Vampire:The Masquerade Minneapolis by Night (Inactive)

Game Master Edelsmirge

Gothic horror in the Twin cities set in 1985

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Daughter of Cacophony 8th Generation | Bloodpool: 15/15 (Points Per Turn: 3) | Willpower: 6/6

A cab maybe? How far is it?

13th Generation Nosferatu Bloodpool 7/10 | Willpower 5/5

Mal and GM:
Vinny hadn't slept well. Reminded him all to much of his recent torpor. Plots and schemes were whirling through his head, but he decided to put them on the backburner for the moment. Better to just go with the flow than try to change the course of the whole damn river right now.

"Mornin' Mal, I'll leave a message at the front desk that we went out. Wouldn't wantcha get drugged again, no?" I need new clothes. Vinny thought. And maybe some body armor. Some for Mal too. We'll see where Sadie's alliances lie before we spend too much on her, eh?

"Same taxi as last time? Might pay off to have a good relationship with a driver."

Sean, Vinny, Mal, Kaydee:
Kaydee: a airport courtesy van from Blue and White taxi service picks you up and a guy says I am Bill, the Cabbie, Nosferatu, pleased to meet you. Got a few more to pick up. Sean: You get picked up by a blue and white courtesy airport van second see above. Vinny and Mal: you get picked up.... After 30 minutes you are all in a blue and white courtesy van and Bill the Cabbie says First stop, Alary'sroleplay as you like on the shirt 30 car ride

10th Generation Tremere | Bloodpool: 12/13 | Willpower 8/8

GM Ring of Gold:

Michael takes the offered keys. "Thank you...and thanks for the directions. I'll see you later." he says to Traikoff as he heads out the door and toward Alary's.

you arrive early to the Alary's bar and are parked in a side parking lot which is marked for police only across from another lot marked the same. After waiting in the car about 30 minutes the back door light turns on and you either can watch for others to enter or go in and be first

as you listen you begin to feel the weight of time in Etianne's voice although it is well hidden but it is his eyes which are most haunting like you look into an endless sea rolling. good roll Etianne stands and brings a book off the shelf handing it to you. It is possibly the oldest book you have ever held. A French Jesuit Priest sometime after the summer of 1637 found a French translator to speak to the Huron who bore a striking resemblance to Etianne, but of course the priest discounted this as the man himself said he was a fur trader named Maurice. This is the account of the Jesuit priest which was returned to France along with a personal letter sent by Maurice not here that arrived in Paris shortly before Raphael de Corazon left princedom for greater prizes and Francois became prince. I held princedom of much of Canada and Duluth until I became weary after the Louisiana purchase and went into torpor. I woke after early 1900's to a world much changed and a new fort and city having risen here with a princess ruling it. I came and stopped a war with the werewolves and made the treaty the Ring of Gold, which became my nom de plume among our kind. Of princedom I was done. I could have taken anything I wished but had grander prizes in mind. Your turn now, young Kent

10th Generation Tremere | Bloodpool: 12/13 | Willpower 8/8

GM Ring of Gold:

Michael sits in the car watching the darkened building. When the back door lights finally come on, Michael shuts down the car and heads for the door. Too f*%+ing cold to hang out here, even in a heated car... he thinks to himself, locking the car door before heading into Alary's.

this place is a 1920s speak easy with a couple of pool tables and low light stained glass lamps along with large velvet booths with curtains tied to the sides. Behind the counter is a man wearing a duty belt and with Sheriff written on his outfit polishing glasses. Oh hey, little early or the it crowd but come on in. Care for a bit of blood?

10th Generation Tremere | Bloodpool: 12/13 | Willpower 8/8

GM Ring of Gold:

Michael nods affirmatively to the man behind the bar. "Sounds great, thanks."

Extending a hand he introduces himself. "I'm Michael, nice to me meet you..." he says dragging out the end of the sentence a bit, implying a desire to know the bartender's name as well.

the man smiles and extends his hand which feels warm. He almost looks also to be breathing to you. He looks like his face has spent a lot of times outdoors and he is tanned with hard, calloused hands and the fingers also Matheson, Sheriff of the cities, head of special weapons and tactics for Ramsey County. You must be new here?

10th Generation Tremere | Bloodpool: 12/13 | Willpower 8/8

GM Ring of Gold:

"Nice to meet you, Sheriff Matheson. Indeed, I am new to the city, just in from Milwaukee last night. As I understand it, I am slated for introduction tomorrow night."

welcome to the cities and be to Harriet Island at around 10pm tomorrow and you will be at the right place at the right time Matteson takes a cup out and pulls out a cask and uncorks and pours some blood in a glass and slides it to you

9th Generation Ventrue - Willpower 8 - Blood 5/14

What language is the book written in, French?

