GM Brunoreturns' Shattered Star (Inactive)

Game Master brunoreturns

Venture Captain Sheila Heidmarch needs your help to recover a lost field agent.

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GM's GM peeks in and takes a sip of mead before exhaling his pipe smoke. Could there be ramifications? Nah, surely not. Deric does not give up easily. Whahahahaha.

Shattered Star Maps

Sorry for not removing the dying tag.

RAW I agree, the drowning rules state that in the next turn you die.

I ruled that the healing reset you to the beginning of the drowning progression. You are conscious now, but still drowning.

At the end of your turn, you will move to the next step which is 0hp and unconscious (gnaw kicks in at the start of the eel's turn, so you will at least be dying again possibly dead before the eel even has a choice to drop you)

The only way to get off the drowning progression is to get air (or the ability to breathe water).

Shattered Star Maps

Right now, everyone is waiting for the squids to take their turns, Then Deric and Paeral can take their turns.

Human Fighter (Two Handed) 6, |HP 12/ 56| 21-11-20| Init +7| Perc +1| F+7, R+4, W+3 CMB +12 (+14 sunder); CMD 23 (26 vs disarm) (26 vs grapple) (25 vs sunder)

Give me some cover, Squint. I trust your judgment over mine atm. Gonna try to break free and if not start hauling this guy to the surface.

Grand Lodge

Male Elf UC Rogue 4 / Ranger 2| CG | HP:45/45 | AC:18 T:15 FF:13| CMB:6 CMD:21| Saves F:+5 R:+12 W:+2 (+2 vs enchantments) | Init:+7 | Per: +12

Deric, if I’m understanding correctly, I think you have to get to the surface to get air as quickly as possible…I don’t think you can reach Kylee via swim move (unless you have a swim speed which I was thinking you did not)…if I recall, Kylee is somewhat protected by her Sanctuary spell and Squint is nearby and might be able to get her up on his ship…

I can either paddle over to Kylee or try to help you surface, if you break free…I’ll await to see how the GM’s post resolves things before I post…

Human Fighter (Two Handed) 6, |HP 12/ 56| 21-11-20| Init +7| Perc +1| F+7, R+4, W+3 CMB +12 (+14 sunder); CMD 23 (26 vs disarm) (26 vs grapple) (25 vs sunder)

I had that thought as well after I posted. GM, please send me to the surface if possible. Thanks, Pae.

Shattered Star Maps

By what mechanic do you think that you can move the eel?

You are immobilized while you are grappled. Are you attempting to reverse the grapple or simply get free?

If you get free, you will need a swim check to swim to the surface. If you reverse the grapple you would also need a swim check (but would be unable to do so without the use of your arms...)

I can't imagine that you are attempting to reverse the grapple, so I will go with "get free and swim toward the surface".

The roll in Gameplay will break the grapple, so I will need a Swim check (DC 10). Note that you can move 1/4 of your speed (5 ft) with a successful Swim check.

Grand Lodge

Male Elf UC Rogue 4 / Ranger 2| CG | HP:45/45 | AC:18 T:15 FF:13| CMB:6 CMD:21| Saves F:+5 R:+12 W:+2 (+2 vs enchantments) | Init:+7 | Per: +12

Sorry, just got home from work...

So GM, from one of your posts above, if I'm reading it right, Deric now reverts to 0 hp and is dying again, or at least at the beginning of the next round, is that correct?

Shattered Star Maps

He will go unconscious before the eels' turn.

Not dying yet though.

Human Fighter (Two Handed) 6, |HP 12/ 56| 21-11-20| Init +7| Perc +1| F+7, R+4, W+3 CMB +12 (+14 sunder); CMD 23 (26 vs disarm) (26 vs grapple) (25 vs sunder)

Being conscious, but without air I believe this part of the rules apply. I did make a good con check and am currently conscious.

When holding breath runs out:

After this period of time, the character must make a DC 10 Constitution check every round in order to continue holding her breath. Each round, the DC increases by 1.

When the character finally fails her Constitution check, she begins to drown. In the first round, she falls unconscious (0 hp). In the following round, she drops to –1 hit points and is dying. In the third round, she drowns.

Human Fighter (Two Handed) 6, |HP 12/ 56| 21-11-20| Init +7| Perc +1| F+7, R+4, W+3 CMB +12 (+14 sunder); CMD 23 (26 vs disarm) (26 vs grapple) (25 vs sunder)

You did rule that the healing "reset" the drowning process. Pretty sure I am at this point in the rules based on that.

