Price of Immortality (Inactive)

Game Master Diaz Ex Machina

Price of Immortality, a three-part campaign arc by Jason Bulmahn and Joshua J. Frost, was released in 2009 and 2010.

“Delve into the treasures of the Living God Razmir, but tread carefully lest you arouse his deadly masked gaze! A new Pathfinder Module adventure series designed for beginning players of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game! Perfect for new Pathfinder players.”
— Paizo 2009 Catalog

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GM Diaz wrote:
This seems reasonable. As I've already said this idea intrigues me, I really want to see what kind of PCs you guys can come up with.

I presume the builds will end up being more typical than not with what resources are available. Ultimately, I think this is a good thing seeing it seems like full pathfinder options now seem a little out of hand. It feels good dialing it back to the basics. That being said, just because the options are limited that doesn't mean that the flavor needs to be. At this point i'm envisioning basic druid / ranger builds with a fair amount of fluff for flavor.

Male Probably human Computer Scientist 1/ Character Synthesizer 20/ Crazy 99

Post coming tonight.

Male Probably human Computer Scientist 1/ Character Synthesizer 20/ Crazy 99

Forgive me for the wall of text, I've got a lot to unpack here. I know that sometimes in my writing I can be blunt, even come off as abrasive. If I do come off as this in the following, please don't take it personally. It is not my intention to argue with the GM nor is it to cause strife among the players. Please take everything I say in the spirit of someone just giving voice to their thoughts and not really trying to start an argument.

1. Ranger Spells
While clerics, druids, paladins, and rangers all cast divine spells, only clerics and paladins pray to prepare their spells. Both rangers and druids meditate to prepare their spells. I'd take that to mean that the ranger need not have a deity that they follow to prepare and cast spells since the druid need not have a deity they follow to do the same given that Lini, the iconic druid, is of the Green Faith based on the information I've found. In the end it's up the GM, but I'd say no, you don't have to worship a god to get ranger spells.

2. Birthmark
I know some of what I proposed was over the top, so no offense their. I tend to get that way with magic and especially where magic and emotions mix, an inquisitor's eyes turning black when she's angry or upset and a paladin trying hide her inner turmoil behind a stone face, but having the divine energy she's channeling to heal people give her away by scorching anything not living and leaving behind a litany of anguish and grief for example. I'm fine with toning things back. We could just say that it's on the backs of their hands, though there's no mechanical reason to limit the size and there's not really anything else regarding its appearance other than its the symbol of the god you choose to worship later in life.

Now, it does say god in there, but I feel that is a bit limiting. What about followers of an animistic/shamanistic religion? Typically those are portrayed as not having gods and paying homage to idealized forms of animals or their ancestors or both. Taking a strict reading of the trait means that a character that follows such a religion wouldn't be able to take this trait, even if they revered the Spirit of the Bear, for example, though from a story perspective it would make perfect sense for them to have such a mark and the associated boons.

There's also the fact that a religion can have multiple symbols that are holy or seem that way to those outside of the religion. Christianity, for example, has the cross, the dove, and the ichthus (the fish symbol that you've probably seen parodied by attaching legs and writing Darwin in the middle of.) You could also argue that the star that guided the wise men to where Jesus was is also a symbol. Each has a different meaning, but all of them are still symbols, and if we plopped Christianity into a TTRPG setting, you could argue that any one of them is the faith's holy symbol for different reasons: the cross for Jesus' sacrifice and resurrection, the dove for the new Covenant that was made between God and all of humanity, the ichthus for the commandment to be fishers of men and the symbology around that, and the star for the way God guides us to Him and to be more Christ like.

All of that is to say that a faith can have more than one symbol and I think you could make arguments for deities having more than one symbol just like they have more than one depiction in artworks and to be more specific I think you can make arguments that both Goreh and Erastil could have a symbol that was a (world)tree with intertwining roots and branches. For Gozreh, it's the interconnectedness of nature and how one thing affects everything. For Erastil, it's a symbol of how communities grow strong in their bonds and traditions established by older generations.

As I've said, through, I'm more thinking out loud here than anything.

3. God(dess)
I think the twins would probably be a better fit with Erastil than Gozreh. The ideals about community and family would appeal to them I think, as would the philosophy of enjoying the simpler pleasures in life, though I'm pretty sure that the priests aren't talking about the simple pleasure of a well done prank. :P

I've been wracking my brain for the best fit for the twins, and honestly I've drawn a blank. I think Erastil could be interesting given his emphasis on community, but Gozreh would make the most sense. I can't think of any other deity that would be a good fit unless it's an empyreal lord or something.

If I had to pick right now though, I'd have to go with Erastil. I think he'd be the better fit for the twins given their apparent motivation.

I can work with those numbers. :)


This is about as far as I can go for the moment. I'm starting to have trouble keeping my eyes open, so I think it's bed for me. More to come tomorrow.

