DM Bigrin |

Hello everyone! Thank you all for joining my game. My goal is for each and every one of you to walk away thinking 2 things: 1) Man, that was a lot of fun, I can't wait to do it again; and 2) That DM Bigrin guy is a great GM, I want to play in more of his games :)
Please take a moment to answer these questions about you and your character. They will help us all stay on task and have fun!
Out of Character Questions
Can you access Google Slides?
Do you have an up-to-date 'bot me' spoiler -- complete with dice expressions? (check out Kastien's botme)
Will you be willing to bot other characters if I ask you to do so?
Do you promise to let me know if you get super busy for a few days so we can bot you?
Are you comfortable with a 1-2 post a day pace?
What's been your favorite SFS Adventure with this character, and why?
Player Name:
Character Name:
Character Number:
Slotted Faction:
Information for this chronicle sheet:
Number of this Chronicle:
Starting XP:
Initial Fame:
Fame Spent:
Reputation with slotted faction:
Day Job:
Any other special things you need me to note on your chronicle?
I also need you to fill out your alias profile with all the relevant information.
Please put the relevant stat block in your profile, under the Race field. See below for an example of what I am looking for. This is my quick lookup so I don't have to do a full dive into your character when I need to make snap decisions.
Female Ysoki Mystic 1 | SP 6 : HP 8 : RP 5 | EAC 13 : KAC 14 | Fort. +2: Ref. +2 : Will +2 | Init. +2 : Perc. +8 (darkvision)
Also, please put your full character sheet in your profile somehow, whether it is formatted text from HeroLab, PCGen, or another character generator, a link to an online sheet, or raw text. (talk to me if you want to know more about PCGEN, a FREE character creation and management tool).
I have also set up a Discord channel so that we can have time-sensitive discussions (not having to wait until someone checks the boards to answer a question). It isn't mandatory, but Hmm's games have really shown me the utility of having some form of discussion and question answering mechanism outside of the delayed board responses.
Ready? Break!

BotPlay-4000 |

A clicking noise heralds the arrival of a spherical robot that shuffles into the room on a set of spider-like legs.
"Hello, I am the BotPlay-4000. I have been assigned to help this group move forward as swiftly and smoothly as possible. I have a limited ability for strategic problem solving, so it is to your benefit to provide me a detailed list of possible actions. It is also to your benefit to make use of me as little as possible. My job is done best when I am not necessary at all."
The spherical body spun on its axis, without moving the legs, then the robot skittered away, back to whatever hidey hole it came from.
I will use BotPlay-4000 under the following circumstances:
It's combat, and 24 hours have passed;
The group needs a skill check from you, and 24 hours have passed;
You tell me that you will be gone for a few days, and ask me to bot you.
I prefer not to bot, but I want the game to keep moving. If I do bot you, it will likely be minimal. I won't use player non-renewable resources except in dire situations.

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That's... a lot of information. I'll do what I can.
Can you access Google Slides? - yes.
Do you have an up-to-date 'bot me' spoiler -- complete with dice expressions? (check out Kastien's botme)
Sure. Move to get a clear shot at an enemy. Preferably within 50 feet and behind cover.
[ dice=Arc Pistol, Static vs EAC]d20 +4[/dice ]
[ dice=Electricity, non-lethal]d6[/dice ]
Will you be willing to bot other characters if I ask you to do so?
Sure. Though they will have to fill in any RP later.
Do you promise to let me know if you get super busy for a few days so we can bot you?
Are you comfortable with a 1-2 post a day pace?
What's been your favorite SFS Adventure with this character, and why?
None yet. My first 3 XP with this character were from a boon and the only scenario she played was nearly a TPK and the level 2 operative died in 1 hit.
Player Name: Edward McGee
Character Name: Silver Streak
Character Number: 145373-705
Slotted Faction: Second Seeker Jadnura
Information for this chronicle sheet:
Number of this Chronicle: 2
Starting XP: 4
Initial Fame: 7
Fame Spent: none
Reputation with slotted faction: 7
Day Job: profession lawyer: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (5) + 15 = 20
I'm still updating my profile. It should be done by tomorrow.
I will be buying 2 things before we start.
Industrial Backpack 25 credits
Personal Comm unit 7 credits

