PFS 2-03 Rebel's Ransom (Inactive)

Game Master Pirate Rob


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We're getting close to wrapping up here, if folks would take a moment to make sure I have your reporting info available including day job if applicable.

Liberty's Edge

AC 29 T 13 FF 28| HP 121/121(resist fire 5)| F +15 R +13 W +12 (see profile for rest)| Init +2 (+3in Cheliax)| Perc +4 (darkvision 60ft) | Challenge 4/4, Greater Tactician 3/3 Ifrit(sunsoul)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
Spells/Effects Active:

Reposting info from earlier plus rolling my day job, which I didn't before. This way it'll all be in one place

Player: Evie
Character: Sayna Elantho
PFS#: 99807-20
Faction: Liberty's Edge
Speed: 20 ft in armor, but she'll prob pre-buff longstrider from her wand to get that up to 30
Day Job Perform (sing): 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (14) + 16 = 30

Dark Archive

CG Male Grippli Gunslinger (musket master) 9 | hp 80/80 (NL: ) | AC27 T21 FF19 | F+10 R+14 W+10 | CMB +9 CMD 26 | Init +10 | Speed 30ft, Climb 20ft | Perc+13, SM+4 | Grit 3/4 | Deadly Aim -3/+6 | +1 musket +18/1d10+8 | Active conditions:

Reposting and adding day job roll

Player: Dennis Muldoon
Character: Gorf Repus
PFS #-#: 215589-7
Faction: Dark Archive

Day Job: Profession (trapper): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (11) + 11 = 22

The Exchange

Male CG Human(Varisian) bloatmage 4/evoker (admixture[APG]) 5 | HP: 56/56| AC: 17 (12 tch, 15 Fl) | CMB: +4 CMD: 16 | F: +5, R: +5, W: +7 | Init: +3 | Perc: +14, SM: +0 | Speed 20 | Pearls1 2/2, Blood Pool: 0, Bloat(1d8) 0/2, Bond 1/1, Reroll 0/1, Coin 0/1 |VersEvok: 10/12| Active conditions: Mage Armor, Darkvision, Heightened Awareness

Player: Jack Brown
Character: Ethan Kaenes
PFS #: 788-17
Faction: The Exchange
Day Job: Craft: Caligraphy: 1d20 + 21 + 5 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 21 + 5 + 10 = 47 (200gp)
Crafters' Fortune + Faction card

If I don't use my reroll
Day Job Reroll: Craft: Caligraphy: 1d20 + 21 + 5 + 10 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 21 + 5 + 10 + 5 = 55 (300gp)

Sovereign Court

Female Half-Elf Witch 7 | HP:51/51 | AC: 13/ FF 13/ T 11 | Fort: +4 Ref: +4 Will: +7 | Perception: +10| Init: +6

Player: Zack Ringler
Character: Celie
PFS #: 12395-2
Faction: The Exchange (I think... was changed)
Day Job: Craft: Blacksmith: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (16) + 13 = 29

Those types of puzzles are annoying. But it's something that can't be helped.

Sovereign Court

Male CG Human Barbarian 9 (w/Rage) | HP 100/100(+18) | AC 20 Tch 11 FF 18 | Fort +12 Ref +8* Will +10 | CMD 25 | Init +2 Perc +12 | Rage 17/17

Player: Jeff Chapman
Character: Gavin de Roche
PFS #-#: 77280-7
Faction: Sovereign Court
Speed: 30

Scarab Sages

Female LN Oread Brawler 8/Bloodrager 1 | HP: 81/81 | AC: 24 (16 Tch, 20 Fl) | CMB: +15, CMD: 31 (+2 vs. trip, +1 vs. grapple) | F: +13, R: +11, W: +9 (+4 against being knocked prone) | Init: +4 | Perc: +14, SM: +16 | Speed 30ft | Bloodrage: 6/6 | Elemental Strikes: 3/3 | Martial Flexibility 7/7 | Active conditions: none

Player: Kate
Character: Tai Sapphire
PFS #-#: 215650-5
Faction: Scarab Sages
Speed: Normal
Day Job: Profession (soldier): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

Sovereign Court

Female Half-Elf Witch 7 | HP:51/51 | AC: 13/ FF 13/ T 11 | Fort: +4 Ref: +4 Will: +7 | Perception: +10| Init: +6

I went ahead and centered the map on our current room. Didn't look under anything, to make it easier for all to see where we are.