Male HP 13/13 | AC 19 (Tch 13, FF 15) | CMB +3, CMD 16 | F: +4, R +5, W +2 | Init: +5 | Perc: +6 Short Bow +4 (1d6) x3 | Great Sword +3 (2d6+2) 19-20

This is Nightfiend's basic Ranger crunch up to this point. It should be somewhat complete minus Name / backstory / Personality / Avatar Image. Sorry for my absence the last few days. Work got max crazy and i'm expecting another double shift tonight.

@ AdamWarnock: Take a look over this crunch and see if there is anything that should be changed for the sake of our backstory. I will update the name, Image, and backstory once I have feedback on your thoughts about the subject.

Male Probably human Computer Scientist 1/ Character Synthesizer 20/ Crazy 99

The only thing I'm really seeing is the alignment. Not a big deal, I was just thinking they'd be more NG and the birthmark would be from Erastil. If you want to go with Gozreh, that's fine and I can adjust. I was just going off what I thought our characters' motivations are.

I'm planning on reusing an alias, and Elaina Tirel seems fitting enough. (That character was made for a Crypt of the Everflame game) I'm not set on the name though if you want to go with something different.

Below's an outline of what I was thinking their background could be. I based it off of the one that you posted earlier and wanted to know what you thought. If it's good, I'll go ahead and write something more detailed.

- Parents were killed in an accident
- Twins often wandered the woods near town.
- One day the twins get lost.
- The twins are accosted by a wolf pack, but Elaina's animal companion, another wolf chases them off.
- The twins are found by the ranger and druid that mentor them.

NG and Erastil are both OK with me. I originally went CN in order to digest the tomfoolery that the two girls might cause in their quest to derail the logging community. That being said, I do believe that NG is a better choice. I will make the adjustment. I'm also OK with Tirel as the family name.

As fare as background goes, I would focus more on the fact that the accident left them lost to the woods rather than have them wondering and getting lost. I can envision two children being overlooked by the community in a large accident that left many dead. Because of their age they would have needed help to survive. This could be where the mentor comes into play. This mentor could be a druid, a ranger, two separate people or simply one person with skills in both professions. I'm OK with all of the above.

I'm also good with the wolf pack, seeing it helps to introduce your companion to the story.

I would suggest adding that the parents where originally from the town that we are starting in. This will help to explain how two wayward children end up back in the town and are eventually invited to participate in the ceremony.

He/Him | GMT+0200 (CEST) | The Sandstone Secret | Ambush in Absalom | The Silverhex Chronicles | The Wounded Wisp

The Mentors

Braggar Ironhame (CN male dwarf expert 3/barbarian 2, barbarian mentor): Braggar is one of the two blacksmiths that service Kassen. This dour dwarf runs a small business on the south side of town. Although he is outpaced by his competitor (Renet’s Steel, near the town square), Braggar’s goods are of higher quality. Braggar is a surly mentor, capable of incredible fits of anger if one of his pieces is not turning out as planned. As such, he often has to spend time repairing his workshop, which only further slows down his work. Braggar’s teaching style focuses on craft and artifice, but he can also teach pupils about controlling their anger and unleashing it when the time is right.

Jocyn Elmaran (CG male half-elf bard 5, bard mentor): Jocyn is the only real entertainer in the town, having settled here 4 years ago after a fight with orcs up near the Belkzen border left him with a crippled leg. Despite his injury, Jocyn is a capable performer, working with a variety of instruments and performance styles. He lives in one of the rooms above the Seven Silvers Tavern, where he performs nightly. Jocyn is a perfect mentor for bard characters. His loose style and relatively carefree nature make him a rather lax teacher, however, and his occasional drunken ramblings hint of a terror in his past that he refuses to speak of any other time.

Father Rantal Prasst (NG male human cleric 2 of Erastil, cleric mentor): The small town of Kassen has only one temple and it is devoted primarily to Erastil, but Father Prasst allows those who worship other friendly gods to pray at the temple as well. While Father Prasst does not offer services in the names of these deities, there are small shrines to other gods set up in some of the alcoves, including Gozreh, Gorum, Shelyn, and Torag. Father Prasst is a kind and understanding man, but he is hard when it comes to the defense of the community. He is quite young, only 24, and many in the community do not put too much faith in his council, except in spiritual matters. He was trained as a soldier in Tamran, but he left after his first battle to become a priest, and refuses to say why.

Olmira Treesong (N female human druid 2, druid mentor): Druids are not an uncommon sight in Nirmathas, but Olmira draws stares even in the streets of Kassen. This middle-aged woman only wears clothing made from natural materials (such as bark, leaves, and grass) and is always accompanied by a host of small woodland creatures. She talks to herself and her retinue constantly, having full conversations despite the fact that no one seems to answer her. Over the years, Olmira has had a number of apprentices who have gone on to become successful druids. Those who learn from her are sent on all manner of esoteric missions, such as listening to the wind for a week, planting new seeds throughout town, and mimicking local animals.

Guard Captain Gregor Wisslo (LG male human fighter 4, fighter mentor): The town of Kassen has never truly known the horrors of the war with Molthune, but occasional raiding parties from Belkzen do sometimes pose a threat. As such, the town has been watched over for many years by Wisslo, who serves as guard captain. Gregor is a staunch man who believes in schedules and regiment over ingenuity and spontaneity, much to the chagrin of the town’s residents. As an aging fighter, Gregor is a qualified teacher, but his lessons are rigid and his discipline harsh. The guards he has trained are quite skilled, but they secretly detest the old man, calling him names behind his back (Captain Is-Slow is the current favorite).

