GM Zephyre's PFS 4-23 Rivalry's End 3-7 (Inactive)

Game Master Zephyre14

Hunt out Dorianna Ouidda!

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Rivalry's End Compass Truthseeker 1

Neither Ijo nor Draklor notice any specific magics amongst the hallways or the door, though there does seem to be an eerie unease about the place as if long ago there were very potent magics all throughout these tunnels.

As the key is placed into the door it easily opens the door.

This room is lined with shelves containing a diverse array of odds and ends: racks of clothes, standing mannequins, jars with colored fluids, small boxes, and metal canisters. At the west end of the room is a narrow table supporting a waxy, human-sized figure. Above the waxy figure is a pegboard supporting what appear to be a dozen deflated heads.

As the door opens Ijo notices a aura coming from within the room. After a few moments the aura pins itself to corpse in the back of the room seemingly well preserved.

Liberty's Edge

LN Male Kitsune Bard (Flame Dancer) 7 | HP 59/59 | AC 17/13/14 | CMD 17 | F +4, R +8, W +6 (+4 vs performance, sonic, language-dependent) | Init +5 | Perc +4 | BP 17/19 | Conditions:

"Disturbing," Draklor mutters, taking a pace back. He then shrinks back behind the others. "I suppose I should have expected such. Barring some awful trap the Spider knows to bypass, do we take any of this or destroy it?"

Grand Lodge

M Half Orc Lunar Oracle (Spirit Guide) 4/Paladin (OathLoyalty, Mind Sword) 2| HP 41/41 | AC 18/14/14 | F+12 R+13 W+14 | Init +5 | Perc +4 | Active Condition: None

Ijo steps in carefully, a hand on Draklor for guidance, peering through cloudy eyes. That corpse bleeds an aura. Let me have a closer to speak.

Rivalry's End Compass Truthseeker 1

Ijo knowledge Arcana to identify aura: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22

Examining the corpse Ijo is able to tell that it is a faint aura of necromancy coming off of the well preserved corpse.

Grand Lodge

M Half Orc Lunar Oracle (Spirit Guide) 4/Paladin (OathLoyalty, Mind Sword) 2| HP 41/41 | AC 18/14/14 | F+12 R+13 W+14 | Init +5 | Perc +4 | Active Condition: None

Ijo looks it over, There is magic preserving this corpse for some reason. Why would she want it kept?

The Exchange

Occultist (Psychodermist) 5 Unchained Rogue 1| AC 21, touch 17, flat-footed 15 | CMD 14 | hp 44 b]Fort [/b]+6, Ref +10, Will +8 | Spd 20' | Init +8

Remmy will examine the corpse closer, both to see if his fine sense of smell (Scent) and his familiarity with necromancy will provide him with any additional information.

Silver Crusade

male half-elf ranger/5|hp 39/49|AC:19 T:14 FF:15|CMD:21|Fort+7, Ref+8, Will+4|Init+6|Perception+11/+13

Cuethric searches for for any secret doors.
perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (10) + 11 = 21
If he doesn't find any, he will suggest they check the room across the way.
"Time is ticking."

Rivalry's End Compass Truthseeker 1

As Remmy looks at the corpse he can tell it is incredibly well preserved and the magic seems to be helping with that, but not necessarily in a life-giving way.

As Cuethric looks around for a secret door, among all of the different mundane disguise and spy implements he manages to find four disguise kits, two sets of masterwork thieves’ tools, six containers of average invisible ink in bottles labeled “Revidin’s Expurgating Tonic,” a nondescript pouch containing dust of tracelessness. and a canister painted with clowns and dancing dogs, which holds 2 doses of dust of illusion, but no secret door.

