[Gameday XIII] GM PaleDim's PF2 #3-18: Dacilane Academy's Delightful Disaster

Game Master PaleDim

RPG Chronicles | Macros | Maps and Handouts

Spell & AoE Templates | 3-18: gameplay, maps

A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 1st- through 4th-level characters.

The students of Dacilane Academy are going on a field trip! As many of the academy’s students are the children of Pathfinders, what better place to visit than Woodsedge Lodge, one of the most famous Pathfinder Society lodges and the hub of the vast, mystical hedge maze known as the Maze of the Open Road? And who better to chaperone these students than a group of capable Pathfinder agents? When delightful disaster strikes, everyone will be glad that the Pathfinders came along for the trip!

Written by Matt Morris

Scenario tags: None

Spell & AoE Templates | 3-18: gameplay, maps

You find yourself in a noisy lobby of the Grand Lodge, in Absalom. Crowded into the lobby are 15 pre-adolescent students along with at least one obviously responsible adult present.

Do not interact with these individuals for now!

It is not yet time for your mission briefing and so you gather with other Pathfinders who will be accompanying you.

Feel free to introduce yourselves and interact a bit. The first official post will come Sunday evening, US/Pacific time.

Horizon Hunters

A young male human enters the room. He is dressed in leather armor and wears a brown leather trench coat. A bandoleer is strapped against his chest and he wears a cowboy hat. His hands are gloved and his cowboy boots are thick and make a pounding noise when he walks. He takes his hat off in greeting to the party My name is William Antrium, a brand new pathfinder. Most people call me Billy. Pleased to make your acquittance. as he finds his way to a table and sits down, resting his feet on the table.

Vigilant Seal

M Dwarf Redeemer Champion 3 | AC21/23 HP 49/49 Shield 30/30 | F+10 R+6 W+8 Per+6 | Speed: 20' (Unburdened Iron, Rock Runner) | Focus: 1/1 Hero: 1/3 | DC: 20 | Marshal Aura 10'

A dwarf that seems to be made of stone enters. He wields a hammer and a battered shield.

"My name is Ghardak. Was a miner and caught in a collapse. When I woke up they told me I had saved some of the other miners and found myself like this. I suppose I was meant for a purpose other than mining, even though it is a crucial profession," he says. "Just wish I could taste stuff."

Radiant Oath

M Dragonscaled (Silver) Kobold Cleric 3 of Apsu | LG | AC 20| HP 30/30 | Fort +7 Refl +8 Will +10 | Perception +8 Cleric 3

A Kobold whose scales glint with a silver highlight, walks in. He stops when he sees the kids, shakes his head and makes his way to the table.
"Please tell me this isn't our mission...Oh yes, my name is Eltis, nice to meet you."
He is a slim Kobold wearing functional but plain studded leather armor. He bears a staff, a dagger on his belt and a hand crossbow slung on his back along with a backpack. The only other adornment he wears is a necklace with a silver dragon hovering over what could be a pool or a portal...

Horizon Hunters

Billy pulls out a deck of cards and begins to shuffle them. Anyone up for a hand or 3 of poker?

Vigilant Seal

NG (male) human thaumaturge 2 | HP 28/28 | AC 19 (+1 with shield) | F +7 R +5 W +6 | Perc +6 (E) | 25’ | focus points 1/1 | hero points 2/3 | Exploration: Search | Active Conditions:

Yuan Wu removes the conical straw hat from his head, revealing the face of a Tian-Shu man, a rather well-built one. He is garbed in a simple breastplate, a buckler strapped to one arm, while a rather strange looking sword hangs from his belt (asp coil), together with a rather large number of pouches.

His naturally stern look transforms as soon as he smiles as each of you in turn, clearly pleased to make new acquaintances. He nods his head slightly, and introduces himself in a rather stilted way. "My name is Yuan Wu, from the eastern lands you would know of as Tian Xia. Specifically the nation of Quain, although it might be unfamiliar to you. I'm still quite new to Avistan, but what a fascinating place!"