Ilimara Oniri (LN female human monk 2, monk mentor): While most of the people in Kassen were born and raised within 10 miles of town, Ilimara was born in Qadira in a town with a name most of the humble folk of Kassen could not even pronounce. Not surprisingly, this beautiful and exotic woman keeps to herself. She has lived on the outskirts of town for almost 8 years now, claiming that she is trying to find peace in her heart. Ilimara has had a number of acolytes over the years, each hoping to learn the secrets of Irori that Ilimara claims to practice, but so far, all have abandoned her tutelage for a simpler road. Anyone who learns from her, however, quickly uncovers that there is a darkness hiding in Ilimara, and only those with an iron will can bear to be around it.

Sir Dramott (LG male human paladin 3, paladin mentor): The people of Lastwall, the militaristic nation to the north, take it as their responsibility to keep the orcs of Belkzen in check. Unfortunately, their forces are spread thin, so they rely on a number of scouts close to the border of Belkzen to keep watch. Sir Dramott is one such scout. Although he has no authority here in town, he regularly reports to his commanders in Lastwall, informing them of any orc activity. Mayor Uptal is grateful for Sir Dramott’s assistance whenever trouble is brewing, but he is concerned about a military officer from a foreign land stationed in his town. The people of Kassen respect Sir Dramott, but they would rather he go home and leave them to their own devices. As a mentor, Sir Dramott is capable and wise, if a bit harsh. Unfortunately, all of his lessons deal with service to Lastwall, and his pupils are taught to think of such service as a high honor.

Arnama Lastrid (NG female human ranger 4, ranger mentor): Nirmathas is known for its rangers, valiant woodsmen who have spent years carving out a nation and protecting it from foreign and domestic threats. Arnama is one such ranger. She is tough, quiet, and more than willing to risk her life to protect the people of Kassen and the country she has grown to love. Arnama was orphaned during the early wars with Molthune, growing up in a band of adopted parents. These rangers taught her everything she knows. When Arnama came of age, she left the band to find out where her parents came from. That trek led her to Kassen, where she has remained ever since, living in their old house just outside town. Arnama is a skilled ranger but not the best teacher. Those who have tried to learn from her find her impatient and without discipline. She does, however, excel at teaching by example, leading her charges on far-ranging patrols and hunts.

Jimes “Short Change” Iggins (CN male halfling rogue 3, rogue mentor): Those who frequent the Seven Silvers tavern know to count their coins before they leave the table, especially if they have been served by “Short Change,” the halfling waiter who has a propensity for giving less change than is due (although he insists the name is due to his short stature). Although Jimes is genuinely kind and helpful to all the locals, he just can’t help but end up with some of their possessions at the end of the night, be it a few coins or a loose dagger. Most of the townsfolk are quite aware of this and do not take too much offense if something goes missing. After all, they know where the missing goods went. Anyone who works with Jimes at the Seven Silvers is sure to get a host of tips and tricks from this good-natured thief, who thinks that a little petty theft is all in good fun.

Moltus Vargidan (sorcerer mentor): If you ask a dozen folk in Kassen who the strangest family in town is, you would get the same answer 12 times: the Vargidans. This old family has a touch of magic in its blood, with each one of the children showing some sorcerous talent. Where this magic comes from is a mystery, and the family refuses to speak of such things in mixed company. Lording over the family is the wealthy and eccentric patriarch, Moltus Vargidan. This aging man has white hair that trails down to his knees, and he can often be found wandering the halls of the estate, muttering to himself. Living with him are almost a dozen children (each from a different wife) and a pair of lifelong servants. Sorcerers who come from this house have been forced to learn things for themselves, because the old man shares few of his secrets, and many of the children are starting to believe that his grip on reality is slowly slipping.

Holgast (N male human wizard 6, wizard mentor): On the eastern edge of town is a single tower, leaning slightly to the south, made of bricks and timber. This is the home of Holgast, the town’s local sage and mystic. Although Holgast is very knowledgeable, he is old and quite forgetful, meaning that the townsfolk (the mayor in particular) only consult him if the need is truly great. Holgast spends most of his days wandering about his tower, reading books, smoking his pipe, and taking naps. Once a week, he wanders into town to purchase supplies and provisions with his seemingly inexhaustible reserve of perfect golden coins, which he claims came from an immense hoard some years ago. Holgast makes for a frustrating mentor. His lessons are erratic and old fashioned. His apprentices are required to do all manner of chores for the privilege of learning from him, while he sleeps the day away and teaches very little. Those who have learned anything from him have done so by sneaking into the wizard’s spellbooks while he is napping.

Back from camping, got some fluff done, but not as much as I was thinking of....

GM Diaz wrote:

The Mentors

Olmira Treesong (N female human druid 2, druid mentor): Those who learn from her are sent on all manner of esoteric missions, such as listening to the wind for a week, planting new seeds throughout town, and mimicking local animals.

