DM Azure_Zero |

Alright Let's get a roll call and see who is still here and wanting to continue.
And do you want me to take over the existing game threads as is, or do you want to start with fresh campaign threads?
And if my Falcon's Hollow players want some new recruits I'll offer spots for the game, as a number of you got a sample of my GMing style.

Elaina Tirel |

I'm her, though I seem to have lost my twin, which is a bummer.
Hope things get better for you at work Nightfiend. I'll miss Dahlia while your gone.

DM Azure_Zero |

I fear we have lost Chapel.....
So do we go with a party of four, or get another player or two ??...
I'll start with a fresh set of threads to gets things clean since we've seemed to of lost two players as well.
After I know if folks want some extra players or start as is.
Also since my Falcon's Hollow Mini-AP game is down to two players.
Read and enjoy if interested.
You can apply in the old recruitment thread.
Also a rare chance at a monster class, or other special start.

Cassander Elsinore |

Well, if we're basically starting over... I might remake Cassander if that is acceptable. In hindsight, I'm not super happy with his construction (my fault really). What do we still have?
Hmmm. I think maybe at the very least, maybe a fifth character? I always like groups of five PC's. Just my two cents.

Elaina Tirel |

I think I'm going to be making a new character. Losing Dahlia's player has kinda killed my enthusiasm for playing Elaina.

Cassander Elsinore |

Fair enough. I'm thinking if anything, I'll probably go Wizard instead of Sorcerer; in general, I just like Wizards more than Sorcerer's, they're more versatile.
Totally understanding were your coming from by the way Elaina, that might kill my enthusiasm as well.

DM Azure_Zero |

If folks are going to remake their characters, I'll allow it, but you'll have little time to do so, as we've had a lot of delays.
Still deciding on what little CC changes I might make and allow.
as I'm tempted to open a free 3PP book with a free feat or two based on character backstory or other factor(s)....

Elaina Tirel |

Same here. Glad to know he's alright.
No inspiration as of yet. I may wind up dropping if I can't think of anything.
Nevermind, it looks like I'll be saying a fare-thee-well to everyone here. I hope all of y'all have fun.

Elaina Tirel |

I didn't want to slow ya'll down and I wouldn't really have the bandwidth to really look at this until this weekend, and even then there's no guarantee that I'd come up with something that I like. I figured it'd be better to leave and open up the spot for someone that could get something put together in less time.
Thank you for picking this up AZ. Sorry I couldn't stick around

DM Azure_Zero |

I'm giving until the Oct 11th for everything to be redone.
And if you can't come up with an idea, then seed the idea with a randomised character like with in the Expanded Horizons game.
Currently debating on if it is better to take this group and move it into My FH Mini-AP to get both groups with game full in one go.

Ruin Explorer |

I’m fine with whatever you decide AZ. I feel like you’re in a tough position taking over a game only to have people leaving. I’ve looked a little at you FH game, and it looks like something I’d be interested in playing in. I just don’t want to end up in both games if this goes forward.
Also, I’ll be out of town the 7th and 8th and probably won’t be checking the boards.

DM Azure_Zero |

Yeah, I've decided it'll be better to merge this game into my FH Game
Currently the game has a Ranger and a Wizard
Pop into the Discussion Thread and say Hi
You'll have until Oct 14 to have a level 3 character ready.