GM Foxy's 2nd Legacy of Fire

Game Master Foxy Quickpaw

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AC 13 (18), touch 13 (17), flat-footed 11 (14) hp 101/103 F +6 R +7 W +9

"We have a whole town that has been leveled for one," Heshan started, tilting his head towards Kelmarane. "As well as a crater to boot. But perhaps you are right to be wary of gaining support from the Pactmasters. Perhaps, we should focus on a deal with the marids instead."

Kitsune Game Master

A short inquiry about support from the Pactmasters to fight Jhavhul at or in the Pale Mountain is denied. The official you talk to conveys teh message that after the Pactmasters managed to turn Jhavhul's attention away from Katapesh, they are not getting involved into a personal vendetta that could bring Jhavhul back to the city if they'd become a part of that.

How are you going to contact Shazathared?

M Human (M'wangi) Cleric 12 | HP: 116/116||AC 22, Touch 16, FF 18 | Init: +4 | F: +11, R: +9, W: +13, +2 vs Illusion| CMB: +11, CMD: 25| Speed 30ft| Perc: +23, SM: + 20 | Active conditions: none

I wasn't actually planning to contact Shazathared; I was just replying to how to fight the firebleeder. Hopefully we don't have to do that. If the pactmasters are not helpful, I think we get our gear and go....

"Damned short-sighted fools" grumps Omari, after pactmasters have made their position clear. He continues "Well, they say you can find anything you want in the markets here, let's see if we can find something useful. Then we can be on our way."

Although Shazathared would probably like a piece of Javhul, and could probably hang at this level of a fight. Contacting her though, I'd have to think a bit.

M Human (M'wangi) Cleric 12 | HP: 116/116||AC 22, Touch 16, FF 18 | Init: +4 | F: +11, R: +9, W: +13, +2 vs Illusion| CMB: +11, CMD: 25| Speed 30ft| Perc: +23, SM: + 20 | Active conditions: none

And the answer for talking to Shazathared is Sending. I have an empty 5th level slot. 15 minutes to pray and 10 minutes to cast and we can contact her...

"The Marids, well, I can contact Shazathared with the power of Erastil. I can send her a message of 25 words or less, and she can send one back. Heshan, Ohrmizd, put those silver tongues of yours to work for something more important than charming barmaids, what should we say to convince her to come?"

Omari will help with composing the message to send to Shazathared, but he knows both Ohrmizd and Heshan are the charmers of the party...

I would like to take advantage of their higher diplomacy modifiers...

Diplomacy, Aid Another, take 10: 10 + 2 + 3 = 15 vs DC 10
2 rank +3 trained

As for a starting suggestion on the text,
"We(1) are(2) attacking(3) Javhul(4). Would(5) you(6) have(7) revenge(8)? Come(9) ASAP(10) to(11) temple(12) of(13) Sarenrae(14), Metropolis(15) of(16) Katapesh(17), Golarion(18). Can(19) send(20) twenty-five(21) word(22) reply(23), now(24)."
One word to spare...

Also, if she does come, we should save some gear for her. A little investment might go a long way to keeping her alive and helpful.

HP 143/143 AC 34 30 TAC 17 13 FF 31 27 | CMD 32 28 | F +13 R +10 W +14 (Stalward) Resist: fire 30 | HL: 14/14 B: 8/14 Ju: 2/5 ST: 4/4 L1: 4/6 L2: 2/6 L3: 0/5 L4: 3/5 L5: 0/2 | Ini: +6 | Senses: +21 |
Acrob+10,Bluff+14,Climb+11,Diplo+21,Disguis+3,Fly+8/+13,Heal+8,Intimidate+2 7,K.arcana+5/+9,K.planes+17/+21,K.religion+9/+13,K.history+12,Linguis+11,Se nsM+21,Spelcraft+4,Stealth+6,Surviv+16/+22,Swim+12
Male Human Keleshite Inquisitor of Sarenrae 14 | GMW 12h, MV 12h

Ohrmizd's expression softens into thoughtfulness as he ponders the message "If we're asking for her help, we need to appeal to something beyond just revenge. She's a marid, not some hotheaded efreeti, emotions won't sway her that easily. She'll need to know why this fight matters to her. Perhaps the fate of her realm? Or some grander scheme?"

He leans forward, considering his words carefully "How about this: 'Jhavhul threatens realms beyond Golarion. Your power could turn the tide. Join us at the Sarenrae temple in Katapesh. The fate of many hangs in balance'"
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (20) + 21 = 41

Ohrmizd's lips curl into a wry smile "And if that doesn't pique her interest, well, at least we'll have tried"

M Human (M'wangi) Cleric 12 | HP: 116/116||AC 22, Touch 16, FF 18 | Init: +4 | F: +11, R: +9, W: +13, +2 vs Illusion| CMB: +11, CMD: 25| Speed 30ft| Perc: +23, SM: + 20 | Active conditions: none

Ok, if Heshan or Hazreem have nothing to add, Omari will prepare and cast Sending, using Ohrmizd's wording - at total diplomacy roll of 43 should get us somewhere.

@Ohrmizd, do you want to cross check what I have on the loot sheet? I currently have a split of 31288 gp apiece for this last batch of loot...

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