Vexas Flamespark |

For sure. Thanks!

Malakar_Paradise |

Finally got around to updating the profile with a backstory. Not sure it reads very nice but it does the job.

Malakar_Paradise |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I know ya'll are just rp'ing from your side. But Malakar heard tiny voices in boxes and said I am slippery justice and went to action lol.
This is in before we open the crates and they are full of parrots...

Vexas Flamespark |

Working on getting a post together for the battle but going out for dinner with the wifey. Will try to post tonight.
Real life first :)

Vexas Flamespark |

Hi folks, just an FYI that I'll be out of town on a camping trip and unable to post this coming weekend, Sat. 2/8-Sun. 2/9. I will be able to resume posting in the evening on Sunday (US/Pacific time).
Reminder, this starts early tomorrow morning.

Nymbleth |


Nymbleth |

Situation: Sho, Nymbleth, Brannart, Yraelzin, and Vexas are on the ship with 9 crew members. The crew are unaware of Sho, Nymbleth, Brannart, Yraelzin, and Vexas presence and aiming crossbows at the other party members Malakar, Merrik, and Fenna. Malakar, Merrik and Fenna are dealing with the sailors in the small boats loading the crates. Sho, Nymbleth, Brannart, and Yraelzin are at the opposite end of the ship (about 30’) from the crew and Vexas is about ten feet away.

GM Mioki |

Hope this helps. This is the layout of the scene before Sho shoots her bow.
The Starboard (right) side of the ship is facing the docks. The Bow (front) is facing toward Peregrine, but there is another ship in between. This is the direction you came from. Sho and Vexas secreted their way on the ship near the bow. After the sentry was killed, they made their way close to the stern (back) and lowered the gangplank.
Nymbleth, Sho, Brannart and Yraelzin are on the main deck, near the gangplank and the stern of the ship. You are currently hidden. Vexas, using the stern walkway, attempted to stealthily work his way around to the Portside (left) but was seen.
Amid ships (middle) there are sails, rigging, and access to the inside hull. This is where the crates are being lowered into with the ropes and pully system. There are currently four spots in the deck manned by one crew member each using ropes and pully to lift and lower the crates into the storage hold below. On the stern and bow sides of the deck, there are walkways to get to each side.
On the portside there are ten crew members. They were assisting with the crates, but when Malakar made his presence known, they all reach for crossbows and lined up along the portside railing.
In the water there are four rowboats, unseen by the deck pc’s, aligned up with the four areas using the ropes and pullies. Near the stern side is Malakar currently on a rowboat. He just dispatched two men that were tying a crate to some ropes. There are three more rowboats along the portside. The rowboat closest to the bow is the boat that Fenna just Greased, and where Merrek slipped under the waves.
Hope this helps. Let me know if you would like further clarification.

Vexas Flamespark |

I'll hold off on posting until most everyone else has since Fenna goes last.
I hope camping has been great Vexas!
It was cold, but it was good. Back and catching up :)

Nymbleth |


Malakar_Paradise |

@GM even if Merrik doesn't have swim ranks he gets a bonus for having a swim speed.
Swim Speed A creature with a swim speed can move through water at its indicated speed without making Swim checks. It gains a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform a special action or avoid a hazard. The creature can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered when swimming. Such a creature can use the run action while swimming, provided that it swims in a straight line.
So assuming he takes 10 which he(or I) always have the ability to do he should get an 18. The only reason not to take a 10 being if the we think the task at hand has a higher DC.

GM Mioki |

Thanks for bringing the swim speed rule to my attention. Water adventures are new to me, a reason I picked this AP, and I learn best by playing.
I originally did not take into account the Take-10 Rule due to the distraction, but I'll know this for next time. Since the roller gave me a 1, I did not want to ignore it, since it helps to add a bit of urgency and drama.
Thanks again; much appreciated.

Nymbleth |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

It’s my first time playing one. So far it’s been very versatile and I’m really enjoying it.

