Vampire:The Masquerade Minneapolis by Night (Inactive)

Game Master Edelsmirge

Gothic horror in the Twin cities set in 1985

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just as you leave Aaron tosses you a key and says Enjoy your stay at the Hilton in Minneapolis. You've got three nights to get a place or to extend your stay. You have a nice suitebug not the penthouse, and all the suites on that floor are for kindred so don't worry about the staff pulling the curtains. If you stay, more people will know you are around, but you seem to me more of an in your face in this hand and you don't see me in the other sort of Nos. Meet me at Lake Harriet on the 4th.. Aaron us gone before you finish what ever smart @ss remark it was you were going to say.

13th Generation Nosferatu Bloodpool 7/10 | Willpower 5/5

GM Ring of Gold:

when you get outside there is a Blue and White cab waiting for you. When you get in the guy says ya night want ta change yer looks in the open bub. Name is Bill, also known as "The Cabbie." Anyone not taking a limo is using my service around town. I am working fer Aaron and another Nos like herself Bill starts driving without you telling him where you are going. You see a cat in the front seat.

9th Generation Ventrue - Willpower 8 - Blood 5/14

Kent nods, "Agreed. I do believe that this bargain is more than fair Primogen McNeely.

I will explore the city as this is my first time here.

Are there any specific laws or edicts laid down by Princess Harriet above the rules already established by the Camarilla?

Thank you for Kelly's number, I will reach out to him in two days time for the meeting. I shall also acquire better attire in the meantime, as I stated, my last assignment had me dwelling among the lowest common denominator.

Lupines eh? Are they particularly aggressive? It was not a problem I ever dealt with in Gary".

ST my feeding restriction I think should be Ladies of the night, specifically strippers as that was his"drug of choice" as a Mortal.

Liberty's Edge

Parry: 8| TOU: 10(2){Bal}| RATN: 6 {shield}| PP: 15/15| Notice: d4| Bennies: 3/3|

"Thank you for looking in to that officer."

Mal had other, minor questions, but the man was handing out data with an eyedropper, and he usually needed to see a thing (and, sometimes, be hit by a thing) to know for himself, so he decided to head out.

"Be seeing you," he says politely. "I'll be there on the 4th."

If Matheson has nothing further, Mal heads for the back door.

McNeely considers it for a bit and says There's the sheriff named Matheson, the Keeper of Elysium named Janice Jones Gangrel, the Scourge is a Gangrel named Joshua Grant. The Elysiums are Como Zoo which belongs to Janice, The Minneapolis Institute of the Arts which is Toreador, the Guthrie Theatre which is mine, and Alary's bar which belongs to the Sheriff. Finally if you meet a Malkavian named Scarpa he was a hunter before he was turned. He worked for the Columbian gangs and the FBI. People think he killed over 100 confirmed. They call him the Grim Reaper. Don't F*ck with him either, got it? The Lupines are bad if you break the Ring of Gold and cross the line. Otherwise you are fine.

"Family reunion." Lauren deadpans. "Princess Harriet is old and has connections, then. Perhaps she is impressive enough to be called a Princess after all..." Pausing, Lauren cocks her head at Dalton. "Do you get along with her?"

Dalton considers your question and says I have connections and abilities of my own. You might call me the brains of our family. We do alright here and I have a domain with a herd so I don't have to feed in the pig pen with the rest. Finally, we have an enforcer in our little family who ensures that we get along on even footing. I go along with things because it makes me profit, and I support the Princess because she pays better and it would be too costly at this time to do elsewise.. The fingers keep tapping flat tap, full tap fault tap flat tap...

13th Generation Nosferatu Bloodpool 7/10 | Willpower 5/5

GM Ring of Gold:
Vinny'll tip the guy when he gets to the hotel, if he's got any money on him anyway. Otherwise he'll promise to give him some extra cash next time he sees him. He just wants to get into his hotel room and rest for a bit. Open to more things happening to him though!

Lauren nods. "So, if you are the brains, and one is an enforcer, what about the other two? And what kind of business are we in?"

9th Generation Ventrue - Willpower 8 - Blood 5/14

"Understood. I prefer not to challenge anyone until the time to challenge them is proper or absolutely warranted.

I am here for an opportunity and hopefully that includes an opportunity to learn from you as well Primogen McNeely. I have been out in the wilderness so to speak since my Embrace. The political situation in Chicago is... in flux.

Thank you for your time. I shall see you i two nights hence".

