Wrath of the Righteous for Paladins

Game Master trawets71

WotR with all paladins.


Loot Sheet

Food and Water: 40
Goods: 5

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The group of paladins reaches the top of the tower and heads to the southern side. It is good that this place has been assaulted in the past or you don't think you would have been able to place the banner without something to do it. You managed to scrounge some metal bars and pound them into the stones at the edge. Ian then takes the banner and hangs it over the edge. After a few seconds a dull cheer can be heard coming from the camp.

After standing there for a moment Ian tries to summon the planetar, but nothing happens. He pauses and then remembers that the banner needed to be inside. He gingerly pulls up the banner and the party heads inside.

They get to the temple and Ian mounts the banner in there. When he does so the air seems to feel... cleaner somehow. The overbearing of evil isn't what it was.

Ian smiles and looks to the group and when they are ready he summons the planetar.

Appearing before the banner is a muscular, bald, tall, humanoid creature. He has emerald skin and two pairs of shining, white-feathered wings and is holding a greatsword ready to strike. His eyes dart toward Enos but he lowers his sword and looks to Ian. He says with a disappointed look, "I have responded to your request to defend the banner but it appears not to be in immediate danger." He looks over the entire party and says "Some of you appear to be drained of you vitality. I will take care of that." He then approaches each of you and lays a hand on you for a few moments. As he does so you each feel restored. When he finishes he concentrates for a moment and your wounds begin to heal. He then looks you all over again and says "That should help. I will be here and guard the banner for the next day."

He has lessor restoration at will so any ability damage was removed. You were also all healed of 20 HP of damage

Cure: 2d8 + 16 ⇒ (2, 2) + 16 = 20

Male Paladin 9/Trickster 3 | 78/84 hp | F+8/R+10/W+9 | CMB+9 CMD 26 | Perc +15 | Init +8 | Acro +13, DisDev +25, Stealth +24 | Lay on Hands 6/7; Smite Evil 3/3; Mythic Points 4/7; Weapon bond 1/2 | Effects : Protection from Evil, 29 pts equipment damage

Enos sighs in relief, "Oh, that's great. Thank you. OK, that takes care of that - I'm ready to continue if you are."

That resolves Enos' main hesitation to proceeding. Good to go!

Paladin 9/Marshal 3 | HP 98/[98 | AC27/T11/FF26 | F+13/R+9/W+14 | CMB+14/CMD25 | Perc +1 | Init + 3 | Dipl+17| Int+20/+22 | CotC 1/1 | CWS 3/3 | BoG + 6 3/3 | LoH 9/12 @ 4d6 HS/PoF | DB 2/2 @ + 2 | MP 8/8 DL1/1

Nodding politely to the celestial being, Ian thanks him, "Thank you, we shall return to guard the banner before the end of the next day."

Gesturing the direction they'd not gone yet, Having a gift for the obvious, Ian adds, "We should finish clearing the fortress. At least none will get away."

He pauses for a moment, hoping some on this level will test the planetar, "Shall we finish making sure the basement is secured and work out way up?"

Tired enough, Ian doesn't realize he actually starts walking that way as he was asking...

Elf Paladin (Chosen One) 9//Archmage 2 | HP 72/72| AC 23, touch 14, flat-footed 19 | Fort +11, Ref +13, Will +11 | Init +3 | Perception +2; low-light vision | Smite: 3/3 | LoH: 6/6

"Though the banner is not in immediate danger, there may be demons roaming the halls who would attempt to take it if it were unguarded. Your assistance in guarding it will help ensure that we can find and finish them before they can cause further troubles."

Refreshed, Ardriel said, "Yes. Let's clear out the basement, and then we can see what remains on this floor."

Hospitaler Paladin-Hierophant (Lvl 9 Tier 3) Current Buffs (Mythic Endure Elementst, See Invis, Corruption Resistance, Veil of Heaven, Protection Against Evil) Perception (+5) Cold/Fire/Acid/Electricity Resistance (5) HP (98/98) Saves (13/9/13, +2 vs insanity and confusion, +2 vs evil outsiders) AC (24/11/23, +2 vs evil outsiders) CMD (26) Init (+3) Mythic (4/9) Weapon Surge (0/2) Smite (1/2) LoH 4d6 (5/8) Channel 3d6 (4/6) HH (9/9) DB (2/2)

”Aye. Let us get to it. And once we clear the keep we can move our army inside.” Dadna said, her eyes never leaving the planatar. Her voice was hushed and her heart beat loud with religious fervor. She felt, at that moment, that if she died it would be fine as her life felt complete. The mere act of being in its presence felt humbling, and the last thing she wanted was to dishonor herself in its presence by shirking from their duty.

