Boston Theoretical PbP

Game Master Tarren Dei

Transdimensional superheroes.
Starfinder+ for modern day superpowers.

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Nissa, the Subatomic Bombshell wrote:

Nissa nods. “Right… the Atlantean threat.”

She understands now that treating any one of the TAROT teams like an enemy won’t help. What L.C. wants is unity.

She thanks Moore and takes his key (though if she can’t store both that and the wand in her pocket dimension, she’ll hand it to a teammate).

She flutters closer to the center of the room. “I get it. You have all banded together when there were threats, like the Atlanteans 2000 years ago. It worked. You had each other’s backs… and when the threats were over, you all went back to your own ways.

“That’s all Marshal Preston is proposing—an improvement on that.” Addressing the one common concern, she adds, “I know some of you are worried that a foreign TAROT team’s gonna try to influence your world but… don’t take my word that it won’t happen. Look at recent history. It didn’t happen.

“Just from summer, three years ago, my teammates and I have worked with TAROT teams from worlds 3, 7, 12 and 16, and Tony too… and on a non-TAROT world, the Utopians. In every case, the people who helped beat the bad guys, and that was the job.

“We’re warriors, not politicians.”

Nissa’s pretty sure that, from her appearance, she’s no-one’s idea of a warrior. But she’s got a track record to back up her words.

I'm going to fast forward the scene as everyone has had some good stuff.

Not long after this, Marshal Preston calls for a vote empowers the Marshal to establish a standing force stationed on Tarokh to respond to any threats on other worlds when invited by the TAROT force on that world. Almost everyone votes for the motion. World 13 and World 19 abstain from voting.

Dr. Moore's vote given by proxy after Moriarty, Sherlock, and Watson disappeared into a different book than they came out. A very confused Irene Adler voted yes for World V after making a little speech about unity and cooperation. A second vote that morning establishes a standing committee with representatives from each world should they wish to review any actions taken by the standing force. Irene Adler declares her willingness to be the World V representative. She said that she didn't understand what any of this had to do with 'A Scandal in Bohemia' which is the story she thought she was in, but she really felt this 'unity and cooperation' are important. Later that day, she narrowly escapes being arrested by the Canonites when it turns out she is just a confused tourist in one of Moore's illicit fictionaut expeditions. Even as the Canonites are backing down, Irene declares herself to have 'diplomatic immunity' and no one knows whether that is true so the Canonites leave in disgust.

The rest of the meeting is dull. Much of it concerns TAROT's use of the Black Keep and relations with Tarokh, Atlantean businesses, and technical discussions about boring things like the Atlantean 'total translation matrix' that has allowed the meeting to be translated to the languages of all members instantaneously.

Zellgato wrote:
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:

Zellgato finds his new friends fascinated by the parts of his story that shouldn’t be fascinating, ”Vacations? Are those like ‘adventures’?” asks Druugal with apparent excitement.

”I’ve seen bigger mountains, but explain those hiking boots to me again. They look superior to footwear in my dimension. I must get a pair!” notes a large man dressed in long robes. Without being asked he tells Zellgato that he wears nothing underneath these robes ”To allow the free flow of air.”

The street party continues without no sign of slowing. There is no light other than the light of doors and gates lighting up as someone jumps from their dimension into the graffiti covered alley. Most of the travellers are happy to see old friends, even if they are only passing through quickly to get to Tarokh using this convenient back door.

"Vacations are adventures, typically not requiring combat, but does require income to support it. In effect, an adventure without the risk but instead the experiences.." At the sudden free roaming flesh, "That also occasionally happens on vacations.. Albiet less often given cultures.."

Looking at the catgirl, "Tell me..Oh I haven't asked your name, What is your name?" Afterwards looking to the folks around "Given this location, is there a trade bizzare that works under the same rules? Or is it just the random shops out on the walk? Could be a nice little business for some limited shopping. Like the hiking boots." as in the bizzare/shops we walked through befre. Or if there is a sub-version related to places like this

Zellgato is pretty much going to hang out, although he clearly loses track of time.

"Call me, Kitty," says the Catgirl. "I know it's stupid, but you couldn't pronounce my real name. Most of the people here are merchants, but they all sell mostly in the Away Market. It's amazing. You should go. You can't really get any drugs there because of Tarokh rules, so, you should get them here."

The graffiti on the walls shift once in a while. Doors disappear and are replaced by bricks while other doors appear. New people come and go. Some just pass through on their way from their homeworld to Tarokh. The party does not end.

Acro +18|Ath +18|Diplo +17|Intim +8|Myst +6|Percep +11|SM +6|Stealth +12
Human|SP 22/54 HP 42/42|EAC 14 KAC 16 ACvCM 24|Fort +10 Ref +9 Will +8|Init +2|RP 3/3 Godling (mighty)/7th|Speed 40ft. (40ft.)|Retribution (8/8 a day)|Agile Feet (Su) (4/4x a day)|Smite Rival (1x/day)|Channel Energy 4d6 (4/4x a day)

The Olympian stands behind Irene Adler as she was confronted by The Canonites.
"Get out of here!" Theo threatened. "Don't make me get my godson, Clark Kent, down here!"
Intimidate: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21

Female Halfling Solarian | HP:51/51, SP:49/49, RP:8/9 | AC:20 | F:+6, R:+12, W:+7/+9v.Fear | Perc:+3, Init:+9 | 12v.Fire

Nissa is very excited to see how it all panned out. “Way to go, Dad! You got a way with words, Henri!” She doesn’t know what Unity did, but she congratulates him anyway, and she’s do the same for Zellgato too, but she can’t find the right one.

She floats close to L.C., one leg crossed over the other. “So, we did it! Well… you did it. The rest of us just backed you up.”