With that Kent gives a small appropriate deferential nod/bow and exits to seek out his Ghoul Freddy who is waiting outside.

Once he locates him he opens the door of the rental and turns to Freddy.

"Well Pal, I am going to get some cash soon from the Primogen, no doubt for more out of my pocket later but beggers cannot be choosers. For now, let's go clothes shopping on your plastic.

Be careful, we need to not go outside of the "Ring of Gold" packs of wolves will create issued for us if we do. After I get some proper clothing, we can hit our first Elysium and wander about. I am thinking the Minneapolis Institute of the Arts.

Let's get going".

Vinny and Mal:
Vinny on the way, Bill gets a cb call and answers in code and says mind if we pick somebody up for the Sheriff? with that the cab whips around going down the street to 94 and taki bethany east to St Paul. Bill busts it hard and you come down West 7th and swing around to a guy walking on the street. Bill winds down he window and says to Mal Hey pal, wanna get over here so I can drive ya the rest of the way ta Alary's?

we do information as well as land and handle larger tradition issues for the Keeper if needed for our special skills. Our guy in Duluth handles real estate up north and also international shipping, and we have a doctor at the Mayo in Rochester. Then we got a straight up enforcer who handles wet work of all sorts. He's a serial killer for sure! Dalton says with a bit of excitement in his voice as his fingers tap a bit faster

from a quick phone call you get into Dayton's in Minneapolis after hours and get a couple of good suits. That takes time and leaves you about three hours to hit the Art institute or tomorrow after the start of the night?

9th Generation Ventrue - Willpower 8 - Blood 5/14

Hit the Art Institute tonight, even if for only a brief introduction with the Toreador who commands it.

The Minneapolis Institute of the Arts is a large building with tall glass windows at the entrance with an impressive collection for what many night call backwoods. When you arrive you stand outside the doors for a bit until two guys wearing deep blue suit coats and walkie talkies come out and say Sorry sir, but we're closed As they stand there with the door cracked looking at you like you are an idiot, the radio chirps and they guy says oh sorry I didn't know about the private viewing. Please come in Sir You enter into a lobby with a gift shop and a medium theatre and a place to make donations or buy tickets for the special collection. A tall very handsome fellow comes in and brings you with him to some private offices where you find a lovely glass stairwell free standing next to a cafe. When you get to the offices you find another room with a single elevator which the tall man places a key in and turns the key. You find yourself in a richly adorned terrifically set with art room with six kindred mingling sitting at tables or what not. Gordon Kimball, Primogen of the Toreador. Please do come in Mr.? his hand extended

Liberty's Edge

Parry: 8| TOU: 10(2){Bal}| RATN: 6 {shield}| PP: 15/15| Notice: d4| Bennies: 3/3|


Apologies. Today was specially special.

Mal, who had thought that he was keeping a low profile, if rubber-necking a bit, is initially quite surprised at seeing a random stranger pull up and offer him a ride. However, upon seeing that it's one of the aforementioned blue and white cabs, regains his composure.
"Why of course!" he blurts out, not wanting to be rude. "When there is service of this caliber, I can hardly refuse now can I?"

Given the rather odd--and not entirely friendly--circumstances of his arrival here, he had no doubt that refusing would just bring more trouble than it was worth.

Mal slides into the backseat with a dancer's grace, and looks around to see if he's the only passenger here.

If there is someone not-obfuscated in the back seat, Mal extends a hand for shaking.

13th Generation Nosferatu Bloodpool 7/10 | Willpower 5/5

Mal and GM Ring of Gold:
You see a male Nosferatu lounging in a back seat. He's in a leather jacket and a surprisingly clean white T-shirt, but there's a hole in both the jacket and his shirt on the right side of his chest. Looks like that hole was put there pretty recently... Vinny takes Mal's hand and shakes it enthusiastically before the offer can be retracted. His grip is strong, but practiced to be firm not painful.
"Howdy mate, what brings you to my cozy little backseat of a cab?"

Liberty's Edge

Parry: 8| TOU: 10(2){Bal}| RATN: 6 {shield}| PP: 15/15| Notice: d4| Bennies: 3/3|


Mal almost succeeds in covering up his shock at coming face to face with a Nosferatu. He'd met some before, of course, but not many, and this one was quite a surprise. But, it was a blue-and-white cab, so he really should be ready for these sort of things.

"Mal Steelcutter, at your service!" he says, returning the man's salutations.

