GM Zephyre |

Through a look at the occultist stuff due to not being familiar myself, I believe that Remmy's plan would work and put Ijo back to a positive 1 for dex allowing him to move and therefore use his spells.
Though, there is a TON of DEX damage among you so if you do still want to fetch some scrolls to try and get more of that taken care of, it is still an option.

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Great rolls, Ijo. If I understand the rules on ability damage correctly, I think that means that neither Remmy nor Cuethric suffer any penalties on Dex-based checks now.

GM Zephyre |

Zranashta you are correct. I will update everyones status as I am aware of it...hopefully later today, but I think Remmy may still want some health help before everyone moves on.
Also it sounds like your not going to send anyone out for more restorations, at this point, let me know if anyone disagrees with that though and we can work it out as a team before moving on.

GM Zephyre |

For reference, you feel like you have been making decent time, but you also have no idea what kind of time scale you are looking at. Going to go get some healing supplies would only take a scale of minutes (vs say hours or days), and I would be willing to use a knowledge local check (best of whatever anyone rolls)for how quickly you could find an appropriate shop if the team wants to do it that way. That's about all the more I can say on the timing impact though.

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Can we spend Prestige? I will happily drop 2 PP for a scroll of 5 of them.

GM Zephyre |

I am okay with you using Prestige, but it is likely going to take you longer to find a Pathfinder to cash a favor in with who will then also have such a scroll on them or have to go get one for you. Alternatively, I am okay with letting you use the cash "now" for the quicker find and then claim back your gold for the prestige later...assuming you don't end up needing to use this missions prestige purchase on something else. Fair?

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It looks like we are just moving on. I'm fine with that.

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@GM: Malaz is correct regarding the wand.
Here is the line that you are talking about.
Try Again: Yes, but if you ever roll a natural 1 while attempting to activate an item and you fail, then you can't try to activate that item again for 24 hours.
I've highlighted the part that says "and you fail."
In this case, Malaz did not fail his roll, so that rule does not come into effect. If you have at least +19 to Use Magic Device, you don't even need to roll, because there is never a chance of failure, even on a natural 1.
(Natural 1 is an automatic failure on attack rolls and saving throws, but not on skill checks.)

GM Zephyre |

@Zranashta Correct, but Malaz has a +17, the additional plus 2 for using the wand before being cited to not fail the natural one is part of the activate blindly rules not a generic UMD rule unless I am missing it somewhere else which I would be happy to be enlightened to:
Activate Blindly: Some magic items are activated by special
words, thoughts, or actions. You can activate such an item
as if you were using the activation word, thought, or action,
even when you’re not and even if you don’t know it. You do
have to perform some equivalent activity in order to make
the check. That is, you must speak, wave the item around,
or otherwise attempt to get it to activate. You get a +2 bonus
on your Use Magic Device check if you’ve activated the
item in question at least once before. If you fail by 9 or less,
you can’t activate the device. If you fail by 10 or more, you
suffer a mishap. A mishap means that magical energy gets
released but doesn’t do what you wanted it to do. The default
mishaps are that the item affects the wrong target or that
uncontrolled magical energy is released, dealing 2d6 points
of damage to you. This mishap is in addition to the chance
for a mishap that you normally risk when you cast a spell
from a scroll that you could not otherwise cast yourself
Like I said, you all have plenty of healy wands so it isn't really a big deal for this mission, just trying to make sure I am doing the rules right.

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Ok, I misunderstood your objection. :) Thanks for clarifying.

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Just checking in on everyone. Hope all is well.

GM Zephyre |

Malaz, what exactly is "Linnorm Scale Breastplate" I can't seem to find it or put together what it is?

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Its a breastplate made from linnorm hide. I can eventually upgrade it to have fire resistance (think of it like dragon hide). It is on the same chronicle as the Butchering Axe.

