
Brannart Teskerwill's page

645 posts. Alias of Aldizog.

Full Name





Ftr7 | AC 27, T14, FF24, CMD 26 (33 vs Grapple, 28 vs Disarm, 31 vs Trip) | HP (72/72) | F +8 R +6 W +4 (+3 vs mind-affecting) | Move 30' | Init +6 | Per +8 (low-light) | Hero Points: 3










Cayden Cailean


Common, Azlanti



Strength 18
Dexterity 14
Constitution 14
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 8
Charisma 13

About Brannart Teskerwill


Brannart is from Almas in Andoran; his family were once Taldan nobility. They surrendered their titles and lands after the People’s Revolt, though regained much of their former wealth through savvy investments, leveraging loans from their Taldan relatives. They became prominent merchants and ship-builders in Almas. Now, though no longer noble, they are still well-to-do and influential. The family regards its status with a degree of noblesse oblige, training its scions in skill at arms to defend Andoran. Many of them serve in the Eagle Knights, including his older brother Hamish.

Brannart was nineteen, and in love with Ingrit, an Ulfen cleric of Torag. She would come by the shipyards to admire the craftsmanship – or really, the craftsman. She found the young man’s good looks and easygoing manner appealing. Ingrit convinced Brannart to join the Fifth Mendevian Crusade. Brannart had his family’s martial training, and developed his skills further battling against the demons of the Worldwound. For four years they fought side by side. Ingrit knew there was more to life than just battle, and often spoke about building a future with Brannart. A home. A family. Someplace warm - despite being an Ulfen, she was sick of the snow. Perhaps on a boat that he would build.

It was not to be. Although Brannart had trained extensively to defend his allies against arrow, sword, and claw, he could not defend her against the blast of fiendish magic that ended her life. He himself was unconscious for many days, rescued by... someone... fey, he thinks... and brought to safety.

That was five years ago. Ingrit’s holy symbol of Torag hangs around his neck, alongside the tankard of Cayden Cailean.

Brannart’s martial prowess is known in Andoran, and more than a few from Andoran served in the Crusades and owe their lives to him. His skills may have diminished over the past five years, when he has done little but mourn, but the strength in his limbs is still there, and the skills will come back. His older brother Hamish, a senior Eagle Knight, recommended that the Company send Brannart on this ship. It would do Brannart good to have a mission again. “Honor her memory, Brannart. Go fish on a boat, if that’s how she planned for you to spend your days. And if you meet someone, let it happen. You can’t mourn forever.” Brannart knew his brother was right, and took the offer.


Brannart carries himself with confidence and aplomb, as befits a follower of the Lucky Drunk. However, it is apparent on closer examination that he is hiding some pain. He avoids talking too much about himself. Every now and then he will sit nursing a tankard in a dark corner for hours, wearing smooth the Torag symbol around his neck. His flippancy in the face of danger suggests that he cares less than he should about preserving his own life.
Still, he’s not outwardly morose. He is genuinely trying to build a new life in Talmandor’s Bounty, though it won’t be easy for him.
Ingrit didn’t die due to carelessness or error on his part. Just the overwhelming power of the Abyss. He doesn’t blame himself, though he wonders if he will ever meet anybody like her again.

There's a bit of Sam Axe from Burn Notice as an inspiration here. The semi-retired old soldier who seems charming and hedonistic but probably has some things in the past that still haunt him.


Brannart is a handsome man of twenty-eight years. His face is lined with a few scars. His black hair is tousled but groomed, and his dark brown eyes are often distracted. He smiles often, though it isn’t clear how deep that smile goes. He carries a longsword and buckler, and wears a breastplate. He carries a tankard (as well as a small tankard holy symbol). He is about 6’1” and 190 pounds, with great strength and quickness in his movements.


Brannart will be a solid combatant, with a high AC, decent damage, and the ability to protect adjacent allies through feats such as Armored Sacrifice, Cut from the Air, and Smash from the Air. He will be able to keep enemies in place with feats such as Stand Still and eventually Pin Down. He doesn’t have a ton of HP, and will rely on his AC more than on soaking damage and having it healed. He will eventually have a very good CMD – human fighters do this better than anybody else.
His Will save will catch up once he gets Improved Bravery. With such a large party, there is no clear need for him to improve any particular skills, though Advanced Armor Training and Advanced Weapon Training open up many possibilities.
He has no one weapon style preferred right now; the buckler that he uses might lead to Unhindered Shield for a two-handed weapon build, depending on what we find. He can use javelins at range to keep his shield up.
Most of all, he’s going to be flexible. He’ll get Martial Flexibility either through a Brawler dip or through the Barroom Brawler feat. He’ll get Warrior Spirit through Advanced Weapon Training. These are great abilities for adapting on the fly to unusual situations.

Character Sheet:

Human Fighter 7
CG Medium Human
Alternate Racial Traits: Heart of the Fey
Deity: Cayden Cailean
Init +6; Perception +8, Low-light vision
AC 27, touch 14, flatfooted 24 (Armor +10, Dex +2, Shield +2, Deflection +1, Dodge +1, AAT +1)
HP 72 (7d10+14)
Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +4; +1 trait vs mind-affecting, +3 bravery vs. mind-affecting and fear
Speed 30 ft.
Melee MW Longsword +13/+8 (1d8+7/19-20) or +1 Lucerne Hammer +14/+9 (1d12+9/x2)
Ranged Javelin +9 (1d6+5) or Underwater Light Crossbow +9 (1d8/19-20)
Str 18 (20), Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 8 (10), Cha 13
BAB +7/+2; CMB +12; CMD 26 (33 vs Grapple, 27 vs Disarm, 31 vs Trip)
Feats Combat Reflexes, Shield Focus (Buckler), Improved Initiative (F1), Power Attack (F2), Advanced Armor Training (Armored Sacrifice), Unhindering Shield (F4), Improved Bravery, Inspiring Bravery (F6), Dodge
Traits Eagle Knight Recruit, Sea-Souled
FCB Fighter +7 CMD vs Grapple, +2 CMD vs Disarm, +5 CMD vs Trip
Skills (2 per level)
Swim 6 +14 (-3 ACP, always Take 10) (+6 ranks, +3 class skill, +4 Str, +1 trait)
Perception 5 +8
Climb 2 +9 (-3 ACP)
Survival 1 +4
Background Skills (2 per level)
Profession (Sailor) +8
Profession (Fisherman) +7
Craft (Ships) +8
Linguistics +2
Languages Common, Azlanti, Aquan
Special Bravery +3, Armor Training 2, Weapon Training 1 (Polearms), Advanced Armor Training (Armor Specialization)
Equipment Starting Gold: 400
Breastplate (free)
Longsword (free)
MW Buckler (155)
4 javelins (4)
Pathfinder’s Kit (12)
Underwater Light Crossbow (70)
20 bolts (2)
MW Shipwright’s Tools (50)
Holy Water (25)
Ranseur (10)
2 wooden holy symbols (Cayden Cailean, Torag) (2)
Remaining gold: 10 gp

MW Longsword
Desna Box
MW Ranseur
MW Full Plate
Potion of CMW
MW Buckler
Potion of Enlarge Person
Potion of Darkvision
Potion of Bull's Strength
Potion of Resist Energy
Sash of the War Champion