Boston Theoretical PbP

Game Master Tarren Dei

Transdimensional superheroes.
Starfinder+ for modern day superpowers.

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Female Halfling Solarian | HP:51/51, SP:49/49, RP:8/9 | AC:20 | F:+6, R:+12, W:+7/+9v.Fear | Perc:+3, Init:+9 | 12v.Fire

Nissa considers the options. “Either the alarm and the commotion are worth following, or Moore is intentionally drawing everyone away.”

She tries to use her knowledge of the Orwellian setting, rather than fly off and be called a ‘whore’ again.

Culture: 1d20 + 12 + 1d6 ⇒ (3) + 12 + (5) = 20
What’s happening in the story now? case knowing that helps us find Moore!

Nissa, the Subatomic Bombshell wrote:

Nissa considers the options. “Either the alarm and the commotion are worth following, or Moore is intentionally drawing everyone away.”

She tries to use her knowledge of the Orwellian setting, rather than fly off and be called a ‘whore’ again.

What’s happening in the story now? case knowing that helps us find Moore!

Nissa doesn't have enough information to link it with the story. She doesn't remember a Sector 27 in the story, so it may be that the book 1984 is ONE story of this world, but not the whole story.

Unity, Chimeric Superhero wrote:
Unity frown to themself. "Do you see any buildings that look more important than others around here?" they ask, looking around for themself as they do.

A tall silver building towers over the others. It looks like a series of cubes stacked on each other, each cube 20% smaller than the one beneath it, but none perfectly aligned. It's twice as tall as the next tallest, and can be seen from a distance.

A camera drone hovers past, heading up one side of the street, turning around, and heading back down the other. It beeps three times as it passes you.

Female Halfling Solarian | HP:51/51, SP:49/49, RP:8/9 | AC:20 | F:+6, R:+12, W:+7/+9v.Fear | Perc:+3, Init:+9 | 12v.Fire

Nissa flies up to the camera drone, and takes a seat on it to see where it will go.

Assuming the drone isn’t terribly fast, Nissa suggests to the others, “Let’s see where this thing’s going.”

She makes sure that sitting on top of the drone camera looks absolutely adorable in case other drone cameras watch her.

Supermodel: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (16) + 17 = 33

Dystopian s~%!hole or not, Nissa can’t stop being Nissa.

Human Zoomer (Battle Medic) 7 [ Stamina 52/63 | Hit Points 49/49 | Resolve 8/9 | KAC 18 | EAC 18 | F4 R11 W6 (+1 Fort vs disease or poison, evasion, immunity to flat-flooted, fire resist 7) | Init +9 | Perc +10 | Sneak +12 | Acro +18 ]

"I was thinking the same thing," says the speedster as he follows.

Five people standing around in the street chatting looks a bit too much like counter-revolutionary activity. The drone circles back to make sure the party isn't loitering and, once it sees Nissa gone and Henri moving, it heads off, satisfied.

The drone heads down an alley between the old firehall and one of the brutalist apartment blocks.

On the wall of one of the alleys someone has painted the words "We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness" it is signed only with the tag "M". The drone slows and moves back and forth along the length of the graffiti, beeping quietly. Somewhere, someone receives a message on their screen that says "Sec 27 Block-C untext upsub miniluv anterectify".

The drone continues down the alley and out the other side.

Who is following Nissa Drone-Rider and Henri?

Female Halfling Solarian | HP:51/51, SP:49/49, RP:8/9 | AC:20 | F:+6, R:+12, W:+7/+9v.Fear | Perc:+3, Init:+9 | 12v.Fire

“Ooh! Ooh!” Nissa raises her hand excitedly, then catches herself and blurts without waiting to be called on, “We gotta go to the Ministry of Love, Room 101!”

She looks triumphant! …then looks around a moment… then looks at Henri.

“Wow, I have no idea where the Ministry of Love could possibly be. Life must’ve been confusing before there were GPSes.”

Human Zoomer (Battle Medic) 7 [ Stamina 52/63 | Hit Points 49/49 | Resolve 8/9 | KAC 18 | EAC 18 | F4 R11 W6 (+1 Fort vs disease or poison, evasion, immunity to flat-flooted, fire resist 7) | Init +9 | Perc +10 | Sneak +12 | Acro +18 ]

"The what? How do you know that?"

1+6 biohacks per short rest Stamina42/42 HP 46/46Res 8/8 KAC 18 KAC 15 CMAC | Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +6

Zellgato does also follow but staysa bout half a block back while doing it, casually walking with his coat pulled up to better hide his gear. However he catches up when they come to the graffiti. "That sounds like a gambling and night hotel. Given the sentimente here, that doesn't seem like something that'll be clearly marked... why do you know what that is but not where it is Nissa?"

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