A Grim Moon Looms ; A Young Pantheon Grows (Inactive)

Game Master leinathan

Several young divinities gather together into a new pantheon, combining their strengths towards common goals. Together, they forge their sparks into the stuff of true gods.


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Sovereign Court

Added a few things including the requested information.


1. What is your character? Where are they from?
Rthignynt was once a mold living deep within the Mwangi Jungle. The mold was content to feast on whatever it could find on the jungle floor until a primitive tribe stumbled upon the mold. They began to worship the mold as their “Green God” and the tribe’s shamans offered prayers to their god, whom they named Rthignynt. The tribe offered sacrifices, sometimes willingly giving themselves over and sometimes offering captured adventurers. All this to keep their god happy. Over time the spark of divinity began to glow inside Rthignynt and with that, came the memories and knowledge from each being that Rthignynt had consumed. With this came a greater understanding of all things and a desire to be free of the tribe. Rthignynt discovered that by focusing on the memories of each individual it could take the form of creature, though it would lose its shape in a matter of minutes and revert to a green mold. To counteract this, Rthignynt moves its focus from one creature to the next. The result is a being that takes the form of a man only to have decay and regrow into a beast and then into a woman. Ever reflecting the nature of life, death, and rebirth.
The shamans began preaching of a day when their god would leave their tribe and called for the bravest of the warrior to help imprison Rthignynt. The warriors were unable to contain their god and Rthignynt fled the jungle in search of a way to return to the First World.

2. What is your character's portfolio?
Molded One
The Shifting Growth
Alignment N
Areas of Concern: Change, Decay, Fertility, Growth
Domains: Death, Knowledge, Plant, Repose
Subdomains: Resurrection, Decay, Growth, Memory, Thought
Favored Weapon: Hunga munga
Symbol: Flower blooming from a mushroom
Sacred Animal(s): Vulture
Sacred Color(s): Gray and Green
Obedience: Bury a recently killed creature and plant seeds in the soil covering the body. Meditate on the importance of death to life. If no creature is available, uncooked meat may be used as a substitute. Once per day, when you make a saving throw to resist a disease you may a single reroll. The reroll may be made after the initial save is made but before the result is revealed. You must take the second result even if it is worse.

Rthignynt believes that all things must live and die for new life to be created. Death is not to be feared as it simply a way for the self to transition into a new state of being, one with new thoughts and memories.

3. What does your character look like?
Rthignynt’s true form is that of a large, green mold. However, it maintains a constant flux of various forms as it grows, decays, and regrows into a new body.

4. How did your character become a demigod?
Rthignynt became a demigod after hundreds of years of feasting and being worshipped.

5. Where does your character live?
After having found passage to The First World, Rthignynt would have found a small patch of The First World to keep to itself. Rthignynt spends much of his time on the material plane as the inability of fey creatures to die as long as they are on the First World causes The Shifting decay to grow bored.

1. Where in the verse is your cult centered?
Forests, jungles, swamps. Even the occasional sewer or slums. Places where the natural cycle of all living things can be witnessed.

2. What sorts of people worship you?
Rthignynt’s cult attracts people of many backgrounds and, more importantly, morals. While there are definitely those who follow more unscrupulous methods (e.g. necromancers or assassins that favor poisons) there are those drawn to the cult who seek to cultivate new life. Blight Druids that seek to heal ravaged lands or foster the rot and alchemist seeking new methods to utilize mutagens are among Rthignynt’s followers. Farmers may worship The Shifting Growth after planting the season’s crops.

1. Write up any relationships that you have, either with other submissions or with existing divine or non-divine characters in the Great Beyond.

Rthignynt looks to both Nethys and Pharasma for inspiration and guidance. To Rth, Nethys presents the ideal vision of what can come from obtaining and using knowledge. Members of the Molded One’s cult have been known to join forces with members of the Gray Lady’s in an effort to destroy undead. Though heralds of the Lady of Graves maintain loose, working relationships with Rthignynt, it is uncertain whether of not Pharasma is actually aware of his existence.

Soon after first traversing the planes, the Molded One came in contact with one of the cruel fiends known as Kytons. Rather than kill its prey for food or sport, the Kyton revelled in the fear and suffering of its victim. Viewing the act as an unnatural extension of a death that should have ended swiftly, Rthignynt interfered and slew the Kyton. This unnamed Kyton remains as the only of the fiends Rthignynt has consumed, as the Kyton’s warped thoughts and memories caused the Molded One intense anguish.

Rthignynt has been known to keep the company of a few fey or plant creatures. Among these are a Fastachee named Grayne and a Polevik named Letus. It is not uncommon to come across a gift of Grasslings while approaching the Molded One's domain in The First World either.

Currently, the largest center of worship for Rthignynt is lead by a Boruta. Though Borutas typically avoid other sentient creatures, the one located in the Molded One's cult does so out of respect and a budding friendship. So long as the cultists provide more than they take, the Boruta is content to allow them to come and go.

Name: Calxakti
Title: The Sightless Prophet


1. Who is your character? Where are they from?
Calxakti was, long ago, a wandering soothsayer in the fledgeling nation of Razatlan in southern Arcadia. He travelled the lands, dreaming of the future for those who wished to know what their fate held in store, helping the countless small communities to fight threats that might come their way. As his abilities grew stronger, his dream-visions more accurate, some even began to revere him as, if not a god, at least a conduit to greater powers. It was in one of these dreams where he found himself in the Dimension of Dreams, and gained mythic power after a series of trials. With that, his faith began, and people came to truly worship him as the Midnight Mystic, a god of prophecy, dreams, and community. As his worship increased, so too did his mythic power and prestige among the people of Arcadia. He met with the god-kings of Kab’xal and Xibantej, even conferred with the herald of mighty Kazutal. It seemed that with time, Arcadia might gain a new demigod. That was, until the death of Aroden. Prophecy, the cornerstone of Calxakti’s faith and a part of his very being, was shattered, ripped away. It drove him utterly and totally insane, and crippled his burgeoning cult.
2.What is your character's portfolio?
Calxakti concerns himself with the countless unfulfilled prophecies left in the wake of Aroden’s death. His nature was somewhat corrupted by the end of prophecy which extended to the other parts of his faith. Dreams twisted to nightmares, and his priests, formerly village seers, withdrew to become mad hermits. And so the Midnight Mystic became the Sightless Prophet as his world fell to ashes.
Alignment: CN
Areas of Concern: Unfulfilled prophecy, nightmares, solitude
Domains: Madness, Prophecy, Void
Subdomains: Nightmare, Isolation
Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff
Symbol: Stone eye broken in two
Sacred Animal: Mole
Sacred Colors: Black, sky blue
3. What does your character look like?
Before he fell to madness, Calxakti appeared as a handsome Arcadian man just bordering on middle age dressed in a garment of feathers and intricately designed threadwork. Though still an Arcadian man, he is old and decrepit, hunched over a walking stick. His dress is worn and tattered, and his eyes are clouded and blind.
4. How did your character become a demigod?
On one of his dream-visions, Calxakti found himself in a corner of the Dimension of Dreams, a ruined stone circle on a cold mountaintop. For a time, he was content to sit until a being that identified itself only as the Wanderer approached him, offering incredible power in return for a series of tasks. Though his tales of the tasks are confusing at best, and his memories of them even more fragmented that most, he speaks of ”consuming the jaguar which consumes the world” and ”seeing the sightless stars.”
5. Where does your character live?
Calxakti inhabits the remote and overgrown temple complex that was once the center of his faith in Razatlan. His few servitors live there with him, and the mad souls that worship him will occasionally make pilgrimages to it.