Farol |

Hi DM Bigrin,
Let me roll through your questions:
Out of Character Questions
Can you access Google Slides?
Do you have an up-to-date 'bot me' spoiler -- complete with dice expressions? (check out Kastien's botme)
Not yet, but tomorrow I will add them
Will you be willing to bot other characters if I ask you to do so?
Do you promise to let me know if you get super busy for a few days so we can bot you?
Are you comfortable with a 1-2 post a day pace?
Yes. I am in UTC+1 Time-Zone and I can post through the day. Only during weekends, I might not be able to post everyday, it depends if I go on a trip. But I will keep you posted.
What's been your favorite SFS Adventure with this character, and why?
This PC is fairly fresh so I played only Solar Sortie and I loved it. This hero is an Operative with a SPY spec. I envision him as a chameleon. A person with a lot of identities that he swaps when the need arises. All of the personalities exist and have their resemblence of life. I felt that it fitted nicely to that scenario. So I am pumped to try some more.
Player Name: Farol
Character Name: Relij
Character Number: 2359780-705
Slotted Faction: Dataphiles
Information for this chronicle sheet:
Number of this Chronicle: 2
Starting XP: 1
Initial Fame: 2
Fame Spent: 0
Reputation with slotted faction: 3
Day Job: Acquisition specialist: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19
Any other special things you need me to note on your chronicle?
Not that I can think of.

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Here we go!
Can you access Google Slides?
Do you have an up-to-date 'bot me' spoiler -- complete with dice expressions?
On it! Edit: That should do
Will you be willing to bot other characters if I ask you to do so?
Do you promise to let me know if you get super busy for a few days so we can bot you?
Can do
Are you comfortable with a 1-2 post a day pace?
Certainly. I can post every day without trouble, usually more. On PFS days (Saturday) and long days at work (variable, 2-3 per week) those 2+ posts will usually be on opposite ends of the day. Pacific time zone, just so you know.
What's been your favorite SFS Adventure with this character, and why?
I played a most enjoyable game of Ashes of Discovery in which Ivan had a lot to teach people. He gave a from-the-heart speech about what not to do when one's god seems to leave them. He played into the locals' ways of stone and go-karts, and his dice were +5 flaming burst. That helped him learn things he probably shouldn't have known, giving credence to his point.
Player Name: Crunch
Character Name: Ivan
Character Number: 150618-707
Slotted Faction: Exo-Guardians
Information for this chronicle sheet:
Number of this Chronicle: 6
Starting XP: 5
Initial Fame: 10
Fame Spent: 1
Reputation with slotted faction: 10
Day Job: Profession (vidgamer): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16

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Q&A Session:
Can you access Google Slides?
Do you have an up-to-date 'bot me' spoiler -- complete with dice expressions? (check out Kastien's botme)
No. I'll get to work on it.
Will you be willing to bot other characters if I ask you to do so?
Do you promise to let me know if you get super busy for a few days so we can bot you?
Are you comfortable with a 1-2 post a day pace?
Yes. I can post almost always post at least once each day and night, often 2 or 3 times, even on weekends.
What's been your favorite SFS Adventure with this character, and why?
Into the Unknown. It was an all small characters table. Tchisk earned his ace pilot reputation and bullied Julzkama into cooperating. It was a fun time. Special note should be made to Solar Sortie as well. Tchisk still wears the robe he used as Eagar the Dark of the Abyss Dragons gladiatorial group.
Player Name: Dax Thura
Character Name: Tchisk
Character Number: 33976-7053
Slotted Faction: Dataphiles
Information for this chronicle sheet:
Number of this Chronicle: 6
Starting XP: 5
Initial Fame: 10
Fame Spent: 0
Reputation with slotted faction: 10
Day Job: None
Any other special things you need me to note on your chronicle?
Not that I can think of.