Dark Archive

NG Female human arcanist 5, wizard 1┃hp 35/37┃AC 12 · T 8 · FF 12┃CMD 9┃F+2 · R+2 · W+5 (+1 vs enchant · +2 vs fear) ┃Init +5 (act in surprise)┃Perc +0┃speed 30 ft┃Apprs +11 · Bluff +9 · Arcn +15 · Dungn +10 · Engr +10 · Geog +10 · Hist +10 · Loc +10 · Nat +11 · Nob +10 · Planes +15 · Rel +11 · Ling +15 · Spllcrft +15 · UMD +7 ┃Arc Spells 2nd—0/4, 1st—1/6; Wiz Spells 1st—3/4┃Arcane Reservoir 0/8┃Consume Spells 0/2┃Prescience 4/8┃Augury 2/2┃ring of stairs and stars 0/1┃Conditions: mage armor · DEX –6

"We are not here for playing with corpse," Zranashta reminds her companions, impatiently. "We must find Spider. I suggest we delve deeper into lair." She points at the doors to the east and starts walking that direction.

The Concordance

Aphorite Occultist ~7 | HP: 66/66 | AC: 17 (f:17, t: 11) | F:+10|R:+4|W:+7 |Perception: +18 | Initiative: +2
Spell Tracking:
1st: 6/6 | 2nd: 4/4 | 3rd: 2/2
| Active Conditions/Buffs:
Mental Focus:
Transmutation 7/13 {+4 STR} | Divination 2/13 {+1 Perception} | Abjuration 4/13 {+2 resistances} |Spent: 13/13


Dark Archive

N Tiny Magical Beast┃hp 18/18┃AC 21 · T 14 · FF 19┃CMD 11┃F+4 · R+4 · W+5 (improved evasion) ┃Init +7 (act in surprise)┃Perc +4┃speed 40 ft · swim 20 ft┃Spellcraft +4 · Swim +10 ┃Prescience 1/1┃detect poison (at will)┃Conditions: mage armor

Spot sniffs the door. (detect poison)

Dark Archive

NG Female human arcanist 5, wizard 1┃hp 35/37┃AC 12 · T 8 · FF 12┃CMD 9┃F+2 · R+2 · W+5 (+1 vs enchant · +2 vs fear) ┃Init +5 (act in surprise)┃Perc +0┃speed 30 ft┃Apprs +11 · Bluff +9 · Arcn +15 · Dungn +10 · Engr +10 · Geog +10 · Hist +10 · Loc +10 · Nat +11 · Nob +10 · Planes +15 · Rel +11 · Ling +15 · Spllcrft +15 · UMD +7 ┃Arc Spells 2nd—0/4, 1st—1/6; Wiz Spells 1st—3/4┃Arcane Reservoir 0/8┃Consume Spells 0/2┃Prescience 4/8┃Augury 2/2┃ring of stairs and stars 0/1┃Conditions: mage armor · DEX –6

"Cuethric, Malaz, can you please check door for trap?"

Rivalry's End Compass Truthseeker 1

Spot does not detect any poison on either of the doors.

Silver Crusade

male half-elf ranger/5|hp 39/49|AC:19 T:14 FF:15|CMD:21|Fort+7, Ref+8, Will+4|Init+6|Perception+11/+13

Cuethric will stuff the dust(s), ink, and thieves tools into his haver sack. He then moves to checkout the door Zranashta wants looked at.
perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (18) + 11 = 29
"Let's take a look."

Is the door Cuethric is near locked? or trapped with the roll above?

The Concordance

Aphorite Occultist ~7 | HP: 66/66 | AC: 17 (f:17, t: 11) | F:+10|R:+4|W:+7 |Perception: +18 | Initiative: +2
Spell Tracking:
1st: 6/6 | 2nd: 4/4 | 3rd: 2/2
| Active Conditions/Buffs:
Mental Focus:
Transmutation 7/13 {+4 STR} | Divination 2/13 {+1 Perception} | Abjuration 4/13 {+2 resistances} |Spent: 13/13

The aphorite also looks for danger.

Perception: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (14) + 17 = 31

Rivalry's End Compass Truthseeker 1

Neither Cuethric nor Malaz believe the door to be trapped, but it is definitely locked.

