Tai Sapphire
Female oread bloodrager 1/brawler 8 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 15, 23, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 205)
LN Medium outsider (native)
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +14
AC 24, touch 16, flat-footed 20 (+7 armor, +1 deflection, +2 Dex, +2 dodge, +1 insight, +1 natural)
hp 81 (9d10+23)
Fort +13, Ref +11, Will +9; +4 vs. being knocked prone
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +1 adamantine guisarme +16/+11 (2d4+10/×3) or
. . cold iron cestus +15/+10 (1d8+6/19-20) or
. . cold iron cestus flurry of blows +13/+13/+8/+8 (1d8+6/19-20) or
. . cold iron morningstar +15/+10 (1d8+6) or
. . dagger +15/+10 (1d4+6/19-20) or
. . silver cestus +15/+10 (1d8+6/19-20) or
. . silver cestus flurry of blows +13/+13/+8/+8 (1d8+6/19-20) or
. . silver light mace +15/+10 (1d6+6) or
. . unarmed strike +15/+10 (1d10+6) or
. . unarmed strike flurry of blows +13/+13/+8/+8 (1d10+6)
Ranged mwk composite longbow +12/+7 (1d8+5/×3)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with +1 adamantine guisarme)
Special Attacks bloodrage (6 rounds/day), brawler's flurry, brawler's strike (magic), close weapon mastery, elemental strikes, knockout 1/day (DC 20), maneuver training (trip +2, grapple +1), martial flexibility 7/day
Str 23, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 7
Base Atk +9; CMB +15 (+16 grapple, +17 trip); CMD 31 (32 vs. grapple, 37 vs. trip)
Feats Combat Reflexes, Dirty Fighting, Dodge, Improved Unarmed Strike, Iron Will, Point-Blank Shot, Power Attack, Snake Sidewind[UC], Snake Style[UC]
Traits ancient historian, reactionary
Skills Acrobatics +14 (+18 to avoid being knocked prone), Climb +10, Handle Animal +2, Intimidate +2, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +9, Knowledge (history) +6, Knowledge (local) +12, Perception +14, Profession (soldier) +6, Sense Motive +16, Survival +6 (+8 to avoid becoming lost), Swim +10
Languages Ancient Osiriani, Common, Dwarven, Terran
SQ brawler's cunning, crystalline form[ARG], fast movement, ferrous growth[ARG], martial training
Combat Gear cold iron arrows (50), oil of bless weapon (4), oil of daylight, oil of magic weapon, potion of cure light wounds (2), potion of cure moderate wounds, potion of fly, silver arrows (50), snapleaf[UE], wand of cure light wounds (36 charges), wand of infernal healing (34 charges), acid (3), antiplague[APG] (2), antitoxin (4); Other Gear +3 mithral chain shirt, darkwood shield, +1 adamantine guisarme, cold iron cestus[APG], cold iron morningstar, dagger, mwk composite longbow (+5 Str), silver cestus[APG], silver light mace, belt of giant strength +4, cloak of resistance +3, dusty rose prism ioun stone, lesser talisman of freedom[OA], lesser talisman of life's breath[OA], lesser talisman of warrior's courage[OA], ring of protection +1, wayfinder[ISWG], backpack, bedroll, flint and steel, grappling hook, iron spike[APG], masterwork backpack[APG], silk rope (100 ft.), soul stimulant (worth 300 gp), trail rations (5), waterskin, 9,534 gp, 8 sp, 5 cp
Special Abilities
Bloodrage (6 rounds/day) (Su) +4 Str, +4 Con, +2 to Will saves, -2 to AC when enraged.
Brawler's Cunning (Ex) Count as Int 13 for the purpose of combat feat pre-requisites.
Brawler's Flurry +7/+7/+2/+2 (Ex) Can make full attack & gain two-wep fighting, but only with unarmed strike, close, or monk wep.
Brawler's Strike (magic) (Ex) Unarmed strikes overcome DR as various things.
Close Weapon Mastery (Ex) Weapons of the close group deal dam as unarmed strike at -4 levels.
Combat Reflexes (3 AoO/round) Can make extra attacks of opportunity/rd, and even when flat-footed.
Crystalline Form (1/day) +2 AC against rays. Can deflect a ray 1/day.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Dirty Fighting Forgo flanking bonus to make combat maneuver not provoke attack of op.
Elemental Strikes (3/day) (Su) As swift action, your melee attacks do an additional 1d6 Acid dam for 1 rd.
Fast Movement +10 (Ex) +10 feet to speed, unless heavily loaded.
Ferrous Growth (1/day) Make a piece of iron or steel grow into an object up to 10 pounds in weight.
Improved Unarmed Strike Unarmed strikes don't cause attacks of opportunity, and can be lethal.
Knockout (1/day, DC 20) (Ex) Declare before attack, if hit then foe is unconscious 1d6 rds (Fort neg), resave each rd.
Maneuver Training Martial Flexibility (swift action, 7/day) (Ex) As a Swift action, gain a combat feat for 1 min. More gained for greater actions.
Martial Training (Ex) Brawler levels count as fighter/monk levels for feat/item pre-reqs and effects.
Point-Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.
Power Attack -3/+6 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Snake Sidewind Gain a bonus to avoid being knocked prone, and use Sense Motive check to confirm critical hits
Snake Style Gain +2 on Sense Motive checks, and deal piercing damage with unarmed attacks
[dice=unarmed strike, power attack]1d20+12[/dice]
[dice=unarmed strike iterative, power attack]1d20+7[/dice]
[dice=flurry of blows 1]1d20+13[/dice]
[dice=flurry of blows 2]1d20+13[/dice]
[dice=flurry of blows 3]1d20+8[/dice]
[dice=flurry of blows 4]1d20+8[/dice]
[dice=flurry of blows 1, power attack]1d20+10[/dice]
[dice=flurry of blows 2, power attack]1d20+10[/dice]
[dice=flurry of blows 3, power attack]1d20+5[/dice]
[dice=flurry of blows 4, power attack]1d20+5[/dice]
[spoiler=First time Tai gets attacked][dice=Sense Motive for Snake style]1d20+16[/dice] is her AC or touch AC if better
AoO with guisarme:
[dice=+1 adamantine guisarme, power attack]1d20+13[/dice]
AoO with unarmed strike:
[dice=unarmed strike, power attack]1d20+12[/dice]