The Cult of the Sightless Prophet:

1. Where in the verse is your cult centered?
Calxakti’s cult is found in a few places. In Razatlan, his faith is one of the mad and the disaffected, a god one turns to when they’re out of options in hope of some strange insight or a brief return of his oracular powers. In Avistan, his cult has cropped up with an unusual organization, the Harbingers of Fate. After the last prophecy did not occur, they descended into desperation. One of their members even booked passage to distant Arcadia in hopes of finding some respite. Calxakti seemed to be that respite. His portfolio of the desperation of unfulfilled prophecy easily meshed with the beliefs of the Harbingers.
2. What sorts of people worship you?
Calxakti is often worshipped by lone, mad hermits and those in desperate need of knowledge of the future. Indeed, Calxakti remembers many of the cosmic truths that he learned when he retained his sanity, and those truths are often sought out by those who seek knowledge. Though his prices are odd and often steep, they are always fair.


As soon as you awaken, ruminate on your dreams or nightmares and how they may pertain to your day ahead. If they would suggest any specific action, try your hardest to avoid it. You gain a +1 sacred or profane bonus versus mind-affecting effects.

Divine Relations:

Calxakti’s closest relationship is with the goddess Kazutal. Before Aroden’s death, she served as something of a mentor to him. Though he is much different from the stable, kindly god he was, they still regard each other as somewhat estranged friends.

Calxakti has an odd relationship with Avram, Amnon, and to a lesser degree Nestellbam. In some respects, he despises Aroden for dying and ruining what he was, and that distaste rather extends to his descendants. At the same time, he revels in his new freedom that Aroden’s death brought him.

Though he has no tremendous love for the goodly powers of the multiverse, he dislikes evil outsiders as a holdover from earlier days, especially despising demons. One exception to this is the bat god Camazotz, due to their proximity and shared interest in strange knowledge.

I've rewritten portions of the submission. I present now a more refined version of Priella, including all of the information requested so far:


1. What is your character? Where are they from? Priella has a very ordinary background as a human woman from Golarian. Nothing fancy and nothing wild.

2. What is your character's portfolio?
Description: Priella's portfolio revolves entirely around change for its own purpose. Some of the changes she enacts are beneficial, some are not, but everywhere she applies herself ends up completely different than it was in one aspect or another.
Alignment: CN
Areas of Concern: Change, Unpredictability, and Whimsy
Domains Chaos, Knowledge, Luck, Madness, Trickery
Subdomains: Deception, Entropy, Imagination, Innuendo, Insanity, Memory, Nightmare, Protean, Riot, Thought, Whimsy
Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff
Symbol: A eye with a triangular pupil
Sacred Animal: Aphid
Sacred Color: White
Obedience: Focus on an urge that you did not fulfill. If the urge was to do something that can be changed immediately, do it. This could be something as small as rearranging the dishes in your kitchen or as big as changing your profession or lover. If the urge was something that can no longer be acted on immediately, meditate on how doing so would have affected you and those around you.
Gain a +4 sacred bonus against confusion and domination effects.
- A Quarterstaff can be used as a weapon, a support, a tool, or any number of other things and as such is the most changeable weapon.
- The aphid has as many as 8 different forms throughout its lifespan. The connection should be obvious. If you don't want to get that specific, then it would just be any insect that undergoes metamorphosis.
- White is the color that is hardest to keep from changing. It is the easiest to dye, and also will change colors simply from use as it encounters dirt or other influences. No other color is more mutable.

3. What does your character look like? Priella looks like an average human woman, but with her features constantly changing. Her eye color, hair, skin tone, and other cosmetic physical features are always in flux. As she faces different tasks and challenges, her body (height/weight/musculature/etc) morphs relative to what is needed and/or which entity is channeling through her...although sometimes the form is exactly the opposite of what one would think was needed, it always somehow works out.

4. How did your character become a demigod? She was a common adventuring oracle, who channeled the power of the Old Ones/Elder Gods. As she grew in power she began to dabble in the occult, augmenting her divine abilities by channeling different entities. Over time she began to channel stronger beings, and the "divine" alien patrons who worked through her began to awaken to the myriad strengths that were now present in her. One fateful day she tried to channel multiple entities simultaneously, but her strength of will was not enough to control them all and instead they took over. She became a vessel for all of the occult entities at once, with only a scrap of her mortal self still in residence. The possibilities inherent in this situation amused the elder ones, who kneaded all of these consciousnesses together into one being, with none of them having control. Priella herself often stands in the forefront in order to interact with the world, but she does not have full control over her whims, which force is driving her, or how it may make her act at any given time. She is kind of an accidental demigod who does not really understand why people are worshiping her but enjoys the attention nonetheless.

5. Where does your character live? Priella still resides on the material plane where her physical body originated. Her always present desire to implement change leads her to constantly travel. Although her travels always have some goal or intent, she follows a drive that she does not always understand which has her searching for things that she "feels" need to be changed. These things could be as be as mundane as a farmer that she feels needs to change professions to goals as lofty and bringing down long standing governments that are too rigid for her tastes. Although she has a decent amount of control, she never knows exactly where she will be drawn after each task, or what the urges will drive her to change once she is there.

6. Relationships:
Priella has no true mentor as all of the existing deities have an overarching goal, whereas her goals are always mutating as she travels. Most of the deities are outside of her scope and she pays no attention to them with the following exceptions:
- The Old Ones or Elder Gods are her greatest influence, mostly because of the way they act through her. Their desires are alien enough that she does not understand them or know whether they are allies or rivals, but she revels in the always confusing actions that they take. Hastur's dreams and Xhamen-Dor's transformation are the two that speak to her the strongest.
- Among the core pantheon, she admires Gozreh the most and sees him as an ally, as the seas and weather are always changing and unpredictable, and are always affecting change on the things that they touch. She admires the effect that his domain has on the physical world.
- Her relationship with Desna and Calistria is friendly, as she respects Desna's sense of freedom and travel, and as lust is a force that commonly causes changes, she admires this aspect of Calistria's domain.
- Although she does not have much respect for most of Urgathoa's domain, she looks up to the goddess, out of respect that she was the first to refuse to be judged by Pharasma, returning as undead and forever changing how things could be after death.
- She generally sees any Lawful deity as a rival, as being bound by laws is the antithesis of change, but she especially despises Asmodeus the god of contracts, and Lissala who promotes obedience.
- She sees Saint Ulliaza as a peer and ally as she promotes similar goals, but would prefer her to be less single-minded about the end goal of her revolutions.
- Rednal's character is to be respected as magic and miracles are strong instruments of change, especially as he does not regulate how they are used. His strict regulation of transactions makes her pause.
- Rthignynt's flux amuses and delights her, but she does not fully understand him and as such he is to be watched carefully.
- Understanding history is important as a record of change, and Amnon's physical transformations excite her, and she would consider him a friend if they met.
- The other submissions all have at least one aspect that she enjoys and one that she does not. As such she is relatively neutral to all of them.