"So you personally know the Inner Circle of Clan Toreador? That is certainly an impressive lineage, my Clan cares about pedigree above all else that is for certain. I was wondering why you would have relinquished your Princeship...

I have many questions stemming from a tale as fantastic as yours but that shall have to wait I know. I fear mine own story is mundane and will bore you but a deal is a deal even if you get short shrift.

I was born in the year 1961 to a family of merchants. We owned a handful of lucrative department stores from a chain that has nearly a century long legacy of quality and favorable customer treatment and affordability. Things that my grandfather and father after him prided themselves on.

As a child I never wanted their lives, I was always on a quest for something new. New endeavors, new experiences. I suppose it made me more interesting than my mundane peers but also affected my ability to truly master any one thing.

My gift then is the gift of being personable. I found that one need not be anything but interesting and a free-thinker and people would gravitate towards you. I frettered my youth away indulging in new hobbies and interests. The same thing happened in my schooling, in four years of University I changed my major six times.

Not wanting to work in my family business but wanting to maintain a wealthy lifestyle I settled on finance and found that my ability to be well liked was just as, if not more, important than my ability to truly understand markets. Markets are after all made of people and much as economists like to believe markets are a mathematical riddle they are just as often controlled and swayed by human emotion.

For a few years I did well until I made a significant mistake. This was less due to my own growing skills in my choice of profession and more due to my new hobby, drugs and women of the night. Coming to work with no sleep and still intoxicated is a recipe for making a mistake.

The mistake I made was significant, so significant that my Sire himself called me to a meeting. I believe that he intended to feed upon me or at least have me killed for that error.

Then he discovered not only my pedigree but the penchant for night life in Gary Indiana that I hid from all but my best friend. The man who is now my most trusted ghoul servant.

Sovereign made me a ghoul and began to utilize me to gather information on the Mortals that served the Anarch Maldavis. Soon enough I was effective enough and in deep enough that my Sire decided to Embrace me as a more potent weapon against the Anarchs.

However, I am young and despite my talents in finance my talent for cloak and dagger spy games was not up to the task that my Sire expected of me.

I became a liability, instead of having me potentially captured by the Anarchs to be used against His Sire, Sovereign sent me here instead. For a vague "opportunity".

Thus, I am here to answer the call of opportunity. Or as a punishment due to a failure related to a standard I could not possibly have un-lived up to. Still, for a man who wished for a unique opportunity in life I have certainly found one in death".

Kent turns the book in his hands and as if unable to control himself blurts out, "I really want to meet a werewolf face to face".

He stops and his face is aghast, "Damn and I was doing so well.

My apologies Elder, I sometimes find it hard to hide my own exuberance when faced with the prospect of an exciting new experience..."

Etianne leans forward and says the treaty allows for growth and yet restriction for both Kindred and Loup Garou yes the book is in French and I understand you are excited to meet the Garou, but it is simply not possible. It has taken me many years to gain their trust and the treaty and nothing must threaten that. Thank you for the story Young Kent. I do not believe you recited your lineage to me.[/b]

Caitiff 8th gen Blood: 14/15 Will: 6/6

Sean, Vinny, Mal, Kaydee:
Sean is a little confused at first when a van-taxi shows up with another passenger already in, but the driver's identification of himself as a Nosferatu clears it up. Before he passively accepts the ride, however, he shows the address given him by Mateo the night before to the driver, "Is it that Alary's might be at this address? For I be due to meet Mateo here?"

Bill the Cabbie says that's pretty funny since Mateo is the head of a bunch of drug dealers but yeah, he's gonna be there in the back at the Elysium

9th Generation Ventrue - Willpower 8 - Blood 5/14

"I understand Elder. I shall not do anything foolish to upset such a delicate balance of power. However, if at some point you must meet with them to discuss a matter for a point of negotiation I would be willing and honored to accompany you to such a meeting".

Kent grins, "Ah yes my lineage. Sovereign made me memorize it by heart for an announcement to any Prince.

Kent Woolthorn Clan Ventrue,
Childe of Alan Sovereign,
Childe of Horatio Ballard,
Childe of Lodin,
Childe of Datura,
Childe of General Flavius Belisarius,
Childe of Antonius the Gaul,
Childe of Ventrue,
Childe of Caine".