Dark Archive

NG Female human arcanist 5, wizard 1┃hp 35/37┃AC 12 · T 8 · FF 12┃CMD 9┃F+2 · R+2 · W+5 (+1 vs enchant · +2 vs fear) ┃Init +5 (act in surprise)┃Perc +0┃speed 30 ft┃Apprs +11 · Bluff +9 · Arcn +15 · Dungn +10 · Engr +10 · Geog +10 · Hist +10 · Loc +10 · Nat +11 · Nob +10 · Planes +15 · Rel +11 · Ling +15 · Spllcrft +15 · UMD +7 ┃Arc Spells 2nd—0/4, 1st—1/6; Wiz Spells 1st—3/4┃Arcane Reservoir 0/8┃Consume Spells 0/2┃Prescience 4/8┃Augury 2/2┃ring of stairs and stars 0/1┃Conditions: mage armor · DEX –6

We will try the same key.

Liberty's Edge

LN Male Kitsune Bard (Flame Dancer) 7 | HP 59/59 | AC 17/13/14 | CMD 17 | F +4, R +8, W +6 (+4 vs performance, sonic, language-dependent) | Init +5 | Perc +4 | BP 17/19 | Conditions:

Draklor leaves the lock to those better suited for such tasks. "But if you want Irori's words on the subject, just say so. Again, not his strong suit, but..."

That and I don't actually have Inspire Competence.

Rivalry's End Compass Truthseeker 1

Zranashta attempts the key on the lock, only to find it does not fit.

Silver Crusade

male half-elf ranger/5|hp 39/49|AC:19 T:14 FF:15|CMD:21|Fort+7, Ref+8, Will+4|Init+6|Perception+11/+13

"I'm definitely learning to pick locks after this."

Cuethric examines the wall, fireplace, and other door for anything helpful.

perception: 120 + 11 = 131

perception correctly typed: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (2) + 11 = 13

Is the other diagonal door also locked?

The Concordance

Aphorite Occultist ~7 | HP: 66/66 | AC: 17 (f:17, t: 11) | F:+10|R:+4|W:+7 |Perception: +18 | Initiative: +2
Spell Tracking:
1st: 6/6 | 2nd: 4/4 | 3rd: 2/2
| Active Conditions/Buffs:
Mental Focus:
Transmutation 7/13 {+4 STR} | Divination 2/13 {+1 Perception} | Abjuration 4/13 {+2 resistances} |Spent: 13/13

How shortsighted can I be? Why have I not consided to obtain a wand for this?

Looks like a Wand of Knock may be in my future.

Rivalry's End Compass Truthseeker 1

Cuethric, yes the other door is exactly the same. Unfortunately Cuethric does not find anything useful looking around.

*cough*PS these doors are wooden*cough*

Grand Lodge

M Half Orc Lunar Oracle (Spirit Guide) 4/Paladin (OathLoyalty, Mind Sword) 2| HP 41/41 | AC 18/14/14 | F+12 R+13 W+14 | Init +5 | Perc +4 | Active Condition: None

Ijo has been carrying a handful of termites for just such an occasion.

Ijo muses with his eyes closed, Mal, you could probably just splinter the door quickly. We've made enough ruccus. I'm sure we've been detected.

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Occultist (Psychodermist) 5 Unchained Rogue 1| AC 21, touch 17, flat-footed 15 | CMD 14 | hp 44 b]Fort [/b]+6, Ref +10, Will +8 | Spd 20' | Init +8

Remmy steps forward.

L-let me see what I can do.

Disable Device: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (13) + 18 = 31

The Concordance

Aphorite Occultist ~7 | HP: 66/66 | AC: 17 (f:17, t: 11) | F:+10|R:+4|W:+7 |Perception: +18 | Initiative: +2
Spell Tracking:
1st: 6/6 | 2nd: 4/4 | 3rd: 2/2
| Active Conditions/Buffs:
Mental Focus:
Transmutation 7/13 {+4 STR} | Divination 2/13 {+1 Perception} | Abjuration 4/13 {+2 resistances} |Spent: 13/13

Malaz spits into his hands to get a firm grip on his weapon. He swings it back, holds it for a moment and begins to bring the head of the ax crashing down. He is barely able to safely stop the momentum.

He looks down that the tiny ratfolk, "You couldn't think to try that earlier?"

Silver Crusade

male half-elf ranger/5|hp 39/49|AC:19 T:14 FF:15|CMD:21|Fort+7, Ref+8, Will+4|Init+6|Perception+11/+13

Cuethric pauses in his frantic searching freezing in place jaw dropping.
"Oh, okay. That works too."
He straightens up a peeks over his shoulder through the door way into the beyond.