1. Where in the verse is your cult centered? Priella's cult is as formless as she is. There is a core group of followers that travel in her wake, seeking the experience of watching her work and reveling in the stranger changes she might leave behind. There are also groups of followers that remain in place, grouping in areas where her effect has been felt most strongly, and there are solo adherents who travel the world in her image seeking to enact their own changes.

2. What sorts of people worship you? Most of her followers are people who feel the need for change themselves. This can include people who research new forms of alchemy or magic, dissidents who are not happy with their current lives and structure, and often simply lunatics. There are also those common folk whose lives she has personally affected in a beneficial way who worship her simply as a personal savior who improved their lives.

3. If your character has one, please describe your character's herald. TBD I feel that she would have one. It would have originally been the "leader" of the group that actively follows her...but I am still unsure exactly who it would be.

I understand that her unpredictability and changing nature might come across as being difficult to deal with in a group. I'd just like to assure the GM that if selected, I plan to portray her urges and possessions in RP, personality, and small gameplay things. I do not intend to play her as so unpredictable that it would create issues with overall plot or with group relationships.

Mat_H wrote:


Odd question, but is there a chance you would consider gestalt characters? I know we're not getting into mechanics yet but my brain already went there and it seems this is better asked before you decide on creation guidelines than after.

Gestalt does seem appropriately epic for this game, and I never turn down more options.

Speaking of options, I think I’ve finally settled on a concept: a Fetchling who is (or at least believes himself to be) the son of Count Ranalc. Like his father he’ll be a bit of a duelist, but will focus more on being the Lord of Shadows and Secrets. I expect Darkness and Knowledge will be his first two domains. In different ways he’ll serve as a non-evil alternative to Norgorber and Zon Kuthon, though I figure him as True Neutral, not Good. More than anything else, he wants to know. Whether that knowledge is acquired by (or used for) Good or Evil, Law or Chaos, isn’t something he’ll care as much about.

I'll tell you that I won't be providing gestalt, but I will be providing a way to get a similar diversity of power.

I also am back. I have decided that I will give it another couple of days, while concepts are still rolling quickly in. Then I will close recruitment and post the character-creation guidelines, since I don't really want to have anyone be making their concept and crunch at the same time.

Sorry to be so specific here.

I will be back with notes on the new posts soon. Good job, though! I'm really liking what I see.

I started writing, and then I just kept going. Here is Alithea, the Unraveling Eye.


1. What is your character? Where are they from?
Alithea grew up in Nex as a zealous devotee of Nethys. She served on an research team tasked with finding new types of weaponized magic. After some of her team's experiments led to a release of a massive amount of magical energy, Alithea tried her best to contain the energy, being the most skilled abjurer in the cult, but several of the members of the cult, and innocent bystanders were killed. This catastrophe, helped redefine Alithea's understanding of magic, that it can be devious and dangerous, and that it must be treated with great caution, and that one must understand not only magic, but how they are choosing to use it. After this revelation, she left Nex and enrolled in the Magaambya, to learn to wield magic differently.

2. What is your character's portfolio?
Portfolio: Truth, Protection, Magic, Self-Acceptance
Domains: Law, Magic, Knowledge, Protection
Subdomains: Purity (Law), Education (Knowledge), Thought (Knowledge)

Alithea's concerns are primarily based on truth, understanding, and protection, especially when it comes to magic. She encourages the study of magic to understand its fundamental nature, and be able to see through and undo what she now sees as the often duplicitous and addicting power of magic. This inspection should be aimed not only at the outside world, but internally, to best understand one's true self. She stands opposed to Nethys's unrestricted pursuit of magic.

3. What does your character look like?
Alithea is often depicted as a very average woman of her followers' race or nationality, often in simple attire, such as a plain white gown. She is often shown deep in contemplation or meditation. She is distinguished by the appearance of her holy symbol, a stylized eye emblazoned on a shattered mask.

In actuality, Alithea is a Garundi human woman with several grey streaks in her hair, which is long, but often worn up in a bun. She favors plain robes rather than ostentatious robes, despite her divinity. Her appearance is intentionally left as her human self, as that is her true origin, and she does not seek to change it.

4. How did your character become a demigod?
When she tried to contain the massive amount of magical energy from the catastrophic experiment, Alithea was able to awaken her divine spark. Alithea refused to indulge her mythic powers at first, and spent a decade in seclusion, reflecting on her new powers and the ways to best use them. Once she understood her new powers, she set out into the world to unravel what she saw as the greatest injustices of magic.

5. Where does your character live?
Alithea primarily wanders Golarion, seeking out nefarious uses of magic and seeks to unravel them. Her teachings require considered reflection, but also demand action, so she rarely spends much time in her residences. When she does seek rest on Golarion, she retires to her temple in Absalom (more below). She has also carved out a small portion of the Serene Circle, Irori's domain on Axis, though she only retires from the Material Plane when she seeks to reflect on particularly difficult topics.

Deity Block:

The Unraveling Eye

Alignment LN
Areas of Concern Truth, Protection, Magic, Self-Acceptance
Domains Law, Magic, Knowledge, Protection
Subdomains Purity (Law), Education (Knowledge), Thought (Knowledge)
Favored Weapon Quarterstaff
Symbol A single eye over a cracked mask
Sacred Animal(s) Mantis Shrimp
Sacred Color(s) White

Obedience Spend an hour reflecting carefully on your past day. Think carefully about your motivations and ways you were dishonest to yourself or others. Then consider both your strengths and shortcomings in the past day.

The Cult of the Unraveling Eye:

1. Where in the verse is your cult centered?
Alithea maintains a temple in Absalom, though her work has caused her to travel throughout Golarion. Her biggest following is centered in the River Kingdoms and Galt, where notions of truth are particularly important yet distrust is common.

2. What sorts of people worship you?
Alithea has two primary types of worshipers, those who have been harmed by magic, and those who seek truth, either internally or externally.

3. If your character has one, please describe your character's herald.
Alithea's herald is The Scribe, a unique Scrivenite. The creatures are known for their dutiful recollection of the truth without bias or interpretation. When Alithea seeks to reflect deeply, she has The Scribe strip her life into a soul tome and reabsorb her knowledge and life.

Cruelties of Magic - This rite involves intentionally subjugating one's self to nefarious uses of magic to remember the pain and power of such magic. Usually this involves enchantments, particularly of the compulsion and charm subschools, as well as illusions and in some circles, even transmutations are included. This rite is often undertaken by clergy that have not suffered at the hands of magic before.

Remembrance - This is a particularly extreme rite that only the most dedicated followers of Alithea seek out. They seek to replicate her extreme method of self reflection, having a scrivenite strip their history bare so that they may absorb their unbiased truth and reflect on what it means about them. The requirement for summoning an outsider limits this to followers with access to more powerful spellcasting.

Summary Day - This falls on the last day of the year (31st of Kuthona). Though the idea that a new year is an opportunity to start anew, this day demands introspection over the past year, and an honest reckoning of one's strengths and weaknesses. Alithea does not demand any particular dedication to improve in the new year, instead only seeking understanding of one's self.