Horizon Hunters

3-18 | Nonbinary (they/them) leaf leshy (Finadar) oracle (tempest) 3 | ◆◇↺ | AC 19 (20) | HP 41/41 | P +7, F +7, R +7, W +9 | Explore: Search | NV, 25' | Focus: 2/2 | Spells 1st (3/3) 2nd (2/2) | Curse: 0 | Hero: 1/3 | Active Conditions: sunbathing
William "Billy" Antrium wrote:
Billy pulls out a deck of cards and begins to shuffle them. Anyone up for a hand or 3 of poker?

"Poke who?" Thevenin asks, confused.

They're easily confused. But very enthusiastic.

"Hi, hi!" they shout, going around and giving all the Medium-sized creatures a hug around the knees and all the Small-sized creatures a regular hug.

"Hello, Yuan Wu. Do we call you Yuan, or Wu?"

Vigilant Seal

NG (male) human thaumaturge 2 | HP 28/28 | AC 19 (+1 with shield) | F +7 R +5 W +6 | Perc +6 (E) | 25’ | focus points 1/1 | hero points 2/3 | Exploration: Search | Active Conditions:

Yuan Wu stares at the leshy, then quickly blushes and looks away when he realises he's being rude. But he quickly turns back with a brilliant smile.

"Sorry for staring but you're the first leshy I've met. I mean, I've met all kinds of yao guai before, but still. And yes, back home, people would call me Yuan Wu, but please you can call me Wu. I believe that is the custom here?"

Horizon Hunters

3-18 | Nonbinary (they/them) leaf leshy (Finadar) oracle (tempest) 3 | ◆◇↺ | AC 19 (20) | HP 41/41 | P +7, F +7, R +7, W +9 | Explore: Search | NV, 25' | Focus: 2/2 | Spells 1st (3/3) 2nd (2/2) | Curse: 0 | Hero: 1/3 | Active Conditions: sunbathing

Thevenin shrugs. "Your name, your customs. Doesn't matter where you are, Yuan Wu."

male human Eagle Knight

And we're off!

The gaggle of young people crowded into the lobby of the Grand Lodge parts to step out of the way for a man in an Eagle Knight’s uniform.

“Pathfinders! So good to see you today. Thank you so much for the time out of your busy schedules to assist with our little educational venture. Allow me to present the students of Dacilane Academy!”

J Dacilane raises his voice and sweeps his gaze over the students, who all fall silent and give friendly nods or shy half-bows.

“And this is their history teacher, Professor Thandmere Krelsun.”

J gestures to a gray-bearded dwarf with spectacles perched on the end of his nose. The teacher struggles with a stack of papers as J continues.

“As you’ve been told, the class is traveling to Woodsedge Lodge today to explore life in the Pathfinder Society and to cooperate in a series of small tasks at the Lodge. They’ll report back to me at the end of the day.” J casts a glance at the students as he puts a subtle emphasis on each word of the Pathfinder’s motto.

“Why don’t you introduce yourselves to the students, and tell them a little bit about your adventures in the Society so far?”

The key students can be recognized from the slides here and here!

female goblin Pathfinder aspirant

As you introduce yourselves, Vim Moneymaker scratches notes in a small notebook that she pulls out of her sleeve.

male human brown-noser

Alec seems well-behaved and on-point. He is smiling at all of your and listening intently.

female kobold bookworm

Geltra seems distracted and a little discontented. A pigeon rests on the exposed spine of the book held under her arm.

Hari | non-binary half-elf overachiever

Hari, like Alec is listening very intently and seems ready to burst forth with questions for all of you.

male changeling human athlete

Tels looms over many of the other students and seems to keep one eye on the rest of them while listening to your introductions.

