GM Zephyre's PFS 4-23 Rivalry's End 3-7 (Inactive)

Game Master Zephyre14

Hunt out Dorianna Ouidda!

Maps & Visuals

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Rivalry's End Compass Truthseeker 1

As Zranashta launches a snowball at the last standing guard it pelts him for solid contact, but does not knock him down. Though as Remmy steps around him and cuts perfectly at his jugular with a claw You crit with the first hit and I am using the second as the confirm and extra damage. he falls to the ground dead.

Soon after the last bodyguard hits the ground Guaril Karela rushes in and realizes that what has just occurred will likely attract unwanted attention and as such arranges your return to Magnimar. From here Sheila Heidmarch, Ambrus Valsin, and Drandle Dreng meet with you to hear of Torch's betrayal. At learning of his escape they all express great concern over the information he now holds over their heads and that he fooled everyone for so long. The assure you that those loyal to his former faction will be cared for in the utmost to minimize the impact this has on them and assure you that his betrayal nor escape are your fault as it is amazing you even survived a trap by someone so capable within the Society itself.


Everyone earns both Prestige point, but does not get the Unexpected Prestige boon for capturing or killing Torch, and instead gets the Fool Me Once boon. I will work on getting chronicles out either tonight or tomorrow depending on how my evening life goes.

I apologize for how long this adventure took, I think several of us had various things come up that slowed our responses. I hope you had fun though and if you have any particular critiques to help me be a better GM, I am happy to hear them.

Final Stats

Cuethric [-1 DEX]
Ijo Ibn Son [-6 DEX]
Bodyguard Red [-92 HP, DEAD]
Zranashta [-2 HP, -6 DEX]
Zranashta Familiar Spot
Draklor [-3 DEX]
Remmy [-43 HP, -1 DEX]
Dorianna [Dead]
Bodyguard Purple [-83 HP, DEAD]
Malaz [-14 HP, -6 DEX]
Bodyguard Blue [-75 HP, DEAD]
Grandmaster Torch [-40 HP, poofed]
Bodyguard Green [-88 HP, DEAD]

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