The truth is blinding - This particular aphorism is used both as an admonishment of deceivers, but also as encouragement to initiates that struggle to see themselves honestly.

Doubt with vigilance - This saying is used to caution people who seem to be acting recklessly, instead encouraging them to reconsider somewhere they've placed their trust or a course of action.

Understanding before mastery - Alithea's experiences with magic have taught her the dangers of getting lost in pursuit of a goal. Self-possession and a clear mind are needed before a skill can be wielded effectively.

Paladin Code:

Alithea is one of the few neutral gods that actively seeks paladins. Though she encourages all to know themselves, whether Good or Evil, she accepts that paladins are most likely to help cut through the more evil uses of magic for the purposes of deception. Though her paladins lack some of the absolute conviction of other paladins, they rarely are wracked with the same uncertainty of other paladins.

• I must know my own self and my resolve. I cannot help others without my own strength.
• I will seek out the truth of what is, and expose that which is not. I will not suffer deception.
• I will protect those who cannot protect themselves from magic.
• Understanding is the greatest gift I can give. I will strive to help others understand themselves.

Relations with other gods:

Nethys - The reckless use of magic promoted by Nethys as well as his favoring the idea of dualities, rather than balancing opposing forces have lead Alithea to have a vehement opposition to the god of magic.

Irori - The focus on knowledge and self-perfection make Irori a natural ally for Alithea, though her teachings of acceptance rather than refined perfection are a point of contention between the two. She views Irori as a mentor who pushes her to improve herself.

Gozreh - Alithea admires Gozreh tremendously. Gozreh's role as the force of nature is a pure and fundamental understanding that it makes her envious at times. She considers Gozreh as a mentor in her aspect of self-understanding, and for representing the natural world in its barest form.

Shelyn - Art is a powerful form of self-expression, and is often used as a means of self-exploration, causing Alithea to have a respect for Shelyn's push for art. Alithea's lack of reverence for the actual art produced causes some difficulties among the two.

Kurgess - His push to have his followers face ever-newer challenges gives Alithea a difficult relationship with Kurgess. The god seeks honest challenges and competitions, which are a way to learn about one's limitations practically, but his more impulsive nature cause some tension.

Gods of Trickery - Alithea's central tenant of truth place her in opposition to any god with trickery in their portfolio. Some specifics are called out below.

Asmodeus - The Prince of Darkness teaches that using trickery to subjugate others is not only acceptable, but virtuous. This use of magically enforced subjugation through infernal contracts is anathema to the Unraveling Eye.

Sivanah - The goddess of illusion and mystery falls firmly opposed to Alithea. Though her teachings don't encourage malicious use of magic, illusions are inherently dishonest, if not always evil.

Norgorber - Strangely, she harbors little resentment for followers of the Reaper of Reputation, as his brand of cruelty targets those who lie about their true selves, ensnaring them in their own lies.

I am very interested in this. I will have something put together soon

Intriguing. Are psionics allowed?

Anyr wrote:
Intriguing. Are psionics allowed?

I want you to put your concept before mechanics. Don't think about exactly what is allowed at first. Write what you want to write, and we'll figure out what you can play after.

Not gonna lie, more info about the mechanics is actually really helpful for deciding important details about my concept. XD Though I do have a solid base to work from, at least. My character-making process usually bounces back and forth between concept and mechanics, each changing based on the other, until I'm satisfied. (Even if the guidelines aren't posted up publicly, I wouldn't mind seeing them as soon as they're done - I enjoy building characters even if I ultimately don't use them, and it would be actively helpful for me.)

So if I - for example - managed to get a modified version of the Eldritch template to let me cast Miracle as a SLA, I might write in that my demigod has (and sells) this power, and it led to these two or three specific situations that impacted them and their church. Or (and this actually more likely, because the Agent of Accrual prestige class with my planned progression would allow this) maybe there was some time my character sold fifty Limited Wishes in a row to a really rich sultan who wanted to see what would happen, and it led to insert-funny-result-here.

leinathan wrote:
Anyr wrote:
Intriguing. Are psionics allowed?
I want you to put your concept before mechanics. Don't think about exactly what is allowed at first. Write what you want to write, and we'll figure out what you can play after.

The concept I have in mind requires psionics. It leans heavily on the lore of that particular power source. That's why I asked.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

OK, I see your point.

Character Creation:

Your character's build should closely reflect your domains and portfolio. For example, your character should be proficient with their favored weapon. If they are a deity of subterfuge, they should have many subterfuge and stealth-related abilities. If they are a deity of renewal, they should be a powerful healer. If your class gives you domains, you must choose domains that match domains you are capable of granting. If there is something you wish to use that isn't on this list, go ahead and mention it. I want everyone to be able to realize their concept as accurately as possible.

Basic Stats:

Your characters start at effective character level 14. You can replace character levels for CR of a monster on a 1-for-1 basis (for example, you could play a CR 5 troll with 9 class levels on top). In the context of the world, this means that your characters are legendary and famous, with great achievements already behind them. In terms of scale, they are likely the best on a continent at their chosen speciality and are famous or infamous in a number of communities. However, many people still surpass them (especially in planar communities) and their fame is hardly universal yet. In planar communities, at CR 17, they are above most rabble - they near the power of a solar or a balor. However, all demigods and true deities surpass them, so in terms of the divine totem pole, they are at the bottom (it's like starting at level 1 among demigods!).

Your characters were always destined to be exceptional, even at the beginning of their lives. As such they possess 30 point buy (unless you are using monster PC rules, see below).

Choose two traits.

Gain max hit points.

For wealth, your character gets one famous or legendary item. This item can be worth up to 25,000gp, and should be somehow significant to your character. I'd like you to name this item.

In addition, your characters get 50,000gp to spend on other magic and mundane items of your choice.

Your characters gain one free VMC, without having to pay the feats. You choose from this document, a revised version of VMC done by my lovely friend GM Kiora. It has every class Paizo offers and VMC is more flexible. At 7th, 11th, and 19th level you get to choose what bonus you want, and you can choose VMC spellcasting, which is progression as a portion of your character level.

If you don't want VMC, you can instead gain three bonus feats, with an additional bonus feat at 15th and a fifth bonus feat at 19th.


Your characters start with six tiers of any path of your choice. If you own Legendary Games' new mythic books, those have six new paths on top of Paizo's six paths for you to choose between. At least one of your mythic path abilities must be spent on Divine Source. If you have a non-neutral alignment, you must choose your alignment domains first.

As per mythic nerfs below, you will only get three +1s to ability scores from tiers, not three +2s.

Your mythic powers should be strongly tied to the theme of your character. If you have any questions or worries about it, please ask me.

Below are a set of mythic nerfs. Please refer to them.

Mythic Nerfs:
Rule 0: The GM reserves the right to add to these nerfs as necessary if a mythic ability grows out of hand.
You only get +1 to stat bonuses as part of advancing in mythic tiers, not +2.

You cannot get permanent bonuses to your stats through wishes in this campaign.

The amazing initiative basic mythic ability is replaced with a bonus to initiative checks equal to one-half of your mythic tier. In addition, as a free action when rolling initiative you may expend one use of mythic power to add your surge die to your initiative roll.

The agile monster template, when applied to PC companions and summons, no longer gives the dual initiative ability. Instead, it gives haste.