Vigilant Seal

NG (male) human thaumaturge 2 | HP 28/28 | AC 19 (+1 with shield) | F +7 R +5 W +6 | Perc +6 (E) | 25’ | focus points 1/1 | hero points 2/3 | Exploration: Search | Active Conditions:

Yuan Wu bright smile disappears quickly as he stares at the students, clearly lost. You get the sense that he has not had much experience dealing with kids.

He quickly though switches back to a brilliant smile. "Um, hello! My name is Yuan Wu. Just Wu is it's easier. I'm from Quain, like I told my new friends here. You know where it is? All the way in Tian Xia?"

"But enough of geography! I'm still quite new to the Pathfinder Society but wow, what an eye-opening experience! I mean, I just attended a fundraiser for the Knights of Lastwall, and we had our hands full, dealing not just with hostile guests but with hostile monsters! He pauses here dramatically.

diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27

Hari | non-binary half-elf overachiever

Yuan Wu can barely get the question out of his mouth before Hari interjects.

No! I do not know where Quain is. What is it close to? What is its system of government? What are its natural resources or primary industry? How does it fare with its nearby neighbors? Ooooh. Who is the most famous adventurer from there? Wait, did you say monsters? Which kinds?

It floods out of her, but it is all quite crisp and then she looks at Wu eagerly.

BTW, there's no need for checks just yet at this point, BUT let's keep that roll for a part to come soon where you can directly influence specific students ;)

Vigilant Seal

M Dwarf Redeemer Champion 3 | AC21/23 HP 49/49 Shield 30/30 | F+10 R+6 W+8 Per+6 | Speed: 20' (Unburdened Iron, Rock Runner) | Focus: 1/1 Hero: 1/3 | DC: 20 | Marshal Aura 10'

After saying greetings in dwarvish to the Professor, Ghardak repeats his previous introduction.

"My name is Ghardak. Was a miner and caught in a collapse. When I woke up they told me I had saved some of the other miners and found myself like this. I suppose I was meant for a purpose other than mining, even though it is a crucial profession," he says. "I am looking forward to today. It does seem more interesting than breaking skeleton skulls."

Horizon Hunters

Billy starts playing solitaire since no one wanted to play poker with him. He uses the game to focus on what is going on while looking like he is not paying attention.

Radiant Oath

M Dragonscaled (Silver) Kobold Cleric 3 of Apsu | LG | AC 20| HP 30/30 | Fort +7 Refl +8 Will +10 | Perception +8 Cleric 3

"Greetings. I am called Eltis. I am a humble servant of Apsu, the Deity of all good and Metallic Dragons. It is nice to meet you all. I'm sure we shall have an eventful day trip!"

male dwarf scholar | history teacher
Ghardak wrote:
After saying greetings in dwarvish to the Professor, Ghardak repeats his previous introduction.

The dwarven professor smiles and nods at Ghardak.

Glad to have another proper dwarven role-model for the students!

male changeling human athlete
Ghardak wrote:
"My name is Ghardak. Was a miner and caught in a collapse. When I woke up they told me I had saved some of the other miners and found myself like this. I suppose I was meant for a purpose other than mining, even though it is a crucial profession," he says. "I am looking forward to today. It does seem more interesting than breaking skeleton skulls."

Tels shoots Hari a stern glance, cutting her off from taking over the whole engagement with her own questions. Her mouth agape, she looks shocked, but then knowingly embarrassed and shrinks down her form slightly.

Turning back to the dwarf, Tels asks

So... is it just like that on the outside of you or all of the way through?

He gives a discerning look as he awaits the answer.

female kobold bookworm
Eltis wrote:
"Greetings. I am called Eltis. I am a humble servant of Apsu, the Deity of all good and Metallic Dragons. It is nice to meet you all. I'm sure we shall have an eventful day trip!"

Geltra suddenly looks curious and faux aloofness turns into rapt interest.

So... have you ever met one? A metallic dragon I mean.

Spell & AoE Templates | 3-18: gameplay, maps

I'll give a little more time for responses to the kids' questions and then move us forward later tonight!