The Exchange

Male CG Human(Varisian) bloatmage 4/evoker (admixture[APG]) 5 | HP: 56/56| AC: 17 (12 tch, 15 Fl) | CMB: +4 CMD: 16 | F: +5, R: +5, W: +7 | Init: +3 | Perc: +14, SM: +0 | Speed 20 | Pearls1 2/2, Blood Pool: 0, Bloat(1d8) 0/2, Bond 1/1, Reroll 0/1, Coin 0/1 |VersEvok: 10/12| Active conditions: Mage Armor, Darkvision, Heightened Awareness

Pirate GM, is the mummy effect a paralysis effect?

I ask, because Ethan has. Lesser talisman of freedom, and Freedom of Movement negates paralysis for 3 rounds.

So, I assume Ethan should have 3 rounds?


This is a paralysis and a mind-affecting fear affect, so it will pop the talisman and let you act.


Surprise! Not quite done yet. Scenario explicitly tells me to mislead you into thinking we're done before springing the ambush.

The Exchange

Male CG Human(Varisian) bloatmage 4/evoker (admixture[APG]) 5 | HP: 56/56| AC: 17 (12 tch, 15 Fl) | CMB: +4 CMD: 16 | F: +5, R: +5, W: +7 | Init: +3 | Perc: +14, SM: +0 | Speed 20 | Pearls1 2/2, Blood Pool: 0, Bloat(1d8) 0/2, Bond 1/1, Reroll 0/1, Coin 0/1 |VersEvok: 10/12| Active conditions: Mage Armor, Darkvision, Heightened Awareness


Liberty's Edge

AC 29 T 13 FF 28| HP 121/121(resist fire 5)| F +15 R +13 W +12 (see profile for rest)| Init +2 (+3in Cheliax)| Perc +4 (darkvision 60ft) | Challenge 4/4, Greater Tactician 3/3 Ifrit(sunsoul)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
Spells/Effects Active:

Sayna is cool with being teleported. Finally get to be in melee!

Sovereign Court

Female Half-Elf Witch 7 | HP:51/51 | AC: 13/ FF 13/ T 11 | Fort: +4 Ref: +4 Will: +7 | Perception: +10| Init: +6

Celie will go with the flow.


@JC: Obviously don't try and make any changes here mid game but I'm not sure you can have both Mad Dog and Urban Barbarian.

FAQ on Archetype stacking (Urban Barbarian alters the way the parent class feature works meaning you can't have any other archetypes that mess with the feature at all)

An mostly unrelated but interesting note on Mad Dogs and Unchained: John Compton

It's possible I'm wrong here as barbarian archetypes are not a field I'm particularly familiar with, so I'm happy to learn more if you know something I don't.

Sovereign Court

Male CG Human Barbarian 9 (w/Rage) | HP 100/100(+18) | AC 20 Tch 11 FF 18 | Fort +12 Ref +8* Will +10 | CMD 25 | Init +2 Perc +12 | Rage 17/17

Hrm... I'll have a read through. My understanding was that they couldn't modify the same class features, which I'm pretty sure is safe. But I'll self audit read through the links. Thanks!

Dark Archive

CG Male Grippli Gunslinger (musket master) 9 | hp 80/80 (NL: ) | AC27 T21 FF19 | F+10 R+14 W+10 | CMB +9 CMD 26 | Init +10 | Speed 30ft, Climb 20ft | Perc+13, SM+4 | Grit 3/4 | Deadly Aim -3/+6 | +1 musket +18/1d10+8 | Active conditions:

Huh. I hadn't even considered unchained for my Mad Dog. Now I wish I'd done a little more reading first.

Liberty's Edge

AC 29 T 13 FF 28| HP 121/121(resist fire 5)| F +15 R +13 W +12 (see profile for rest)| Init +2 (+3in Cheliax)| Perc +4 (darkvision 60ft) | Challenge 4/4, Greater Tactician 3/3 Ifrit(sunsoul)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
Spells/Effects Active:

This scenario is making me VERY happy I didn't trade out my fire resist for the initiative bonus, I tell you what! I was even originally planning on trading it out until I saw fire ink tattooes.

Liberty's Edge

AC 29 T 13 FF 28| HP 121/121(resist fire 5)| F +15 R +13 W +12 (see profile for rest)| Init +2 (+3in Cheliax)| Perc +4 (darkvision 60ft) | Challenge 4/4, Greater Tactician 3/3 Ifrit(sunsoul)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
Spells/Effects Active:

@Ethan you got something left to finish off our dear fiery friend? I doubt Sayna hit her

Sovereign Court

Male CG Human Barbarian 9 (w/Rage) | HP 100/100(+18) | AC 20 Tch 11 FF 18 | Fort +12 Ref +8* Will +10 | CMD 25 | Init +2 Perc +12 | Rage 17/17

Might be better to get out of dodge. This fight is not going well for Celie and Ethan.