The Exchange

Occultist (Psychodermist) 5 Unchained Rogue 1| AC 21, touch 17, flat-footed 15 | CMD 14 | hp 44 b]Fort [/b]+6, Ref +10, Will +8 | Spd 20' | Init +8

i-i-i d-d-didn't want to interrupt.

Silver Crusade

male half-elf ranger/5|hp 39/49|AC:19 T:14 FF:15|CMD:21|Fort+7, Ref+8, Will+4|Init+6|Perception+11/+13

"Remmy, please interupt away when it comes to unlocking doors. I think you are the only one with that special talent."

I am hoping Remmy unlocked the door. Else we are in for a rough time. If you try more then once on a door you get the worst of the enemy on the other side for the start of the encounter. The enemy is buffed and you can't even get through the door

Rivalry's End Compass Truthseeker 1

Remmy successfully manages to unlock the door and it opens up into a short new hallway.

Silver Crusade

male half-elf ranger/5|hp 39/49|AC:19 T:14 FF:15|CMD:21|Fort+7, Ref+8, Will+4|Init+6|Perception+11/+13

Cuethric will sneak and perceive looking for traps and hidden doors as he slowly moves into the hallway.

sneak: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29
perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (8) + 11 = 19

Rivalry's End Compass Truthseeker 1

As Cuethric sneaks around the corner the hall opens up into a room.

The east wall of this wide room is interrupted by a projection containing a carving of a spider about two feet in diameter. Directly across from the spider, a section of the wall sits slightly askew, as though a door-sized piece of the wall were not quite flush with the rest.

Silver Crusade

male half-elf ranger/5|hp 39/49|AC:19 T:14 FF:15|CMD:21|Fort+7, Ref+8, Will+4|Init+6|Perception+11/+13

Cuethric signals back waving the group forward and puts his index finger to his lips for 'quietly'. He mouths the words 'secret door'.

Once he gets some head nods from the group, he sneaks forward again looking for traps heading for the slightly ajar secret door.

stealth: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23
perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (11) + 11 = 22

The Concordance

Aphorite Occultist ~7 | HP: 66/66 | AC: 17 (f:17, t: 11) | F:+10|R:+4|W:+7 |Perception: +18 | Initiative: +2
Spell Tracking:
1st: 6/6 | 2nd: 4/4 | 3rd: 2/2
| Active Conditions/Buffs:
Mental Focus:
Transmutation 7/13 {+4 STR} | Divination 2/13 {+1 Perception} | Abjuration 4/13 {+2 resistances} |Spent: 13/13

Malaz slides into the room.

Stealth: 1d20 ⇒ 10

Rivalry's End Compass Truthseeker 1

As Cuethric sneaks into the room with his eyes peeled for any signs of danger he hears Malaz thunder in behind him in his attempt to sneak in.

Cuethric's eyes do not notice anything other than the ajar secret door and the spider carving directly across the room from it.

Grand Lodge

M Half Orc Lunar Oracle (Spirit Guide) 4/Paladin (OathLoyalty, Mind Sword) 2| HP 41/41 | AC 18/14/14 | F+12 R+13 W+14 | Init +5 | Perc +4 | Active Condition: None

Ijo also makes his way in, figuring he won't be that loud. Flail clenched in his hands.

Silver Crusade

male half-elf ranger/5|hp 39/49|AC:19 T:14 FF:15|CMD:21|Fort+7, Ref+8, Will+4|Init+6|Perception+11/+13

Cuethric glides over to Malaz, "Anything?", he whispers pointing at the 'not hidden' hidden door.

Cuethric pulls out an arrow and readies for anything once the door is opened.

Liberty's Edge

LN Male Kitsune Bard (Flame Dancer) 7 | HP 59/59 | AC 17/13/14 | CMD 17 | F +4, R +8, W +6 (+4 vs performance, sonic, language-dependent) | Init +5 | Perc +4 | BP 17/19 | Conditions:

Draklor retrieves his whip in case it can tangle up anything Malaz doesn't annihilate. He tries to be quiet entering the passage, regardless of necessity.