"Um, I'm new to town--quite literally, I'm afraid. I'm about to take my first real trip to the Elysium, and then, well, Imma head to the Conservatory. To find flowers. For a girl."

9th Generation Ventrue - Willpower 8 - Blood 5/14

Kent lets Freddy know that it will be some time but not too long and to wait close by.

Once inside, Kent returns a firm handshake but not overly aggressive, slightly less pressure than the Toreador, enough for him to know that Kent recognizes his status as greater than that of Kent's, after all, in polite society these small niceities matter.

Kent puts on a warm smile, "Woolthorn, Kent Woolthorn. Pleased to make your acquaintance Primogen Kimball.

I have only just arrived in the city and wanted to make my introductions to as many as I could before the 'morrow.

Would you do me the honor of a brief tour of the Elysium as well as inform me of any local customs that you require of your guests? I find that the best way to respect someone's Domain is to ensure that you are fully aware of what they expect".

Gordon smiles at you and says Elysium is a neutral ground where violence and use of disciplines is strightly prohibited. Entering and in the presence of mortals prior to Kindred hours the Masquerade is strictly enforced here as in all other places. Hunting is prohibited without domain rights and then there is again for hunting a strict enforcement of the Masquerade. In social conflict remember to not lose your temper. Calm reflection and artistic and intellectual worth are the key. As to a tour that will have to wait but I can introduce you to my other guests which demand my attention at this time.

9th Generation Ventrue - Willpower 8 - Blood 5/14

Kent nods, "Thank you. Yes, an introduction would be delightful.

Perhaps we can schedule a tour at another time?"

Gordon brings you across the room to a man who is lounging in a chair wearing a loose cotton shirt that is stitched by hand and some fringed deerskin pants with a pair of moccasins and a necklace of some beadwork. He straightens up just a small amount as you approach and Gordon says Etianne of Clan Toreador, this is Kent Woolthorn, childe of Sovereign, Ventrue. kindred lore+int

"Sounds like quite the well-rounded group... How large is the Queen's family?"

9th Generation Ventrue - Willpower 8 - Blood 5/14


Intelligence+Kindred Lore 2d10 ⇒ (10, 7) = 17
Will wait for your response to that roll before I state anything further.

Gangrel 8th gen Blood: 10/15 Will: 5/5

Ben looked around trying to get his bearing. This was clearly not Akron. Oh well, bright lights big city.

[b]The Princess has a Primogen here, Duke in Duluth, the Keeper of Elysium, and a Scourge along with having the military in town.

Etianne Brule was the first Prince of this territory in the 1600's. He was also a famous French explorer and one of the first white men in this area. He was rumored to have died by being eaten by the Huron in 1633 but was seen by a Jesuit priest among the Huron near Lake Superior some time after that. He speaks multiple native american languages and is the reason the treaty of the Ring of Gold exists here today. also nice 10 when you wanted it most

Old Ben:
[ooc]wits+survival to figure out where you are[/b] there are a few fires in garbage cans not too far away with a few yard homeless hanging at the rails cooking what ever animal they trapped and wearing thick coats with newspaper lining.

Gangrel 8th gen Blood: 10/15 Will: 5/5

I have found my people . 6d10 ⇒ (9, 6, 4, 5, 2, 10) = 36 Ben began to head towards the fire barrels, never can have too many fire barrels.

Old Ben:
you walk along for a bit and you figure the letters and numbers on the rail signs along with the stars and plants puts you near St Paul Minnesota. make a courage rolling you want to get close to those barrels

Mateo brings you out of the bus station and outside is a powder blue 75 ford explorer. It's a tank on wheels and it's got more rust then paint. Mateo hops in and gives you a ride when you arrive at the Minneapolis Institute of the Arts, a glass encased lobby is passed and you park in a side parking lot. I'm takin you to meet my Heffe Vato, play it cool. This is the day to day Heffe. We got a bigger Heffe who is a doctor in the Mayo, He a Harpy and the Duke and you meet him in two days at the Princess quarterly on the 4th. Everybody gonna be there. Mateo pulls open a plain service door and you go down some back service hallways and come out into a foyer with a stunning free standing glass stairwell and pass it to some private office halls. You get to an elevator and go down and into a lovely artroom with a bar and comfortable chairs and lounges. Mateo didn't answer any questions but made statements the whole time otherwise being quiet. He didn't talk all that much and get the feeling he didn't want to talk at all. Just after you sit down another two kindred come in and walk over to a lone kindred wearing a hand sewn shirt and deer skin pants and a native looking necklace.