Human Zoomer (Battle Medic) 7 [ Stamina 52/63 | Hit Points 49/49 | Resolve 8/9 | KAC 18 | EAC 18 | F4 R11 W6 (+1 Fort vs disease or poison, evasion, immunity to flat-flooted, fire resist 7) | Init +9 | Perc +10 | Sneak +12 | Acro +18 ]

Henri looks a little embarassed. "I apologize, Marshal, I didn't intend to push the narrative so much. I should have made sure I knew what you had in mind - I hope I didn't undercut your plans somehow..."

Henri Patineur wrote:
Henri looks a little embarassed. "I apologize, Marshal, I didn't intend to push the narrative so much. I should have made sure I knew what you had in mind - I hope I didn't undercut your plans somehow..."

"Henri, your thoughtful even-handedness really impressed the templar from World 14," says the Marshal. "And a lot of the most reluctant members identify with the warrior/dad archetype and Theo made a difference. And they see you there, Unity. The non-human members of TAROT have reasons to distrust humans, but, I mean, not to make you sound like a token ... You reassure them."

"Can I talk to you, Nissa," asks L.C., gesturing to a quiet corner.

"What's next for you three?" asks a Zellgato. You can't be sure which one. Zellgato has told you not to trust every Zellgato you see, but this Zellgato does ask an important question. What's next for TAROT? Where do you want to go now?

Acro +18|Ath +18|Diplo +17|Intim +8|Myst +6|Percep +11|SM +6|Stealth +12
Human|SP 22/54 HP 42/42|EAC 14 KAC 16 ACvCM 24|Fort +10 Ref +9 Will +8|Init +2|RP 3/3 Godling (mighty)/7th|Speed 40ft. (40ft.)|Retribution (8/8 a day)|Agile Feet (Su) (4/4x a day)|Smite Rival (1x/day)|Channel Energy 4d6 (4/4x a day)

As Theo left Irene Adler's company, the godling whispered "Call me."

Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:
"What's next for you three?" asks a Zellgato. You can't be sure which one. Zellgato has told you not to trust every Zellgato you see, but this Zellgato does ask an important question. What's next for TAROT? Where do you want to go now?

"Well, Zellgato", Theom smiled. "I've given it a lot of thought, and I want to buy a large manor here In Tarokh. A place big enough for me and all my kids. That includes you, if you wish Nissa." The Olympian nodded to his tiny floating daughter. "I hear Pah owes me a lot in royalities. I aim to collect."

Male Chimera... thing Soldier 7 | HP 55/55 SP 72/77 | KAC 23 EAC 21 | F +9 R +3 W +6 (+2 vs. mind-affecting) | Init +5 | Perc: +11 | RP 9/9 | Current form: Bipedal
Head Text Key:
Bold--right 'dinosaur' head | Plain text--middle fox head | Italic--left jaguar head

Unity is quite glad when the meetings are over. For all their uncertainty over the issue, getting something to start from , with some oversight of it, seems reasonable. The annoying thing, however, is that there isn't a good place to them to stetch their legs and wings after being cooped up inside for so long. Perhaps it's time to go home now? They look to the others to see if they seem to have other ideas.

Female Halfling Solarian | HP:51/51, SP:49/49, RP:8/9 | AC:20 | F:+6, R:+12, W:+7/+9v.Fear | Perc:+3, Init:+9 | 12v.Fire

“Sure, Dad,” Nissa replies. But she doesn’t follow up. Whatever L.C. wants to talk about, Nissa doesn’t want to delay it another second.

She follows L.C. to the quiet area.

"What happened last night? What were you saying about a trap? Where were you when I came by?" asks L.C.. Now that her meeting is done, she seems tired. In her exhaustion, her impatience and doubt is coming through. She seems a little suspicious of Nissa, but not entirely.

Female Halfling Solarian | HP:51/51, SP:49/49, RP:8/9 | AC:20 | F:+6, R:+12, W:+7/+9v.Fear | Perc:+3, Init:+9 | 12v.Fire

Nissa remembers what the Dawnflower told her. The importance of honesty. So she tells the truth without holding back anything, except the hurt. She needs to rein that in for as long as she can manage.

“I received a map and followed it. I needed to be subatomic to get to the destination. It was a room with a wreath of golden flowers. It was a gate. I thought it was a gate to The Dawnflower’s domain… and when I passed through, there was a cliff overlooking a field of flowers. This whole world was red and gold!

“Then… you stepped inside.” Nissa holds up her open palms. “I know it wasn’t you. But she looked like you, if she was even a she. I don’t know if she was a person or an illusion or if I ever really entered a gate. It seemed real, and I believed it was you.

“And so when you told me you and Marshal Alashine had a relationship, I just said whatever happened while you believed I was gone… I was okay with it. Sure, it’s a touchy topic. But three years—if you were in a relationship that made you happy in those three years, the important part is your happiness. It’s what I want for you.”

A tear escapes Nissa’s eye, then another. Because whether there’s any truth to the illusion or not, it was humiliating and painful.

“The Fake You didn’t stop there though. She said she preferred Alashine to me. That when I was human, I was too short to be any fun, and as I am now, the prospect of making love was described as ‘impossible’ and ‘silly.’ And of course she gave graphic details of her sex life with me out of the way, right in that place that overlooks the Dawnflowers.

“At that point, it didn’t matter if I was jealous or not, whether there was an ounce of truth or not… the body-shaming did the trick. I didn’t even follow her out to see if I could learn her real identity. I watched the world darken to brown, and I hated it there. A field of Dawnflowers, and I never want to see that horrible place again.”

She glances back roughly in Theo’s direction.

“I don’t even remember what I told Theo of this. I guess I said enough that he let me sip from the chalice. I wanted to know who used this as an attempt to turn me against you. I asked the chalice for names and faces. It said, ‘Bad Idea.’ So… I just had to let it go so I could support you in this meeting. I didn’t want to tell you at all, but… it would be worse to not talk about it.”

