Brannart Teskerwill |

Brannart takes a look at the mirror.
Profession (Sailor) Take 10: 10 + 8 = 18
"So we have something of a lead, anyway. The purple flowers; a hot environment.
What else? Maybe we can ask if anybody saw 'Carver Hastings' leaving the settlement, or returning?
And we should search his house."

Vexas Flamespark |

Vexas nods, concurring.
Yes, time to ask around. I wonder if there are more faceless hidden amongst the community... The thought unnerves him a bit.
Ready to head out and "gather info" if others are, and visit his house.

Vexas Flamespark |

Over to discussion.. :)

Fenna Pender |

Prof. Sailor (if we don't have the mirror info cracked yet): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
Then we still don't. :p
Fenna snatches the wayfinder and the spyglass (if nobody minds) more because they're cool baubles than because she has a particular use for them.
"Yeah, let's see what the house can tell us."

GM Pauljathome |

Searching Carvers house you unfortunately do not find much of particular interest. He DOES seem to have some nicer things (clothes, an ornate pipe) than you'd probably expect of a Sergeant in the guard. He also has several books. They all deal with Azlant in one way or another but on examination none are particularly deep or insightful in nature. These books have a thin layer of dust on them as if they haven't been touched in some weeks.
Maybe its time to talk to people or look for tracks?

Vexas Flamespark |

Vexas frowns at the dust in Carver's house.
Carver seemed to appreciate some finer things. The faceless, perhaps less so.
He resists pilfering some of those finer things... for now. Just to be sure, he does scan the place with Detect Magic.
After, he heads out with the group as they think on who to speak with.
Perhaps Ramona? I'm not good at finding and following tracks.

![]() |

What if.. I maybe my theory is far fetched... what if Carver hasn't touched the books because he already knew what was inside, I mean as if he has already lived the events revealed in the books? Or maybe the creature doesn't know how to read our langage.

Sosche Pinn |

In the house he agrees with Sho's second statement, "Yeah, either he couldn't read the language, or had no interest. This gives us some sense of how long they've been here."
Sosche can't track well either, but he'll do what he can to aid others.
Survival, tracking Aid Another: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (17) + 0 = 17 vs DC 10 for +2 to tracking.

Brannart Teskerwill |

"Let's look for tracks first, and then try to talk to any witnesses. Ramona is probably not the first person I'd go to; she's quite smart, and if she had seen anything suspicious I imagine she'd have brought it to our attention. But somebody who maybe didn't know the significance of what they saw. People living near Carver's house, maybe."
"Sho, you are our best tracker. What do you see?"
Brannart tries to assist Sho in tracking.
Survival to Aid Another: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12

Fenna Pender |

"I think we're on firm ground believing there was an original Carver here. The initialized and specially modified crossbow would be oddly deep details to get into if the Carver identity was just made up from the beginning."

GM Pauljathome |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I hope that rolling this for the characters is acceptable to keep things moving along
Survival check for Sho: 1d20 + 13 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 13 + 2 + 2 = 36
As you are looking around the colony you discover some fairly recent drag marks (within the last 3 days or so) indicating that some living people were dragged away by what would appear from their tracks to be faceless stalkers.
Although the tracks come and go you are able to eventually follow them to small peninsula located about 3 miles or so West and a little North of Talmandor's Bounty.
The day is quite clear and you see some kind of land mass some miles off to the West. Some kind of hill on another Island would be your best bet.
Sho Perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (19) + 12 = 31
You notice a spot on the beach with some marks as if a heavy object had been pulled up out of the water. An object about the size pf a ship's boat. There is a large rock with marks in the algae and moss looking like something was tied here and. on close examination, you find some rope fibres.
As you're studying the area, you see some flashes of light coming from the far off hill/island

Fenna Pender |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Gonna try something that may or may not work. Does Fenna notice anything about the flashes that suggests there's a pattern to them?
Linguistics(?): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15

Sosche Pinn |

When you say 'some miles' is it a lot or a few?
Sosche "I wonder if we can just walk over, all stealthy like? I've got plenty of water breathing available. I suspect if we take a boat, they'll be ready for us long before we get there."
He watches Fenna study the lights.

Brannart Teskerwill |

"Good idea, Sosche.
Is that mirror that we found for signaling, perhaps? If so, we would need to figure out the right code to reply."
"It does appear that the colonists were taken away by boat to that island. Fenna, can you see anything with the spyglass?"

Vexas Flamespark |

And I can add a Touch of the Sea!
Then hearing Brannart's thought, he adds
We'd have to be careful that whoever is holding them doesn't see us signal if we try that. It could work though.

GM Pauljathome |

Its on the order of 15 or 20 miles away.
Looking at the flashes it is pretty obvious that the lights ARE signals of some sort. If you wish to try and decipher the light I need a linguistics check (DC is over 15 :-() or a (harder) sense motive check (don't ask me how you can use Sense Motive to decipher flashes but apparently you can :-)).