Mpls Institute of the Arts, Sean and Kent:
[ooc]Unless you are whispering you hear each other's conversations. Sean you got here just before Kent did and you hear Kent get introduced: Etianne of Clan Toreador, this is Kent Woolthorn, childe of Sovereign, Ventrue.

Liberty's Edge

Parry: 8| TOU: 10(2){Bal}| RATN: 6 {shield}| PP: 15/15| Notice: d4| Bennies: 3/3|


As the cab quietly drives on, Mal begins thinking on his predicament and how to get out of it.

"Have you been to the Elysium Alary's? Wonderful I'm told. I've been there, once, but apparently I made quite the fool of myself. The odd thing is, I can't remember the night. We kindred aren't supposed to be able to get blind-drunk anymore, yeah?

Anyway, I guess I sorta made a faux pas with the lady that runs it, Janet.

I might need some help getting back in her good graces. And being on the good side of the lady who runs one of the few safe places in the sounds like a good thing, yeah?"

13th Generation Nosferatu Bloodpool 7/10 | Willpower 5/5

GM and Mal:
Sorry, I was locked out of my account today until I cleared my cookies! Vinny seems to have a brief internal struggle with himself. For a second he looks incredibly weary, almost pitiful, and he fingers the hole in his clothing. Then he brightens up, sitting up straight, and giving what he obviously thought was a winning smile. "I'm new to town meself, just woke up here less than an hour ago. Already learning the walls have ears 'round these parts." He glances at the cat. "Anyway, I ain't been to any place round these parts. But you say that yer looking for flowers? Flowers for a kindred? Maybe ol' Vin here can give you a hand, no? Why don'tcha tell me all about it?"

Caitiff 8th gen Blood: 14/15 Will: 6/6

Sean struggles to follow the heavily inflected english this very questionable looking person is speaking, but the work Brujah stand out and Sean hesitantly accompanies the man. Sean mostly just listens and tries to sort out what the man is saying. He picks up a fair bit by context, but is still left a bit in the dark.

Sean quickly figures out that this Mateo will not be answering any questions and endure the rest of the trip in silence.

The convoluted path to the art room (Audience hall?) does not ease any of Sean's trepidation, but he calmly sets his bags down and takes the indicated seat.

GM and Kent:
Luckily the wait is not long, and Sean watches the proceedings patiently. After his less than stellar introduction in Boston, he is determined to not make the same bad impression here, and resolves to wait until he is called forward.

Gangrel 8th gen Blood: 10/15 Will: 5/5

5d10 ⇒ (10, 8, 6, 8, 3) = 35 Ben strides forward, looking around the camp of hobos and other homeless cast offs. "Cold night. Mind if I share your warmth?"

9th Generation Ventrue - Willpower 8 - Blood 5/14

ST and Sean:
Kent will give a respectful nod and speak, "A pleasure and an honor to make your acquaintance Mr. Brule, your accomplishments speak for themselves as living or perhaps more accurately stated unliving history of the Twin Cities".

Respectful and to the point, overdoing it or underdoing it is of course the problem with these introductions. Regardless of my approach this Kindred is clearly worthy and has earned such respect Kent thinks to himself.

He glances back and notices Sean but does not address him awaiting the retort of Etianne patiently.

Kent description, he appears to be a white male approximately mid twenties. He has a late 70's type of moustache, very Tom Selleck. He generally dresses like a Yuppie wearing an Oxford shirt and dark Khaki's, with a pair of dark brown loafers. His face could easily be described as less than handsome.

Lauren nods. "Alright. Unless you have any questions for me, I think that's everything I need to know for now. I'll look forward to meeting her in two days time."

Liberty's Edge

Parry: 8| TOU: 10(2){Bal}| RATN: 6 {shield}| PP: 15/15| Notice: d4| Bennies: 3/3|


'Welllll, yes and no," Mal says a bit sheepishly before breifly relaying his story.

You can go ahead and read my spoilers.

"So you see, that Buddhist thing ain't gonna happen, but maybe if I make nice and find her a really unusual flower, we'll be chill again.

As far as the Princess goes, meh." He shrugs. "I'm sure I'm too meaningless for her to keep a grudge. She probably sees all noobs as beneath her notice anyway, so as long as I'm warm oatmeal from here on in, I don't thing it'll be a problem. Because I'll probably not interact with her that much---as much as I might wanna interact with her, know what I mean?" He gives a wink that can only be called 'salacious'.