M Dwarf Paladin 9 | AC 25 T 12 FF 24 CMD 29 | HP 123/123 | F +14 R +7 W +10 (+3 vs spells, SLA, poison) | Init +3 | Per +10 (Darkvision) | Mv 50' | Smite 3/3 | LOH 7/7 | Mythic 5/9 | Active: None | Shield: On

Leothar is at 3/7 Mythic Power, 2/3 Smite Evil, 7/7 LoH (4d6), and 1/2 Divine Bond (+2).

He has cast Protection from Evil, Eagle's Splendor, Bull's Strength, and Enlarge Person, all of which have expired. He still has Divine Favor.

He will go to the basement. "Dadna, do you want me in front?"

Hospitaler Paladin-Hierophant (Lvl 9 Tier 3) Current Buffs (Mythic Endure Elementst, See Invis, Corruption Resistance, Veil of Heaven, Protection Against Evil) Perception (+5) Cold/Fire/Acid/Electricity Resistance (5) HP (98/98) Saves (13/9/13, +2 vs insanity and confusion, +2 vs evil outsiders) AC (24/11/23, +2 vs evil outsiders) CMD (26) Init (+3) Mythic (4/9) Weapon Surge (0/2) Smite (1/2) LoH 4d6 (5/8) Channel 3d6 (4/6) HH (9/9) DB (2/2)

”Of course! Torag’s children in front, so the long legged can see over our heads and don’t walk too fast and leave us behind.” She said with a smile. She was still radiating happiness from being in the mere vicinity of such an angelic being. ”And with that let’s go and clear this place out room by room.”

Male Paladin 9/Trickster 3 | 78/84 hp | F+8/R+10/W+9 | CMB+9 CMD 26 | Perc +15 | Init +8 | Acro +13, DisDev +25, Stealth +24 | Lay on Hands 6/7; Smite Evil 3/3; Mythic Points 4/7; Weapon bond 1/2 | Effects : Protection from Evil, 29 pts equipment damage

Enos looks between the dwarves, thinking. After a moment, he asks, ”So where do you want me, then? Still scouting?”

The party makes it way down the stairs and to the gate. Just as before the insidious noise grates at them.

Need will saves from everyone again.

Male Paladin 9/Trickster 3 | 78/84 hp | F+8/R+10/W+9 | CMB+9 CMD 26 | Perc +15 | Init +8 | Acro +13, DisDev +25, Stealth +24 | Lay on Hands 6/7; Smite Evil 3/3; Mythic Points 4/7; Weapon bond 1/2 | Effects : Protection from Evil, 29 pts equipment damage

Will Save: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11

Oh, bother.

M Dwarf Paladin 9 | AC 25 T 12 FF 24 CMD 29 | HP 123/123 | F +14 R +7 W +10 (+3 vs spells, SLA, poison) | Init +3 | Per +10 (Darkvision) | Mv 50' | Smite 3/3 | LOH 7/7 | Mythic 5/9 | Active: None | Shield: On

Will: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14

If that is a failure, he will use Mythic Surge.
Surge: 2d6 ⇒ (5, 6) = 11
Taking the better, making it a 20 - but only using it if a 14 was a failure.

Hospitaler Paladin-Hierophant (Lvl 9 Tier 3) Current Buffs (Mythic Endure Elementst, See Invis, Corruption Resistance, Veil of Heaven, Protection Against Evil) Perception (+5) Cold/Fire/Acid/Electricity Resistance (5) HP (98/98) Saves (13/9/13, +2 vs insanity and confusion, +2 vs evil outsiders) AC (24/11/23, +2 vs evil outsiders) CMD (26) Init (+3) Mythic (4/9) Weapon Surge (0/2) Smite (1/2) LoH 4d6 (5/8) Channel 3d6 (4/6) HH (9/9) DB (2/2)

Will: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (1) + 13 = 14

Well…no point surging that

Paladin 9/Marshal 3 | HP 98/[98 | AC27/T11/FF26 | F+13/R+9/W+14 | CMB+14/CMD25 | Perc +1 | Init + 3 | Dipl+17| Int+20/+22 | CotC 1/1 | CWS 3/3 | BoG + 6 3/3 | LoH 9/12 @ 4d6 HS/PoF | DB 2/2 @ + 2 | MP 8/8 DL1/1

Will: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (1) + 14 = 15 Wow, at least Ian is in good company

Frowning as Leothar asks Dadna about being if front, Ian chuckles at Dadna's response. he was glad to see that she was keeping a positive attitude and they needed both of them in top form.