Stealth: 1d20 + 3 - 1 ⇒ (14) + 3 - 1 = 16

Dark Archive

NG Female human arcanist 5, wizard 1┃hp 35/37┃AC 12 · T 8 · FF 12┃CMD 9┃F+2 · R+2 · W+5 (+1 vs enchant · +2 vs fear) ┃Init +5 (act in surprise)┃Perc +0┃speed 30 ft┃Apprs +11 · Bluff +9 · Arcn +15 · Dungn +10 · Engr +10 · Geog +10 · Hist +10 · Loc +10 · Nat +11 · Nob +10 · Planes +15 · Rel +11 · Ling +15 · Spllcrft +15 · UMD +7 ┃Arc Spells 2nd—0/4, 1st—1/6; Wiz Spells 1st—3/4┃Arcane Reservoir 0/8┃Consume Spells 0/2┃Prescience 4/8┃Augury 2/2┃ring of stairs and stars 0/1┃Conditions: mage armor · DEX –6

Zranashta follows the rest of the group into the room.
Stealth: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10

Rivalry's End Compass Truthseeker 1

As everyone clambers into the group, like the saddest group of ninjas around. What do you do?

Silver Crusade

male half-elf ranger/5|hp 39/49|AC:19 T:14 FF:15|CMD:21|Fort+7, Ref+8, Will+4|Init+6|Perception+11/+13

Cuethric gets impatient and starts looking for a way to open the secret door and possibly trying to peek into the room beyond.

Once he can figure out the mechanics, he starts counting down silently with his figures as 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1. He then opens door with the bow in his hand.

Rivalry's End Compass Truthseeker 1

As Cuethric attempts to open the door it moves only slightly before getting caught on something. As it does he notices himself immediately surrounded in sticky webs and surrounded by thousands of spiders.

Cuethric Reflex Save 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26

Luckily he manages to maneuver in such a way to prevent the webbing from preventing his movement and for the moment the spiders are two disoriented from their sudden existence to make any immediate attacks.

Remmy Initiative: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13
Malaz Bourreau Initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
Cuethric Initiative: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20
Ijo Ibn Son Initiative: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19
Draklor Ribiera Initiative: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23
Zranashta Initiative: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22(always act in surprise round)
Zranashta's Familiar Spot Initiative: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14(always act in surprise round)
swarm Red Initiative: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
swarm Orange Initiative: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
swarm Blue Initiative: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
swarm Purple Initiative: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23

Pathfinders FIGHT the Bold may Act

Swarm Purple
Swarm Blue
Ijo Ibn Son
Swarm Red
Swarm Orange

Liberty's Edge

LN Male Kitsune Bard (Flame Dancer) 7 | HP 59/59 | AC 17/13/14 | CMD 17 | F +4, R +8, W +6 (+4 vs performance, sonic, language-dependent) | Init +5 | Perc +4 | BP 17/19 | Conditions:

Draklor jumps upon noticing the newest threat. But he quickly recovers, or at least enough so to launch into a blithe speech. "I haven't had this displeasure since my Confirmation! Here's hoping explosions still do the trick, Malaz, I don't think you axe will cut it."

"...Sorry. I'm sure you'll work wonders against whoever created this mess, at least."

Drawing my whip, activating Inspire Courage for a total of +3. I will turn that off for Saving Finale in case that comes up.

Rivalry's End Compass Truthseeker 1

As Draklor begins his performance one section of the massive swarm breaks of and rushes the group standing just around the corner.

Swarm Damage: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 2, 6) = 10

Draklor Fortitude Against Distraction: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
Malaz Fortitude Against Distraction: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26
Ijo Fortitude Against Distraction: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (5) + 12 = 17

The creepy crawling distration of the swarm has Draklor and Ijo Nauseated.

Draklor Fortitude Against Poison: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
Malaz Fortitude Against Poison: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25
Ijo Fortitude Against Poison: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (13) + 12 = 25

Draklor Poison Effect: 1d4 ⇒ 3

Also, Draklor feels a sensation of running through his veins taking 3 points of Dexterity damage.