Horizon Hunters

Entering into the conversation while playing solitaire he states I have heard that there are no more metallic dragons, some about a remastered form of dragon now taking shape. as he pulls out an Ace of Spades to complete a row.

male dwarf scholar | history teacher

After introductions, Thandmere Krelsun passes over several carefully-written pages. “Yes, yes! Thank you for joining us. Here are the rules for the field trip, and a list for you of the tasks that the students are expected to accomplish today. Please remember that accomplishing these tasks is the point of this trip! If you need to know anything, please ask me now. We hope to leave in a few moments.”

male human Eagle Knight

“You shouldn’t need any special equipment,” adds J, “But feel free to bring what you normally would on an assignment. It will be interesting for the students to see fully equipped Pathfinders. I hope that you enjoy getting a chance to influence the next generation.”

J lowers his voice and leans so the students will not overhear, “Also, do be on your best behavior. They are children and they’re as likely to pick up bad habits from you as good.”

Spell & AoE Templates | 3-18: gameplay, maps

The pages Thandmere Krelsun handed to you can be viewed here. The notes are also reproduced on Thandmere Krelson's profile.

You have the opportunity to ask questions of Thandmere Krelsun.

Vigilant Seal

NG (male) human thaumaturge 2 | HP 28/28 | AC 19 (+1 with shield) | F +7 R +5 W +6 | Perc +6 (E) | 25’ | focus points 1/1 | hero points 2/3 | Exploration: Search | Active Conditions:
HariStudent wrote:
No! I do not know where Quain is. What is it close to? What is its system of government? What are its natural resources or primary industry? How does it fare with its nearby neighbors? Ooooh. Who is the most famous adventurer from there? Wait, did you say monsters? Which kinds?

"Woah..." Yuan Wu looks overwhelmed by the bombardment.

"Um, it borders Ling Shen, Po Li and the Iron Moutains? Uh, near Goka the city-state? Hmm, ok that's probably not that helpful. Well, it's just far to the East. Or is that West? So the world is round." Yuan Wu starts to panic, realising he is confusing the child further and quickly tries to move on. "We have a monarch emeritus who rules the land. Nelongso."

He pauses, trying to recall what else she asked, and when he does looks troubled. "I lived most of my live in the monastery and other than chasing down spirits with my master, I don't get out much. I know we have a lot trees, so maybe lumber?" Yuan Wu doesn't look so confident. Trying to move to the next question, he realises with the multitude of heroes that Quain has produced, he doesn't even know where to start. He looks around for help.

Going to sidestep the question on monsters to not spoil that scenario. :)

Vigilant Seal

NG (male) human thaumaturge 2 | HP 28/28 | AC 19 (+1 with shield) | F +7 R +5 W +6 | Perc +6 (E) | 25’ | focus points 1/1 | hero points 2/3 | Exploration: Search | Active Conditions:

Yuan Wu quickly turns his attention to Thandmere, possibly as a means of escape.

"So how much help should we give the students?"

Hari | non-binary half-elf overachiever

Hari narrows her eyes and focuses on Yuan Wu’s answers. The less confident his responses get, the more strained her expression. It’s obvious she’s not entirely satisfied.

Just flavor, no NPC relations affected :)

She follows up remarking Well maybe you’ll be it’s most famous native!

male dwarf scholar | history teacher
Yuan Wu wrote:

Yuan Wu quickly turns his attention to Thandmere, possibly as a means of escape.

"So how much help should we give the students?"

As Yuan Wu turns to Thandmere, he catches him chuckling at the escape. He does get the sense it’s sympathetic.

“If you aren’t helping them, why do you think you are here? Just don’t do things for them. They’ll never learn that way. You could build the Bridge of the Gods, but they need to walk over it.”