Though I'm willing to bet Tai could save the day if he can get close enough. Or maybe Gorf can finish it.

Sovereign Court

Female Half-Elf Witch 7 | HP:51/51 | AC: 13/ FF 13/ T 11 | Fort: +4 Ref: +4 Will: +7 | Perception: +10| Init: +6

Celie can deal out fire damage, but not take it that well.

Liberty's Edge

AC 29 T 13 FF 28| HP 121/121(resist fire 5)| F +15 R +13 W +12 (see profile for rest)| Init +2 (+3in Cheliax)| Perc +4 (darkvision 60ft) | Challenge 4/4, Greater Tactician 3/3 Ifrit(sunsoul)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
Spells/Effects Active:

Here’s my read on the situation:

There’s a spot around the edge of the room next to Sayna that Ethan can move to (the half square northwest of her) that gets him out of the fire and avoids taking wall of fire damage. He could then throw another one of those coldballs and not have to worry about including any of us (just checked with the template), in case he’s out of selective spell uses. It would also clear out more of the wall of fire and make it easier to move around. The GM said Alarka is seriously injured so I bet that’ll be enough to finish her. Then if Tai can reposition/drag/etc... Celie into the square just west of Celie's current position, she’ll be fine, as she has enough HP to survive the radiating wall heat another round, and we can heal her all we want after Alarka is down.

I don't see a way to run right now that doesn't just make the problem worse, especially considering that Alarka seems to be an oracle and she can just spam us with more fire crap while we try to run.


Just as a reminder Celie is unlikely to survive until Tai's turn in her current position.

Liberty's Edge

AC 29 T 13 FF 28| HP 121/121(resist fire 5)| F +15 R +13 W +12 (see profile for rest)| Init +2 (+3in Cheliax)| Perc +4 (darkvision 60ft) | Challenge 4/4, Greater Tactician 3/3 Ifrit(sunsoul)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
Spells/Effects Active:

Ah damn, right. Forgot she's not up currently. Not sure what to do about her at this point, but my worry is that if we don't get Alarka down NOW, way more of us will be dying.

Sovereign Court

Female Half-Elf Witch 7 | HP:51/51 | AC: 13/ FF 13/ T 11 | Fort: +4 Ref: +4 Will: +7 | Perception: +10| Init: +6

And Celie would take damage traveling through the fire. She is currently at 3hp, so if it can get to her, then I can use my wand of CLW to heal, a little.

Liberty's Edge

AC 29 T 13 FF 28| HP 121/121(resist fire 5)| F +15 R +13 W +12 (see profile for rest)| Init +2 (+3in Cheliax)| Perc +4 (darkvision 60ft) | Challenge 4/4, Greater Tactician 3/3 Ifrit(sunsoul)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
Spells/Effects Active:
Celie wrote:
And Celie would take damage traveling through the fire. She is currently at 3hp, so if it can get to her, then I can use my wand of CLW to heal, a little.

I’m sorry, but I’m not sure what you are suggesting

Sovereign Court

Female Half-Elf Witch 7 | HP:51/51 | AC: 13/ FF 13/ T 11 | Fort: +4 Ref: +4 Will: +7 | Perception: +10| Init: +6

I missunderstood what you said.. I thought you were talking about the 4 alcoves on the outside of the ring of fire. Even at that square though, i would take fire damage from the wall.

Liberty's Edge

AC 29 T 13 FF 28| HP 121/121(resist fire 5)| F +15 R +13 W +12 (see profile for rest)| Init +2 (+3in Cheliax)| Perc +4 (darkvision 60ft) | Challenge 4/4, Greater Tactician 3/3 Ifrit(sunsoul)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
Spells/Effects Active:

Just the 2d4 from being near it, I believe. It’s academic though, as idk how we get you there before you take 11d6 again

The Exchange

Male CG Human(Varisian) bloatmage 4/evoker (admixture[APG]) 5 | HP: 56/56| AC: 17 (12 tch, 15 Fl) | CMB: +4 CMD: 16 | F: +5, R: +5, W: +7 | Init: +3 | Perc: +14, SM: +0 | Speed 20 | Pearls1 2/2, Blood Pool: 0, Bloat(1d8) 0/2, Bond 1/1, Reroll 0/1, Coin 0/1 |VersEvok: 10/12| Active conditions: Mage Armor, Darkvision, Heightened Awareness

well, hopefully Ethan’s cold damage will finish her off. If not, he is in the position to use an emergency force shield. I wish I could do more for Celie, though.

Worst case, Ethan will throw in a share on raise dead and/or restoration for a kindred spirit.