GM Zephyre |

Thanks for that, it was relevent because of the tactics of Ouridda, but breastplate ended up being enough to tell me what to do since everyone else was wearing mithral shirts or similar.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Most of my gameday sessions are very slowly picking up. Are we close to the end of this scenario?
I suppose we have to get out somehow. The costume room and some magic and maybe we tie her up and take her out as a drunk sailor or something. The other body could be used as a distraction. Or we just roll her up in one of those rugs and carry her out thru the kitchen.
What are the chances one of the other hallways leads to an exit? We could always ask her which one. Oh after removing the gag briefly of course.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I am a giant man made of gold. Not certain a costume will be enough, lol.

GM Zephyre |

For timing sake I will say this is not quite the end of the scenario, but I can't say more without spoilers.

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Man, I really am having mixed feelings here. I would like to finish but I don't think I will find any game to replace this one.
I never really knew why other pathfinders who had played a while did not like Grandmaster Torch. I only started playing in season five and I never had high level guys until just recently. Now I am starting to get why they didn't like him.
Anyway, killing his men will be interesting and different, they usually just intimidate my character's party. Will I still owe him a favor?

GM Zephyre |

Yeah sorry for the delay. If we don't hear from anyone by tonight I will probably take the turns for them. This IS the last fight by the way.
Also started playing in later seasons and didn't understand the torch hate, obviously this scenario is the big part, but I haven't played or GM'd the stuff that lead to this moment so I still don't know all the details.

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I've seen Torch do some similarly reprehensible stuff before and after this scenario. A lot more seems to be done off-screen. So I assume this is one of the rarer scenarios in which PCs actually bear witness, which can be fun and a little aggravating.

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There is a scenario in Season 9 that explains why Torch has such a deep issue with The Society. It does not explain what is happening to us, but he does seem to have a legitimate beef with the Decemvirate.

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@ GM: Thank you for running this for us, it was fun.
@ Everyone: Thanks for the roleplay! You all have fun and interesting characters! :)
I would be delighted to play with any of you again.
@GM: You asked for suggestions. I hope you find these helpful.
First a couple things that you did very well. You reacted excellently with some of our unconventional tactics, especially in the beginning in the casino. You also prompted players when they hadn't posted in a few days. Good job.
Now some tips for keeping things moving.
A lot of GMs abide by the "rule of two." If a PC suggests a course of action, and a second PC agrees with that action, then just go with that action. You don't need to wait for unanimous support from the table. This really helps move things along.
Also, for a scenario with lots of traps like this one, it might be best to just ask for everyone's perception checks and any special modifiers they have, and then roll checks against each trap they encounter. Just assume that all of the characters are searching carefully instead of waiting until they declare we are searching a particular area.
Just a couple of ideas. I admit that the scenario did seem to drag on, but I think you did a great job. Thanks again. :)

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Not too fussed here about the game taking a while. I've picked up less than usual, and most of them (including ones I'm running) are also dragging a bit. At least some of it is just the current state of things.
Besides, it was quite the romp. I had plenty of fun, hopefully I'll see you all in future games!

GM Zephyre |

Okay, just a heads up, there may be a delay in the chronicles because my usual software for filling them in does not seem to be working. Trying to get that all figured out. My apologies.

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Yep, it was a good time. I did not particularly care for the super swarms, but it made for unusual excitement. Thanks to everyone for the game and especially our GM. I look forward to opportunities to play again with you all in the future.
It was also good to find out the history behind the dislike of Torch. He always just seemed grumpy. But I guess sinister will be the impression from now on.
Take care all. It was an enjoyable scenario.

GM Zephyre |

Alright, this should be the chronicles, let me know if there is something messed up and I can fix up a corrected one.

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Chronicle looks good.
Thank you all for a fun table. Hope to see you all on the boards.

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Hope everyone is doing well.
Hard to tell if everyone received their chronicles, but I would like to request that the campaign be marked inactive as soon as we can confirm that.

GM Zephyre |

Malaz, I will as soon as I can either confirm everyone got them or the end of this week if I don't hear from people...at that point they can always PM me if something is wrong.