I'm going to laugh if Elaina has to listen to the wind for a week, or even better, mimic a chicken.

I'll take the a-hole ranger trainer over the bat-crazy druid any day of the week.

Kind of interesting that Arnama's background is not to fare off from what we have been disusing for the twins.


I’ve got the stats worked up for my barbarian. I’ll be working on the description next.

Sovereign Court

M Half-Elf

Nightfiend and AdamWarnock are writing novels. Meanwhile me and Ruin are like, "Yo, we're sparring partners."

If that isn't the most melee class thing I've ever seen lol

Anyway, I will have some crunch up in the morning for viewing.

Male Probably human Computer Scientist 1/ Character Synthesizer 20/ Crazy 99

I think Elaina would be seeking help form her sister after the chicken incident that became known as the Cluckening.

A question for the GM, would it be possible for both Elaina and Nightfiend's character to know druidic?

Sorry for how long it's taking me to get things together. I'm just running a little low on energy lately.

Male HP 13/13 | AC 19 (Tch 13, FF 15) | CMB +3, CMD 16 | F: +4, R +5, W +2 | Init: +5 | Perc: +6 Short Bow +4 (1d6) x3 | Great Sword +3 (2d6+2) 19-20

OK this should be the complete crunch for the ranger. I'm holding off on putting together a personality reference for her until I see what Adam has in store for the background. I will select an image once I see the image and description for the druid.

He/Him | GMT+0200 (CEST) | The Sandstone Secret | Ambush in Absalom | The Silverhex Chronicles | The Wounded Wisp
AdamWarnock wrote:
A question for the GM, would it be possible for both Elaina and Nightfiend's character to know druidic?

That unfortunately wouldn't be possible without Elaina losing her druidic powers. IIRC a druid whom teaches the secret druidic language to a nondruid loses his powers, and probably only an atonement can restore them.

Archives of Nethys wrote:


A druid who ceases to revere nature, changes to a prohibited alignment, or teaches the Druidic language to a nondruid loses all spells and druid abilities (including her animal companion, but not including weapon, armor, and shield proficiencies). She cannot thereafter gain levels as a druid until she atones (see the atonement spell description).

And Atonement ain't cheap,
Level 5 spell costs, meaning a level 10 cleric or druid, 500 gp in basic spell components.
and add in a possible 2,500 gp extra due to the nature transgression.

Sovereign Court

M Half-Elf

Here is the crunch for my fighter. I ended up going with the dwarven longaxe since I figured that Ruin's barbarian will probably end up face to face with enemies a good deal of the time. This gives a little more flexibility in positioning. Then again, nothing is set in stone.

I should be able to get some flavor up later today too.

Brignond Quartzflare


Brignond Quartzflare
Fighter 1
NG Medium humanoid (dwarf)
Init +1; Senses Perception +1 (+3 checks to notice unusual stonework, such as traps and hidden doors); Darkvision 60ft.


AC 16, Touch 11 Flat-Footed 15 ( +1 Dex, +5 Armor)
HP 13 (1d10+3)
Fort +5 Ref +1, Will +1; +2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like abilities; +1 trait bonus on all saving throws made against divine spells.
Defensive Abilities defensive training (+4 dodge bonus to AC vs. giants)


Speed 20 ft.
Melee dwarven longaxe +4 (1d12+7/x3)
...throwing axe +3 (1d6+5/x2)
Ranged throwing axe +2 (1d6+3/x2)
Special Attacks +1 on attack rolls against goblinoid and orc humanoids


Str 17, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 15 (19 vs. bull rush and trip while touching the ground)
Feats Weapon Focus (dwarven longaxe), Power Attack
Skills Appraise [0] +1 (+3 to determine the price of non-magical goods that contain precious metals or gemstones); Knowledge (Dungeoneering) [1] +4; Knowledge (Engineering) [1] +4; Profession (blacksmith) [1] +5
Languages Common, Dwarven
Traits Combat: Armor Expert
Faith: History of Heresy
Favored Class +1 Skill Point
Combat Gear
Other Gear scale mail, belt pouch

Male Probably human Computer Scientist 1/ Character Synthesizer 20/ Crazy 99

No sharing druidic between the twins, got it.

Hey folks, Diaz invited me here to round out the group since one of the original six didn't materialize.

With that, just wondering out loud about some character ideas. With a fighter, druid, ranger and bard, I was thinking of rounding out the group with an arcane character... maybe an wizard? I was also thinking I might go with an elf; we have one dwarf and three humans correct?

Welcome, The KGB.

The party does seem combat heavy (3 classes) with a full divine role and most of the Skilled and Arcane roles currently being filled by the Bard.
So you good for either Full Arcane or Full Skilled classes.