The following abilities: champion’s strike, guardian’s call, marshal’s order, and trickster attack abilities are no longer usable as swift actions. Instead, they are standard actions when sued at the cost of 1 mythic power, move actions at the cost of 2 mythic power, and swift actions at the cost of 3 mythic power.

You cannot, for any reason, gain additional attacks at their highest attack bonus from more than one source, no matter how many such abilities are in effect. (Example: haste, champion’s strike abilities, etc.)

If you enter the space of a mythic creature with the Titan’s Bane ability, it is considered flat-footed only against the first attack you make against it.

Player characters (and their allies) can use only one ability that requires the expenditure of mythic power per round. This may be a mythic feat, mythic spell, mythic path ability, a power used by a legendary item, or anything else; if it involves expending mythic power, a character can use only one per round. Characters can use abilities that require spending more than one use of mythic power. Legendary power is considered separate from mythic power.

You are likewise limited to the use of only one ability that requires the expenditure of legendary power per round.

Mythic surges may be spent after a d20 has been rolled, but not after the result of the roll has been revealed.

Mythic power is regained at a rate of 1 use per day. It is refilled to full after completing a mythic trial. This rate of mythic power regeneration cannot be changed in any way through abilities or spells. The GM may allow the heroes to regenerate additional uses of mythic power as a reward for epic feats or good roleplay. At 2nd tier, 6th tier, and 10th tier, the regeneration of mythic power increases by 1.

The foe-biting legendary item ability has been banned. It is replaced with the ability to expend one use of the item’s legendary power after striking an opponent with the weapon to add the bane property against that specific creature (regardless of its type and subtype) for 1 minute. If the item is already a bane weapon against that creature’s type (and subtype, if applicable), using the foe-biting property increases the effect of bane to a +3 enhancement bonus and +3d6 damage, or to +4 and +4d6 if the wielder is a mythic character and expends one use of mythic power as a swift action when expending the item’s legendary power to increase its bane effect.

The Mythic Power Attack feat is now identical to the Mythic Deadly Aim feat, except it applies to melee damage rolls, not ranged.

Mythic Vital Strike is banned.

Instead of granting a flat +20 bonus on the relevant ability check or related skill check, the universal path abilities Display of Strength/Dexterity/Constitution/Intelligence/Wisdom/Charisma grant a bonus equal to three times your mythic tier.

Using the Recuperation mythic ability costs one-half of each character’s remaining daily uses of mythic power (minimum 2).

You need to spend 2 uses of mythic power to use the unstoppable mythic ability to remove a debuff caused by a mythic effect, not 1.

Any ability that allows you to ignore immunity or resistance allows you to ignore up to 5 points of resistance or immunity, plus 5 points per 2 mythic ranks or tiers you possess.

Any ability that allows you to ignore or bypass damage reduction instead allows you to ignore 5 points of damage reduction, plus 1 point of damage reduction per mythic rank or tier you possess. This applies to mythic abilities like the fleet charge champion path feature as well as non-mythic effects like a paladin’s smite evil.

When a critical hit is confirmed against a mythic creature with damage reduction and the attack does not ignore damage reduction, the creature has a percentage chance equal to twice its damage reduction to negate the critical hit and treat the hit as a normal hit. If the creature also has the fortification universal monster ability or a similar ability to negate critical hits, add these two percentage chances together and make a single roll.

An effect that allows you to ignore spell resistance (when it would normally apply) allows you add your mythic tier on caster level checks to ignore spell resistance. You apply an additional +2 circumstance bonus if the target is a non-mythic creature or if you are casting a mythic spell; these circumstance bonuses stack.

Harmful conditions that occur even on a successful save are halved in duration (minimum 0 rounds) if the mythic rank or tier of an affected creature equals or exceeds that of the creature that created the effect. They are also halved (minimum 0 rounds) for a non-mythic creature whose CR equals or exceeds the caster level (or Hit Dice, for supernatural effects) of the creature that created the effect. This does not apply to effects with an instantaneous or permanent duration.

Wild Arcana, Inspired Spell, Arcane Surge, and Recalled Blessing can only be used on spells with a casting time of 1 standard action or less. Using these abilities requires expending one use of mythic power, plus one additional use for every 2 levels of the spell.
For Arcane Surge and Recalled Blessing, you may expend an additional 2 uses of mythic power to cast a spell as a swift action.

Mythic enemies may expend mythic surges as a swift action to add a bonus to its AC equal to the result of its surge die. If the enemy has DR or hardness, the surge die is also added to DR or hardness. If the enemy has energy resistance, it adds twice the result of its surge die to each type of energy resistance it possesses. This bonus lasts until the beginning of the enemy’s next turn; if it expends two uses of mythic power, it lasts for a number of rounds equal to one- half its mythic rank or tier (minimum 1 round).

When the actions taken by an enemy during its turn would reduce a mythic opponent below 0 hit points, it can expend one or more uses of mythic power to survive with 10% of its current hit points (before that enemy began its turn) for each use of mythic power spent. All damage dealt as part of a full attack action is considered a single effect for this purpose.

Monster Characters:
In order to play a “monster” PC, you must give up some of your class levels - you give up a number of class levels equal to the CR of the monster you are, and you gain a number of racial hit dice equal to that same number of levels (even if the monster you are a PC of possesses fewer or more HD than the number of levels you gain, you always have the same number of HD as a character of your level would). You also gain all of the abilities given by that monster type, but you do not have to choose all of the same feats and skill ranks as the “standard” member of that race. Instead, you gain the same number of feat slots as a normal character of your level, and skill ranks/class skills according to the type of creature you are playing for every racial hit dice you possess. Treat it very similarly to multiclassing, except in order to play one of these creatures you must possess a certain minimum number of levels.

You can find the rules for creature types (class skills, skills/level, hit dice, etc.) HERE.

When you are a monster, you do not have standard ability score generation. Instead, you take the ability scores of the monster you wish to be. Choose two scores - those scores gain a +4 bonus. Choose two more scores - those gain a +2 bonus. Choose a fifth score - that score takes a -4 penalty. These are your base scores at level 1, and will further be modified by level, tier, and ABP.

Here is a list of pre-approved reasonable types of monster that you may play. Others are available by request, but please don't ask to play an efreeti or anything else with a ridiculous out-of-balance ability. Basically anything that is approximately in-line with these options is available automatically.

List: vulpunal agathion, stone giant, satyr, revenant, shaitan, witchwyrd, doppelganger, djinn, astral deva

You may also choose a template. You give up a number of levels equal to the bonus to CR that the template gives. You may not choose a +0 CR template, or a template that has a penalty to CR. You may also not choose a template that does not have meaning within the game world such as 'advanced' or 'arctic creature'. You must choose a template that adds meaningfully to your character in a narrative fashion. You should only be a half-whatever template if your character literally has one outsider parent and one mortal parent. Examples of acceptable templates include:

List: graveknight, vampire, nosferatu, natural lycanthrope, lich, broken soul, or worm that walks

Alternate Material and Rules:

You may use any Paizo material. You may also use material published by Rogue Genius Games, Dreamscarred Press, Legendary Games and Kobold Press. If you like, you may also use ERTW's Beguiler Conversion found HERE.

