Ice Road Trackers (Inactive)

Game Master Greycastle


Grand Lodge Aeshuura

Owlbear Rodeo | PFS Quest Tracker | Quest Slides
(7,674 posts)
Turquoise 'Turq' Barreltap AL

Male human fighter 6 | AC 17 (19 w shield) | hp 14/58 (6d10 HD) | Saves: +6 Str, +2 Dex, +6 Con, +0 Int, +5 Wis, +1 Cha | Second Wind used [ x ] | Action Surge used [ x ] | Init +2 | Passive Per 15 | Inspiration [ ] | Mark Retort [ 0/3 used ]
(699 posts)

Donnell "The Fox"

Donnell "The Fox"

Male CG Halfling Investigator 10 | HP: 57/57 | AC: 22 (18 FF, 16 Tch) | CMB: 6, CMD: 21, FF: 17 | F: +8, R: +14, W: +11 | Init: +8 (+10 urban)| Perc: +15 | Locate Traps +20 | Disarm Traps +21 | Speed 20ft | Inspiration 9/9 | Harrow Points: 2 | +6 vs Poison, +2 vs Fear, +3 vs Traps | Active effects: Heightened Awareness (+2 Perc & Know); Resist Fire (20); Heroism (+2 attacks, saves, skills); Darkvision; Comp Lang; See Invis
(1,036 posts)
Baldrick Longhall

Male LG Mountain Dwarf Wild Magic Sorcerer 4, Barbarian 3 | HP: 58/58 | AC: 19 | Init: +2 | Pass Perc: 9 | HD (4d6+3d12): 4+2/3+2 | Speed 25 | Sorcery Points: 4/4 | Spells: 4/4, 3/3 | Rage: 3/3 | Saves: STR+2 DEX+2 CON+5 INT+0 WIS-1 CHA+5 | Resistance: Poison | Inspiration: 1 | Active effects:
(683 posts)

Dreaming Warforged

Beauty Patrol
Dreaming Warforged

(2,056 posts)
Emmett Escheus

HP 10/15 | AC 14 | Acr +4 Dec +4 His +2 Ins +4 Int +4 Inv +2 Perc +4 Pers +5 SoH +4 Ste +5 Sur +3 | Saves: S -1, D +5, C +1, I +0, W +2, Ch +5 Adv charm, disease; Imm Sleep| Init +4 | PPerc 14; PIns 14; Pinv 12; DrkVis | Spd 30' | Insp: No | HD 2/2 | Spell DC 13 Att +5 (1: 2/3) | BardIns 2/3 | Status: Normal | Insp: Yup! |
(972 posts)


Tablark Hammergrind
Aggrammar Deepdelver

AC -2 (1 without Shield) / HP: 35/35 / THAC0 17 (15 with Scimitar)
(947 posts)


Eagle Knight of Andoran

Game Map DCI# 4318637857
(1,253 posts)
Ironfang Scout

Male, LN Goblin, Ranger 5 | HPs 44 | AC: 16 | Init: +5 Sheet Saves S:+2, D:+7, C:+2, I:+1, W:+2, C:+0 | PP 16 | Khatt (Primal Companion) - Female Med Snow Cat | HPs 30 | AC 16 | Saves S:+5, D:+5, C:+5, I:+2, W:+5, C:+3
(194 posts)


Aldern Foxglove
Quen Pah

Male Half Elf HP 10 | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Initiative: +1 | Spell Slots: 0 (2) | Inspiration: [ ]
(2,756 posts)
Rodalas Windrace

(1,263 posts)


Kaigon the Miscreant
Umikh Ironbender

Male N Hill Dwarf L5 | HP 64/64 | AC 16 | HD 6d10 (0 used) | 2nd Wind avail Skills: Anim Hand 5, Athl 6, Decp 3, Surv 5 | Disadv on Stealth Saves: S 7, D 1, C 6, I 0, W 2, Ch 0 | Init 1 | PP 12 | Speed 25'
(516 posts)


Initiate of Flame

Male Goliath Druid 2 | AC 12 | hp 17/17 (2d8 HD) | Saves: +3 Str, +1 Dex, +3 Con, +1 Int, +4 Wis, +1 Cha | Init +1 | Passive Per 12 | Inspiration [ Y]
(87 posts)