Female Human Mystic Rank: Novice Advancements: 1 Bennies: 1 Wounds: 3/3 PPE: 5/15 ISP: 10/10 Pace: 6, Parry: 7, Toughness: 8(3), Size: 0, Charisma: +2 Ammo: Iceblast Shotgun: 0/8, NG-33: 19/20 Status: Quickness: 0/3

Welcome KGB! I think between a bard and a druid we can keep everyone on their feet, so yeah, someone with some magic mojo wouldn't be amiss here. :)

Okay, so I had an idea while I turning this over in my head. I'm going to go ahead and write it out, but know that I am okay with changing this to the idea of their parents dying in an accident we'd talked about if you don't like it Nightfiend.

The Tirel Sisters:

It was about two decades ago when it happened. Not one but two rangers, weary of war and bloodshed, arrived in Kassen. Dalen and Syriel Tirel they were named. Husband and wife, both handsome and golden-haired, caused quite the stir when they took to roaming the wilds surrounding the town to cull the bandits and worse over a quiet life in some trade. Every turning of the season, the less charitable were certain that they'd leave, but they stayed, even building a small home not far from the town.

A few years later, Syriel and Dalen arrived in town after being gone for a couple of months. Syriel was expecting, and the two stayed in town for the next half-a-year. Syriel gave birth to twin girls and named them Dahlia and Elaina. Strangely, they bore a vague shape on the backs of their hands that bore a resemblance to Erastil's symbol. The Tirels gave thanks and offerings to Old Deadeye before leaving for their home. the next spring.

They came to town more frequently after that, and the next several years saw the twins grow into happy, mischievous girls that easily made friends. While their pranks were harmless, more than one adult was annoyed by their antics, though many of the children loved them. It seemed that they would soon grow into heartbreakers as their parents continued their patrols. Many nights were spent joking about how the Tirels should be careful lest someone do them a mischief to repay all of the past and future antics.

Shortly after the girls turned six, no one made those jokes anymore nor did anyone laugh at them. Dalen and Syriel were found dead outside of smouldering ruin of their home in each other's arms, pierced through with red and black fletched arrows, a warning to those hunting bandits. Of the twins, there was no sign. After nearly a week of searching, the people of Kassen assumed they'd been hauled away or killed. They mourned the deaths of the Tirel family and moved on.

Dahlia and Elaina, though, had survived and escaped into the darkness on the night of the attack. Their memories were only a blur, but they remembered the arrows, fletched with black and red. For the next four years they took all their parents had taught them and survived. The first winter was tough and nearly killed them, but they learned and lived. Each year they roamed further and grew more wild, almost forgetting their past and even themselves.

Then came the night the wolf pack attacked.

It was late in the fall, the first snows had come early that year and game was growing scarce. The night had found Elaina and Dahlia away from the safety of their shelter. Even as they hurried their way back, the wolves closed in, hungry and snarling. Eventually, they surrounded the twins and closed in. One, the largest of the pack, leapt at Elaina and bore her down to the ground as she screamed. The young girl looked up and knew the end had come as the carrion breath washed over her. Fear held her in place as she started to cry for the first time in nearly four years. She looked over to Dahlia and saw that her sister was next when a bone-chilling howl rose from her other side. The wolf atop Elaina yelped in pain as another wolf, black and streaked with white where scars were on his skin, tackled it and sent the three of them tumbling, with Elaina coming free as the two wolves tore into each other with snarls and bared fangs.

The black wolf won, bloodying the pack's leader and sending it running with its tail between its legs. He turned and walked over to where Elaina and Dahlia had watched transfixed. He looked at Elaina and nudged her with his nose to stand. After the second time, She did and they followed the wolf, Tyr, through the woods and into the camp of Olmira Treesong and Arnama Lastrid. The two had been investigating something strange going on in the woods and were more than a little surprised to find the long thought dead Dahlia and Elaina Tirel being lead into their camp by a seemingly nonchalant wolf. After coaxing the story out of the girls, the ranger and druid were able to confirm the girls' identities by the marks, now much more distinct, on the backs of their hands.

Over the next six years the twins were taught the ways of rangers and druids. Dahlia spent long hours on patrol with Arnama while Elaina "listened" to the wind or "became one with" the chicken. Both of them learned archery under Arnama's instruction, mostly by watching and doing rather than listening.

Elaina Stats:

Elaina Tirel
Human druid 1
NG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +5; Senses Perception +6
AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 10 (+3 Dex, +1 dodge)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +4; +2 trait bonus vs. charm and compulsion
Speed 30 ft.
Melee unarmed strike +2 (1d3+2 nonlethal)
Druid Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +3)
. . 1st—cure light wounds, magic fang
. . 0 (at will)—create water, light, stabilize
Str 14, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 10
Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 16
Feats Dodge, Martial Weapon Proficiency (longbow)
Traits birthmark, reactionary
Skills Acrobatics +4, Climb +6, Handle Animal +4, Perception +6, Stealth +4, Survival +8
Languages Common, Druidic
SQ nature bond (wolf named Tyr), nature sense, wild empathy +1
Special Abilities
Animal Companion Link (Ex) Handle or push Animal Companion faster, +4 to checks vs. them.
Nature Sense (Ex) A druid gains a +2 bonus on Knowledge (nature) and Survival checks.
Share Spells with Companion (Ex) Can cast spells with a target of "you" on animal companion, as touch spells.
Wild Empathy +1 (Ex) Improve the attitude of an animal, as if using Diplomacy.