From Unchained, we will be using Deadly Poisons and Diseases, Background Skills, and Automatic Bonus Progression. Automatic Bonus Progression has two adjustments. The first is that the enhancement bonus you gain to ability scores can stack with enhancement bonuses to ability scores granted by class features and spells up to a maximum of +8 total. The second is that you do not have to pay twice for special abilities on purchased weapons. Your attunement enhancement bonus automatically stacks with the qualities that you purchase for your weapon. Unchained Barbarian, Summoner, and Rogue are mandatory. Fighters get Combat Stamina as a bonus feat.

We use some feat tax elimination. Power Attack, Deadly Aim, and Combat Expertise are free options for everybody. The improved maneuver feats have been consolidated into a single feat, Skillful Maneuvers. When you take Skillful Maneuvers, you can choose three combat maneuvers, and you gain the benefits of the Improved maneuver feat for all three. However, the Greater maneuver feats are still separate. Point-Blank Shot is no longer a prerequisite for Precise Shot. Deflect Arrows can be taken by a character who has Shield Focus.

There are some skill changes.

Climb, Swim, and Jump are consolidated into one strength-based skill, Athletics.

Escape Artist, Acrobatics, and Fly are consolidated into Acrobatics.

Knowledge (geography, nobility, and history) are consolidated into Knowledge (cultures).

Whenever you get your Dexterity modifier to damage with a weapon, it counts as precision damage, although it stacks with other sources of precision damage and is still multiplied on a critical hit.

The antipaladin, cleric, fighter, paladin, sorcerer, summoner, and warpriest gain 2 additional skill ranks per level. If given an archetype that increases their skill ranks per level, this increase stacks with the increase given by the archetype (for example, a Faithful Wanderer paladin would gain 6 + int ranks per level).

That's.... a lot of Mythic nerfs. Wow. I mean, I can't say I blame you, given the reputation it has (never had the chance to try it myself), and the buff to DR seems kind of brutal, but I've never played at this power level (except a level 20 one-shot), so I'm not much of an authority.

Question: Might the Dread Vampire template be allowed? COnsidering the main schtick of Reuithvein is that he's the 'ultimate vampire,' it would seem fitting, but if not, just a regular Moroi fits fine enough.

This will be very helpful. XD I should have some time tomorrow to start working on the concept all proper-like. In the meantime, I'd like to use this prestige class, which was the inspiration for my concept.

I think I'm gonna say to no 'dread vampire', since it seems just like vampire but with the drawbacks reduced, which is what makes playing a vampire interesting.

I will say yes to that prestige.

Rednal: Name TBA, a nascent divine human of exchanging magical services for coin
Portfolio: Transactions, magic, fairness, loyalty
Domains: Law, Magic, Protection, Travel

Mat H: Priella, a nascent divine human of change for change's sake
Portfolio: Change, Unpredictability, and Whimsy
Domains: Chaos, Knowledge, Luck, Madness, Trickery

Chapel Ty'El: Rthignynt, a nascent divine mindslaver ooze of life's cycle
Portfolio: Change, decay, fertility, growth
Domains: Death, Knowledge, Plant, Repose

andreww: Ammon, a nascent divine human of information and service to a lord
Portfolio: History, humanity, service, spies
Domains: Law, Knowledge, Protection, Community

Mythicman19: Teras, a nascent divine human of gladiators and warriors
Portfolio: Camaraderie, war, glory
Domains: Law, Glory, Community, War

Brolof: Saint Uliaza, a nascent divine drow of freedom and revolutions
Portfolio: revolution, subterfuge, good drow
Domains: Chaos, Good, Liberation, Trickery

Artemis P: Nestellbam, a nascent divine dragon of the preservation of all things
Portfolio: preservation, restoration, living things
Domains: Law, Healing, Renewal, Preservation

The Waskally: Avram, a nascent divine human of Aroden's return
Portfolio: humanity, protection, Golarion's restoration, heroism
Domains: Good, Glory, Nobility, Travel

Daedalus: Blood Emperor Ruithvein, a nascent divine vampire of cunning and plans
Portfolio: cunning, patience, subtlety, control
Domains: Evil, Law, Darkness, Charm

Alias ad Tempus: Caladrel, a nascent divine elven aasimar of guidance and navigation
Portfolio: the sun, navigation, exploration, fate
Domains: Travel, Luck, Trickery, Fire

JoshB: Ranam, a nascent divine ifrit patron of swordsmiths
Portfolio: the forge, metal, hard labor
Domains: Law, Earth, Fire, Artifice

Simeon: Calxakti, the sightless prophet
Portfolio: unfulfilled prophesy, nightmares, solitude
Domains: Chaos, Madness, Prophesy, Void

yiannisph: Alithea, a nascent divine human of truth and understanding
Portfolio: Truth, protection, magic, self-acceptance
Domains: Law, Magic, Knowledge, Protection

Oh, I see. A woman descended from Azlant nobility makes sense, but it different from an actual member of Azlant nobility.

Thanks for your answers, I wasn't totally clear that the character you linked is something I should refer to as being canon for your character.

I really like the theming of your character, and it's well-written, but I think it's strange that a god of planning and cunning would become a deity on accident through a failure to account for all of the variables. Perhaps a slight adjustment so that it took a very particular confluence of forces that the other vampiric gods were unwilling to wait for, but that it was on purpose?

Alias ad Tempus:
Your character reminds me of a lighthouse, which I think is really interesting and probably on purpose. I like it.

Can you give me a bit more detail on 'the divine fire'? What is it? Where was it? Who did Caladrel steal it from?

If Ranam was born a slave and was the sole survivor of an explosion that killed a ton of efreeti, how is it that the efreeti allow him to still live in the City of Brass? By my reading, they would blame him for it, and there are creatures in the City of Brass who are much more powerful than CR 17, easily enough to oust him if they wanted to.

What do you think about this issue?

Other than that - I like the concept of your deity. What kind of hammer is his favored weapon? A warhammer? A light hammer? A meteor hammer?

Can the mighty godling also benefit from a +2 additional skill points per level?

Just wanted to point out that with my last rewrite, the portfolio and domains for Priella changed slightly. No major difference but you still have the old data on your list.

@TheWaskally - yes. The intent is any class with 2 + int ranks but isn't Intelligence-based.

Mat_H - Edited!

I haven't read the entire thread yet(OP, character creation and some others), but wanted to make sure this was still open?

Question, you're only looking for 3 PCs total? I believe that's what your OP stated, but I wanted to make sure.

If still open, I believe I will put forth Veldrin, a drow necromancer demigod.

This is still open, yes, but I plan to close it soon (because I already have many good submissions and it will already be difficult to audit this many characters).

My original intent was to take 3, because with such high-level PCs it becomes difficult for PCs not to step on one another's toes, and because it makes planning for encounters easier. That may change, but that was the intent.

Okay, I can up that preliminary info you have above now, and a longer post tomorrow, as it's 4am for me. However, Veldrin is a PC I've been playing for over 10 years, so it'll be easy create him for this.

Veldrin d'Sharen a nascent divine drow of necromancy and undeath.

Portfolio Necromancy, undeath, forbidden lore.

Domains: Death, Evil, Knowledge, Magic.

Do the Enhanced Ability Universal Path Abilities also only give +1 to an ability?