Nissa is bracing herself for L.C.’s reaction. She has no idea what to expect, and this terrifies her.

I recall ealier, you wanted a WIS check from Nissa to “get” L.C. Not sure if it’s needed at this point, but giving this is a do-or-die moment:
WIS: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18
If you wanted a CHA-based roll, please repurpose the nat.17.
CHA = 23; Diplo or Supermodel = 35

"Oh!" says L.C. several times through Nissa's story or, in other ways showed surprise.

She speaks quietly as the World 16 (Tower) crew is gathering at the entrance to this vestibule and discussing who might want to join the standing force.

"First of all, Alashine and I ... I mean, we ... Look, Paris before electricity could get really cold at night and there were vampires about. We were close, but it wasn't something I would have been able to upset you with. If I told you everything, you'd probably think it was sweet, but I don't want to talk about her now."

She lowers her voice even further as the World 16 crew begins to pass by.

"And, as far as I know there aren't any bricked up chambers in the basement of HQ. I certainly don't know how to access it if there is one. You should probably find out."

The World 16 crew walks through. Greer, Warlock, Paladin, and Tarantula walk by, nodding and congratulating you as they pass.

"What makes you think that someone tricked you as opposed to you having just a very vivid nightmare? Maybe nightmares are more convincing in your new form."

Tarantula turns and gives Nissa a very evil wink. L.C. does not see it.

Unity, Chimeric Superhero wrote:
Unity is quite glad when the meetings are over. For all their uncertainty over the issue, getting something to start from , with some oversight of it, seems reasonable. The annoying thing, however, is that there isn't a good place to them to stetch their legs and wings after being cooped up inside for so long. Perhaps it's time to go home now? They look to the others to see if they seem to have other ideas.

Unity can appeal to any of the royals (King, Queen, Knight, or Page of Cups, Wands, Coins, or Swords) for permission to travel outside of the City of Gates. Or you can find a reliable gate. I'd ask a local. BUT, I was more wondering, where to next? Any subthreads to pursue or do you all deserve aa couple months of peace and quiet?

The Olympian wrote:

As Theo left Irene Adler's company, the godling whispered "Call me."

Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:
"What's next for you three?" asks a Zellgato. You can't be sure which one. Zellgato has told you not to trust every Zellgato you see, but this Zellgato does ask an important question. What's next for TAROT? Where do you want to go now?
"Well, Zellgato", Theom smiled. "I've given it a lot of thought, and I want to buy a large manor here In Tarokh. A place big enough for me and all my kids. That includes you, if you wish Nissa." The Olympian nodded to his tiny floating daughter. "I hear Pah owes me a lot in royalities. I aim to collect."

"You have children? How many?" asks Irene Adler. "I wanted to thank you for earlier telling off those awful Canonites. I just wanted to do something fun for my 40th birthday and they treat me like I'm some kind of deviant. Now, I'm not sure if I can ever go home again. Not sure if I want to... Do you like it her? On Darokh?"

Acro +18|Ath +18|Diplo +17|Intim +8|Myst +6|Percep +11|SM +6|Stealth +12
Human|SP 22/54 HP 42/42|EAC 14 KAC 16 ACvCM 24|Fort +10 Ref +9 Will +8|Init +2|RP 3/3 Godling (mighty)/7th|Speed 40ft. (40ft.)|Retribution (8/8 a day)|Agile Feet (Su) (4/4x a day)|Smite Rival (1x/day)|Channel Energy 4d6 (4/4x a day)
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:
"You have children? How many?" asks Irene Adler.

Theo smiles as the famous fictional figure addresses him. "I have two. One is off-world. The other is my teammate, Nissa The Subatomic Bombshell. I'd love to tell you that story sometime."Bluff: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8

Sense Motive 8:
The Olympian may not have been honest with the amount of children he has.

Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:
"I wanted to thank you for earlier telling off those awful Canonites. I just wanted to do something fun for my 40th birthday and they treat me like I'm some kind of deviant. Now, I'm not sure if I can ever go home again. Not sure if I want to... Do you like it her? On Darokh?"

"40? I was think around 29" The godling said with his silver tongue. "Either way, I am honored to meet you, Miss Adler. I am Theo Nephus. Also known as The Olympian. Hopefully newest member of Tarokh's TAROT." Diplomacy: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (5) + 17 = 22

"I've only stayed in Tarokh a few days, but it has most things an interdimensional hub would have. New people and cultures to explore. Entertainment. Shopping. And I'm developing different contacts here. I hope to build a future here."

Female Halfling Solarian | HP:51/51, SP:49/49, RP:8/9 | AC:20 | F:+6, R:+12, W:+7/+9v.Fear | Perc:+3, Init:+9 | 12v.Fire

Nissa notices the wink. She hopes it wasn’t her, but… of course it was…

“There’s a plausible third option. But… L.C., even if someone did try to turn me against you, she failed.” Nissa thinks she knows Tarantula’s motive. And if it really was her, it’s a crushing disappointment, but “I think I should just let it go.”

She hovers at eye-level with L.C., awaiting her response. This time, without trepidation.

"She?" says L.C., shooting a glance at Tarantula and putting 2+2 together she's not dumb. "I can't believe that ..."

The Olympian wrote:
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:
"You have children? How many?" asks Irene Adler.

Theo smiles as the famous fictional figure addresses him. "I have two. One is off-world. The other is my teammate, Nissa The Subatomic Bombshell. I'd love to tell you that story sometime."[dice=Bluff]1d20 + 1** spoiler omitted **

Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:
"I wanted to thank you for earlier telling off those awful Canonites. I just wanted to do something fun for my 40th birthday and they treat me like I'm some kind of deviant. Now, I'm not sure if I can ever go home again. Not sure if I want to... Do you like it her? On Darokh?"