Tyr CR –
N Medium animal
Init +2; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +5
AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+2 Dex, +2 natural)
hp 16 (2d8+7)
Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1
Speed 50 ft.
Melee unarmed strike +2 (1d3+1 nonlethal) or
. . bite +2 (1d6+1 plus trip)
Str 13, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 14 (18 vs. trip)
Feats Toughness
Tricks Attack, Attack, Attack Any Target, Down, Fetch, Heel, Hunting, Seek, Track
Skills Acrobatics +2 (+10 to jump), Perception +5, Stealth +6, Survival +1 (+5 when tracking by scent); Racial Modifiers +4 Survival when tracking by scent
SQ attack any target, hunting
Special Abilities
Attack Any Target [Trick] The animal will attack any creature on command.
Hunting [Trick] The animal has been trained for hunting.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Scent (Ex) Detect opponents within 15+ ft. by sense of smell.
Trip: Bite (Ex) You can make a trip attempt on a successful attack.

Just some thoughts on their personality. Four years of survival in the wilderness with little interaction other than each other has left the girls on the awkward side. As they've recovered, I can see more of their old selves peeking through with the two of them being cheerful, mischievous, and friendly, if a bit odd. I imagine that they're also very close and tend to talk to each other more than just about everyone else.

Also, sorry if someone else had their eyes on this one. I felt like it was too perfect for someone with a penchant for mischief.

PS: Nightfiend, Elaina is about 5' 2" and 130lbs.

Male HP 13/13 | AC 19 (Tch 13, FF 15) | CMB +3, CMD 16 | F: +4, R +5, W +2 | Init: +5 | Perc: +6 Short Bow +4 (1d6) x3 | Great Sword +3 (2d6+2) 19-20

@ Elaina: Backstory sounds good. With this background we will have no personal issue with the local logging guild.That is aside from them harvesting the Forrest. It does tie in with the town and the NPC mentors. presumably that's how the two sisters where reintroduced to the town. Parents where killed by random bandits who used distinctly fetched arrows leaving the girls to survive on their own until they where stumbled upon by the ranger and druid mentors.

If I end up with an animal companion, I will probably go with a wolf as well in order to maintain the unity.

Over all, I believe this Co-op is looking good.

@KGB: Welcome aboard KGB. Arcane sounds like the biggest hole we have with the rogue (skill) set being second. The bard presumably has the ability to fill the skill set, but more skills are definitely welcome. As always, additional healing is welcome as well.

Adam and NightFiend:

Guessing the twins are blondes when I get to making the render,
Also guessing blue eyes ?
Kellyn skin ?
Hair length is long ?
close to average body type/build ?

Female Human Mystic Rank: Novice Advancements: 1 Bennies: 1 Wounds: 3/3 PPE: 5/15 ISP: 10/10 Pace: 6, Parry: 7, Toughness: 8(3), Size: 0, Charisma: +2 Ammo: Iceblast Shotgun: 0/8, NG-33: 19/20 Status: Quickness: 0/3

In order:
Sure, why not?
Hmmm, yeah, let's go with that I think.
Gymnast/dancer. A little toned muscle and pretty limber.

Those are my thoughts at least. Nightfiend may have other ideas.

@GM: Haven't gotten equipment yet. I noticed that the restrictions pretty much make longbows off limits since the cheapest one you can get is 75gp, so I'm going to have to adjust a feat too.

Male HP 13/13 | AC 19 (Tch 13, FF 15) | CMB +3, CMD 16 | F: +4, R +5, W +2 | Init: +5 | Perc: +6 Short Bow +4 (1d6) x3 | Great Sword +3 (2d6+2) 19-20

I'm also good with the Descriptive choices.
Blond, blue eyed, kellyn skin, long hair, tone limber, Height (5'4") <-- this is subject to change.

I'll be working out some personality traits and personal views, which I will post under a tab on the character sheet.

@Elaina: I went with short bow for now. I'm guessing that a longbow won't be hard to come by at some point. Presumably, we will want to have one crafted with our strength in mind anyway. Preferably masterwork so it can be enchanted...

He/Him | GMT+0200 (CEST) | The Sandstone Secret | Ambush in Absalom | The Silverhex Chronicles | The Wounded Wisp

@AdamWarnock: Feel free to get a longbow, it's not a problem.

Male HP 13/13 | AC 19 (Tch 13, FF 15) | CMB +3, CMD 16 | F: +4, R +5, W +2 | Init: +5 | Perc: +6 Short Bow +4 (1d6) x3 | Great Sword +3 (2d6+2) 19-20
GM Diaz wrote:
@AdamWarnock: Feel free to get a longbow, it's not a problem.

I'm presuming this applies to both twins, so I added a longbow as well. Fluff has also been added and the character should now be complete.

He/Him | GMT+0200 (CEST) | The Sandstone Secret | Ambush in Absalom | The Silverhex Chronicles | The Wounded Wisp
Dahlia Tirel wrote:
GM Diaz wrote:
@AdamWarnock: Feel free to get a longbow, it's not a problem.
I'm presuming this applies to both twins, so I added a longbow as well. Fluff has also been added and the character should now be complete.