Okay. Would you perhaps allow a Dread Vampire with the normal weaknesses? I'm largely interested in the Polymorph, Children of the Night, and Flight abilities, as they seem appropriately 'demigodly,' and I'll have limited access to comparable abilities as I'm planing on going with Mesmerist for my primary class.

Also/alternatively, would the variant +0 vampire templates (mastermind, noble dead, etc.) be allowable? They make sense for the Third Vampire to have.

Regarding ascension, I'm not sure how it would work from a lore perspective if he were waiting until something the other two weren't patient enough for, considering he's the weakest of the three. That said, I think I might be able to make something work.

I’m thinking of making Calxakti an oracle and in thinking about what curse I’d choose I realized that I really couldn’t pick anything other than powerless prophecy.

Picking a mystery is a bit harder though, none of them tremendously fit my character.


Truth be told, I hadn't thought of the lighthouse, but as soon as I read your post, the symbol seemed absolutely appropriate! His temples could be lighthouses, where scholars peruse maps, wizards study old tomes, and priests offer guidance and blessing to faithful travellers.

The character was originally inspired by the ubiquitous myth of the theft of fire, as well as by the various trickster gods, namely Lugh and Hermes. That being said, I strayed from these initial ideas when I began to describe the character, so at this point, anything goes!

The theft of fire... Caladrel stole the divine flame from Ymeri, Queen of the Inferno, on the Elemental Plane of Fire. Because of this, most efreet, fire elementals, and fire mephits are prone to despise him – or to seek to serve him if they have turned from their queen!

Worth noting: the efreet prince Jhavhul, who was trapped in a forgotten demiplane by the djinni princess Nefeshti, seeks to free himself and to kill Caladrel in order to impress Queen Ymeri.

Works for you? If so, I'll take the time to revise the character description accordingly. And to add a few more details. And to specify Caladrel's relationship with other divinities...

Yeah just noodling around on build a bit. Not trying to fully build anything out until later, but at least getting a class/multiclass/prestige class concept.

From her history, Priella should be built as at least part oracle and part medium, but as opposed to doing the obvious I'm looking at other options. The Rogue Genius Games godling classes look extremely interesting and fit her history but also seem extremely strong. I know you said RGG classes were authorized but I wanted to check on those specifically since they are potentially a bit too OP.

@Ouachitonian - Nah, if you want to spend your mythic path abilities on improving your ability scores, +2 is an appropriate bonus.

@Daedalus - I would actually be more comfortable with you spending your mythic path abilities on those abilities. For example, you could choose Many Forms to gain the polymorph abilities, Eldritch Flight to gain flight. In addition, the mythic vampire template is one of several that give themed special abilities to mythic versions of monsters. I would be comfortable with you spending a path ability on two of those (except overcome weakness. As far as I am concerned, a super-vampire should have stronger vampire weaknesses than a normal vampire). For example, you could spend one path ability and gain Children of the Eclipse and Mastermind.

Also, have you looked at the Beguiler class? It's linked in my character generation post above. It's an intelligence-based full caster that gets basically all illusion and enchantment spells.

If you want the abilities from the +0 CR templates, you should trade out an ability that the vampire template already grants you in exchange. For example, you could lose Spider Climb to gain Noble Dead, or you could lose Create Spawn to gain Mastermind.

@Alias ad Tempus - Glad I could surprise you!

Great, that's a good enough answer for me. As I'm sure you could tell, I was looking for something I could use specifically during the campaign itself. Rivals and villains are a necessary part of heroes!

@Mat_H - The godling classes are pretty powerful, sure. I'd agree with that. But it kind of depends on what you do with them. You can min-max and optimize mostly anything to be ridiculous, it's just a little easier with a single-classed godling than most things. I think it's fine.

DM Divinity wrote:
Great, that's a good enough answer for me. As I'm sure you could tell, I was looking for something I could use specifically during the campaign itself. Rivals and villains are a necessary part of heroes!

More rivals to come! My assumption is that trickster gods get in trouble, and that Caladrel would likely have ruffled a few feathers on his way... Among the elves? Among the peri? Rivalries with other gods who share similar portfolios and, therefore, vie for the same followers?

@GM Divinity, how would you feel about using the Spellscar mystery and the primal magic events that come with it? The randomness and fragmented magic seems to fit with Calxakti, but I know some GMs don’t like to deal with the weirdness that it can cause.

Ok, here are the updated details for Amnon

Ammon: A nascent divine human of historians, spies and service
Portfolio: History, humanity, service, spies
Domains: Law, Knowledge, Protection, Community
Favored Weapon: Dagger
Symbol: A pair of eyes, one gold, one grey
Sacred Animal: Cat
Sacred Color: Gold and Grey

Obediance: Committ to a task for your liege lord, chronicle the events of the past day or copy secret documents belonging to another which you have stolen.
Benefit: Choose one skill, it is considered a class skill and you gain a number of ranks in it equal to your character level.

Divine Relationships:

Abadar: His home is in Axis and he has worked the Church of Abadar on several occasions, tracking down those who would seek to steal from the Lord of the First Vault

Iomedae: She is his patron and his lord. She rescued him from imprisonment in a fragment of the plane of shadow and he is utterly loyal to her. Some think, given his tendency for subterfuge, that he can be tempted into betraying her but so far all attempts to get him to do so have failed.

Sivanah: Amnon is a specialist in illusion based magic. He has stolen many of the secrets of her cult over time, her view of this is unknown (I am planning on taking levels of veiled illusionist)

Mammon: The archdevil of greed has called on his services to track down bad debtoors on more than a few occasions. While pragmatic he has only ever taken on tasks which involve those who have willingly sold their souls to Hell.

Dispater: He has travelled the infernal city of Dis identifying those who would betray their Lord on the basis that if the forces of Hell are fighting each other its better than them poking their noses in elsewhere. He has on occasion seeded information to the enemies of Dispater to create such problems.

Hand of the Inheritor: The Herald of Iomedae dislikes him and often makes life difficult when he attends her Court. She does not trust the fact that he has been marked by shadow.

Vevelor: The kyton demagogue of transcendance helld him prisoner for thousands of years in a collapsed demiplane hived off the plane of shadow. He very much wants revenge.

Demon Lord Deskari: He believes that deskari was in part responsible for the death of his friend Aroden, he wants him dead.

Avram: The two have a common link through Aroden.

I'm just curious, what would you consider being a Drow Noble worth in terms of level?

Mythicman19 wrote:

Been thinking all day and think I have the idea pretty much finished.

** spoiler omitted **...

I think I might change his favored weapon to a trident I like the idea of him picking it up as a gladiator. Working on some ideas for the build, playing with different ideas.

Sovereign Court

I'm torn between taking the CR 3 Mindslaver Mold or just adding the Fungal template to a PC race.

I guess my biggest concern with using the monster is the fact that technically, the creature is a small patch of mold that is controlling a humanoid. From bestiary: "A thick sheet of filthy green fungus grows in twisting patterns across the shoulders and back of this feral-looking man."


What is your character? Where are they from?
Caladrel is the son of a Peri and an Elven lord from Kyonin. As such, he has always erred between two worlds and belonged to neither. Blessed by the heavens, the Aasimar was revered. But his impure blood made him ever an outsider.

