About Arkon the "Thunderer".
Male Oread - (Mostly Human) Druid 1 - (Saurian Shaman)
Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 8 AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 16 (+4 armor,+2 Dex,+2 Shield)
Offense BAB +0 CMB+3 CMB 15
Standard Attacks Melee Club +3 (1d6+3)
Missile Dart +2 (1d4+3)(P) Spell Casting:
Spells Druid Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration (CL+Wis=+4): 1st (2:2)- Cure Light Wounds *2,
*Fly (Dex) +3 (0R)
*Knowledge (nature)(Int) +4(1R)
*Perception (Wis) +7(1R)
*Intimidate (Cha) +0 (0R) Background Skills: 2
Languages Common, Druidic GEAR:
Scimitar (4/15gp) Club (3/-) Cold Iron Dagger(1/4gp) Wooden Shield Large (10/7gp) Leather Lamellar Armour (25/60gp) Dart*6 (3/3) (46/89) Other Gear Backpack (2/2gp)
Flint and steel (-/1)
Bedroll plus Blanket (8/-)
Trail Rations *6 (6/3)
(28/8) Leather Barding Dinosaur Orz (20gp) Magical Gear Encumbrance: Light = 76: Carried = 74lbs Money
Druid Abilities:
Wild Empathy (Ex): A saurian shaman can use wild empathy with dinosaurs and reptiles as a full-round action with a +4 bonus. Woodland Stride (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, a druid may move through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at her normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment. Thorns, briars, and overgrown areas that have been magically manipulated to impede motion, however, still affect her. Trackless Step: You leave no trail in natural surroundings and cannot be tracked. You may choose to leave a trail if so desired. Totem Transformation (Su): At 2nd level, a saurian shaman may adopt an aspect of the saurian while retaining her normal form. The druid may select from the following bonuses: movement (+10 enhancement bonus to land speed), scales (+2 natural armour bonus to AC), senses (low-light vision, scent), or natural weapons (bite [1d6], 2 claws [1d4] for a Medium druid, rake, +2 CMB to grapple). While using totem transformation, a saurian shaman may speak normally and can cast speak with animals (reptiles and dinosaurs only) at will. Using this ability is a standard action at 2nd level, a move action at 7th level, and a swift action at 12th level. The saurian shaman can use this ability for a number of minutes per day equal to her druid level. These minutes do not need to be consecutive, but they must be used in 1-minute increments. This is a polymorph effect and cannot be used while the druid is using another polymorph effect, such as wild shape. Resist Nature's Lure (Ex): Starting at 4th level, a druid gains a +4 bonus on saving throws against the spell-like and supernatural abilities of fey. This bonus also applies to spells and effects that utilize or target plants, such as blight, entangle, spike growth, and warp wood. Totemic Summons (Su): At 5th level, a saurian shaman may cast summon nature's ally as a standard action when summoning reptiles and dinosaurs, and these summoned creatures gain temporary hit points equal to her druid level. She can apply the young template to any reptiles or dinosaurs to reduce the level of the summoning spell required by one. She can also increase the level of summoning required by one in order to apply either the advanced or the giant
Giant Creature (+1)
Advanced Creature (CR +1)
Wild Shape (Su): At 6th level, a saurian shaman's wild shape ability functions at her druid level –2. If she takes on the form of a reptile or a dinosaur, she instead uses her druid level +2.