"40? I was think around 29" The godling said with his silver tongue. "Either way, I am honored to meet you, Miss Adler. I am Theo Nephus. Also known as The Olympian. Hopefully newest member of Tarokh's TAROT." [dice=Diplomacy]1d20 + 17

"I've only stayed in Tarokh a few days, but it has most things an interdimensional hub would have. New people and cultures to explore. Entertainment. Shopping. And I'm developing different contacts here. I hope to build a future here."

Irene looks suspicious at Theo’s claim to only have two children and isn’t sure if she understands how Nissa could be his, given her age..

Irene Adler tries to explain to Theo that her name is Dani and she’s a mid-level administrator at a university back home and that this fictionaut thing was just a birthday present to herself. She’d been hoping to seduce Sherlock and/or Moriarity because she likes smart guys. She doesn’t say, ”No offense” but he could probably sense it and it wouldn’t be the first time in 24 hours a woman had assumed he was handsome and dumb.

”I hope this wasn’t a mistake,” says Dani/Irene Adler.

Female Halfling Solarian | HP:51/51, SP:49/49, RP:8/9 | AC:20 | F:+6, R:+12, W:+7/+9v.Fear | Perc:+3, Init:+9 | 12v.Fire

“Then don’t,” Nissa replies, fearing that her own mind is still compromised. “Let me ask Theo. The Chalice warned me not to investigate, so let me drop it.

“My Dad’s the Cup Bearer. If there’s any weird magic forcing me to be paranoid, he’ll figure it out. He really is being a father to me, and… it’s sweet. I should let him protect me.”

She flutters closer to L.C.’s hand so she can touch it.

“And I should probably just forget about who did what to me anyway. I just want to focus on Us right now. If you want that, I mean.” As much as Nissa doesn’t want to delay this any longer, she doesn’t want to push or pressure L.C.

Male Chimera... thing Soldier 7 | HP 55/55 SP 72/77 | KAC 23 EAC 21 | F +9 R +3 W +6 (+2 vs. mind-affecting) | Init +5 | Perc: +11 | RP 9/9 | Current form: Bipedal
Head Text Key:
Bold--right 'dinosaur' head | Plain text--middle fox head | Italic--left jaguar head

Unity get outside and start pacing around restlessly. The developments today are all well and good, but being in an enclosed space with a bunch of people didn't appeal to any of the beings that are components of them, much less themself. They would like to get *out* somewhere to relax, but... well, they feel that even that wouldn't be enough.

Because they're still not sure what to think about PhDestruction.

What is the *true* purpose of their creation? Is there a way to stop the virus-like spread of clones? What is the origin of the PhDestruction clones? Just where were they trying to get them to 'return' to, and why did they expect Unity to 'reign'?

They heave a huge sigh. Dwelling on this was useless. They look around, realizing they've wandered somewhat far from where they were, into an unfamiliar part of Tarokh. Frowning to themself, they consider taking to the air to get their bearings.

Now would be an interesting time for someone to run across them--maybe one of the Tarokh nobles, or another NPC?

Human Zoomer (Battle Medic) 7 [ Stamina 52/63 | Hit Points 49/49 | Resolve 8/9 | KAC 18 | EAC 18 | F4 R11 W6 (+1 Fort vs disease or poison, evasion, immunity to flat-flooted, fire resist 7) | Init +9 | Perc +10 | Sneak +12 | Acro +18 ]

Is it an appropriate time to go to the market? Sorry, I'm not tracking the timeline well - it has been a crazy week.

Acro +18|Ath +18|Diplo +17|Intim +8|Myst +6|Percep +11|SM +6|Stealth +12
Human|SP 22/54 HP 42/42|EAC 14 KAC 16 ACvCM 24|Fort +10 Ref +9 Will +8|Init +2|RP 3/3 Godling (mighty)/7th|Speed 40ft. (40ft.)|Retribution (8/8 a day)|Agile Feet (Su) (4/4x a day)|Smite Rival (1x/day)|Channel Energy 4d6 (4/4x a day)
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:

Irene Adler tries to explain to Theo that her name is Dani and she’s a mid-level administrator at a university back home and that this fictionaut thing was just a birthday present to herself. She’d been hoping to seduce Sherlock and/or Moriarity because she likes smart guys. She doesn’t say, ”No offense” but he could probably sense it and it wouldn’t be the first time in 24 hours a woman had assumed he was handsome and dumb.

”I hope this wasn’t a mistake,” says Dani/Irene Adler.

Theo inwardly groans as he catches Irene's/Dani's drift.

"Of course it wasn't. If you don't mind we can explore Tarokh together, allowing me to be your escort/bodyguard."
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (15) + 17 = 32

Henri Patineur wrote:
Is it an appropriate time to go to the market? Sorry, I'm not tracking the timeline well - it has been a crazy week.

Henri could visit the Away market today. It sounds like Theo is going out on the town. The Away Market is a chance to buy anything you need from anywhere in the TAROTverse and beyond. If you have any purchases to make, it's a good place to visit.

Unity, Chimeric Superhero wrote:

Unity get outside and start pacing around restlessly. The developments today are all well and good, but being in an enclosed space with a bunch of people didn't appeal to any of the beings that are components of them, much less themself. They would like to get *out* somewhere to relax, but... well, they feel that even that wouldn't be enough.

Because they're still not sure what to think about PhDestruction.

What is the *true* purpose of their creation? Is there a way to stop the virus-like spread of clones? What is the origin of the PhDestruction clones? Just where were they trying to get them to 'return' to, and why did they expect Unity to 'reign'?

They heave a huge sigh. Dwelling on this was useless. They look around, realizing they've wandered somewhat far from where they were, into an unfamiliar part of Tarokh. Frowning to themself, they consider taking to the air to get their bearings.

Now would be an interesting time for someone to run across them--maybe one of the Tarokh nobles, or another NPC?

