Vorrea Talminari

Kaydee David's page

53 posts. Alias of dr. kekyll.


Daughter of Cacophony


8th Generation | Bloodpool: 15/15 (Points Per Turn: 3) | Willpower: 6/6

Homepage URL


About Kaydee David

Name: Katrina Allison David
Chronicle: The Ring of Gold

Concept: Directionless Talent
Nature: Caregiver
Demeanor: Survivor

Clan: Daughters of Cacophony
Generation: 8th
Sire: Vittoria Tesi

Apparent Age: 22
Year Embraced: 1981
Actual Age: 26
Hair: Brunette
Eyes: Grayish Green

Blood Pool: 15/15
Max Trait Rating: 5
Blood Points Per Turn: 3

XP Earned: 2
XP Spent: 0
XP Remaining: 2

Physical: (3)
Strength: ●●○○○
Dexterity: ●●○○○
Stamina: ●●○○○

Social: (7)
Charisma: ●●●●○ (Bold)
Manipulation: ●●●○○
Appearance: ●●●○○

Mental: (5)
Perception: ●●○○○
Intelligence: ●●●○○
Wits: ●●●○○

Talents: (13)
Alertness: ●●○○○
Athletics: ●○○○○
Awareness: ●○○○○
Brawl: ●●○○○
Empathy: ●●○○○
Expression: ●○○○○
Intimidation: ○○○○○
Leadership: ○○○○○
Streetwise: ●●○○○
Subterfuge: ●●○○○

Skills: (9)
Animal Ken: ○○○○○
Crafts: ○○○○○
Drive: ●○○○○
Etiquette: ○○○○○
Firearms: ○○○○○
Larceny: ●●○○○
Melee: ●○○○○
Performance: ●●●○○ (Singing)
Stealth: ●○○○○
Survival: ●○○○○

Knowledges: (5)
Academics: ●●○○○
Computer: ○○○○○
Finance: ○○○○○
Investigation: ●○○○○
Law: ○○○○○
Medicine: ○○○○○
Occult: ●●○○○
Politics: ○○○○○
Science: ○○○○○
Technology: ○○○○○

Disciplines: (3 + 7 Freebie Points)
Fortitude: ●○○○○
Melpominee: ●○○○○
Presence: ●○○○○
Chimerstry: ●○○○○

Backgrounds: (5 + 3 Freebie Points)
Generation: ●●●●●
Mentor: ●●○○○
Resources: ●○○○○

Virtues: (7)
Conscience: ●●●○○
Self-Control: ●●●●○
Courage: ●●●○○


Willpower (6 Freebie Points)

Health Levels ( ̷  x ӿ)
Hurt -1
Injured -1
Wounded -2
Mauled -2
Crippled -5

Natural Leader - 1 pt.: You are gifted with a certain magnetism to which others naturally defer. You receive two extra dice when making Leadership rolls. You must have a Charisma rating of 3 or greater to purchase this Merit.
Old Pal - 2 pt.: An acquaintance from your breathing days was Embraced at the same time you were. Fortunately, your friendship has endured even death and unlife, and you find a constant source of support and aid in your old friend. She expects the same of you, which isn’t always convenient, but at least you each have someone to hang onto who remembers the good old nights — and days. The Storyteller should play the Old Pal as a very loyal Ally.

Impatient - 1 pt.: You have no patience for standing around and waiting. You want to do things now — f@%! those slowpokes trying to hold you back. Every time you are forced to wait around instead of acting, a Self-Control roll is required to see if you go tearing off on your own instead.
Mistaken Identity - 1 pt.: You look similar to descriptions of another Kindred, which causes cases of mistaken identity. This can prompt numerous awkward or even dangerous situations, especially if your “twin” has a terrible reputation or is wanted for some crime.
New Arrival - 1 pt.: You’ve just arrived in your new city of residence and don’t know anyone in the place. Existing factions may try to recruit or eliminate you, while vampires in positions of authority size you up and take your measure. Meanwhile, your ignorance of the city’s current events, history, and politics (not to mention the personality quirks of the vampires already in place) may cause you to make a serious blunder.
Clan Enmity (Ravnos) - 4 pt.: One Clan in particular wants you dead. You have offended the entire Clan, from elders to neonates, and as a result every member of that bloodline wants your head on a plate. The effects of the Flaw may manifest as anything from very public snubs and insults to actual attempts on your unlife. You are also at +2 difficulty on all Social rolls relating to members of the Clan in question.

Before the Embrace Kaydee was working hard in New York putting herself through college and taking care of her sick mother. Her father wasn't in the picture. He took off when she was five. Went back to Israel or maybe died. Who cares? They got along fine without him. Kaydee and her best friend Julia studied hedge magic in their spare time and Kaydee used her "advantages" to help her hustle enough to pay for her mother's chemo. Unfortunately, it didn't take and her mother died before Kaydee's graduation. Kaydee skipped the ceremony going on a bender instead. It was one of those nights in a seedy jazz bar, that her impressive vocal range and raw talent caught the ear of one of the Daughters of Cacophony...

After her Embrace Kaydee's sire was eager to train her to use her voice properly. However, despite taking to the clan gifts with relative ease, Kaydee proved a willful pupil. Used to doing things for herself and wanting the chance to enjoy being free of all her responsibilities, she was not very receptive to Vittoria's lessons. Vittoria seemed understanding, however, allowing her protégé to develop her talents on her own though leaving her with no uncertainty about the expectation of progress.

Shortly after striking out on her own, Kaydee got involved with a particularly impulsive young Ravnos named Duraia. He taught her a little bit of Chimerstry and they had a lot of fun hustling kine and kindred alike. Until some fool Tremere got in trouble with his superiors for "losing" some books on the basics of The Lure of Flames and thought he'd try his luck getting them back which didn't really work out well for anyone. Rai and the Warlock ended up killing each other horribly and Kaydee ran off with the books, which seemed like it was going to work out for Kaydee until Rai's death got back to his sire, an influential Brahmin preistess, who blamed Kaydee for getting him killed. Now the entire clan has it out for her.

In recent nights an old pal has invited Kaydee to her domain in Riverside and offered an in with the graduate program at U of M. Vittoria has strongly advised Kaydee to attend the program, a (not-so-)subtle reminder that someone has plans and expectations for her.