Daughter of Cacophony 8th Generation | Bloodpool: 15/15 (Points Per Turn: 3) | Willpower: 6/6

ST, Sean, Dem Boyz:
Kaydee gives Bill a "what's up" nod. "Sure, whatever," she responds at the mention of other passengers. As they drive, she stares out the window for a bit before breaking the silence, "So, tell me about the city, Bill. How do you like it here?"

@Sean, how should I read "I be due"? As accent/dialect or more like age indicating stilted speech?

Liberty's Edge

Parry: 8| TOU: 10(2){Bal}| RATN: 6 {shield}| PP: 15/15| Notice: d4| Bennies: 3/3|

[spoiler=Vinny! Kaydee! Mr. Sean!]

"Fine idea, Vinny," Mal concurs as they give notice and make arrangements for travel.

Mal hadn't really expected to see Sadie again. The way they had been railroaded into their mission, with the strange woman 'having her own arrangements' made him think that she needed neither them nor the hard work of a missing person's case. That her attitude in their brief time had been just this side of cold didn't make him trust her any more.

'And just because she's in this cab doesn't mean she intends to help any. It just means there aren't that many vampire-friendly cabs around.'

As he glances at the other passenger in the car he takes an instant liking to the man. Something about the man's efficient build and aura of...danger...reminded him of himself. And if there was anyone he liked working with, it was himself.

He wasn't sure what it was, but something inside him made him want to scream 'Top of the Mornin' to ya!' at the newcomer, but he dismissed the impulse.

"Hi friend. I'm Mal. Steelcutter. This here's my partner in crime, infractions, misconduct, wrongdoing, and general transgressions against polite society, Vinny!

Pleased to meet ya!" He offers his hand for shaking.

@Keydee: Faith an' Begorah what's all this then? I take it since the fine young Sean is given the rest o' 'is name as "O" and then "Doyle" I'm thinkin' that he's as Irish as Guinness. As Irish as The Blarney Stone. As Irish as whiskey...for tis God 'imself that invented whiskey so the Irish would not take over the Earth! =D

Daughter of Cacophony 8th Generation | Bloodpool: 15/15 (Points Per Turn: 3) | Willpower: 6/6

Right, but that's like saying Irish people from every era and area sound exactly the same. Saying "I be due" is a bit stilted for many young Irishmen in America (who still have Irish accents), but might not be if you're actually in Ireland. So, I'm asking if I should be reading that as slightly anachronistic or just a matter of Sean being like potentially fresh off the boat pre-amnesia.

Gangrel 8th gen Blood: 10/15 Will: 5/5

Ben happily followed through the conservatory until they came to the koi pond, at which point he became extremely focused on the fish. "Can I toss them bread? Do we have bread?"

Also depends a lot on where you come from. If our friend is from Kerry there is going to be almost no way to miss that thick of an accent.

Etianne listens to your lineage and says I am glad you are not of the line of Mithras, I dislike him and his folk as you might tell from my story. I shall consider if there is ever an opportunity that you might meet the Loup Garou, then perhaps I shall negotiate it for you. What other questions or things might you like to know?

Old Ben:
She walks around an area with a sign "staff only" and brings out a small dish of fish food and hands it to you with a smile saying Not more then a handful, they are greedy pigs

13th Generation Nosferatu Bloodpool 7/10 | Willpower 5/5

Sean, Mal, Kaydee:
Vinny is uncharacteristically quiet when he gets into the cab. Too many unknowns here, Sadie, and yet another new vamp. Best to stay quiet and try and learn what's what. He will flash Sadie his most winning smile as he enters the cab, but it looks something like a shark trying to look friendly. Just kind of wrong.

Daughter of Cacophony 8th Generation | Bloodpool: 15/15 (Points Per Turn: 3) | Willpower: 6/6

Taxi Cab Confessions:
"Well, hey there, big boy," Kaydee says to Vinnie in her most sultry voice. Vinnie gulps as he notices the windows on the cab begin to steam up...

*The sound of the needle suddenly being pulled off a vinyl* Ahem--Sorry!

Kaydee chuckles and returns Vinnie's smile. "I was coming here to find you two and figure out where to start, but I guess we're going to Alary's..."

Caitiff 8th gen Blood: 14/15 Will: 6/6

Sean, Mal, Kaydee:
Sean does, indeed, have a strong Irish accent. Understandable, but strong and with sentence structure that marks him as either a foreigner, or one who grew up in a very isolated community.

Sean nods in acceptance of what the driver says, gets in, and sits quietly with just a short nod of greeting to the others in the car.