The walls of this section of Tarokh are narrow and high. Some of the walls have gates built into them. Unity can see a small castle with a high tower through one very ornate one. One of the simpler gates causes Unity's sword to vibrate. Take to the air? Investigate a gate?

The Olympian wrote:
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:

Irene Adler tries to explain to Theo that her name is Dani and she’s a mid-level administrator at a university back home and that this fictionaut thing was just a birthday present to herself. She’d been hoping to seduce Sherlock and/or Moriarity because she likes smart guys. She doesn’t say, ”No offense” but he could probably sense it and it wouldn’t be the first time in 24 hours a woman had assumed he was handsome and dumb.

”I hope this wasn’t a mistake,” says Dani/Irene Adler.

Theo inwardly groans as he catches Irene's/Dani's drift.

"Of course it wasn't. If you don't mind we can explore Tarokh together, allowing me to be your escort/bodyguard."
[dice=Diplomacy]1d20 + 17

"Would I need a bodyguard? Is it a dangerous city? I see lots of people wearing armour. Should I get some armour? What is the TAROTverse anyhow?" Irene has a lot of questions for Theo and will gladly accept his offer of a tour of the city.

Nissa, the Subatomic Bombshell wrote:

“Then don’t,” Nissa replies, fearing that her own mind is still compromised. “Let me ask Theo. The Chalice warned me not to investigate, so let me drop it.

“My Dad’s the Cup Bearer. If there’s any weird magic forcing me to be paranoid, he’ll figure it out. He really is being a father to me, and… it’s sweet. I should let him protect me.”

She flutters closer to L.C.’s hand so she can touch it.

“And I should probably just forget about who did what to me anyway. I just want to focus on Us right now. If you want that, I mean.” As much as Nissa doesn’t want to delay this any longer, she doesn’t want to push or pressure L.C.

"Does that mean you'll stay on Tarokh? From the sounds of things the TAROT standing force stationed here ... we need a better name for it ... will be huge. It's funny that the worlds that didn't want to support it are most insistent about being on it. That's going to be weird." says L.C. before she catches her breath. "I mean, yes, I'd like to continue trying to have a relationship. The last three years was hard, but now you're back. We should try."

Female Halfling Solarian | HP:51/51, SP:49/49, RP:8/9 | AC:20 | F:+6, R:+12, W:+7/+9v.Fear | Perc:+3, Init:+9 | 12v.Fire

Nissa says, “Yes. Definitely yes… More than ‘try.’”

She floats at eye-level with L.C.

“I understand the last three years was hard for you, and I’m sorry for that. I wish I could go back and tell you how it turns out… it’s tempting, knowing I can. But I also know that there’s a consequence for meddling with time, and as much as it pains me to admit this—

“You came so far in my absence. What we talked about three years ago, you made it happen—only better because you got all twenty-two TAROTs in on it!

“I’m proud of you. Proud to be your girlfriend. And…” Her eyes roam L.C.’s entire body. She’s about twenty-two times Nissa’s height. “…if you need me to just listen, talk, understand what you’ve been through, I’m here for you.

“And if I’m desirable like this, and you want to… try…” Nissa’s mind goes to a few places—

—the day she saved L.C. from the bombs, and thought she’d be tiny forever—

—the Utopians offering her sex, and her wondering how—

—the Fake L.C. saying that would be “impossible and silly.”

The Fake L.C.’s words can’t hurt her any more. “…then let’s start with a date.”

Acro +18|Ath +18|Diplo +17|Intim +8|Myst +6|Percep +11|SM +6|Stealth +12
Human|SP 22/54 HP 42/42|EAC 14 KAC 16 ACvCM 24|Fort +10 Ref +9 Will +8|Init +2|RP 3/3 Godling (mighty)/7th|Speed 40ft. (40ft.)|Retribution (8/8 a day)|Agile Feet (Su) (4/4x a day)|Smite Rival (1x/day)|Channel Energy 4d6 (4/4x a day)

Theo does his best to answer all of Irene's/Dani's answers as they walk the city.

Human Zoomer (Battle Medic) 7 [ Stamina 52/63 | Hit Points 49/49 | Resolve 8/9 | KAC 18 | EAC 18 | F4 R11 W6 (+1 Fort vs disease or poison, evasion, immunity to flat-flooted, fire resist 7) | Init +9 | Perc +10 | Sneak +12 | Acro +18 ]

Henri goes to the Away Market, perusing the wares and trying to casually chat with vendors. He asks where Mr. Rabbit might be found if any of the vendors appear willing to share.

Male Chimera... thing Soldier 7 | HP 55/55 SP 72/77 | KAC 23 EAC 21 | F +9 R +3 W +6 (+2 vs. mind-affecting) | Init +5 | Perc: +11 | RP 9/9 | Current form: Bipedal
Head Text Key:
Bold--right 'dinosaur' head | Plain text--middle fox head | Italic--left jaguar head

Unity consider the gate for a moment, but... well, they feel like going around and opening gates without knowing anything about them while they're alone is *not* the greatest of ideas.

Not seeing any familiar landmarks, they find an area with sufficient space and take to the air, looking around every which way for something or someone familiar.

Unity, Chimeric Superhero wrote:

Unity consider the gate for a moment, but... well, they feel like going around and opening gates without knowing anything about them while they're alone is *not* the greatest of ideas.

Not seeing any familiar landmarks, they find an area with sufficient space and take to the air, looking around every which way for something or someone familiar.

Taking to the air, Unity can see they have wandered into an area with lots of large estates. It’s clearly a wealthy district of Tarokh. Unity can see gardeners working on some of the estates as well as other staff. People come and go, but it is quieter and less populated than other parts of the city.

The little castle has a tall tower; too tall for the castle in question. Unity can see a man with a man in a black cloak with a receding hairline standing on top of the tower. Unity thinks he looks familiar, but he is far away. He is watching Unity with obvious interest.

