GM Ring of Gold |

GM Ring of Gold |

Kent Woolthorn |

I will explore the city as this is my first time here.
Are there any specific laws or edicts laid down by Princess Harriet above the rules already established by the Camarilla?
Thank you for Kelly's number, I will reach out to him in two days time for the meeting. I shall also acquire better attire in the meantime, as I stated, my last assignment had me dwelling among the lowest common denominator.
Lupines eh? Are they particularly aggressive? It was not a problem I ever dealt with in Gary".
ST my feeding restriction I think should be Ladies of the night, specifically strippers as that was his"drug of choice" as a Mortal.

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Mal had other, minor questions, but the man was handing out data with an eyedropper, and he usually needed to see a thing (and, sometimes, be hit by a thing) to know for himself, so he decided to head out.
"Be seeing you," he says politely. "I'll be there on the 4th."
If Matheson has nothing further, Mal heads for the back door.

GM Ring of Gold |

GM Ring of Gold |

"Vinny" |

Kent Woolthorn |

I am here for an opportunity and hopefully that includes an opportunity to learn from you as well Primogen McNeely. I have been out in the wilderness so to speak since my Embrace. The political situation in Chicago is... in flux.
Thank you for your time. I shall see you i two nights hence".
With that Kent gives a small appropriate deferential nod/bow and exits to seek out his Ghoul Freddy who is waiting outside.
Once he locates him he opens the door of the rental and turns to Freddy.
"Well Pal, I am going to get some cash soon from the Primogen, no doubt for more out of my pocket later but beggers cannot be choosers. For now, let's go clothes shopping on your plastic.
Be careful, we need to not go outside of the "Ring of Gold" packs of wolves will create issued for us if we do. After I get some proper clothing, we can hit our first Elysium and wander about. I am thinking the Minneapolis Institute of the Arts.
Let's get going".

GM Ring of Gold |

GM Ring of Gold |

GM Ring of Gold |

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Apologies. Today was specially special.
Mal, who had thought that he was keeping a low profile, if rubber-necking a bit, is initially quite surprised at seeing a random stranger pull up and offer him a ride. However, upon seeing that it's one of the aforementioned blue and white cabs, regains his composure.
"Why of course!" he blurts out, not wanting to be rude. "When there is service of this caliber, I can hardly refuse now can I?"
Given the rather odd--and not entirely friendly--circumstances of his arrival here, he had no doubt that refusing would just bring more trouble than it was worth.
Mal slides into the backseat with a dancer's grace, and looks around to see if he's the only passenger here.
If there is someone not-obfuscated in the back seat, Mal extends a hand for shaking.

"Vinny" |

"Howdy mate, what brings you to my cozy little backseat of a cab?"

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Mal almost succeeds in covering up his shock at coming face to face with a Nosferatu. He'd met some before, of course, but not many, and this one was quite a surprise. But, it was a blue-and-white cab, so he really should be ready for these sort of things.
"Mal Steelcutter, at your service!" he says, returning the man's salutations.
"Um, I'm new to town--quite literally, I'm afraid. I'm about to take my first real trip to the Elysium, and then, well, Imma head to the Conservatory. To find flowers. For a girl."

Kent Woolthorn |

Once inside, Kent returns a firm handshake but not overly aggressive, slightly less pressure than the Toreador, enough for him to know that Kent recognizes his status as greater than that of Kent's, after all, in polite society these small niceities matter.
Kent puts on a warm smile, "Woolthorn, Kent Woolthorn. Pleased to make your acquaintance Primogen Kimball.
I have only just arrived in the city and wanted to make my introductions to as many as I could before the 'morrow.
Would you do me the honor of a brief tour of the Elysium as well as inform me of any local customs that you require of your guests? I find that the best way to respect someone's Domain is to ensure that you are fully aware of what they expect".

GM Ring of Gold |

GM Ring of Gold |

GM Ring of Gold |

GM Ring of Gold |

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As the cab quietly drives on, Mal begins thinking on his predicament and how to get out of it.
"Have you been to the Elysium Alary's? Wonderful place...so I'm told. I've been there, once, but apparently I made quite the fool of myself. The odd thing is, I can't remember the night. We kindred aren't supposed to be able to get blind-drunk anymore, yeah?
Anyway, I guess I sorta made a faux pas with the lady that runs it, Janet.
I might need some help getting back in her good graces. And being on the good side of the lady who runs one of the few safe places in the sounds like a good thing, yeah?"

"Vinny" |

Sean O. Doyle |

Sean quickly figures out that this Mateo will not be answering any questions and endure the rest of the trip in silence.
The convoluted path to the art room (Audience hall?) does not ease any of Sean's trepidation, but he calmly sets his bags down and takes the indicated seat.

Kent Woolthorn |

Respectful and to the point, overdoing it or underdoing it is of course the problem with these introductions. Regardless of my approach this Kindred is clearly worthy and has earned such respect Kent thinks to himself.
He glances back and notices Sean but does not address him awaiting the retort of Etianne patiently.
Kent description, he appears to be a white male approximately mid twenties. He has a late 70's type of moustache, very Tom Selleck. He generally dresses like a Yuppie wearing an Oxford shirt and dark Khaki's, with a pair of dark brown loafers. His face could easily be described as less than handsome.

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'Welllll, yes and no," Mal says a bit sheepishly before breifly relaying his story.
You can go ahead and read my spoilers.
"So you see, that Buddhist thing ain't gonna happen, but maybe if I make nice and find her a really unusual flower, we'll be chill again.
As far as the Princess goes, meh." He shrugs. "I'm sure I'm too meaningless for her to keep a grudge. She probably sees all noobs as beneath her notice anyway, so as long as I'm warm oatmeal from here on in, I don't thing it'll be a problem. Because I'll probably not interact with her that much---as much as I might wanna interact with her, know what I mean?" He gives a wink that can only be called 'salacious'.

GM Ring of Gold |

GM Ring of Gold |

GM Ring of Gold |

Sean: Mateo sits you next to a grey shirt haired man with a flat is wearing a tartan pin on his very expensive suit. This is the Heffe of Duluth, Harpy and Duke Duncan. This here vato is Sean.

"Vinny" |

Kent Woolthorn |

Kents turns towards Sean and observes, the "festivities".
Duke Duncan Harpy? I do not recall McNeely mentioning that name though he did mention Etienne either, that I recalled from my own inquiry of the city, Kent considers.
Intelligence+Subterfuge 2d10 + 3d10 ⇒ (10, 3) + (5, 2, 3) = 23

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"Excellent!" Mal exclaims. "Gratitude unto you, Bill. I'll save the most succulent slice of juicy that falls across my watchful...ears!
And thanks to you, my sir Vinny!" Mal salutes him with an imaginary glass. "You are true, too true, on all accounts!
Yes, Bill, do lets make Vinny liquid before we begin our charm offensive on the good lady Thorn Moon."
It seems that widespred use of ATMs has been around since the 70's, so a man of wealth and taste would probably have a card for such a beast. =)

"Vinny" |