Shattered Star Maps

I'm being generous to you by allowing you to not die automatically this round.

You entered the drowning progression with your first failed check. The only way off is to get air. I allowed the healing to keep you from dying this round, but there are no further Con checks until you get air.

If you want me to follow the rules, that's fine, Deric is now dead. Your call.

Human Fighter (Two Handed) 6, |HP 12/ 56| 21-11-20| Init +7| Perc +1| F+7, R+4, W+3 CMB +12 (+14 sunder); CMD 23 (26 vs disarm) (26 vs grapple) (25 vs sunder)

I choose to not die, Mr. PC Killer. So reset was not the proper term. How are we to interpret your rulings? Just go with your flow? Yeah, I get it now.

Grand Lodge

Male Elf UC Rogue 4 / Ranger 2| CG | HP:45/45 | AC:18 T:15 FF:13| CMB:6 CMD:21| Saves F:+5 R:+12 W:+2 (+2 vs enchantments) | Init:+7 | Per: +12
Kylee Dumaren wrote:
It kinda looks like Paeral's boat is already adjacent to Kylee, but the combat map is a bit of a jumble, thanks to this 3D combat.

That’s my bad. The slides app on my iPad doesn’t always update promptly. The map I saw when I posted must have been cached…it had not updated and showed Kylee where I thought she was underneath her boat (I think it was showing her in the boat prior to her jumping in). I was trying to move my boat around to a point north of that. However, this morning, it shows her pretty much adjacent (10’ away), so my post is pretty much pointless…I guess I could move the boat alongside Barkot’s so they’d be together and I’d be closer to Kylee as well…

Grand Lodge

Male Elf UC Rogue 4 / Ranger 2| CG | HP:45/45 | AC:18 T:15 FF:13| CMB:6 CMD:21| Saves F:+5 R:+12 W:+2 (+2 vs enchantments) | Init:+7 | Per: +12
Kylee Dumaren wrote:
Do we really have no way of fighting off a bunch of eels? I'm kicking myself for not memorizing a water-breathing spell.

I’m at a loss…we had a couple of water breathing potions but we used ‘em in book one to explore a sunken ship…Barkot is enchanted and can’t help us…Squint’s done what he can with summoning…you extended Deric’s life but are now submerged next to two eels (I hope Sanctuary can hold ‘em off till we can get you out), and my best skills are pretty much useless underwater, rendering me pretty much useless.

Deric is nearly dead; with no swim speed, it’d take me 2 or 3 rounds to reach him and the eels would act at least twice before I get there…and that’s if the eels left me be, which I highly doubt. And he goes unconscious before the eels turn so I don’t see how he could survive that long if I could ever reach him…

That’s why I had decided to try to get Kylee out of the water this next round or get closer to Barkot’s boat and try to bind him somehow as I’m afraid he’s gonna take off his armor and jump in the lake as well…figured trying to save the two we might be able to save was my least worst option…

Male CG Half-Orc (Shaman's Apprentice) Oracle (Seeker) 6 | HP: 45/45 | AC 22* T 15* FF 20* | CMB: +6, CMD: 18 | F +5, R +5, W +5 | Init: +2 | Perc: +7 (darkvision), SM: +5 | Shield ON | Speed 30/20 | mwk longsword +9* (1d8+4*/19-20), silver light mace +6 (1d6+2), whip +6 (1d3+2 nonlethal), light crossbow +6 (1d8/19-20) | Spells: 3rd 2/4, 2nd 6/6, 1st 4/7| *Active: Divine Favor, Shield of Faith

The enchantment on Barkot isn't helping, that's for certain. Sorry, folks.

Grand Lodge

Male Elf UC Rogue 4 / Ranger 2| CG | HP:45/45 | AC:18 T:15 FF:13| CMB:6 CMD:21| Saves F:+5 R:+12 W:+2 (+2 vs enchantments) | Init:+7 | Per: +12
Backalley Barkot wrote:
The enchantment on Barkot isn't helping, that's for certain. Sorry, folks.