Male Chimera... thing Soldier 7 | HP 55/55 SP 72/77 | KAC 23 EAC 21 | F +9 R +3 W +6 (+2 vs. mind-affecting) | Init +5 | Perc: +11 | RP 9/9 | Current form: Bipedal
Head Text Key:
Bold--right 'dinosaur' head | Plain text--middle fox head | Italic--left jaguar head

Unity see the man and debate for a moment. Just flying up to him seems... impolite? So they decide to simply wave with a forepaw and see if he responds with anything they could construe as an invitation.

Henri Patineur wrote:
Henri goes to the Away Market, perusing the wares and trying to casually chat with vendors. He asks where Mr. Rabbit might be found if any of the vendors appear willing to share.

The Away Market is enclosed by walls on all four sides and access seems to be limited to those not from Tarokh. The guards seem to be able to tell Henri isn't from here. They do not stop him from entering but have stopped others. It's full of two story buildings with shops out front. In front of and between the shops are temporary stalls.

"Need something fixed?" asks a man who looks human, if humans came in magenta. He's selling a variety of medicines. The magenta medicine merchant points down a roll of stalls that sell everything from swords to bolts of strange fabric to jewelry to communications devices.

A tray on a table out front of Mr. Rabbit's shop is full of weird and odd devices and components. It says "Free parts!" in 27 languages, three of which Henri recognizes. Henri can tell it's Mr. Rabbit's shop by the large rabbit on the sign. The shop is dark and cool, but some light comes from the back.

Mr. Rabbit, if he is here, is in a back room. Dare you enter?

Nissa, the Subatomic Bombshell wrote:

The Fake L.C.’s words can’t hurt her any more. “…then let’s start with a date.”

"There is always Pah's yacht!" says L.C. smiling. "Ah, no, he'll be holding meetings with as many worlds as he can."

"The Fey Park can be fun. I often go sit there and draw flowers," she suggests. L.C. confesses that she seldom tours the City of Gates except on business because when she goes out without a translator, she often has trouble getting around in Tarokh. Having money makes it easier and she carries a pocket full of silver coins.

Female Halfling Solarian | HP:51/51, SP:49/49, RP:8/9 | AC:20 | F:+6, R:+12, W:+7/+9v.Fear | Perc:+3, Init:+9 | 12v.Fire

“The Fey Park…? That’s perfect!”

She can’t hold hands like they used to, but Henri and Theo both let Nissa sit on their shoulders or hands. Nissa thinks some kind of contact would be appropriate, but it’s really up to L.C.

And Nissa didn’t really know L.C.’s artistic side. “I’d like to see your drawings later.”

Human Zoomer (Battle Medic) 7 [ Stamina 52/63 | Hit Points 49/49 | Resolve 8/9 | KAC 18 | EAC 18 | F4 R11 W6 (+1 Fort vs disease or poison, evasion, immunity to flat-flooted, fire resist 7) | Init +9 | Perc +10 | Sneak +12 | Acro +18 ]
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:

Mr. Rabbit, if he is here, is in a back room. Dare you enter?

Henri does, but first he asks the Magenta Medicine Man what his name is and where he hails from. ”Are the merchants of the Away Market from Tarokh?”

Wandering further after a brief conversation, he finds Mr Rabbit’s apparent shop. He looks over the Free Parts offerings to see if there is anything he recognizes or might study to learn more about and claims a couple interesting pieces.

After no one comes out of the shop, he will slowly approach and speak into the shop. ”Hello? Is Mr. Rabbit in?”

Henri Patineur wrote:
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:

Mr. Rabbit, if he is here, is in a back room. Dare you enter?

Henri does, but first he asks the Magenta Medicine Man what his name is and where he hails from. ”Are the merchants of the Away Market from Tarokh?”

”About half,” says 3M, ”but any who are from Tarokh work closely with those of us who are not. Nothing originally from Tarokh gets sold here unless it is with permission from a royal, you see. The Away Market is for those who are from Away.”

Henri Patineur wrote:

Wandering further after a brief conversation, he finds Mr Rabbit’s apparent shop. He looks over the Free Parts offerings to see if there is anything he recognizes or might study to learn more about and claims a couple interesting pieces.

After no one comes out of the shop, he will slowly approach and speak into the shop. ”Hello? Is Mr. Rabbit in?”

”Just leave it on the counter and I’ll have a look at it tonight,” says a familiar voice from the back. Henri can tell the voice is being translated by a device in the shop, but can’t see where. He can hear a squeaky voice buried behind the sound of the translation and knows that is the real voice and language of Mr. Rabbit. This doubling of the voices didn’t occur in the virtual world last night.

Acro +18|Ath +18|Diplo +17|Intim +8|Myst +6|Percep +11|SM +6|Stealth +12
Human|SP 22/54 HP 42/42|EAC 14 KAC 16 ACvCM 24|Fort +10 Ref +9 Will +8|Init +2|RP 3/3 Godling (mighty)/7th|Speed 40ft. (40ft.)|Retribution (8/8 a day)|Agile Feet (Su) (4/4x a day)|Smite Rival (1x/day)|Channel Energy 4d6 (4/4x a day)

Theo and Irene/Dani walk around the district in Tarohk, taking in the sights.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Human Zoomer (Battle Medic) 7 [ Stamina 52/63 | Hit Points 49/49 | Resolve 8/9 | KAC 18 | EAC 18 | F4 R11 W6 (+1 Fort vs disease or poison, evasion, immunity to flat-flooted, fire resist 7) | Init +9 | Perc +10 | Sneak +12 | Acro +18 ]
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:
Henri Patineur wrote:
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:

Mr. Rabbit, if he is here, is in a back room. Dare you enter?