Old Ben:
the train lumber yard hobos wave you over and one has got an old tin coffee can and says want something to warm you up there fella? these three guys seem to be following the rules of the road and offering a spot. A second guy looks you over and says you must have rode a ways cause you ain't got no pup tent or sleeping bag. The Union Gospel down by the court house got beds if you need and you can see about getting a kit in the morning

Dalton nods and leaves and says as he goes Harriet Island isn't hard to find. It's in St Paul off Plato Blvd on the Mississippi River. He leaves. you have anything you want to do with the rest of tonight and tomorrow before the meeting?

Mal and Vinny:
Bill the Cabbie coughs a bit and says Not that I was listening but you two could use a talk with Thorn Moon, a Tremere who has domain at Riverside in the University of Minnesota. She could get you access to those greenhouses and a b*tching flower. She ain't gonna like it going to Janice but anything can be got for the right price, ya? Vinny, You and your buddy here owe me a slice of juicy info the next time you get it. I'll drive you boys right over to Riverside and include it in the tab that already was paid by city hall

Kent and Sean:
Kent: Etianne gives a small courtly flourish and says with a slight accent you can't quite placeint+subterfuge well you certainly are going to enjoy tonight here Kent. Those boys over there are going to just be so happy to meet you and he gives a nod to where Sean is sitting.

Sean: Mateo sits you next to a grey shirt haired man with a flat is wearing a tartan pin on his very expensive suit. This is the Heffe of Duluth, Harpy and Duke Duncan. This here vato is Sean.

13th Generation Nosferatu Bloodpool 7/10 | Willpower 5/5

Mal and GM:
"Hit a bank first, Money may not be an object here, but if it is, I'm making sure that it's gonna be covered." He smiles. "Yer in a bit of s@$& for sure, but Vinny here's going to do his best to pull you out. We Nossies know all about getting yerself out of the muck, and it pays to do good turns to strange folk."

9th Generation Ventrue - Willpower 8 - Blood 5/14

Kent and Sean:
Kent gives a slight grin, "Excellent, an enjoyable night on my first night here, what more could I ask for? After all, without new experiences, we ought to just lay out and wait for the sun no?"

Kents turns towards Sean and observes, the "festivities".

Duke Duncan Harpy? I do not recall McNeely mentioning that name though he did mention Etienne either, that I recalled from my own inquiry of the city, Kent considers.

Intelligence+Subterfuge 2d10 + 3d10 ⇒ (10, 3) + (5, 2, 3) = 23

BTW is the Grim Reaper you mentioned several posts back Greg Scarpa of Mob Fame? If so, I know a great deal about him from RL having done RICO defense work back in law school!

Liberty's Edge

Parry: 8| TOU: 10(2){Bal}| RATN: 6 {shield}| PP: 15/15| Notice: d4| Bennies: 3/3|


"Excellent!" Mal exclaims. "Gratitude unto you, Bill. I'll save the most succulent slice of juicy that falls across my watchful...ears!

And thanks to you, my sir Vinny!" Mal salutes him with an imaginary glass. "You are true, too true, on all accounts!

Yes, Bill, do lets make Vinny liquid before we begin our charm offensive on the good lady Thorn Moon."

It seems that widespred use of ATMs has been around since the 70's, so a man of wealth and taste would probably have a card for such a beast. =)

13th Generation Nosferatu Bloodpool 7/10 | Willpower 5/5

GM and Mal:
"Oy gevalt." Vinny hangs his face in his hands for a second. "When'd you get turned that you talk like that? I can spare a couple thousand, no problem. More than that and the size of the favor that you'd owe me might end up not bein' to your liking anymore. Good to have friends though when you're new to town, no?"Vinny's not sure if Mal's for real; he certainly isn't the type to do favors without an expectation of a favor in return sometime, but I think that's all fine!

You know that Etianne is saying something he isn't but you can't quite out your finger on it

Kent and Sean:
Duncan almost brushes Mateo away like he is refuse and in a Scottish brogue says Duncan McGillivray, clan Brujah Duke of Duluth and Harpy at your service Sean lad

Mal and Vinny:
Bill "the Cabbie" swings the Blue and White around and brings you to the bluff across one of the bridges on the Mississippi on highway 94 West to Huron blvd. And down to Northstar Bank which has a cash machine where you can draw some cash.

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