It applies to everyone who wants a simple longbow as his or her starting weapon. I forgot how much they cost, but they are perfectly legal to take as a starting weapon.

Male Probably human Computer Scientist 1/ Character Synthesizer 20/ Crazy 99

Woo thanks. I should have Elaina complete tonight.

Adam and Nightfiend:

Rough Draft Rendering.
Anything need fixing?
I did a Tian + Ulfen mixed heritage base to match the parameters you described, since Tian are short, and the Ulfen are blonde haired.

I'll need a final height to finalise the model.

Possible outfits to choose from:
Wind Warrior
Wind Warrior Textures
toxophilite - Have extra Textures
artemis - Have extra Textures


Is this close for your character? Note this is a rough draft.
Based on the image you posted earlier
I'll fix what I can if something is off.
Also I'll need to set a height for the character model, so I'll be needing how tall Brignond Quartzflare is.

Male HP 13/13 | AC 19 (Tch 13, FF 15) | CMB +3, CMD 16 | F: +4, R +5, W +2 | Init: +5 | Perc: +6 Short Bow +4 (1d6) x3 | Great Sword +3 (2d6+2) 19-20

@Azure_Zero: I'm OK with the rendering as it stands. I envision their hair a bit longer than the model, but I would prefer Adam's input before confirming that opinion. As fare as height goes, I will need Adam's conformation on 5'4" before saying it is written in stone.

@Adam: Is Height 5'4" good for you or would you like a different height? I'm complacently OK with changing this if you see them taller or shorter.

The braid is long and behind the model, it is about waist long.

Also I need you to pick the outfit for your character.

Male HP 13/13 | AC 19 (Tch 13, FF 15) | CMB +3, CMD 16 | F: +4, R +5, W +2 | Init: +5 | Perc: +6 Short Bow +4 (1d6) x3 | Great Sword +3 (2d6+2) 19-20

@DM Azure_Zero; I'm thinking Wind warrior. I see the ranger somewhat medium armored and the other options appear to be lighter garments. Again Adams opinion should also be considered on the selection.

I agree wind warrior does fit the ranger very well, and the extra textures give more options to it's look.

Now I do have extra materials I can use to modify surface textures into leather, leather or animal scale, etc.
For the other outfits, so that they are better then cloth.
Now I believe druids can't use armour with any metal.

Also If your gonna prank, I think the outfits should be different, so when you swap who is who, the prank it will be more believable.

Female Human Mystic Rank: Novice Advancements: 1 Bennies: 1 Wounds: 3/3 PPE: 5/15 ISP: 10/10 Pace: 6, Parry: 7, Toughness: 8(3), Size: 0, Charisma: +2 Ammo: Iceblast Shotgun: 0/8, NG-33: 19/20 Status: Quickness: 0/3

@DM Azure_Zero: I don't think a STR 14 character is quite that buff, but if you think that's good then I'm not going to argue. Personally, what I was picturing is probably closest to the Woodland Rogue outfit.

I've got gear picked out. I think I'm ready to go. Just need to check a few things to make sure Nightfiend and I are on the same page.

So Adam has Woodland Rogue outfit
and Nightfiend Has Wind warrior.
for now encase one changes their mind.
Also setting Height at 5 foot 4 unless changed.

Female Human Mystic Rank: Novice Advancements: 1 Bennies: 1 Wounds: 3/3 PPE: 5/15 ISP: 10/10 Pace: 6, Parry: 7, Toughness: 8(3), Size: 0, Charisma: +2 Ammo: Iceblast Shotgun: 0/8, NG-33: 19/20 Status: Quickness: 0/3

Yup, 5' 4" and 115lbs.

Modified the Wind Warrior armour surfaces to match wording descriptions used of the medium armours in the CRB,
as the full Wind Warrior has parts listed in Heavy Armour descriptions in the CRB (Vambrace, Pauldron-rerebrace, Cuisse).

I'll poke around my library and see if I can find other options, that I might of missed earlier.

Hey sorry for the radio since Wednesday, busy couple of days. I'm going to put together an elven wizard over the weekend. Initially I was thinking of a Sorcerer, but I've always preferred the versatility wizards provide as opposed to sorcerers.

Anyway, we're strictly core rules in this correct?

Male Probably human Computer Scientist 1/ Character Synthesizer 20/ Crazy 99

Core plus traits web enhancement.

He/Him | GMT+0200 (CEST) | The Sandstone Secret | Ambush in Absalom | The Silverhex Chronicles | The Wounded Wisp

Also, we're using similar restrictions as the Pathfinder Society: no Item Creation feats, no Leadership. Check the previous posts to have a better idea of what you could build your character with.

Sorry, one last question... where do I find the web enhancement information? I've always just used my CRB and the Archive of Nethys to put together characters.

Web enhancement

The Old PRD site organised by book

Sovereign Court

M Half-Elf

Hi everyone, I wanted to apologize for my absence Friday and over the weekend. I had to rush out of the office Friday because my wife was extremely ill and couldn’t care for our 3 month old by herself (she’s freelancing from home at the moment). I ended up spending all weekend taking care of both of them. I have updates coming.