Liberty's Edge

AC 29 T 13 FF 28| HP 121/121(resist fire 5)| F +15 R +13 W +12 (see profile for rest)| Init +2 (+3in Cheliax)| Perc +4 (darkvision 60ft) | Challenge 4/4, Greater Tactician 3/3 Ifrit(sunsoul)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
Spells/Effects Active:

Likewise. I have a boon that lets me reduce the cost of spellcasting services by 2 prestige I can throw in as well

Sovereign Court

Male CG Human Barbarian 9 (w/Rage) | HP 100/100(+18) | AC 20 Tch 11 FF 18 | Fort +12 Ref +8* Will +10 | CMD 25 | Init +2 Perc +12 | Rage 17/17

I'd chip in too if it came to gold.


Alarka and friends are no joke no matter when you fight them. Sorry for this game running a bit longer than intended, but we got in lots of good roleplay and paranoid tomb exploration as well as a couple of vacation breaks.

Potentially deadly things in this scenario: water maze with hags that can curse you into unconsciousness with a potentially separated party.

The Throne trap that deals (2d8 fire damage for each scepter in an
incorrect location, DC 24 Reflex save for half damage, or no save) where the most likely mistake triggers 6 wrong entries.

4 Advanced Mummies. Pass 4 DC 18 will or be helpless is not great odds even if you have a good save.

Finally the 11th level oracle of flame and her well built fighter allies.
She also has a strong tactics block.

tactics wrote:
Alarka is a brutal combatant, using her spells and revelations to incinerate her foes. She opens with wall of fire to separate the group... She reserves slay living for anyone who dares to challenge her in melee combat.

I was pleasantly surprised that things didn't go horribly wrong in any of the other encounters.

Scarab Sages

Female LN Oread Brawler 8/Bloodrager 1 | HP: 81/81 | AC: 24 (16 Tch, 20 Fl) | CMB: +15, CMD: 31 (+2 vs. trip, +1 vs. grapple) | F: +13, R: +11, W: +9 (+4 against being knocked prone) | Init: +4 | Perc: +14, SM: +16 | Speed 30ft | Bloodrage: 6/6 | Elemental Strikes: 3/3 | Martial Flexibility 7/7 | Active conditions: none

I will also chip in for the Raise!

Dark Archive

CG Male Grippli Gunslinger (musket master) 9 | hp 80/80 (NL: ) | AC27 T21 FF19 | F+10 R+14 W+10 | CMB +9 CMD 26 | Init +10 | Speed 30ft, Climb 20ft | Perc+13, SM+4 | Grit 3/4 | Deadly Aim -3/+6 | +1 musket +18/1d10+8 | Active conditions:

Yeah, me too.

Liberty's Edge

AC 29 T 13 FF 28| HP 121/121(resist fire 5)| F +15 R +13 W +12 (see profile for rest)| Init +2 (+3in Cheliax)| Perc +4 (darkvision 60ft) | Challenge 4/4, Greater Tactician 3/3 Ifrit(sunsoul)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
Spells/Effects Active:

It's a Buhlman scenario, so I'm completely unsurprised at the deadliness. I hope I acquited myself fine for a level 6 playing up! I was definitely feeling the heat (hah) in that last fight.

I can pay for one of the restorations. As long as I'm paying for it, I can check the box on my Delvehaven Star boon to reduce the prestige cost by 2, so it will only cost me 2 PP. After the (hopefully) 2 PP for finishing the mission, that'll still leave me with 16 for a raise dead if I need one.

Speaking of which, if we DID miss the secondary success condition (whatever it was), I have a boon I can burn to still give us all the second prestige. Figure better to tell you now before you do chronicles so you don't have to redo them.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
CG Male Grippli Gunslinger (musket master) 9 | hp 80/80 (NL: ) | AC27 T21 FF19 | F+10 R+14 W+10 | CMB +9 CMD 26 | Init +10 | Speed 30ft, Climb 20ft | Perc+13, SM+4 | Grit 3/4 | Deadly Aim -3/+6 | +1 musket +18/1d10+8 | Active conditions:

Gorf has a boon from Call of the Copper Gate that will pay for the restorations after the raise dead, with no material cost, as long as Celie is ok with not being able to recall her fondest memories for a couple days.

Sovereign Court

Female Half-Elf Witch 7 | HP:51/51 | AC: 13/ FF 13/ T 11 | Fort: +4 Ref: +4 Will: +7 | Perception: +10| Init: +6

Celie really doesn't have that many fond memories to even recall. Her bast has been one s~$&ty one.

How much for a raise dead?...