Animal Companion Velociraptor Orz:
Animal Companion Orz N Small dinosaur Velociraptor
Str 11, Dex 17, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 14
AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 13 (+1 natural armour, +2 leather armour, +3 Dex, +1 Small)
Speed 60ft
Languages None --------------
attack * 2
Special Abilites
Small Size
Link You can handle your animal companion as a free action, or push it as a move action, even if you don’t have any ranks in the Handle Animal skill. You gain a +4 circumstance bonus on all wild empathy checks and Handle Animal checks made regarding your animal companion. Share Spells You may cast a spell with a target of “You” on your animal companion (as a touch range spell) instead of on yourself. You may cast spells on your animal companion even if the spells normally do not affect creatures of the companion's type (animal). Spells cast in this way must come from a class that grants an animal companion. This ability does not allow the animal to share abilities that are not spells, even if they function like spells. Future Advancement
Sample Post:
Arkon is wandering the streets of Sandpoint, which with the upcoming festival are packed with merchants hawking their wares. He savours the sites, sounds and flavours on offer and when he spots his favourite vendor he takes out a coin, he waits until he catches her eyes and flicks the coin to her. Yasmina a strikingly beautiful Varisian woman who wears a long gypsy style dress neatly catches the coin and returns his throw with a wink, an apple sailing through the air to Arkons outstretched palm, he takes a bite with a crunch and savours the sweet taste, with a smile and nod to Yasmina he continues walking through the increasingly crowded streets. Arkons looks at his companion Orz, the Velociraptor is out of place in this setting but despite his fearsome appearing claws, teeth, tail and scales he looks at peace examining each stall as they pass it. Arkon hears a cry for help ahead from what must be a block away "Go Orz see what is going on, i'll catchup as I can", Orz runs ahead, quickly outpacing the lumbering steps of Arkon. After approximately 30 seconds Orz returns and with a wave of his taloned hand signals to Arkon that he is needed, "Show me where they are" rumbles Arkon and he keeps following Orz who is keeping only slightly ahead. Arkon sees a merchants cart with it's load of leathers and furs strewn on the road. It has broken a wheel and has fallen on it's side, trapping a young boy underneath. The boy Mikel if Arkon remembers rightly a local urchin is screaming in pain, his legs trapped underneath the heavy weight. The merchant Sion by name is trying to lift the cart, but having no success. Arkon runs up to the cart, takes hold and lifts. "Together now as he struggles and strains to lift it off the trapped child, he is joined by the merchant. When it has been lifted high enough the boy is dragged out from under the cart. Arkon releases the cart to the ground, he sees that Mikel is attempting to rise but his bleeding broken leg will not support him and with a cry of pain he falls to the ground. Arkon moves to hold the boy "Be well Mikel ... look Orz" He points to Orz as the Velociraptor begins capering around to distract the boy from his pain. Arkon places a hand near the boys injuries and intones the words to call upon the healing light of the Dinosaur Spirits "Oh Great Spirits, grant your divine light to this lad so that he may know your mercy and greatness", a light erupts from Arkons hand and where it touches, the boys injuries are healed. Soon Mikel is able to stand, he looks to run off "Take it easy, your leg will require a few days to be fully healed", Mikel gives Orz a quick pat and begins walking away "Thankyou mister", before disappearing around the corner. Seeing there are no other injuries, Arkon continues wandering down the street. The Ten-Minute Background:
Step 1: write five things about your character’s concept and background, five things that you think are the most essential parts of your character. You don’t have to stop at five, if you like…this is just a minimum. 1. Chosen by The Dinosaur Spirits (Gozreh), leaving his home and travelling to a new land Arkon is a bit bewildered by the new society and finds civilisation a bit weak, he is trying to find the best in the peoples around him and to teach them new things. He is hoping that the Dinosaur Spirits (Gozreh) will reveal their plans for him soon (Gozreh will most likely do no such thing, it is for Arkon to Rise to the challenge and become that which can serve Gozreh as is needed. 2. Arkon is strong, dextrous and resilient and because of this he looks down on others capabilities, but he is also very willing to help others as he feels that if he has these gifts he should use them to make the world a better place. 3. Arkon is very in tune with nature, he feels a part of the of it all and does not really tolerate it's abuse. He will try and utilise fallen or unhealthy trees as much as possible and will advise others on how best to live in tune with nature. 4. Arkon likes to roam alone even in his homelands where dinosaurs roamed, he used Orz to help him spot and evade dangers, the two working as a team, Orz would lead the predator away until Arkon could escape or hide. He has an unquenchable wanderlust, which is why after his long journey he chafes at staying in town as he is burning to get out there again. 5. Arkons early life was generally of challenge and danger as the life of a tribal in the lands of the Thunder Lizards is a hard one. he was tempered a little by his intuitive harmony with nature and the teachings of Hecton, but he is still a savage. Life is hard and that is what forges the strong. Step 2: List two goals for the character that you, as a player, think would be cool to see accomplished in-game. Two Goals