He/Him | GMT+0200 (CEST) | The Sandstone Secret | Ambush in Absalom | The Silverhex Chronicles | The Wounded Wisp

No worries, the important thing is that everyone is ok now. I'm having a bad flu myself right now, I'll try to stay online as much as I can in the next days though.

Sovereign Court

M Half-Elf

@Azure That looks to be about right. To give you a little more I rolled on the random table.
H: 4'6"
W": 185 lbs
Age: 65

Below is a little background story for Brig. I wanted to leave the reason behind the family leaving Janderhoff and being considered heretics a little vague.


”If’n you keep swingin’ that hammer like that yer gonna end up with nothin’ but a hunk o’ junk!”

Brignond Quartzflare sighed and held the hammer out for his father to take, ”By all means, Father, instruct me in the ways of our people.” Brignond found himself studying his father’s features while he waited for the dwarf to reply. The red in the older dwarf’s beard was nearly gone now, replaced with gray. The mane of brick red hair was quickly disappearing. All that remained were a few wisps of copper strands above the ears. His father’s bronzed skin now looked more like an old, leather jerkin. When had these changes occurred? Brilhost had always seemed to powerful. Now, he looked like a pale imitation of the dwarf.

Is this what I will look like when I am old and bitter? Brignond asked himself. Will the copper in my hair turn to silver? Will I refuse to trim my beard out of fear that it might not return?

”I’m not doin’ yer work for ya, Brig,” the old dwarf growled. ”I just,” the tone in Brignond’s father’s voice softened, ”I just want ya to be capable of lookin’ after yerself and yer ma when I’m gone.”

Brig blinked and almost dropped the hammer, ”What in the world are you talking about?” he said.

Brolhost smiled and leaned against an anvil, ”I’m gettin’ up there, ya know that. Time has worn my edges down and it won’t be too long ‘fore I’m nothin’ but dust.” Brig’s father stared into the forge and Brig found himself too stunned to break the silence. Finally, the old dwarf spoke again.

”I know ya dream of leavin’ this town one day,” the dwarf said, the hint of a smile on his lips, ”yer mother never wanted to stay here either. She wanted to go back to Janderhoff but, after what those Toarg worshipping blowhards did…” Brig’s father let the words die on his tongue. Brilhost selected a pair of tongs from the workbench, ”Adventurin’ is in yer blood. It’s in mine. It was in yer grandfather’s too. But sometimes a dwarf’s gotta set aside tradition an’ what he wants the most in order to do what’s right. Even if sometimes it doesn’t feel right.” Brilhost set the tongs aside and regarded his son, ”You an’ yer mother are the most important things in my life. An’ I need to know that when I’m gone, you can take care of her. I ain’t done talkin’ yet.” The dwarf’s features darkened, ”Don’t think I ain’t seen you with Captain Wisslo. Swingin’ that axe around like some soldier.”

For a moment, Brig fully expected his father to launch into one of his expertly crafted rants on the importance of obedience. Instead, the old dwarf grinned, quite possibly, the largest he had ever seen his father grin.

”At least you had since to try ‘n’ learn a proper dwarven weapon. Not some fanciful thing like one of them elves. ‘A rapier’, they call it. More like a toothpick, if you ask me. Anyhow, the point I’m tryin’ to make is this: if you decide that smithin’ ain’t for you, that your true path is out plunderin’ some tomb, make sure you find some way to take care of your mother. If I find out that you left her alone without two coppers to rub together, I’ll dig my creaky bones outta whatever slab o’ rock you put me in and knock ya senseless!” Brilhost slapped one arm around his son. ”Alright, get all this cleaned up an’ meet me over behind the house, I wanna show you how to properly use my axe that you’ve been bowering.”

M CN Half-Elf Swashbuckler 1 | Panache 3/3 | HP: 9/12 | AC: 18, T: 14, FF: 14) | CMB: +3 (+5 w/ finesse), CMD: 17 | F: +2, R: +6, W: +1, (+1 trait bonus on all saves vs arcane spells) | Init: Not Used | Perception +6 low-light vision | Speed 30ft | | Active conditions: None

Profile for Brignond.

Note: Crunch and flavor can easily be altered to fit requirements. I'm open to feedback.

He/Him | GMT+0200 (CEST) | The Sandstone Secret | Ambush in Absalom | The Silverhex Chronicles | The Wounded Wisp
Brignond Quartzflare wrote:
Crunch and flavor can easily be altered to fit requirements. I'm open to feedback.

Seems fine to me, but I'm also feverish right now, thus any error may have slipped past my attention. I would be more sure about the crunch when I will put all your character sheets on Hero Lab, to keep them better under control.

Getting closer to finishing my fluff, adding a family curse that has nothing mechanical, more a role play item that helped in shaping her into who she is.

Lets see what we have right now as submissions,
Brignond - Dwarf Fighter
Dahlia - Human Ranger
Elaina - Human Druid
Jasmine - Human Bard

Missing characters from:
Ruin Explorer

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