“GM Screen”:
Eltis Society: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11

Radiant Oath

M Dragonscaled (Silver) Kobold Cleric 3 of Apsu | LG | AC 20| HP 30/30 | Fort +7 Refl +8 Will +10 | Perception +8 Cleric 3
Geltra wrote:
Eltis wrote:
"Greetings. I am called Eltis. I am a humble servant of Apsu, the Deity of all good and Metallic Dragons. It is nice to meet you all. I'm sure we shall have an eventful day trip!"

Geltra suddenly looks curious and faux aloofness turns into rapt interest.

So... have you ever met one? A metallic dragon I mean.

Eltis grins, "Of course, every time I look in a mirror!

Horizon Hunters

3-18 | Nonbinary (they/them) leaf leshy (Finadar) oracle (tempest) 3 | ◆◇↺ | AC 19 (20) | HP 41/41 | P +7, F +7, R +7, W +9 | Explore: Search | NV, 25' | Focus: 2/2 | Spells 1st (3/3) 2nd (2/2) | Curse: 0 | Hero: 1/3 | Active Conditions: sunbathing

"HI, HI!" Thevenin suddenly says, springing up. They're a little shy at first, but then they recognize a bunch of the students, and greet them warmly.

They read over the rules very carefully, wondering whether they'll be able to play with horses outside of the field trip, and asks Thandmere what they should do if students misbehave.

male dwarf scholar | history teacher

GM Screen:
Eltis Fort save: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20
Yuan Wu's Perception (E): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11
Ghardak's Perception (T): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10
William Billy Actium's Perception (E): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7
Thevenin Serkat's Perception (T): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25

Eltis and Thevenin:
You realize that, as you ask questions and speak with Thandmere, the teacher is anxious and agitated.

Do you have any more questions for the dwarven scholar?

Horizon Hunters

Not I said the Little Red Hen

Radiant Oath

M Dragonscaled (Silver) Kobold Cleric 3 of Apsu | LG | AC 20| HP 30/30 | Fort +7 Refl +8 Will +10 | Perception +8 Cleric 3

"Well, when do we start?"

When Eltis gets the group together away from kids and a cranky professor he'll inform them as well, "That Thandmere seems out of sorts. May need to watch him."

Horizon Hunters

1 person marked this as a favorite.
3-18 | Nonbinary (they/them) leaf leshy (Finadar) oracle (tempest) 3 | ◆◇↺ | AC 19 (20) | HP 41/41 | P +7, F +7, R +7, W +9 | Explore: Search | NV, 25' | Focus: 2/2 | Spells 1st (3/3) 2nd (2/2) | Curse: 0 | Hero: 1/3 | Active Conditions: sunbathing
Eltis wrote:
When Eltis gets the group together away from kids and a cranky professor he'll inform them as well, "That Thandmere seems out of sorts. May need to watch him."

"Maybe he has a pebble in his shoe," Thevenin wildly speculates. "Dwarves get cranky when they have pebbles in their shoes."

Then, they think of an alternative hypothesis.

"Or maybe they're evil."

To Thandmere, Thevenin will ask, "What should we do if the students misbehave?"

Vigilant Seal

M Dwarf Redeemer Champion 3 | AC21/23 HP 49/49 Shield 30/30 | F+10 R+6 W+8 Per+6 | Speed: 20' (Unburdened Iron, Rock Runner) | Focus: 1/1 Hero: 1/3 | DC: 20 | Marshal Aura 10'

"I do not. I assume we are allowed to spank them?" Ghardak says.

Vigilant Seal

NG (male) human thaumaturge 2 | HP 28/28 | AC 19 (+1 with shield) | F +7 R +5 W +6 | Perc +6 (E) | 25’ | focus points 1/1 | hero points 2/3 | Exploration: Search | Active Conditions:
HariStudent wrote:
She follows up remarking Well maybe you’ll be it’s most famous native!

At this, Yuan Wu beams with pride. He's found his favourite student.

male dwarf scholar | history teacher
Eltis wrote:
"Well, when do we start?"