Turning to Enos, Ian answers, gesturing towards his side. "Stay close. Since we're no longer looking for the banner, our goal is search and destroy. But we'll need close to notice any traps."

Elf Paladin (Chosen One) 9//Archmage 2 | HP 72/72| AC 23, touch 14, flat-footed 19 | Fort +11, Ref +13, Will +11 | Init +3 | Perception +2; low-light vision | Smite: 3/3 | LoH: 6/6

Will: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (13) + 11 = 24

Ardriel winces at the grating noise. He nods to Ian's suggestion they stay close, and then feels...something...compel him to pulse a burst of magic from him. A circle of faint, ghostly jewels emanates from him, including those closest.

Casting magic circle against evil as an SLA from my Divine Source domains. Everyone gains the benefits of Protection from Evil if they are within a 10 ft. emanation from me.

Enos you failed your will save, do you want to surge? Leothar no need to surge.

Male Paladin 9/Trickster 3 | 78/84 hp | F+8/R+10/W+9 | CMB+9 CMD 26 | Perc +15 | Init +8 | Acro +13, DisDev +25, Stealth +24 | Lay on Hands 6/7; Smite Evil 3/3; Mythic Points 4/7; Weapon bond 1/2 | Effects : Protection from Evil, 29 pts equipment damage

I assumed I was nowhere close.

Surge: 1d6 ⇒ 41d6 ⇒ 4

Enos' mythic power kicks in and saves him as Dadna and Ian feel less able to deal with reality.

Exiting the cage you come to a set of locked double doors to the east.

Ian and Dadna 2 Charisma damage.

Hospitaler Paladin-Hierophant (Lvl 9 Tier 3) Current Buffs (Mythic Endure Elementst, See Invis, Corruption Resistance, Veil of Heaven, Protection Against Evil) Perception (+5) Cold/Fire/Acid/Electricity Resistance (5) HP (98/98) Saves (13/9/13, +2 vs insanity and confusion, +2 vs evil outsiders) AC (24/11/23, +2 vs evil outsiders) CMD (26) Init (+3) Mythic (4/9) Weapon Surge (0/2) Smite (1/2) LoH 4d6 (5/8) Channel 3d6 (4/6) HH (9/9) DB (2/2)

Enfeebled mercy, two uses of LoH gone

Dadna grimaced as the baleful energy washed over her and Ian. She touched a hand to her face, even though she couldn't feel the damage through her gauntlets. With a 'tsk' she reached over and let divine energy flow through Ian, for she could see the effects of the magic on him, and then healed herself.

"That was not pleasant." She said. "Let us warn our paladins about this trap before they enter, or we can see if we can remove it first. But for now, we press on."

Paladin 9/Marshal 3 | HP 98/[98 | AC27/T11/FF26 | F+13/R+9/W+14 | CMB+14/CMD25 | Perc +1 | Init + 3 | Dipl+17| Int+20/+22 | CotC 1/1 | CWS 3/3 | BoG + 6 3/3 | LoH 9/12 @ 4d6 HS/PoF | DB 2/2 @ + 2 | MP 8/8 DL1/1

Unsettled by the feeling of returning to the basement, Ian feels Dadna's hands rest on him. Heeling the effects of her prayer, he turns to his friend, "Thank you Dadna, that feels better. You are right if we cannot remove the trap, they will need to avoid this place."

Having approached the eastern doors, Ian asks the tiefling "Enos, do you think you can pick the locks on these doors?"

Elf Paladin (Chosen One) 9//Archmage 2 | HP 72/72| AC 23, touch 14, flat-footed 19 | Fort +11, Ref +13, Will +11 | Init +3 | Perception +2; low-light vision | Smite: 3/3 | LoH: 6/6

Ardriel, bow in hand, says, "The vampire and his spawn are behind these doors, correct?"