Not your fault, Barkot…surprised with my poor Will save mod that I passed the check. I wish it had been me instead of you as you’ve got spells and stuff that’d prove more useful than I…

Male CG Half-Orc (Shaman's Apprentice) Oracle (Seeker) 6 | HP: 45/45 | AC 22* T 15* FF 20* | CMB: +6, CMD: 18 | F +5, R +5, W +5 | Init: +2 | Perc: +7 (darkvision), SM: +5 | Shield ON | Speed 30/20 | mwk longsword +9* (1d8+4*/19-20), silver light mace +6 (1d6+2), whip +6 (1d3+2 nonlethal), light crossbow +6 (1d8/19-20) | Spells: 3rd 2/4, 2nd 6/6, 1st 4/7| *Active: Divine Favor, Shield of Faith

Maybe you should try stabbing me? No need for sneak attack, but maybe a few points of damage would wake me up?

Silver Crusade

F half-elf Cleric of Sarenrae/6 HP:39/39|AC11,F10,T11|CMB +3|CMD 14|F+10,R+7,W+12|Init+1|SPD30|PERC +10|DIPLO +11|HEAL +11|KNOW(hist) +4|KNOW(nob)+4|KNOW(planes)+4|KNOW(rel)+4|PERF (dance)+9|PERF (poetry)+8|SENSE MOT +11|SPELLCRAFT +4|

Who ended up with the fancy rapier we got off the dhamphir? For underwater combat, that thing would be ideal.

It's a shame the squids inked. I had some ideas for things I could try, but now I can't see Deric or the eel holding him.

Grand Lodge

Male Elf UC Rogue 4 / Ranger 2| CG | HP:45/45 | AC:18 T:15 FF:13| CMB:6 CMD:21| Saves F:+5 R:+12 W:+2 (+2 vs enchantments) | Init:+7 | Per: +12
Backalley Barkot wrote:
Maybe you should try stabbing me? No need for sneak attack, but maybe a few points of damage would wake me up?

I dunno much magic-wise…I know that it awakens from sleep spells but does it work on other enchantments? And knowing our luck thus far, I’m likely to crit you…

Kylee Dumaren wrote:
Who ended up with the fancy rapier we got off the dhamphir? For underwater combat, that thing would be ideal.

I’ve got the fancy rapier…I gave that some thought but other than it being a piercing weapon, I don’t see it as much of an advantage at this point. While it’s a +1 weapon and I have weapon finesse, my BAB is +5 so I only have 1 attack against three eels and my AC is not so hot so I’m likely to get both hit multiple times and grappled just as Deric did. While I think I could get out of a grapple with Escape Artist, with three of ‘em they could likely keep me perpetually grappled till I drown or die outright. And the rapier doesn’t have reach; the eels being large, likely do, so to get in attack range, they’d get AoOs…

That being said, I’d have jumped in and tried to use it if I thought I could reach Deric in time…and I’ll jump in and use it if Kylee gets attacked or grappled by the eels and/or can’t get to the surface…

Silver Crusade

Male Halfling Summoner (Unchained) 6 | hp 48/48 | AC 19 (t13; ff17) CMD 17 (ff15) | init +6 | F* +7 R* +7 W* +7 (*+2 vs fear) | Perc +1 SM -1 | Speed 20 |

I was thinking that the ink would prevent the eels from continuing to be able to attack Deric. Apologies, but I definitely don't feel any shame.

Shattered Star Maps

Yeah, the map is almost useless now. There is no way to do 3D combat on a slide.

Human Fighter (Two Handed) 6, |HP 12/ 56| 21-11-20| Init +7| Perc +1| F+7, R+4, W+3 CMB +12 (+14 sunder); CMD 23 (26 vs disarm) (26 vs grapple) (25 vs sunder)

Thanks for the ink, Squint. I know you like to charge so check this out Death from above

Human Fighter (Two Handed) 6, |HP 12/ 56| 21-11-20| Init +7| Perc +1| F+7, R+4, W+3 CMB +12 (+14 sunder); CMD 23 (26 vs disarm) (26 vs grapple) (25 vs sunder)
Kylee wrote:
If Deric is healed again this round, would he still be out of air and thus still inevitably dead at the end of this round? Or would his dying track again be reset and buy him another round or two?

He has chosen to deny me a very valid long shot at surviving this. I have never disagreed with Bruno's rules and rulings but on this one I made a very valid argument and it was denied. Until he can convince me otherwise I was denied the best ruling RAW under the circumstances.

Your face will be the last thing I see. Not the worst way to go.