As soon as you're done introducing yourselves to the kids! We travel via the Maze.

male dwarf scholar | history teacher
Thevenin Serkat wrote:
To Thandmere, Thevenin will ask, "What should we do if the students misbehave?"
Ghardak wrote:
"I do not. I assume we are allowed to spank them?" Ghardak says.

Oh, goodness no! Did I give the impression that I follow Zon-Kuthon? These are Pathfinders' children, so if you keep them busy with interesting problems I trust you can keep them in line. He ends with a wink.

Spell & AoE Templates | 3-18: gameplay, maps

Knowledge checks!

GM Screen:
Eltis's Society (T): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21

The Pathfinder Society purchased the manor housing the Academy decades ago. In recent years, J Dacilane has become the school’s benefactor, financing a high-quality education for the students.

Because he played #2-09... The Pathfinder Society purchased the manor housing the Academy decades ago. In recent years, J Dacilane has become the school’s benefactor, financing a high-quality education for the students.

Pathfinder agents recently investigated a reported haunting inside the Academy. Though the school had dealt with rumors of ghosts for years, the agents determined that the uncanny events in question were caused by an akizendri—a chaotic extraplanar being of the sort known as proteans.

GM Screen:

Yuan Wu's Pathfinder Society (T): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26
Ghardak's Pathfinder Lore (T): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
William Billy Actium's Lore 1 (T): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12 Pathfinder Society Lore
Thevenin Serkat's Pathfinder Society (T): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11

Eltis, Yuan Wu:
The Woodsedge Lodge is run by Venture-Captain Armeline Jirneau, a half-elf woman who has worked with the Pathfinder Society in Galt for more than a decade. The lodge serves as an important hub for travel due to the Maze of the Open Road—a magical hedge maze containing portals to locations across Golarion and beyond.

The Maze of the Open Road had been demonstrating extremely erratic behavior until recently, when Pathfinder agents took steps to stabilize the magic that sustained the maze.

The Woodsedge Lodge is run by Venture-Captain Armeline Jirneau, a half-elf woman who has worked with the Pathfinder Society in Galt for more than a decade. The lodge serves as an important hub for travel due to the Maze of the Open Road—a magical hedge maze containing portals to locations across Golarion and beyond.


Before you leave, you also have the opportunity to impress and question the students. In addition to asking them for information, each of you can attempt one check to Make an Impression on a student of your choice, if you wish.

Yuan, you can keep the good roll from here, but let me know which student you'd like to apply it to.

Vigilant Seal

M Dwarf Redeemer Champion 3 | AC21/23 HP 49/49 Shield 30/30 | F+10 R+6 W+8 Per+6 | Speed: 20' (Unburdened Iron, Rock Runner) | Focus: 1/1 Hero: 1/3 | DC: 20 | Marshal Aura 10'

Ghardak tries to display his blocking abilities to Tels, even though he isn't that familiar with Ruk.

Ath: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (14) + 11 = 25

Horizon Hunters

Trying to catch the attention of one of the students, Billy stands up, pulls out his pistol and makes it dance in his hand as he swirls and moves it around in a display of skill.

1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25 performance

When he is done he tips his hat with the barrel of the gun at the student.

Horizon Hunters

Before they leave, he would like to get a potion of healing for his school item

Vigilant Seal

NG (male) human thaumaturge 2 | HP 28/28 | AC 19 (+1 with shield) | F +7 R +5 W +6 | Perc +6 (E) | 25’ | focus points 1/1 | hero points 2/3 | Exploration: Search | Active Conditions:

Yuan Wu takes a deep breath and turns his attention back to Hari (his new favourite student although he'll keep that to himself to not show favouritism).

"Hello, Hari. I'm sorry if I wasn't very impressive just now." At that, he laughs good naturedly at himself. "Kind of got overwhelmed. As I said, I lived in my monastery as far as I can remember. And that pretty involved my master telling me what to do." With a quick glance at Thandmere to make sure he is out of earshot, he adds with a mischievous grin, "Not that I listened much. But that's between us."

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