Fenna Pender |

Alchemists are fantastic! One of the most versatile classes. I have a soft spot for the Grenadier archetype.

Nymbleth |

No worries. Thanks for the update.

Vexas Flamespark |

Yup, real life first as always :)

GM Mioki |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Feel free to role-play more of this situation, if you want. I think I'll advance the story ahead so we can get to the AP. I'll post either tonight or tomorrow a wrap-up post of the next 9 days or so. If you would like to do anything to conclude the prelude go ahead and post and I'll play along.
I really enjoyed this prelude to get most/all of you introduced to each other. We have one more pc joining us that has been waiting in the winds, and that introduction will be soon.
I hope you all enjoyed the prelude and we can continue and have an awesome exploration of the Ruins of Azlant.
On another note, I am considering exploring the 'Fight against Slavery' in Andoran and The Inner Sea in another PBP. It would not be for awhile. I want to get this AP off to an awesome start first.
I have a few ideas that I would need to get on paper, but if all goes as planned, would any of you be interested in an all-good, most likely core race PBP fighting against the Aspis Consortium and their ilk.

Brannart Teskerwill |

It was a great intro. Thanks for doing that. I might post something additional for Brannart if something comes to mind.
I don't want to commit to any other games right now, as I expect to add 3 PFS games or so once Outpost kicks off.
So... we will have 9 PCs?

Fenna Pender |

I really liked our mini-adventure.
An Andoran anti-slave adventure sounds neat! I'm fully booked right now but a couple of the campaigns I'm in have gone a little wobbly in the past couple of months and may not last. We'll see I guess.
There's an Okeno slave ship and a Grey Corsair ship profiled in Ships of the Inner Sea.

Nymbleth |

I agree nice job with the intro!

Malakar_Paradise |

For my part in it I enjoyed the intro. I tasted a hint of the beginning of Curse of the Crimson Throne in it but still very good.

Vexas Flamespark |

Agreed, the icebreaker intro was definitely effective.

Yraelzin |

Thanks for the prelude--it was a good way to figure out our PC's personalities.
As a sort of "downtime" activity until the ship sails, Yraelzin will start preaching in the neighborhood where the kids, Egwenene, Perrin, etc., were from, operating on the basis that he's now built some "street cred" for effectiveness of the Living God. And like every good missionary getting ready for a trip overseas, he'll even solicit donations!

Brannart Teskerwill |

That's going to be a problem.
Brannart is doing some research on this strange cult. But even just what he has heard from Yraelzin paints a picture of a sinister ideology. Andoran has freedom of religion for benevolent faiths, but this does not seem to be one.
So he will follow Yraelzin around. Ask loudly about the faith and what it actually teaches about how people should act towards each other. Not what it teaches about the glory of Razmir.
If asked by onlookers, he will honestly reply that he saw no evidence of this 'Living God' on the Silent Asp.
Most likely he'll gather a group of Caydenites to follow Yraelzin around and drown him out with drinking songs.
He is not going to stand by and let Yraelzin go unchallenged.
Feel free to read the spoilered part in my last Gameplay post. This was Brannart's general course of action even before Yraelzin posted what he did above.

Yraelzin |

Hey, if your PC wants to follow my PC around all day everyday, Yraelzin will happily invite the company—to him, the best way to get a street crowd is a lively debate. There’s no in-game consequences as to how successful he is, so it can all happen “off-camera” unless the GM decides otherwise.
And for what it’s worth, Brannart saw Yraelzin decode the message to figure out where the slavers were, and was standing right next to him when he was the first to open fire when they refused to surrender.