Berggen |

Q&A Session:
Can you access Google Slides?
Do you have an up-to-date 'bot me' spoiler -- complete with dice expressions? (check out Kastien's botme)
Will you be willing to bot other characters if I ask you to do so?
Do you promise to let me know if you get super busy for a few days so we can bot you?
Are you comfortable with a 1-2 post a day pace?
Yes. I'll have to get RSS notifications set up to do anything faster than 1/day, but I think it's not hard.
What's been your favorite SFS Adventure with this character, and why?
Malcimex is a brand new character who has only had one adventure applied to her w/ GM credit, the Commencement.
Player Name: Berggen
Character Name: Malcimex
Character Number: 292243-712
Slotted Faction: Second Seekers (Jadnura)
Information for this chronicle sheet:
Number of this Chronicle: 2
Starting XP: 1
Initial Fame: 2
Fame Spent: 0
Reputation with slotted faction: 2
Day Job: None

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Out of Character Questions
Can you access Google Slides?
Do you have an up-to-date 'bot me' spoiler -- complete with dice expressions?
Not yet, but I'm updating my profile for level 2 and will add it.
Will you be willing to bot other characters if I ask you to do so?
Do you promise to let me know if you get super busy for a few days so we can bot you?
Are you comfortable with a 1-2 post a day pace?
Yes, though weekends may be slower for me.
What's been your favorite SFS Adventure with this character, and why?
Dreaming of the Future. Most of the team had played together in a previous adventure and I enjoyed the strong connection to the Dreamers that Buscador has.
Player Name: Mike Knauer
Character Name: Buscador
Character Number: 262720-706
Slotted Faction: Dataphiles
Information for this chronicle sheet:
Number of this Chronicle:
Starting XP: 4
Initial Fame: 8
Fame Spent: 0
Reputation with slotted faction: 8
Day Job: Mercenary: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (17) + 13 = 30
Any other special things you need me to note on your chronicle? Nope

DM Bigrin |

Gameplay thread has been added. Feel free to phantom dot there so you get your updates. We will start posting today or tomorrow, but with the holiday weekend I understand if people can't post daily. We will officially start the 24-hour deadline for posting on Tuesday. in the meantime, please enjoy some light orchestral music...

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Ally - Basic Hireling Access (Set 1 - Computers, Engineering, Physical Science)
Faction - Second Seekers (Jadnura)
Personal -
Promotional -
Social - Faction's Friend
Starship -
Slotless- Marked Field Agent, Star Sugar Heartlove!!

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Ally - Basic Hireling Access (Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate)
Faction - Exo-Guardians
Personal - Dwarven Admittance (not sure if this takes up the slot, but I have no others here)
Promotional -
Social - AbadarCorp Augmentations
Starship - Hero of the Stars
Slotless - Marked Field Agent

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Ally -
Faction - Dataphiles Champion
Personal -
Promotional -
Social - Envar's Attention
Starship -
Slotless -
I would also want to do some purchases:
Diasporan rifle + glamered fusion (350 + 120)
Called fusion to be placed on my semi-auto pistol (120)
Total: 590

Berggen |

Tulgarst, the Dwarven Admittance, in most cases, goes in the Personal Boon slot as a +2 to one attribute. See this SFS 1.1 guide blog post for additional details. I glanced at your build and it doesn't look like you have the +2 in there, and you can retroactively convert the 'new' character option to the boost to an existing character per the 1.1 SFS Guide.

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That's what I figured, thanks! I could've sworn I gave myself the +2 when I got the chronicle a second time, but now it doesn't look like it. All the better!

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Dataphiles Champion (faction)
Envar's Attention (ally)
[ ] Hero of the Stars (starship, limited)
Basic Purchasing Plan (slotless)
Starfinder Insignia (slotless)

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Ally: Dream Whispers
Faction: Dataphiles Champion
Personal: Alien Archive Admittance (Tier 1)
Social: Faction's Friend
Starship: Hero of the Stars
Slotless: Starfinder Insignia, Private Vault, Marked Field Agent, Star Sugar Heartlove!!!

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Ally - Amateur Hireling set 2 "Poogle"
Faction - Second Seeker Jadnura
Personal - Sudden Attunement
Promotional - Starfinder character folio
Social -
Starship -
Slotless -
Static Arc Pistol default is non lethal while on the station.