13th Generation Nosferatu Bloodpool 7/10 | Willpower 5/5

Kaydee, Mal, Sean:

Windows getting steamy? We don't breathe or have body heat! :)

"Good to have a nice start to a nice night. Plus, Alary's is a place to start, more or less. Can ask some questions if we gotta.

10th Generation Tremere | Bloodpool: 12/13 | Willpower 8/8

GM Ring of Gold:

"10 pm. Got it." Michael says before adding, "Not that I'm too terribly sure where that is, but I suspect that Primogen Watson knows the place fairly well." while taking the offered blood.

"I know I'm early, but I trust this place gets a bit busier than this?"

Matheson nods and says we start getting folks about two hours in and have a steady stream through the night on the average of between four and eight kindred but sometimes more he continues to take down glasses and wipe and clean each by hand.

January 3rd 1985, Alary's (Elysium): Kaydee, Mal, Michael, Sean, and Vinny.

The airport Blue and White arrives at the back entrance of Alary's and Bill the Cabbie jumps out and opens the door saying Thanks for using Bill the Cabbie's Blue and White, please use the service again. Since you are all new in town if you would like to contract monthly service please call and we can work something out.

As you all go into the back door of Alary's it's quiet inside except for one man behind the bar wearing a rather obvious sheriff uniform and one man at the bar having a drink and taking to the other man. The man behind the counter says welcome to Alary's, I am the Sheriff of the cities Matheson. Come on in and step up to the bar as I don't have waitresses yet

Liberty's Edge

Parry: 8| TOU: 10(2){Bal}| RATN: 6 {shield}| PP: 15/15| Notice: d4| Bennies: 3/3|

Is the Sheriff the same guy that was talking to me my first day here?

Gangrel 8th gen Blood: 10/15 Will: 5/5

"Hungry little guys don't know when they had enough?" Just like some people I know."

yes Mal, same guy

Old Ben:
Janice looks and nods saying sometimes things want to eat more then they should and they eat so much they kill everything around and have nothing left to eat. Sometimes they eat so much they kill others who are unable to eat enough. Sometimes a bigger fatter fish comes and eats the one who thought he was the largest. There is always a bigger fish.

Liberty's Edge

Parry: 8| TOU: 10(2){Bal}| RATN: 6 {shield}| PP: 15/15| Notice: d4| Bennies: 3/3|
Mal Steelcutter wrote:

As he glances at the other passenger in the car he takes an instant liking to the man. Something about the man's efficient build and aura of...danger...reminded him of himself. And if there was anyone he liked working with, it was himself.

He wasn't sure what it was, but something inside him made him want to scream 'Top of the Mornin' to ya!' at the newcomer, but he dismissed the impulse.

"Hi friend. I'm Mal. Steelcutter. This here's my partner in crime, infractions, misconduct, wrongdoing, and general transgressions against polite society, Vinny!

Pleased to meet ya!" He offers his hand for shaking.

Sean O. Doyle wrote:
Sean nods in acceptance of what the driver says, gets in, and sits quietly with just a short nod of greeting to the others in the car.

Hey Sean! I just wanna verify that this is what you are going with? I introduced the two of us, and held my hand out, and you are leaving me hanging, yeah? Just wanna make sure this is what you intended.

Mal walks up to the sheriff. "Well hello again! I didn't know you worked here too. Okay, so, I'd like to do that thing where I can drink for a month, but I can drink my fill right now thank you very much!"

normally I don't but my staff don't start for a bit more and this is my Elysium that I earned and own. Watch your manners here. Happy to open a tab for you.. Matheson looks you over and slides a cask over to you saying enjoy it's ten blood points worth

13th Generation Nosferatu Bloodpool 7/10 | Willpower 5/5

Vinny nudges Mal. "Careful what you drink, eh?" he whispers. "I don't want to end up looking for another gangrel elder."

10th Generation Tremere | Bloodpool: 12/13 | Willpower 8/8

GM Ring of Gold:

For now, unless spoken to by the new comers to Alary's, Michael is content to sit drinking his blood while eavesdropping as best he can on any conversations conducted by those who just entered the bar.

Perception + Alertness, Activating Auspex 1: 3d10 + 2d10 ⇒ (1, 9, 1) + (10, 3) = 24

Well, at least it wasn't a botch...damned 1's

Liberty's Edge

Parry: 8| TOU: 10(2){Bal}| RATN: 6 {shield}| PP: 15/15| Notice: d4| Bennies: 3/3|

Mal grins sheepishly back. "I know, right?!? I don't even wanna be looking for this one! Tell ya what, I'll make a deal. For right now, I won't drink anything...that you don't also drink. I'm sure I'll be safe!"