Henri does, but first he asks the Magenta Medicine Man what his name is and where he hails from. ”Are the merchants of the Away Market from Tarokh?”
”About half,” says 3M, ”but any who are from Tarokh work closely with those of us who are not. Nothing originally from Tarokh gets sold here unless it is with permission from a royal, you see. The Away Market is for those who are from Away.”

Henri nods, "I wondered, based on the name, but hadn't asked. Thank you for explaining."

Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:
Henri Patineur wrote:

Wandering further after a brief conversation, he finds Mr Rabbit’s apparent shop. He looks over the Free Parts offerings to see if there is anything he recognizes or might study to learn more about and claims a couple interesting pieces.

After no one comes out of the shop, he will slowly approach and speak into the shop. ”Hello? Is Mr. Rabbit in?”

”Just leave it on the counter and I’ll have a look at it tonight,” says a familiar voice from the back. Henri can tell the voice is being translated by a device in the shop, but can’t see where. He can hear a squeaky voice buried behind the sound of the translation and knows that is the real voice and language of Mr. Rabbit. This doubling of the voices didn’t occur in the virtual world last night.

"Sorry if now is a bad time, I am not here for a repair. I was told to ask for Mr. Rabbit when I came to the Away Market. We met... somewhere else. I hope you didn't disturb Mrs. Rabbit too much."

The Olympian wrote:
Theo and Irene/Dani walk around the district in Tarohk, taking in the sights.

With all of the ambassadors here from different worlds and all of their entourages, Theo and Irene/Dani keep bumping into people they know. Tarokh is, in its own way, a tourist town. For every four people from Tarokh, there is another who is from a distant world. Theo’s sword, which detects other-worldly evil, vibrates a few times, causing Irene/Dani to jump a bit. Not all of the people visiting Tarokh are good people.

Whether Theo intended to or not, his meandering with Dani take them past the mansion where the Queen of Swords lives with one of Theo’s progeny.

Dani, perhaps sensing some tension, puts her arm around Theo’s waist as they walk by.

Nissa, the Subatomic Bombshell wrote:

“The Fey Park…? That’s perfect!”

She can’t hold hands like they used to, but Henri and Theo both let Nissa sit on their shoulders or hands. Nissa thinks some kind of contact would be appropriate, but it’s really up to L.C.

And Nissa didn’t really know L.C.’s artistic side. “I’d like to see your drawings later.”

The Fey Park is centered around a pair of gates that face each other. Stone benches surround the gates on either side. At 6 bells in the evening people begin to sit on the benches.

Nissa and L.C. have one to themselves.

They are surrounded by a wide variety of strange flowers. L.C.’s artistic side must be connected to her scientific side, because drawing these flowers is also an act of recording impossible life forms.

Over the course of five minutes, flowers grow around the bench where Nissa and L.C. sit. Blue-green shoots burst from the ground surrounding the bench, grow about an inch a minute, blossom with dozens of flowers, each different from the other, and die back. All of this happens during a single-conversation with L.C. but she doesn’t remark on it at all.

”Watch this,” she tells Nissa when the clock strikes 7. Everyone else seems prepared too.

At the same time, the two opposing gates burst open and armies of fairies stream out. One side is composed of tiny green, blue, black, purple, and brown fairies whose bodies are covered in spikes and horns and thorns and vicious looking armor. Toad and snake-riding fairies make up the rear ranks. This army adopts a defensive position. The opposing army has fairies armored in gold and silver riding rabbits, crows, squirrels, and stranger beasts. They charge the darker-coloured fairy force with long shiny lances. The darker fairies use spears to bring down charging mounts and beat back the silver and gold forces with maces wrapped in the thorny stems of roses.

The crowd cheers.

The fight is short but brutal. L.C. seems to realize how brutal only after the first wave of combat. She reaches out for Nissa gently saying, ”I forgot how brutal this is. I don’t think they really die …”

The fairy soldiers who get speared or maced disappear instead of dying. It seems they get pulled back through the gate upon their defeat.

Henri Patineur wrote:
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:
Henri Patineur wrote:
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:

Mr. Rabbit, if he is here, is in a back room. Dare you enter?

Henri does, but first he asks the Magenta Medicine Man what his name is and where he hails from. ”Are the merchants of the Away Market from Tarokh?”
”About half,” says 3M, ”but any who are from Tarokh work closely with those of us who are not. Nothing originally from Tarokh gets sold here unless it is with permission from a royal, you see. The Away Market is for those who are from Away.”

Henri nods, "I wondered, based on the name, but hadn't asked. Thank you for explaining."

Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:
Henri Patineur wrote:

Wandering further after a brief conversation, he finds Mr Rabbit’s apparent shop. He looks over the Free Parts offerings to see if there is anything he recognizes or might study to learn more about and claims a couple interesting pieces.

After no one comes out of the shop, he will slowly approach and speak into the shop. ”Hello? Is Mr. Rabbit in?”

”Just leave it on the counter and I’ll have a look at it tonight,” says a familiar voice from the back. Henri can tell the voice is being translated by a device in the shop, but can’t see where. He can hear a squeaky voice buried behind the sound of the translation and knows that is the real voice and language of Mr. Rabbit. This doubling of the voices didn’t occur in the virtual world last night.
"Sorry if now is a bad time, I am not here for a repair. I was told to ask for Mr. Rabbit when I came to the Away Market. We met... somewhere else. I hope you didn't disturb Mrs. Rabbit too much."

”Henri!” says Mr. Rabbit hop-walking out into the front of his store. ”Come on back.”

He waves Henri into the back of his shop which is crammed with devices of diverse origins, some in obvious need of repair, others less obvious. He then leads Henri through a curtained doorway and then through another until they are in a friendly little home. Mrs. Rabbit is apparently a very attractive humanoid woman a few years older than Henri. She greets Henri warmly and they both offer him ”Tea or something stronger?” after inviting him to sit.