Male Paladin 9/Trickster 3 | 78/84 hp | F+8/R+10/W+9 | CMB+9 CMD 26 | Perc +15 | Init +8 | Acro +13, DisDev +25, Stealth +24 | Lay on Hands 6/7; Smite Evil 3/3; Mythic Points 4/7; Weapon bond 1/2 | Effects : Protection from Evil, 29 pts equipment damage

Responding to Ian, Enos sheathes the kukri he was holding, withdraws his lockpicks, and says, "There is only one way to find out." Pausing, "If they are, what are our best tactics? Wait, never mind - they can probably hear us through the door if they are actually there."

Perception to check for traps: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (6) + 15 = 21

Disable Device (trap or lock, as appropriate): 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (4) + 25 = 29

Disable Device (if necessary): 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (17) + 25 = 42

Enos sees no traps and takes a little while to unlock the door. When he opens it he sees a long passageway extending past multiple prison cells before ending within a barred chamber to the east. An alcove along the south wall includes another set of iron doors leading south, while opposite this a barred gate provides access to another set to the north.

Looking down the corridor those with darkvision see two ghostly, horribly mangled human paladin with limbs broken in multiple places. Ian's halo shines some light on the first of these.


1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9
1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

Hospitaler Paladin-Hierophant (Lvl 9 Tier 3) Current Buffs (Mythic Endure Elementst, See Invis, Corruption Resistance, Veil of Heaven, Protection Against Evil) Perception (+5) Cold/Fire/Acid/Electricity Resistance (5) HP (98/98) Saves (13/9/13, +2 vs insanity and confusion, +2 vs evil outsiders) AC (24/11/23, +2 vs evil outsiders) CMD (26) Init (+3) Mythic (4/9) Weapon Surge (0/2) Smite (1/2) LoH 4d6 (5/8) Channel 3d6 (4/6) HH (9/9) DB (2/2)

See Invisibility cast. Followed by Veil of Heaven, and then Protection from Evil. Only spell left for the day will be dimensional anchor

Any joy in Dadna's face vanished when she saw the mangled remains of the paladins. "There will be vengeance." She said, more to herself than anyone else. She immediately began to pray to her Goddess, for the strength to fight what was to come, and for the souls of the departed.

Paladin 9/Marshal 3 | HP 98/[98 | AC27/T11/FF26 | F+13/R+9/W+14 | CMB+14/CMD25 | Perc +1 | Init + 3 | Dipl+17| Int+20/+22 | CotC 1/1 | CWS 3/3 | BoG + 6 3/3 | LoH 9/12 @ 4d6 HS/PoF | DB 2/2 @ + 2 | MP 8/8 DL1/1

Looking at the map

Seeing the nearest creature, Ian nods in agreement with Dadna, "and well there should be." As he watches the creature, unsure of its nature, he comments. "Enos, brother, move back behind Dadna and Leothar. Let the creatures come to us and crash upon the dwarves."

May I assume a religion knowledge check to know what we're facing?

Kn: Religion check

Hospitaler Paladin-Hierophant (Lvl 9 Tier 3) Current Buffs (Mythic Endure Elementst, See Invis, Corruption Resistance, Veil of Heaven, Protection Against Evil) Perception (+5) Cold/Fire/Acid/Electricity Resistance (5) HP (98/98) Saves (13/9/13, +2 vs insanity and confusion, +2 vs evil outsiders) AC (24/11/23, +2 vs evil outsiders) CMD (26) Init (+3) Mythic (4/9) Weapon Surge (0/2) Smite (1/2) LoH 4d6 (5/8) Channel 3d6 (4/6) HH (9/9) DB (2/2)

As Dadna has K religion trained, but the modifier is low, she will aid another whomever else rolls

Aid Another: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11

Male Paladin 9/Trickster 3 | 78/84 hp | F+8/R+10/W+9 | CMB+9 CMD 26 | Perc +15 | Init +8 | Acro +13, DisDev +25, Stealth +24 | Lay on Hands 6/7; Smite Evil 3/3; Mythic Points 4/7; Weapon bond 1/2 | Effects : Protection from Evil, 29 pts equipment damage

Enos muses aloud as he complies with Ian’s directive. Aid another knowledge religion

Know things of religious consequence: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19

Elf Paladin (Chosen One) 9//Archmage 2 | HP 72/72| AC 23, touch 14, flat-footed 19 | Fort +11, Ref +13, Will +11 | Init +3 | Perception +2; low-light vision | Smite: 3/3 | LoH: 6/6

Ardriel stands behind the rest. He is woefully inadequate in his knowledge of the undead, so he keeps his mouth shut so that he doesn't derail anyone's thought process.