Pathfinders FIGHT the Bold may Act

Draklor [-10 HP, -3 DEX, Poisoned, Nauseated]
Swarm Purple
Swarm Blue
Ijo Ibn Son [-10 HP, Nauseated]
Swarm Red
Swarm Orange
Malaz [-10 HP]

Dark Archive

NG Female human arcanist 5, wizard 1┃hp 35/37┃AC 12 · T 8 · FF 12┃CMD 9┃F+2 · R+2 · W+5 (+1 vs enchant · +2 vs fear) ┃Init +5 (act in surprise)┃Perc +0┃speed 30 ft┃Apprs +11 · Bluff +9 · Arcn +15 · Dungn +10 · Engr +10 · Geog +10 · Hist +10 · Loc +10 · Nat +11 · Nob +10 · Planes +15 · Rel +11 · Ling +15 · Spllcrft +15 · UMD +7 ┃Arc Spells 2nd—0/4, 1st—1/6; Wiz Spells 1st—3/4┃Arcane Reservoir 0/8┃Consume Spells 0/2┃Prescience 4/8┃Augury 2/2┃ring of stairs and stars 0/1┃Conditions: mage armor · DEX –6

"Everyone fall back and get out of those swarms!" Zranashta suggests unhelpfully to her friends.

Zranashta (and Spot) will delay until after Remmy. The only thing she has to help in this situation is a flurry of snowballs, but I don't want to hit my allies.

Rivalry's End Compass Truthseeker 1

As Zranashta yells out another section of the swarm moves through and past it's breathren and starts to cover Remmy.

Swarm Damage: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 3, 3, 5) = 14

Remmy Fortitude Against Distraction: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26

Remmy Fortitude Against Poison: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22

Despite the swarm of spiders covering Remmy he manages to keep his cool and stave of whatever they are trying to inject him with, despite the many bites he has to endure.

Pathfinders FIGHT the Bold may Act

Draklor [-10 HP, -3 DEX, Poisoned, Nauseated]
Swarm Purple
Zranashta (On Hold)
Swarm Blue
Ijo Ibn Son [-10 HP, Nauseated]
Spot (On Hold)
Remmy[-14 HP]
Swarm Red
Swarm Orange
Malaz [-10 HP]

The Exchange

Occultist (Psychodermist) 5 Unchained Rogue 1| AC 21, touch 17, flat-footed 15 | CMD 14 | hp 44 b]Fort [/b]+6, Ref +10, Will +8 | Spd 20' | Init +8

Remmy scampers out of the horrible swarm.

I am not much use here! He calls. But perhaps a distraction?!

He once again dumps bones from his bag as they reform into the skeleton figure. It runs into the swarm, swiping at it ineffectually, but hopefully directing the swarms attention onto the bony self.

Silver Crusade

male half-elf ranger/5|hp 39/49|AC:19 T:14 FF:15|CMD:21|Fort+7, Ref+8, Will+4|Init+6|Perception+11/+13

Cuethric shifts back, reaches into his haver sack and retrieves a alchemist fire.
He then throws it at the red approaching swarm of spiders.
alchemist throw at red's farthest corner: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22
dmg fire: 1d6 ⇒ 4 yellow should take 1 hp splash damage but I can't remember the DC reflex save.
"Well, that was that. Now it's down to running."

What does the 'web' do that Cuethric avoided enough to move. Is he entangled? I just want to know my limitations.

Rivalry's End Compass Truthseeker 1

Quick response on my phone for Cuethric, the top section of the slide has most of the details for movement and such. You succeeded the save so you have no current effects. If you want to know more a spellcraft might help.

PS the alchemist fire has noticably caught the web in the 9 square area on fire.

Grand Lodge

M Half Orc Lunar Oracle (Spirit Guide) 4/Paladin (OathLoyalty, Mind Sword) 2| HP 41/41 | AC 18/14/14 | F+12 R+13 W+14 | Init +5 | Perc +4 | Active Condition: None

Ijo moves to the corner and wretches.

I think I just get the one move action.

Rivalry's End Compass Truthseeker 1

Ijo you are correct

Zranashta, you said you were holding till after Remmy, everyone else in this group has gone are you still holding or you going to go?

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