With that Mal looks the keg over before getting to work on it.

It looks like Kaydee is topped up, and Sean ain't posted since Monday. Vin, what say you drink 3 to fill up and I take the rest, yeah?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Caitiff 8th gen Blood: 14/15 Will: 6/6

Just four (5) people sharing a Taxi:
Mal Steelcutter wrote:
Hey Sean! I just wanna verify that this is what you are going with? I introduced the two of us, and held my hand out, and you are leaving me hanging, yeah? Just wanna make sure this is what you intended.

Ah, no. My apologies, I somehow missed that. Sean is certainly not that standoffish. If anything, a bit too naive to be that cagey thus far.

Mal Steelcutter wrote:

As he glances at the other passenger in the car he takes an instant liking to the man. Something about the man's efficient build and aura of...danger...reminded him of himself. And if there was anyone he liked working with, it was himself.

He wasn't sure what it was, but something inside him made him want to scream 'Top of the Mornin' to ya!' at the newcomer, but he dismissed the impulse.

"Hi friend. I'm Mal. Steelcutter. This here's my partner in crime, infractions, misconduct, wrongdoing, and general transgressions against polite society, Vinny!

Pleased to meet ya!" He offers his hand for shaking.

Sean takes the proffered hand with a firm grip and glances from one to the other naming them as he does, seeming to cement their faces in his mind, "Mal. Vinny." Sean's head twitches slightly as if restraining a glance at the silent woman with whom he initially shared the cab.

It does not seem that he is really trying it on, but Mal can tell he is quite a bit stronger than his lean build would indicate, "And so it is that the pleasure is mine, to be sure. Sean Doyle, I be, and newly arrived in the city just last night."

Sean nods to Bill the Cabbie, retrieves his two bags, and follows the others inside. He sets his bags nearby as he takes a seat at the bar, "Greetings to ye, Sherrif Matheson. Sean Doyle at yer service. I'll have a nip o' the same, if its no bother."

13th Generation Nosferatu Bloodpool 7/10 | Willpower 5/5

Works for me Mal! If the DM wants to poison us, who am I to deny a plot beat? :)

"Rightio then, work to be done, and this won't drink itself."

Gangrel 8th gen Blood: 10/15 Will: 5/5

"There is always a biggest. That clunky head one over there is biggest in the pond."

Alary's bar

You all have a safe drink as the sheriff pulls out another cask and slides it on the counter and pours some cups for you all to drink from. A quiet slurping falls over the bar.

Old Ben:
Janice nods again and says the cities is having an an impressive and growth period under he peace forged by the Ring of Gold. The biggest fish is the Princess but only under the shadow of the treaty which Etianne Brule holds the keys to. Make sure you don't upset that balance Ben and the Gangrel have the run of this place.

Gangrel 8th gen Blood: 10/15 Will: 5/5

"Don't rock the boat. Ok. Anything else I should know?"

old Ben:
Janice ruffles her hair a bit and says follow the traditions and find a few powerful kindred to get debt with and then pay it back in a strict way making sure you are specific on the debt

Gangrel 8th gen Blood: 10/15 Will: 5/5

"Mama always told me pay cash or do without. Don't.. um... something about borrowing or lending and how you don't..." He shrugged a bit and scratched the stub of his chest absentmindedly.

Caitiff 8th gen Blood: 14/15 Will: 6/6

Sean drinks deeply at first from his glass, a quiet tension flowing out of him as the blood slakes a thirst that was beginning to be overwhelming. After a few moments, he turns his attention back to the rest of the room.

How many points are we able to restore?

Daughter of Cacophony 8th Generation | Bloodpool: 15/15 (Points Per Turn: 3) | Willpower: 6/6

Oh I can steam up some windows, Vinny; don't you worry.

Kaydee steps up to the bar. "Hey there, sheriff! This is a nice place you've got," she says, taking a seat. If offered a drink, she declines politely.

Is 1 dot in Resources enough to have a pager? I never had a pager, so I have no idea how expensive they were.

Liberty's Edge

Parry: 8| TOU: 10(2){Bal}| RATN: 6 {shield}| PP: 15/15| Notice: d4| Bennies: 3/3|
Kaydee David wrote:
Is 1 dot in Resources enough to have a pager? I never had a pager, so I have no idea how expensive they were.

I want to be helpful...but then I realized I also never had a pager so...I got nuthin'. ^_^

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