Two Secrets
Step 4: Describe three people that are tied to the character though blood, romance or honor. Two of them are friendly to the character, one is hostile. All can do something useful for you, if you can get the situations to line up. If you like, you can include an enemy of yours here as well, so I have an instant NPC nemesis to throw at you. Hennik Karn - Barbarian, Kellid tribesman (Skoan-Quah) from Varisia , Saved Arkon from bandits because he was a fellow tribesman, he is currently is hunting across Varisia as he likes the open spaces and does not appreciate life amongst other people. Mikel - young boy that lives in Sandpoint, Arkon looks after him, when he allows it. Mikel likes to play with Orz and at times can be seen running through the streets of sandpoint with the dinosaur in tow. If Arkon he is away he allows Mikkel to stay at his place and leaves some money for him. Atala - A fellow druid of the "Thunder Lizard" tribe and is jealous and envious of the position of honour that Arkon "stole" from her, as she feels the role of chosen is rightly hers. Finding it near impossible to beat the legend of someone not present she has left the tribe for the moment to pursue her own path to greatness. Unknown to her, she is following the path taken by Arkon and shall eventually encounter him again, Gozreh loves to challenge his followers, allowing the strongest to thrive. Hecton - his teacher and mentor from the tribe of the Thunder Lizards. Step 5: Describe three memories that your character has. They don't have to be elaborate, but they should provide some context and flavor. 1 - The night that the symbol of Gozreh the Dripping Leaf, burned itself onto his arm. The pain he felt that night was not of mere flesh, he felt as if the image was being burned into his very soul and he knew that he was now inextricably bound to Gozreh. 2 - The day that Orz became his companion, the touch and the locking of eyes, where their souls met and they were bound in a way that was a construct of feelings that defied description. 3 - Leaving his people, the sadness of the faces of those he knew and loved and those first steps that lead him away from home, to a new place. Appearance:
He earned his name through the Thunder of his footsteps and his Roar he gives in victory. Arkon hails from near walled town of Tolguth in northern Realm of the Mammoth Lords, the hot springs and tropic conditions are perfect for the dinosaurs that make the area so treacherous to live in. Arkons tribe the "Thunder Lizards" live on the edge of this territory high in the mountains to avoid the larger dinosaurs, for the more nimble ones they keep raptors bred and trained by the tribal druids. Arkon was identified as being especially close to the tribes raptors which was fortunate for at a very young age he wandered away from the village, he was found in the company of a young Velociraptor, he had developed an empathic bond with the beast which he named Orz. The emergence of the Dripping Leaf tattoo on Arkons arm and his bond with the Dinosaur Orz was taken by the tribal elder shaman, Hecton as a sign of his favoured status to the Dinosaur spirits (Gozreh) of the tribe. Hecton took him in and taught him magical rituals, the ways of nature and how to exist in the wilds. He learned about the Thunder Lizard spirits (Gozreh), Arkon at first railed at this not wanting to be controlled by anyone but when he began manifesting powers, he began to appreciate his status. Arkons education focused on several types of magic and rituals with the goal being the ability to take on the physical manifestation of the spirits themselves. Hecton also taught him the ways of nature and how to nurture and exist with the wilds. Arkon knew there was more to life than just forests of his upbringing with the Thunder Lizard tribe and he decided that he would see what he could find. Hecton knew of Arkons arrogance and headstrong nature and to help combat this he advised him "Seek to join the new colonies and take the word of Gozreh and our people to these new lands", were his last words to Arkon. Arkon is brash and loud but he can be subtle and cunning like the denizens of nature and thus he has managed to survive so far. Myself:
From Perth, Western Australia, +8 GMT, I have been roleplaying for over 30 years, I've been on these boards for a few years now, I am actively in 2 games, one of which has been going for several years and is a great group. |