About "Vinny"XP 2: Save for 10 to buy obfuscate 3 Name:Vinny Clark Nature: Architect
Clan: Nosferatu
XP earned:0
Attributes Physical:
Talents: Alertness: ***
Skills: Crafts: * (Pottery)
Knowledges: Finance: **
Disciplines: Potence: ** (+2 successes to strength checks)
Backgrounds: Allies: * (TBD)
Virtues Conscience: ****
Humanity: 7
(Freebie points: Leadership (2) Subterfuge (2) Humanity (2) Willpower (1) Obfuscate (7) Resources (2)) Health Levels _ Bruised
Description: Details to follow background?:
Money and power were the two things that Vinny Clark had sought while he was alive, and now that he was dead it was no different. He likes to turn one into the other on the regular, giving catiff and others less fortunate than himself a nice place to stay, freshen up for a while, and then head out, owing Vinny a favor or two. Favors that could be turned in for cash, which could go back into making more favors which could go back into... well you get the point. He'd been doing it for nearly 5 years now, and made a pretty penny for himself. Sure he was even uglier than the before times, but really, that's not saying much. But Vinny's real claim to fame was information. You wanted something known, and Vinny could find it out for you, no questions asked, other than the price. Vinny'd always had a magnetic personality, and was difficult to pull one over, but sometimes his sense of decency gets the best of him, and he lets himself be haggled down to a price worth pennies on his dollar. Oh well, good things come to those who wait, right?
Despite his lavish lifestyle, Vinny enjoys the company of his fellow Nosferatu in the sewers too much to spend too much time in his own houses. At least that's what he'd say if you asked him. In truth, the protection offered by spending time down in that dark dingy place was well worth it. It wasn't like Vinny could smell anyway, and he made sure to take a shower before going anywhere important. Usually anyway. Depends on if you're worth Vinny's time, now doesn't it? Why the need for protection? You're a nosy one aren'cha? Well, ol' Vinny here bit off more than he could chew, more than once. The Ventrue still resent that time that he dredged up some embarassing evidence on their top brass, and his perceived willingless to sell out to anyone (even if he was willing to give his elders his services for free) mean that there's no love for Vinny even in the higher ups of his own clan. Cap it off with the fact that he's avoiding his own crazy b**** of a sire, who keeps trying to get him into her plotting and schemes and well... it's a good thing that it's hard to keep Vinny down, because a lot of angry folks have an interest in doing it. Tough as nails, strong as a hammer is Vinny's motto, and considering he does a lot of his own reconnisance, it's probably a good one to have. When it does come out to a scrap, Vinny likes to be prepared, utilizing a veritible arsenal of weaponry, but ultimately prefering to use holds and clinches to get in close and use his strength to his advantage. Vinny likes to think that he's to back down, and it is true that he's quite willing to fall back and let others get the spotlight. However he's also hot tempered, and quick to fly into a rage, quite a dangerous state to be in for a vampire. Still, he's loyal and brave, and has managed to maintain quite a bit of his humanity, finding a liberation in being so hideously ugly on the outside, and instead trying to work on making his thoughts and actions beautiful. Still willing to scrap it up though if the situation requires it. What lies in Vinny's future? What a good question! He'd like to keep himself busy, building up money, power, and goodwill until everyone relies on him. Then, well, it's good to be on top isn't it? But it takes a lot of effort to stay there. Better to find someone else to work for, always be part of the prize to be claimed, not the king to be toppled. He'd like to go out, make some mortal friends, but he hasn't quite yet mastered appearance altering, and in his current state that's just a pipe dream. Oh well, guess there's always time to finish school now, if he ever gets around to it.
Nightime hunting funtimes:
Huntin's getting harder these days. More cameras every g&@&!~n day. More streetlights, urban sprawl, gentrification... Vinny cut off his own train of thought. Some a that's my fault though, innit? Keep building up the area. Iffin I keep this up, I'll be out of a place to hunt. He kept moving then, looking for a shady ally. He knew where he could find one after all, and then all he needed to do was wait, and blend into the shadows. Someone'd be along sooner or later.
It had been a s+@@ty night for Vinny. One of his tennants had gone into a frenzy, damaged a bunch of his property, and nearly ripped some poor Toreador's head off. Plus he had heard his sire was back in town again, and that always made him on edge. Worst of all, he hadn't had a new request for information in almost a week. If this keeps up, I'll be out on the street myself he muses grumpily, staring at the homeless person sitting under a streetlight. He wasn't that desperate for blood. Yet. It was then that he realized that he was no longer alone in the alleyway. He cursed himself for not noticing sooner. A little girl was peering at him from a trashcan that was tipped on it's side. Her face was bloodstained, and her fangs glistened. F*** Vinny hated vamp kids, they freaked him out. But he put his best smile on his hideous face, and said, "Can I help you, little miss? You got a place to stay?" The girl just stared at him, and Vinny steeled himself, putting on his most reassuring voice. "How old are you then, hun?" The little girl's eyes flashed defiantly as she said, "Nearly 6." Aw, g*#%+#n it. G@%!n. She's freshly turned, in't she? I go out for a quick bite to eat, have myself a good time, and I run into some little whelp who's probably just ate her mum or something, all because some folk don't have the courtesy to clean up after 'emselves. "Almost 6! Wow, you're almost all grown up then!" He was surprised that the little girl wasn't terrified of his face. Maybe she'd seen or done worse. She smiled at him then, and crawled out of the trashcan. God it freaked him out how she moved. Wasn't natural. He'd take her to Count Tran, she could be his problem. Hard to get kids to feel any sense of gratitude, and yet... "Do you wanna come with me? I can get you somethin' to eat if yer hungry." The little girl nodded emphatically, and then frowned. "My mommy told me I wasn't to follow strangers." "Smart woman then! But don'tcha worry none. Name's Vinny, but friends call me Vin, and you can too. If you tell me your name, we won't be strangers no more, and we can getcha something to eat." The little girl furled her brow, trying to make sense of what Vinny had said. "I'm Claire," she said. "Claire. Lovely name." Vinny said, and held out his hand. The little girl giggled as she shook it, and it took all of Vinny's composure not to flinch. They walked out of the ally then, to one of Vinny's safe houses. Not one of the secret ones mind you. He wasn't sure what the girl would remember, and he remembered that she could just be lying to him. He had some blood stashed away there, it would do for the time being. As the girl gorged herself on blood bags, Vinny pondered what was the best thing to do. He couldn't just leave her out in the streets, that would be foolish, irresponsible, and dangerous to his slice of life here. No, it was best if someone official dealt with it. At least the count wasn't Ventrue. And you never know! Maybe having a spooky kid who was friendly towards you could be useful someday, if she remembered. He could put aside his personal distaste, and see what he could do for her. As he watched hungrily as the girl devoured his blood supply, he sighed. It really just wasn't going well for him tonight. But he wasn't going to let that stop him from turning disadvantage to oppertunity. |