Human Fighter (Two Handed) 6, |HP 12/ 56| 21-11-20| Init +7| Perc +1| F+7, R+4, W+3 CMB +12 (+14 sunder); CMD 23 (26 vs disarm) (26 vs grapple) (25 vs sunder)

The ruling he is following assumes the pc remained unconscious. That is not what happened.

Shattered Star Maps

I was going to wait until the end of this book, but I think I just need to fast forward my departure from these forums.

I do not have the energy to deal with this adventure anymore. Nor do I have the personality required to be an effective GM.

I am suspending this game. If someone finds another GM that they would like to take over, that's fine, but I am done.

Silver Crusade

Male Halfling Summoner (Unchained) 6 | hp 48/48 | AC 19 (t13; ff17) CMD 17 (ff15) | init +6 | F* +7 R* +7 W* +7 (*+2 vs fear) | Perc +1 SM -1 | Speed 20 |

GM, I think you've led us on a fine adventure for well over three years now. I am grateful for all that you've given us.

Fellow adventurers, I wish you all nothing but the best. It is sad to be ending this game, but I think we've had fun, and I'm happy to be taking that with me.

I will exit alongside the GM from this campaign. I wish y'all the best in your future endeavours.

Grand Lodge

Male Elf UC Rogue 4 / Ranger 2| CG | HP:45/45 | AC:18 T:15 FF:13| CMB:6 CMD:21| Saves F:+5 R:+12 W:+2 (+2 vs enchantments) | Init:+7 | Per: +12

I echo Squint’s sentiments to GM Bruno; three years is a long time and you’ve been steadfast and faithful in running this…

Catch you later, Squint…Squint and Ulyi were both a lot of fun…

As for continuing on, I’m up for it if anyone else is; not sure if we can find another GM but I’ll try if there is interest. Kylee and I have had to search twice for a replacement GM in our other AP (Reign of Winter) and we were fortunate enough to be successful both times. But if there’s no interest, I enjoyed playing with everyone here…

Male CG Half-Orc (Shaman's Apprentice) Oracle (Seeker) 6 | HP: 45/45 | AC 22* T 15* FF 20* | CMB: +6, CMD: 18 | F +5, R +5, W +5 | Init: +2 | Perc: +7 (darkvision), SM: +5 | Shield ON | Speed 30/20 | mwk longsword +9* (1d8+4*/19-20), silver light mace +6 (1d6+2), whip +6 (1d3+2 nonlethal), light crossbow +6 (1d8/19-20) | Spells: 3rd 2/4, 2nd 6/6, 1st 4/7| *Active: Divine Favor, Shield of Faith

GM Bruno Returns - I'll add my thanks to Squint's and Paëral's. I appreciate the time and effort you've put into running this game for us over the last three years, and I enjoyed playing at Luckless Hero's PbP table before that. Best of luck - with your gaming and otherwise - going forward.

I am not 100% ready to commit to continuing on - I'm probably in one ongoing PbP game more than I should be - but I've enjoyed playing Barkot and playing with you all in this campaign, so I'd probably stick with it if another GM might be interested in taking us on.

Human Fighter (Two Handed) 6, |HP 12/ 56| 21-11-20| Init +7| Perc +1| F+7, R+4, W+3 CMB +12 (+14 sunder); CMD 23 (26 vs disarm) (26 vs grapple) (25 vs sunder)

I am out as well at this point.

We were doing just fine in a PM. No prior indication of any issues. He was going to move a portion of the module to transfer Deric to another body that would have included benefits. He was going to post for the new Deric until you guys figured it out. I could have posted through PM at that point. With all my complaining, I knew my PC was not going to die. LOL.

So, I am shocked but if it was wearing him down he should not put himself through it. Not sure my discussions posts and his ending it all was a coincidence. But it does look like it may have been the straw that broke the camel's back. For that, I have regret.

Best GM I ever played with.

You are the three favorite players that I have played with. You will be missed and best wishes to you all irl.

Silver Crusade

F half-elf Cleric of Sarenrae/6 HP:39/39|AC11,F10,T11|CMB +3|CMD 14|F+10,R+7,W+12|Init+1|SPD30|PERC +10|DIPLO +11|HEAL +11|KNOW(hist) +4|KNOW(nob)+4|KNOW(planes)+4|KNOW(rel)+4|PERF (dance)+9|PERF (poetry)+8|SENSE MOT +11|SPELLCRAFT +4|

I agree this game should end.

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