Brannart Teskerwill |

Brannart didn't stick around for the code thing, thinking it highly unlikely there was anything in the warehouse.
And as to shooting first, that actually counts against Yraelzin.
Yes, Brannart saw Yraelzin take part in the rescue. He won't deny that. But no, he saw no evidence of a 'Living God' doing anything. No miracles. Just people doing their best. Razmir did not descend from the sky and smite the slavers.
Even Yraelzin's assistance in the rescue doesn't change the fact that he is trying to convert the generally NG populace of Andoran to a LE faith. Brannart will try to stop him by any means short of PvP. Just as if you had made a LN cleric of Asmodeus or Zon-Kuthon.
We were asked to make "goodly aligned" characters for this AP, so I am expecting that Yraelzin is actually LN with Good tendencies and will fall away from Razmir in time. You yourself have said he has a good heart deep down (but you also said he can come across as unlikeable and obnoxious, which is the case as far as Brannart is concerned). Until he has that enlightenment, my Good-aligned PC will oppose him trying to spread his evil faith.
And even if Brannart does not yet have the full information about the faith of Razmir, Yraelzin's demeanor makes a pretty compelling case that it is about control of others and dominance over them.

GM Mioki |

I obviously did not get to my concluding post last night. I had an emergency vet appointment instead. Still dealing with a very sick house rabbit, but I should hopefully get that post in tonight.
I'll add some info on the Brannart / Yraelzin saga. I still have a feeling that Brannart will be Yraelzin's Best Man when he marries Fenna. :)

Fenna Pender |

Nice roll Nymbleth!
@Mioki: I have a feeling Brannart will marry Sho due to Fenna's machinations after she has had to kill Yraelzin in self-defense after she drives him over the edge.
@Brannart: Fenna won't be joining you in your conflict with Yraelzin. She just can't take him seriously enough to bother. Instead she will taunt and needle Yraelzin without mercy because it's fun!
I hope your rabbit is okay Mioki!

Malakar_Paradise |

@GM Sorry about your bunny. All rodents are such little sweethearts but they are oh so fragile.
Rabbits are one Shelyns holy animals so may she bless your fur baby with renewed health.
@party Looking forward to doing some RP with my sharkboy since I arrived late with a spear and a shark :D

GM Mioki |

Hello All,
Thank you for providing feedback and giving some info on slavers of the Inner Sea.
Brannart and anyone else involved with the PFS, would you mind giving a brief summary of your experiences with this. (ie: Time consumption, how it works, obligations, fun times) any info. would be appreciated.
Finally, thank you for wishing my rabbit (Max) well. Alas, we had to help him over the Rainbow Bridge this afternoon. It was not easy to do, but he lived a good, solid 10+ years and now he is no longer suffering. But Thank you for your sentiments.
Will try to get a post In-Game in after some dinner. Feeling a bit tired after last night and the day I had.

Malakar_Paradise |

No rush take some time if you need it, unless of course this is where you let out your stress. Losing pets sucks I lost my bearded dragon of 9 years a few months back. I got a new one to fill the time but it is hard to fill the heart.

Brannart Teskerwill |

Sorry to hear about Max. My condolences.
I quite like PFS. I used to play in person once a week or so, but now exclusively PbP (due to kids). The changing mix of characters from one adventure to the next has its upside and downside. The campaign rules prohibit some of the less balanced things in PF1, but they also ban some things that I consider reasonable. Like most games, the default expectation is to post once a day or so, but it varies. The PBP players on this forum are mostly a very good group. As always there are some who are just a pain to deal with, and some who go too nuts with powergaming or murderhobo'ing, but by and large it's a good time. The gold system is far easier than my non-PFS APs where someone has to be in charge of tracking loot and the party had to find places to sell stuff.
I have 10 PFS characters and enjoy getting a chance to play any of them. Each started at level 1, as all PFS characters do, and the highest is almost level 16 (human cavalier on a horse). They have a wide range of builds and personalities. There's a Core campaign that is quite fun, and I have especially liked taking the much-maligned Core rogue through many of the hardest adventures, with him more than pulling his weight.

Nymbleth |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

You are welcome, I hoping that was your plan. But I’m sure Brannart or Yraelzin will get the credit for it ;)
On another note I would be interested in playing in the anti slavery campaign when it starts.