Race |
| RP 6/6 | folio boon 1/1 | |
Classes/Levels |
Ysoki Technomancer 2 | SP 7/10 | HP 12/12 | KAC 15 | EAC 14 | F +0 | R +3 | W +3 | Init +3 | Perc +0 (Darkvision 60 ft.) | Sense Motive +0 |
About Silver Streak
Consumables used
Lvl 1 2/5
Ysoli Bounty Hunter Technomancer 2
LN Small humanoid (Ysoki)
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft Perception +0
DEFENSE - SP 10 HP 12 RP 6
EAC 14; KAC 15
Fort +0; Ref +3; Will +3;
Speed 30 ft.
Melee survival knife +1 (1d4 -1 S; analog, operative)
Ranged Arc Pistol, Static +4 (1d6 E; Stun, Arc 2)
Offensive Abilities Spells
Str 8 (-1); Dex 16 (+3); Con 11 (+0); Int 18/20 (+5); Wis 10 (+0); Cha 10 (-0)
Skills Acrobatics +3, Athletics -1, Computers +10, Engineering +15, Life Science +10, Mysticism +5, Perception +0, Physical Science +10, Piloting +8, Profession (Lawyer) +15, Sleight of Hand +8, Stealth +3, Survival +7;
Feats Skill Focus (Engineering)
Languages Common, Akitonian, Ysoki, Jinsul, Eoxian, Brethedan, Aklo,
Other Abilities Cheek Pouches, Moxie, Spell Cache, Harmful Spells (Ex)
Detect Magic, Detect Affliction, Mending, Psychokinetic Hand, Transfer Charge
1st 5/day
Comprehend Languages, Magic Missile, Overheat
Combat Gear;
Other Gear second skin, Arc Pistol, Static, survival knife, everyday clothing, profession (Lawyer) outfit, hygiene kit, personal comm unit, toolkit (hacking), toolkit (engineering), toolkit (profession Lawyer), toolkit (trapsmith’s tools), toolkit (navigator's tools), flashlight, binders x2, fire extinguisher, Industrial Backpack, Personal Comm, Synaptic Accelerators (Technology), MK 1 credstick (258 credits)
Cheek Pouches May store 1 cubic foot of items weighing up to 1 bulk in cheek pouch. Retrieve as a swift action.
Darkvision Silver Streak can see up to 60 feet in total darkness.
Moxie Silver Streak may stand from prone as a swift action. Silver Streak doesn't take the normal penalties to attacks or gain the flat-footed condition when Off-Kilter. When attempting an Acrobatics check to tumble through the space of an opponent at least one size category larger than himself, Silver Streak receive a +5 racial bonus to the check.
Scrounger Ysoki receive a +2 racial bonus to Engineering, Stealth, and Survival checks. (included)
Spell Cache (Su) Silver Streak may cast 1 extra spell per day of up to her highest spell level.
Harmful Spells (Ex) Silver Streak adds 1/2 her level to instantaneous spells.
Second Skin While wearing this armor, Colthan can close its environmental seals and survive in a vacuum (and other harsh environments) for up to 1 day.
Arc Pistol, Static This weapon fires Energy and can be fired ten times before it must be reloaded. It can deal lethal or non-lethal.
Fire Extinguisher As a standard action end the burn effect on a medium creature. A large creature can be extinguished in 2 turns.
Slotted Boons
Second Seeker - Jadnura Champion
Sudden Attunement
Amateur Hireling Set 2