DM Bigrin |

Sorry I had to break my own rule. I had the misfortune to brick my phone on the very same day (Friday) that someone ran a truck into the fiber junction that serves my neighborhood. No internet all weekend. But, I should be able to post from work, so I'm ready to keep moving. Thanks for your patience.

Catsial Drun |

No worries;) I was wondering if Ambassador is a quiet kind of alien waiting for us to make a more firm stand :D

DM Bigrin |

Welcome to combat!
The way I do combat is to set up the initiative tracker, and then let everyone post in blocks (before the monster, after the monster, between the monster groups, etc.). If your block is up in the tracker (bolded) then you should post. Don't worry about posting in order, as that slows everything down. Post as you can and I will merge the actions together in initiative order. If your action would depend on what someone before you in the order, place contingencies in spoilers, like this:
I have this action prepared
I have this other action prepared
Obviously, if it is too complex you can delay, but I will be running combat updates at least once every 24 hours and if you miss your posting block, you lose your action.
Clear as mud?

DM Bigrin |

Do I know anything else about the gremlins? Weaknesses or immunities especially.
With that roll you know all the things!
Buscador knows a lot about glitch gremlins. He knows that they are immune to fire, and have resistances to cold and to spells in general. He also knows that they can cast small spells of their own - mostly annoying spells like grease and ghost sound, but also overheat.

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Just a heads up - I’m currently at Origins so will be a little slow in posting. Feel free to bot me if needed to keep things moving.

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@Catsial Drun
"Don't know what to do with the Ambassador reluctancy to eat in public. Should we try to arrange him some private space in the restaurant? Like movable walls? What do you think?"
I read the culture tabs before realizing I cant take 20 on a skill I don't have but none of us made the required check so that isn't PC knowledge.

Catsial Drun |

I read through all of the information and you are right. Sorry about that. I also read the spoiler to see if this is where I took it, and it was not. At the beginning of the scenario, I actually read about that race of aliens and this is where I saw this. I need to make notes and read things after the game :(
sorry for messing with a good scenario. My bad :(

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Hard to spot if a sniper is using non lethal options. At least we were not tossing grenades or other aoe.
Thanks for running Bigrin. And thanks everyone else for the game.

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Tchisk is being admonished?! He was the victim here. He was targeted by a slew of 'non-lethal' attacks and had his packages stolen. He never fired a shot nor hurt anyone. And the police are wagging their fingers at him? They're very opinionated for a bunch of come-latelys. They should go back to guarding the doughnut stand.
All tongue in cheek. I appreciate the work our law enforcement officers do every day.

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Thanks for the game, one and all!
As for feedback, I don't know the scenario mechanics, but you seemed to keep things going smoothly. My only piece of confusion was before Perfexion. I thought you were trying to tell us that hacking would be insanely difficult, if even possible, and we should try something else.

Catsial Drun |

Great game Birgin, I enjoyed it a lot. Sorry for my spoiler in the middle of the game, a lesson to myself for the future.
With regards to scenario, I really liked how you have run it. I am a bit let down that my team didn't want to pursue my original idea of impersonating law enforcers and intercepting the Ysoki family, but what can you do :P
One tiny thing, and only as you insisted ;)
In the mall, you could have made it a bit more clear that our actions were out of line with descriptions like:
"Catsial misses his shot, which hit disturbingly close to some old lady carrying her groceries." Or "Ivan charges on his drone tossing aside a group of children coming back from McAbsalom" :P
For some reason, I forgot that we are in the mall (which is completely on me) and if I had a gun with aoe I would definitely use it ;)
To be honest, I didn't have any non-lethal weapon so it would not have changed my actions;)
To sum it, it was a great game, I enjoyed it a lot. I hope I will play with you some more in the future.

DM Bigrin |

Thanks all.
The scenario specifically calls for StatSec to admonish you for using any lethal response, so I went whole hog with it. The fact is that you played it how your characters would have, and it went exactly as expected (barring some minor dice flubs that let the thieves get away.
Anyways, HERE are your chronicles.
@Tchisk - your ID of 33976-7053 is not showing up as valid. Can you please double check that for me?

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Looks good. Do I understand correctly that we didn't get the max amount of credits due to messing something up? (Not delivering carnage in the mall for example)? Asking out of curiousity