#2–03: The Rebel’s Ransom Primary: The PCs explore the tomb and find the Crypt of the Merchant Prince.

Secondary: The PCs solve the puzzles in areas 4 and 7, failing no more than three times at each.

Success for both.


Raise Dead split 6 says is 909 each, easily affordable with the gold from this scenario.

It sounds like everyone is fine contributing, so I'll write up chronicles with 909 spent for each of you, with Gorf taking care of the restorations. The cash is easily coverable with the treasure found.

Sovereign Court

Female Half-Elf Witch 7 | HP:51/51 | AC: 13/ FF 13/ T 11 | Fort: +4 Ref: +4 Will: +7 | Perception: +10| Init: +6

Thanks for everyone who is chipping in for the raise dead... if someone would be so kind, cut off the person who killed me's finger. I want to add it to my collection.

Sovereign Court

Male CG Human Barbarian 9 (w/Rage) | HP 100/100(+18) | AC 20 Tch 11 FF 18 | Fort +12 Ref +8* Will +10 | CMD 25 | Init +2 Perc +12 | Rage 17/17

That works for me.

Thanks for running this! After having run this twice, it was a treat to be on the other side of the screen.


Chronicle Sheets

Chronicle sheets are up. I had a math mistake regarding raise dead math but have fixed it. (I gave Gorf the few gold rounding discount on the raise dead for providing the restorations.)

Please let me know if there are any errors or things that otherwise need addressing.

Sovereign Court

Female Half-Elf Witch 7 | HP:51/51 | AC: 13/ FF 13/ T 11 | Fort: +4 Ref: +4 Will: +7 | Perception: +10| Init: +6

Only thing i request, could you add the two fingers to my sheet. :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Added notes on Alarka and Sea Hag fingers.

Dark Archive

CG Male Grippli Gunslinger (musket master) 9 | hp 80/80 (NL: ) | AC27 T21 FF19 | F+10 R+14 W+10 | CMB +9 CMD 26 | Init +10 | Speed 30ft, Climb 20ft | Perc+13, SM+4 | Grit 3/4 | Deadly Aim -3/+6 | +1 musket +18/1d10+8 | Active conditions:

Thanks Rob, that was fun.

Liberty's Edge

AC 29 T 13 FF 28| HP 121/121(resist fire 5)| F +15 R +13 W +12 (see profile for rest)| Init +2 (+3in Cheliax)| Perc +4 (darkvision 60ft) | Challenge 4/4, Greater Tactician 3/3 Ifrit(sunsoul)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
Spells/Effects Active:

Yes thank you for running!

The Exchange

Male CG Human(Varisian) bloatmage 4/evoker (admixture[APG]) 5 | HP: 56/56| AC: 17 (12 tch, 15 Fl) | CMB: +4 CMD: 16 | F: +5, R: +5, W: +7 | Init: +3 | Perc: +14, SM: +0 | Speed 20 | Pearls1 2/2, Blood Pool: 0, Bloat(1d8) 0/2, Bond 1/1, Reroll 0/1, Coin 0/1 |VersEvok: 10/12| Active conditions: Mage Armor, Darkvision, Heightened Awareness

Thank you Pirate Rob for running, and everyone else for playing!

I had a great time... and Ethan was definitely challenged. Reminds me to pay better attention to my spells! I have a few to buy now.

It is too bad Celie and Ethan cannot exchange spells (one problem being a bloat mage is no free spells!)

Scarab Sages

Female LN Oread Brawler 8/Bloodrager 1 | HP: 81/81 | AC: 24 (16 Tch, 20 Fl) | CMB: +15, CMD: 31 (+2 vs. trip, +1 vs. grapple) | F: +13, R: +11, W: +9 (+4 against being knocked prone) | Init: +4 | Perc: +14, SM: +16 | Speed 30ft | Bloodrage: 6/6 | Elemental Strikes: 3/3 | Martial Flexibility 7/7 | Active conditions: none

Thanks for a great game, everyone!

Liberty's Edge

AC 29 T 13 FF 28| HP 121/121(resist fire 5)| F +15 R +13 W +12 (see profile for rest)| Init +2 (+3in Cheliax)| Perc +4 (darkvision 60ft) | Challenge 4/4, Greater Tactician 3/3 Ifrit(sunsoul)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
Spells/Effects Active:

Thank you everyone! I had a great time, too <3

Sovereign Court

Female Half-Elf Witch 7 | HP:51/51 | AC: 13/ FF 13/ T 11 | Fort: +4 Ref: +4 Will: +7 | Perception: +10| Init: +6

Thanks Pirate, Dusting off this old character was fun.

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