Female Halfling Solarian | HP:51/51, SP:49/49, RP:8/9 | AC:20 | F:+6, R:+12, W:+7/+9v.Fear | Perc:+3, Init:+9 | 12v.Fire

On the bench, Nissa snuggles close to L.C. in whatever way she’s comfortable with. (Lap, shoulder, hand, or seated on the bench or the armrest.) It’s good to just talk… and Nissa really enjoys seeing L.C.’s artistic side!

The fairy battle would be horrid if they died! But if they fight every day, all living to fight the next, is it for the cheering crowds? “I would like to talk to them sometime… but not today. Today is for Us.”

When the battle is over, Nissa is relieved to see there are no dead bodies.

She wonders if she can find a way to make herself larger. She would have to double her side to wear fairy armor!

Human Zoomer (Battle Medic) 7 [ Stamina 52/63 | Hit Points 49/49 | Resolve 8/9 | KAC 18 | EAC 18 | F4 R11 W6 (+1 Fort vs disease or poison, evasion, immunity to flat-flooted, fire resist 7) | Init +9 | Perc +10 | Sneak +12 | Acro +18 ]
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:

”Henri!” says Mr. Rabbit hop-walking out into the front of his store. ”Come on back.”

He waves Henri into the back of his shop which is crammed with devices of diverse origins, some in obvious need of repair, others less...

"Hello, again, Mr. Rabbit. Pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Rabbit. Ah, I'm a bit out of my element, so I will defer to my hosts - what do you suggest?"

Male Chimera... thing Soldier 7 | HP 55/55 SP 72/77 | KAC 23 EAC 21 | F +9 R +3 W +6 (+2 vs. mind-affecting) | Init +5 | Perc: +11 | RP 9/9 | Current form: Bipedal
Head Text Key:
Bold--right 'dinosaur' head | Plain text--middle fox head | Italic--left jaguar head
Unity, Chimeric Superhero wrote:
Unity see the man and debate for a moment. Just flying up to him seems... impolite? So they decide to simply wave with a forepaw and see if he responds with anything they could construe as an invitation.

Was there any response to this?

Unity, Chimeric Superhero wrote:
Unity see the man and debate for a moment. Just flying up to him seems... impolite? So they decide to simply wave with a forepaw and see if he responds with anything they could construe as an invitation.

The man continues to watch Unity and, once he is sure Unity is looking at him too, he waves Unity over. Unity recognizes, perhaps, the King of Coins from a previous visit to Tarokh. The King looks very much like a thief. He dresses entirely in black.

"I thought that was you," he says if Unity approaches. "But you've changed."

Henri Patineur wrote:
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:

”Henri!” says Mr. Rabbit hop-walking out into the front of his store. ”Come on back.”

He waves Henri into the back of his shop which is crammed with devices of diverse origins, some in obvious need of repair, others less...

"Hello, again, Mr. Rabbit. Pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Rabbit. Ah, I'm a bit out of my element, so I will defer to my hosts - what do you suggest?"

”Tea,” says Mr. Rabbit. ”I can’t remember where it is from, but I got it down the row from an elf.”

”It’s amazing, Henri,” says Mrs. Rabbit. ”So, you’re the one who kept my husband up late last night.”

”How did you manage to find my little ‘Hutch’?” asks Mr. Rabbit. ”Do you have a neural adapter? I’m running an old Imperial Truthtaker on the lowest setting, turning an instrument of torture into a useful tool. I can take apart and put together things far too large and numerous to fit in my little shop.”

Nissa, the Subatomic Bombshell wrote:

On the bench, Nissa snuggles close to L.C. in whatever way she’s comfortable with. (Lap, shoulder, hand, or seated on the bench or the armrest.) It’s good to just talk… and Nissa really enjoys seeing L.C.’s artistic side!

The fairy battle would be horrid if they died! But if they fight every day, all living to fight the next, is it for the cheering crowds? “I would like to talk to them sometime… but not today. Today is for Us.”

When the battle is over, Nissa is relieved to see there are no dead bodies.

She wonders if she can find a way to make herself larger. She would have to double her side to wear fairy armor!

"You know," says L.C. "This world has magic. I mean, a lot of it."

It isn't clear why she's saying this. She seems optimistic.

Female Halfling Solarian | HP:51/51, SP:49/49, RP:8/9 | AC:20 | F:+6, R:+12, W:+7/+9v.Fear | Perc:+3, Init:+9 | 12v.Fire
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:

"You know," says L.C. "This world has magic. I mean, a lot of it."

It isn't clear why she's saying this. She seems optimistic.

Nissa stops thinking about how she’d need to be bigger to fit into fairy armor.

Instead, she considers her size compared to L.C. when she was still human(-ish). She was more than double my height. And now, a fairy is double my height…

Is there magic that can change her to a fairy? Or the size of one? Of course there is! She looks at L.C., eyes wide with a hope she had never considered. The two men I met in Utopia, shrunken to six inches tall—clothes and all. Does she mean…?

“Do you mean…?” She looks to where the fairies just fought. Is this why…? Am I supposed to talk to the fairies now? “…what I think you mean?”

Male Chimera... thing Soldier 7 | HP 55/55 SP 72/77 | KAC 23 EAC 21 | F +9 R +3 W +6 (+2 vs. mind-affecting) | Init +5 | Perc: +11 | RP 9/9 | Current form: Bipedal
Head Text Key:
Bold--right 'dinosaur' head | Plain text--middle fox head | Italic--left jaguar head

"We have a tendancy to do that," Unity say as they fly towards the King of Coins. They do remember him well, given the rather memorably narrowly-avoided disaster of the Atlantean Prince's coin.

"Everyone changes, but we do tend to change more obviously and outwardly than most," they say as they come in for a landing on the tower.

"You look fairly similar to how we remember you, however," they continue. "How have the past three years treated you?"

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