Ice Road Trackers (Inactive)

Game Master Greycastle

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Male Goliath Druid 2 | AC 12 | hp 17/17 (2d8 HD) | Saves: +3 Str, +1 Dex, +3 Con, +1 Int, +4 Wis, +1 Cha | Init +1 | Passive Per 12 | Inspiration [ Y]

I'm going to duck out of the next one folks. My heart wasn't in Mир and I'm sure you could tell. I'm going to phase out of pbp and take some time for myself, I'm not feeling great. Thanks for the games and I wish you all nat 20s!

Grand Lodge

Owlbear Rodeo | PFS Quest Tracker | Quest Slides
Mир wrote:
I'm going to duck out of the next one folks. My heart wasn't in Mир and I'm sure you could tell. I'm going to phase out of pbp and take some time for myself, I'm not feeling great. Thanks for the games and I wish you all nat 20s!

Get some rest, my friend. It was a pleasure playing with you!

Male LG Mountain Dwarf Wild Magic Sorcerer 4, Barbarian 3 | HP: 58/58 | AC: 19 | Init: +2 | Pass Perc: 9 | HD (4d6+3d12): 4+2/3+2 | Speed 25 | Sorcery Points: 4/4 | Spells: 4/4, 3/3 | Rage: 3/3 | Saves: STR+2 DEX+2 CON+5 INT+0 WIS-1 CHA+5 | Resistance: Poison | Inspiration: 1 | Active effects:

Take care of yourself!

This year has been rough - more than once I've contemplated dropping out of my Discord/Roll 20 game. I enjoy chatting with everyone, but the gamin has been tough.

Male LG Mountain Dwarf Wild Magic Sorcerer 4, Barbarian 3 | HP: 58/58 | AC: 19 | Init: +2 | Pass Perc: 9 | HD (4d6+3d12): 4+2/3+2 | Speed 25 | Sorcery Points: 4/4 | Spells: 4/4, 3/3 | Rage: 3/3 | Saves: STR+2 DEX+2 CON+5 INT+0 WIS-1 CHA+5 | Resistance: Poison | Inspiration: 1 | Active effects:

As for magic items, I wasn't keeping track, but I had a quick look back. In addition to the ones you mentioned:

- "Mother Tusk rewards you with two spell scrolls of cure wounds"
- We found a pair of boots that Rodalas is wearing "the Eladrin’s already light steps seemed to have disappeared altogether" (are these the Boots of False Tracks?)
- "Shaktal also gives you an acorn that when consumed acts as a Healing Potion"

Of everything, Baldrick would only be interested in the acorn, but I am happy to have anyone else take it.

Grand Lodge

Owlbear Rodeo | PFS Quest Tracker | Quest Slides

Yes, those were the boots. Nobody actually attuned to them, I think. As for the spell scrolls, aside from Mir and Aggrammar, we don't have any more casters that could use them. Did Aggrammar claim them?

Male LG Mountain Dwarf Wild Magic Sorcerer 4, Barbarian 3 | HP: 58/58 | AC: 19 | Init: +2 | Pass Perc: 9 | HD (4d6+3d12): 4+2/3+2 | Speed 25 | Sorcery Points: 4/4 | Spells: 4/4, 3/3 | Rage: 3/3 | Saves: STR+2 DEX+2 CON+5 INT+0 WIS-1 CHA+5 | Resistance: Poison | Inspiration: 1 | Active effects:

It would have made sense for Agrammar to take them, but nobody officially claimed the scrolls (as far as I can tell).

As for the boots, Rodalas put them on not long after we found them - when we set out to meet the Reghed (i.e., Owlbear adventure).

Ok, so complete list:

- Boots of False Tracks (Rodalas)
- Smoldering Armour (Khitt)
- Ersatz Eye
- Unbreakable Arrow
- Potion of Poison Resistance
- Oil of Slipperiness
- Potion/Acorn of Healing
- 2 Scrolls of Cure Wounds

Grand Lodge

Owlbear Rodeo | PFS Quest Tracker | Quest Slides

Turq wouldn't have claimed anything, so go to town, folks!

Grand Lodge

Owlbear Rodeo | PFS Quest Tracker | Quest Slides

Okay, I have created the Recruitment thread.


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HP 10/15 | AC 14 | Acr +4 Dec +4 His +2 Ins +4 Int +4 Inv +2 Perc +4 Pers +5 SoH +4 Ste +5 Sur +3 | Saves: S -1, D +5, C +1, I +0, W +2, Ch +5 Adv charm, disease; Imm Sleep| Init +4 | PPerc 14; PIns 14; Pinv 12; DrkVis | Spd 30' | Insp: No | HD 2/2 | Spell DC 13 Att +5 (1: 2/3) | BardIns 2/3 | Status: Normal | Insp: Yup! |

Thanks for the game Aeshuura and Greycastle! Best of luck in the next one!