M Dwarf Paladin 9 | AC 25 T 12 FF 24 CMD 29 | HP 123/123 | F +14 R +7 W +10 (+3 vs spells, SLA, poison) | Init +3 | Per +10 (Darkvision) | Mv 50' | Smite 3/3 | LOH 7/7 | Mythic 5/9 | Active: None | Shield: On

Knowledge (Religion): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7
Leothar doesn't know anything about the ghostly paladin corpses.

Enos looks at the creatures and recognizes these as spectres. Incorporeal undead that can drain the life right out of you.

As the paladins look on the spectres move through the hallway; one toward you and then it turns and moves away and the other away from you until it too turns.

Male Paladin 9/Trickster 3 | 78/84 hp | F+8/R+10/W+9 | CMB+9 CMD 26 | Perc +15 | Init +8 | Acro +13, DisDev +25, Stealth +24 | Lay on Hands 6/7; Smite Evil 3/3; Mythic Points 4/7; Weapon bond 1/2 | Effects : Protection from Evil, 29 pts equipment damage

"Are they patrolling? If they are not actively attacking, perhaps we leave them for a cleric to address and save our resources...?"

Paladin 9/Marshal 3 | HP 98/[98 | AC27/T11/FF26 | F+13/R+9/W+14 | CMB+14/CMD25 | Perc +1 | Init + 3 | Dipl+17| Int+20/+22 | CotC 1/1 | CWS 3/3 | BoG + 6 3/3 | LoH 9/12 @ 4d6 HS/PoF | DB 2/2 @ + 2 | MP 8/8 DL1/1

Believing Enos's question accurate, Ian frowns. "I'm not sure how we'd get past them. Should we try and get their attention, or go in after them?"

Male Paladin 9/Trickster 3 | 78/84 hp | F+8/R+10/W+9 | CMB+9 CMD 26 | Perc +15 | Init +8 | Acro +13, DisDev +25, Stealth +24 | Lay on Hands 6/7; Smite Evil 3/3; Mythic Points 4/7; Weapon bond 1/2 | Effects : Protection from Evil, 29 pts equipment damage

"Ah, there's not a way around? I was really hoping there was another way past. What do we think lies beyond here? I know we got some intel before we came in, but without context, none of it made sense to me, so I didn't try to remember it all."

Elf Paladin (Chosen One) 9//Archmage 2 | HP 72/72| AC 23, touch 14, flat-footed 19 | Fort +11, Ref +13, Will +11 | Init +3 | Perception +2; low-light vision | Smite: 3/3 | LoH: 6/6

"I believe that the dungeons are back that way, where the vampire and his spawn are located. There was also some sort of 'abyssal heretic' or something that was imprisoned and escaped. It may be worth examining to make sure there isn't an alternate exit in there. There is magic that can allow one to pass by undead without them noticing, but I don't think any of us has the necessary spell."

Hide from Undead would force the spectres to attempt a Will save to perceive us and we could move past without issue - it would also work against the vampire and his spawn - but it's not a Paladin spell, and it's only on divine spell lists, so Wild Arcana is out.

Paladin 9/Marshal 3 | HP 98/[98 | AC27/T11/FF26 | F+13/R+9/W+14 | CMB+14/CMD25 | Perc +1 | Init + 3 | Dipl+17| Int+20/+22 | CotC 1/1 | CWS 3/3 | BoG + 6 3/3 | LoH 9/12 @ 4d6 HS/PoF | DB 2/2 @ + 2 | MP 8/8 DL1/1

Not sure what else to do, Ian bangs 'The Lady's Gift' on his shield, yelling, "Hey! Who do you serve in death, Iomedae or her enemies?"

Any chance a diplomacy roll for 'make a request' can work here?
diplomacy: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (16) + 17 = 33

The spectres don't seem to acknowledge Ian in any way.

