knew he had to save Freddy and gave him some of his blood formally turning his buddy into a ghoul. When Kent turned back, Lacey was gone. Still, the night was not a complete loss, Kent knew that Lacey was alive or at least around. Kent and Freddy also knew where that Brujah f*%!er stayed by day.

The next night Kent awoke to Freddy having captured that arrogant Brujah bastard. Kent was so enraged at the fact that the bastard almost killed them both that he fed off of the Lick directly to heal his own wounds. The blood though was so strong and delicious that Kent could not stop, before he knew it, the Lick was a long dead corpse and he was a lot more powerful for it. His Sire had not told him why he should not feed on other Kindred and now he knew why but the euphoria of the experience was pretty awesome.

Kent continued Sovereign’s guerilla war against Maldavis’ Mortal allies into early ’85 when he finally ran into Lacey again. She informed Kent that she just could not stay away any longer even though they were not on the same side. Kent grimaced, “An Anarch eh, I should have figured Lacey…” She shook he head and gave a small head cock and winked. The chemistry was there and Kent could not deny her even though he was not sure what the hell she meant. They went off and made love right in a nearby alley, such as love could be with a cold member at any rate.
Over the next few weeks Kent came to learn that Lacey was here in Gary with a Sabbat pack gathering information on trying to raid the Anarchs or even the Camarilla of Gary. Their goals somewhat meshed together and so they began to have a relationship once more, one that both knew they could not reveal, not so different in unlife and life for Kent really.

By the spring of ’85 Kent was no longer “safe” in Gary. He never introduced himself to Prince Modius and so he was persona non-grata but how could he introduce himself anyway? He was the kin of Modius’ greatest rival. The Anarchs too were onto Kent and Freddy. Much of his money had dried up as he was no longer working and his parents had cut him off for his complete lack of response to their attempts to contact him. How could he explain to them what had happened to him?

Kent did the last thing he could do, he paid a visit to Sovereign in Chicago, his Sire was NOT amused by or happy with the decision. “You failed. Not much of a dent was made by you against the Anarchs and you blew your ability to even be relevant as a mole.

I’ve half a mind to liquidate you as a bad asset. However, there is an opportunity in another city that has reached my ears. Go to Minneapolis, Minnesota. Make a name for yourself there and perhaps I can convince Lodin to bring you into the fold”.

Kent was outraged with his Sires decision but he knew that there was little he could do. Even with the Brujah’s blood coursing through his veins and his the powers taught by his beloved starting to grown he was no match for his Sire. And even if he did destroy him, what then? Announce himself to Lodin having destroyed a useful tool the Prince could not easily replace.

Sovereign did not even give him a dime to relocate. Kent would for the first time be truly on his own with only Freddy to rely on. Luckily Freddy still had some cash to get them to the new city and at least rent something. But Sovereign made sure that he departed from Gary that very night, no way to contact or see Lacey before he left. That one secret well that and the diablerie Sovereign was not told…