Grand Lodge

Owlbear Rodeo | PFS Quest Tracker | Quest Slides

Always welcome! Thank you for being a great player!

Male LG Mountain Dwarf Wild Magic Sorcerer 4, Barbarian 3 | HP: 58/58 | AC: 19 | Init: +2 | Pass Perc: 9 | HD (4d6+3d12): 4+2/3+2 | Speed 25 | Sorcery Points: 4/4 | Spells: 4/4, 3/3 | Rage: 3/3 | Saves: STR+2 DEX+2 CON+5 INT+0 WIS-1 CHA+5 | Resistance: Poison | Inspiration: 1 | Active effects:

Yes - thanks very much to Greycastle and Aeshuura!

And it's been great playing with all of you. I'll be joining the next one (assuming there's room), so I hope to see some of you there.

Grand Lodge

Owlbear Rodeo | PFS Quest Tracker | Quest Slides

No worries, Baldrick. As the first applicant you have a guaranteed spot!

Game Map DCI# 4318637857

I’ll miss you Sasha. I hope everything is ok or gets there.

Good playing with you too Emmett.

Male N Hill Dwarf L5 | HP 64/64 | AC 16 | HD 6d10 (0 used) | 2nd Wind avail Skills: Anim Hand 5, Athl 6, Decp 3, Surv 5 | Disadv on Stealth Saves: S 7, D 1, C 6, I 0, W 2, Ch 0 | Init 1 | PP 12 | Speed 25'

Thank you to all, and be well, Mир!

About the only useful thing to this dwarf would be that acorn of healing, if no one else wants it?

Male, LN Goblin, Ranger 5 | HPs 44 | AC: 16 | Init: +5 Sheet Saves S:+2, D:+7, C:+2, I:+1, W:+2, C:+0 | PP 16 | Khatt (Primal Companion) - Female Med Snow Cat | HPs 30 | AC 16 | Saves S:+5, D:+5, C:+5, I:+2, W:+5, C:+3

As for loot, if no one else is interested, Khitt would be interested in any amount of these items.

Cure scrolls
Acorn/healing pot (one of you up frontera probably aight to take this though. )
Oil of Slipperyness
Potion of Poison resist. (Doubt you dwarves need this)

The arrow should go to someone with a bow. (Rodalas perhaps.) I don’t think it’s good as a bolt for a crossbow.

Male N Hill Dwarf L5 | HP 64/64 | AC 16 | HD 6d10 (0 used) | 2nd Wind avail Skills: Anim Hand 5, Athl 6, Decp 3, Surv 5 | Disadv on Stealth Saves: S 7, D 1, C 6, I 0, W 2, Ch 0 | Init 1 | PP 12 | Speed 25'

Roll off for the acorn/healing pot?
1d20 ⇒ 16

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Male, LN Goblin, Ranger 5 | HPs 44 | AC: 16 | Init: +5 Sheet Saves S:+2, D:+7, C:+2, I:+1, W:+2, C:+0 | PP 16 | Khatt (Primal Companion) - Female Med Snow Cat | HPs 30 | AC 16 | Saves S:+5, D:+5, C:+5, I:+2, W:+5, C:+3

You can have it warrior dwarf. I’ll stand behind you shooting.


I do use a bow.

Grand Lodge

Owlbear Rodeo | PFS Quest Tracker | Quest Slides

Are we done with this? If so, I will close the Campaign so it doesn't clutter your Campaigns.


Did we level to 3rd or just those who started before the rest of us?


2 Parent Conferences, 1 today and 1 tomorrow and Spring Break is here!

Game Map DCI# 4318637857
Rodalas Windrace wrote:
2 Parent Conferences, 1 today and 1 tomorrow and Spring Break is here!

According to the copy I have of the module, you may even to third if you’d like to. Aesh mentioned that Wizards has updated it though changing that. I leveled Khitt to third based on the original rules.


That is what I was thinking as well.

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Assassination subclass!

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Owlbear Rodeo | PFS Quest Tracker | Quest Slides

Oh shoot, Greycastle, you are going to have to mark the campaign inactive. I forgot you started it!


One more level of Rouge and then off to bladesiinger :)

Game Map DCI# 4318637857
Aeshuura wrote:
Oh shoot, Greycastle, you are going to have to mark the campaign inactive. I forgot you started it!

Will do.


Is there another thread?

Grand Lodge

Owlbear Rodeo | PFS Quest Tracker | Quest Slides
Rodalas Windrace wrote:
Is there another thread?

Were you going to play the Epic?


I thought so

Grand Lodge

Owlbear Rodeo | PFS Quest Tracker | Quest Slides

When you didn't check in, I thought you decided not to.

Here is the link!

We started a bit of RP for the PCs that played this game. Go on and join in.


OK. For some reason I did not see the check in thread.

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