Paladin 9/Marshal 3 | HP 98/[98 | AC27/T11/FF26 | F+13/R+9/W+14 | CMB+14/CMD25 | Perc +1 | Init + 3 | Dipl+17| Int+20/+22 | CotC 1/1 | CWS 3/3 | BoG + 6 3/3 | LoH 9/12 @ 4d6 HS/PoF | DB 2/2 @ + 2 | MP 8/8 DL1/1

Surprised that he didn't get an answer from the spectral guards, Ian shrugs. "Well if they can't hear me, maybe they won't see me either." Squeezing between Dadna and Leothar he begins to move up the 'hall' pause at the first opening, tilting his head so the halo will illuminate the narrow area.

Male Paladin 9/Trickster 3 | 78/84 hp | F+8/R+10/W+9 | CMB+9 CMD 26 | Perc +15 | Init +8 | Acro +13, DisDev +25, Stealth +24 | Lay on Hands 6/7; Smite Evil 3/3; Mythic Points 4/7; Weapon bond 1/2 | Effects : Protection from Evil, 29 pts equipment damage

Whispering, ”Incorporeal. If you have means of damaging that without an actual body, you might ready it.”

Hospitaler Paladin-Hierophant (Lvl 9 Tier 3) Current Buffs (Mythic Endure Elementst, See Invis, Corruption Resistance, Veil of Heaven, Protection Against Evil) Perception (+5) Cold/Fire/Acid/Electricity Resistance (5) HP (98/98) Saves (13/9/13, +2 vs insanity and confusion, +2 vs evil outsiders) AC (24/11/23, +2 vs evil outsiders) CMD (26) Init (+3) Mythic (4/9) Weapon Surge (0/2) Smite (1/2) LoH 4d6 (5/8) Channel 3d6 (4/6) HH (9/9) DB (2/2)

Dadna found herself holding her breath as she watched Ian boldly walk forward. She was ready to charge in to aid him should the spirits prove hostile...

As Ian steps into the hallway both spectres turn and lock in on him and move down the hallway.

Round 1
Party Up

Init Ardriel: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12
Init Enos: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23
Init Ian: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19
Init Leothar: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13
Init Dadna: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20
Init Enemy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14

Male Paladin 9/Trickster 3 | 78/84 hp | F+8/R+10/W+9 | CMB+9 CMD 26 | Perc +15 | Init +8 | Acro +13, DisDev +25, Stealth +24 | Lay on Hands 6/7; Smite Evil 3/3; Mythic Points 4/7; Weapon bond 1/2 | Effects : Protection from Evil, 29 pts equipment damage

Enos asks, ”A choke point benefits them, does it not? Do we try to draw them into this larger chamber?”

Wondering if they will leave their patrol zone…

Enos waits to see what the more tactical ones think.

Paladin 9/Marshal 3 | HP 98/[98 | AC27/T11/FF26 | F+13/R+9/W+14 | CMB+14/CMD25 | Perc +1 | Init + 3 | Dipl+17| Int+20/+22 | CotC 1/1 | CWS 3/3 | BoG + 6 3/3 | LoH 9/12 @ 4d6 HS/PoF | DB 2/2 @ + 2 | MP 8/8 DL1/1

Seeing the ghosts head his way, Ian Unsure of what to do nods at Enos' idea. As he moves back to the room, he gestures, "We spread out, so if they come through the hall we can attack them." He motions towards the sides of the hallway, hoping the dwarves would be able to move before they were attacked.

Double move, back to his original location. Hoping to form a semicircle so we can get several attacks in, once they arrive.

Hospitaler Paladin-Hierophant (Lvl 9 Tier 3) Current Buffs (Mythic Endure Elementst, See Invis, Corruption Resistance, Veil of Heaven, Protection Against Evil) Perception (+5) Cold/Fire/Acid/Electricity Resistance (5) HP (98/98) Saves (13/9/13, +2 vs insanity and confusion, +2 vs evil outsiders) AC (24/11/23, +2 vs evil outsiders) CMD (26) Init (+3) Mythic (4/9) Weapon Surge (0/2) Smite (1/2) LoH 4d6 (5/8) Channel 3d6 (4/6) HH (9/9) DB (2/2)

"Aye then, we follow Ian's lead!" Dadna yelled out.

Please feel free to move Dadna as you imagine the formation to be. Readied action attack if possible after moving

Male Paladin 9/Trickster 3 | 78/84 hp | F+8/R+10/W+9 | CMB+9 CMD 26 | Perc +15 | Init +8 | Acro +13, DisDev +25, Stealth +24 | Lay on Hands 6/7; Smite Evil 3/3; Mythic Points 4/7; Weapon bond 1/2 | Effects : Protection from Evil, 29 pts equipment damage

Ian, put Enos where you want him, he’s following your lead. And fighting defensively.

Enos nods and adjusts his position according to the shining one’s guidance.

M Dwarf Paladin 9 | AC 25 T 12 FF 24 CMD 29 | HP 123/123 | F +14 R +7 W +10 (+3 vs spells, SLA, poison) | Init +3 | Per +10 (Darkvision) | Mv 50' | Smite 3/3 | LOH 7/7 | Mythic 5/9 | Active: None | Shield: On

Leothar drops his shield, declares Smite Evil on the nearer undead and prepares to attack as soon as either enemy is within reach.

He will use Fighting Defensively for +2 AC. His AC will be 26 against his Smite target and 24 against the other (+10 ghost touch armor, +1 Dex, +2 Dodge, and either +1 or +3 deflection).

Readied Attack:
Attack, PA, defensively: 1d20 + 16 - 3 - 4 ⇒ (12) + 16 - 3 - 4 = 21 +3 if the Smite target comes into reach first
Damage: 1d8 + 8 + 13 ⇒ (5) + 8 + 13 = 26 extra +9 vs Smite target

Elf Paladin (Chosen One) 9//Archmage 2 | HP 72/72| AC 23, touch 14, flat-footed 19 | Fort +11, Ref +13, Will +11 | Init +3 | Perception +2; low-light vision | Smite: 3/3 | LoH: 6/6

Reminder: Everyone within 10 feet of me is protected by Magic Circle Against Evil.

Ardriel pulls out a special arrow he'd prepared in case of incorporeal creatures like this, and readied to shoot the first one that came close to them.

Readied attack with a Ghost Salt arrow vs first spectre to come within 30 feet.

Readied Attack, Mythic PBS: 1d20 + 12 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 12 + 2 = 25
Damage, Mythic PBS: 1d8 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 + 2 = 8

The spectres moved down the hall toward the group and form up. Ardriel fires at the southern one and hits it. It hisses in pain and they both disappear into the walls.

Round 2
Party Up

O 0
B 8

Paladin 9/Marshal 3 | HP 98/[98 | AC27/T11/FF26 | F+13/R+9/W+14 | CMB+14/CMD25 | Perc +1 | Init + 3 | Dipl+17| Int+20/+22 | CotC 1/1 | CWS 3/3 | BoG + 6 3/3 | LoH 9/12 @ 4d6 HS/PoF | DB 2/2 @ + 2 | MP 8/8 DL1/1

As the y wait for the specters to find their way to the halls opening, Ian begins to second guess his recommendation. They'd earned their reputation with the surviving warriors from Kenabres by rushing in and dealing with the problem head on. Now for some reason, they'd become timid second guessing their every move. Ian shakes his head as he lifts the 'Ladies Gift' Maybe they were just tired.

As his arm fully extends, he calls out, "For Iomedae and Kenabres!"

Standard actin Inspiring Sword
[ooc]For all of you:

Mythic Focus: Whenever a mythic ally that is within 30 feet uses the surge ability, it rolls its bonus die twice and takes the higher result.
Iomedae's Inspiring Sword: 1/2 rds. All allies within 30 feet who can see your display gain a +2 sacred bonus on attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks for 1 round + 1 round per 5 points of base attack bonus you have.

Male Paladin 9/Trickster 3 | 78/84 hp | F+8/R+10/W+9 | CMB+9 CMD 26 | Perc +15 | Init +8 | Acro +13, DisDev +25, Stealth +24 | Lay on Hands 6/7; Smite Evil 3/3; Mythic Points 4/7; Weapon bond 1/2 | Effects : Protection from Evil, 29 pts equipment damage

It's the trapfinder's mentality, influencing you. Sorry!

Enos groans, "Incorporeal. Watch your feet, they can come through the floor!"

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