What is your character's portfolio?
Portfolio: Sun, Navigation, Exploration, Fate
Domains: Travel, Luck, Trickery, Fire
“The eternal flame must light the way for all people.”

What does your character look like?
Caladrel is a handsome and well-spoken elf in red robes. His eyes burn like embers, revealing the fire within. His easy smile and demeanour speak of a desire to engage in the world and learn all things.

How did your character become a demigod?
Caladrel’s divinity came about when he came into contact with the Divine Flame, which he stole from Ymeri, Queen of the Inferno.

Where does your character live?
Caladrel resides on the Material plane. His theft of the Divine Flame having been met with fury and derision by his kinsmen in Kyonin, his home is now the lighthouse of Absalom.

Where in the verse is your cult centered?
The cult of Caladrel is fairly common in many cities of the inner Sea. Churches to Caladrel take the form of lighthouses.

What sorts of people worship you?
Often competing with Sarenrae for followers, the cult attracks priests, rangers, and bards, as well as sailors, explorers and merchants. Wizards also flock to the cult to learn about the secrets of the Divine Flame.
Lately, elves have begun to call upon his divinity, much to Calistria’s dismay.
While the cult is organized, it encourages individualism and adventure.

If your character has one, please describe your character's herald.
To be determined.

Favored weapon: staff
Symbol: burning eye 

Sacred animal: Albatross 

Sacred color: red

Obedience: share the flame and light a candle

Relations with other deities and gods

Ymeri, Queen of the Inferno: Caladrel avoids the Plane of Fire and its denizens. The efreet Prince Jhavhul, who was trapped in a forgotten demiplane by the djinni princess Nefeshti, has vowed to free himself and to kill Caladrel in order to impress his queen.

Sarenrae: While Caladrel competes with her for followers, their relations remain amicable.

Norgorber: Caladrel shares the disdain of the other gods for Norgorber, but knows better than to oppose him.

Abadar: Caladrel’s relationship with Abadar is agreeable. However, Caladrel longs to know the secrets of the First Vault and, because of this, Abadar is wary.

Calistria: The vengeful goddess believes that Caladrel should have been among her followers, and frowns upon his nascent divinity. The fact that elves have begun to recognize Caladrel’s power only further feeds her dislike.

Irori: Irori frowns upon Caladrel’s divinity, which he considers poorly acquired.

Argrinyxia: Caladrel regularly deals with merchants and wizards in Shadow Absalom, and respects Argrinyxia’s rule.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

tenro's initial submission for GM interest:

1. who is your character, where are they from?
Known only by "The Artist", he has shunned his former name long ago, lest it overshadow his creation. He is the Creator of Art made Real and Reality made Art. He is said to have hailed from a normal peasant family, symbolic of the capacity for beauty in all of us. Whether this is just a story fabricated for purpose or the truth, no one can say. Various races and cultures claim to have seen this demigod in their own image, or in a ever-shifting, protean image.

2. What is your character's portfolio?
Art, creation, craft, vision.
domains: Artifice, Knowledge, Luck (Imagination), Rune (Language)
The Artist is a proponent of all art: painting, sculpting, the spoken word, the written word, the song, the simple artistry the local forgemaster extols when he stamps his latest dagger or shield.

3. What does your character look like?
The Artist changes appearance often, typically cycling through appearing like anyone nearby, or mixtures thereof, to evoke the capability of art within us all. Typically, this facade will be idealized, but not all art is perfect all of the time. Sometimes, The Artist will simply craft a new appearance from whimsy.

4. How did your character become a demigod?
The Artist was commissioned for religious iconography for a church, and the deities were so pleased at the nature of the work that they gave him the faintest spark of divinity to see what he would do with it. He went on to make greater and greater works and did not use the power for evil, so they allowed the spark to grow naturally within him.

5. Where does your character live?
The Artist travels far and wide, and can be found anywhere where art is, or is perhaps traveling to find some new muse to depict.

1. Where in the verse is your cult centered?
The Artisans are spread thin, far and wide, though they do tend to amass in universities and galleries.

2. What sorts of people worship you?
People who make art and things that can be considered art.

3. If your character has one, please describe your character's herald.
No herald yet, not quite powerful enough to have one i dont think

The Spellscar mystery is fine. I think wild magic has a lot of potential for fun situations.

As is suggested, I would say the drow noble costs you a level.

OK, I think 15 is enough. SUBMISSIONS ARE CLOSED.

From all of you, I'd like to see statblocks. I want to see how you guys mesh your deific concept and a character's abilities together. I want to give you guys... hmm, maybe until Saturday, the 27th? When you're finished, please compile everything you have into one post.

At the end, I want to choose either three or five characters, depending on pantheon interpersonal dynamics and the min-maxiness of your characters. Because of this, please focus on developing how your characters would view the other submissions here.

Thank you all, by the way! You're all doing a great job, and I think your ideas are all really cool and interesting :)

Rednal: Name TBA, a nascent divine human of exchanging magical services for coin
Portfolio: Transactions, magic, fairness, loyalty
Domains: Law, Magic, Protection, Travel

Mat H: Priella, a nascent divine human of change for change's sake
Portfolio: Change, Unpredictability, and Whimsy
Domains: Chaos, Knowledge, Luck, Madness, Trickery

Chapel Ty'El: Rthignynt, a nascent divine mindslaver ooze of life's cycle
Portfolio: Change, decay, fertility, growth
Domains: Death, Knowledge, Plant, Repose

andreww: Ammon, a nascent divine human of information and service to a lord
Portfolio: History, humanity, service, spies
Domains: Law, Knowledge, Protection, Community

Mythicman19: Teras, a nascent divine human of gladiators and warriors
Portfolio: Camaraderie, war, glory
Domains: Law, Glory, Community, War

Brolof: Saint Uliaza, a nascent divine drow of freedom and revolutions
Portfolio: revolution, subterfuge, good drow
Domains: Chaos, Good, Liberation, Trickery

Artemis P: Nestellbam, a nascent divine dragon of the preservation of all things
Portfolio: preservation, restoration, living things
Domains: Law, Healing, Renewal, Preservation

The Waskally: Avram, a nascent divine human of Aroden's return
Portfolio: humanity, protection, Golarion's restoration, heroism
Domains: Good, Glory, Nobility, Travel

Daedalus: Blood Emperor Ruithvein, a nascent divine vampire of cunning and plans
Portfolio: cunning, patience, subtlety, control
Domains: Evil, Law, Darkness, Charm

Alias ad Tempus: Caladrel, a nascent divine elven aasimar of guidance and navigation
Portfolio: the sun, navigation, exploration, fate
Domains: Travel, Luck, Trickery, Fire

JoshB: Ranam, a nascent divine ifrit patron of swordsmiths
Portfolio: the forge, metal, hard labor
Domains: Law, Earth, Fire, Artifice

Simeon: Calxakti, the sightless prophet
Portfolio: unfulfilled prophesy, nightmares, solitude
Domains: Chaos, Madness, Prophesy, Void

yiannisph: Alithea, a nascent divine human of truth and understanding
Portfolio: Truth, protection, magic, self-acceptance
Domains: Law, Magic, Knowledge, Protection

Monkeygod: Veldrin d'Sharen a nascent divine drow of necromancy and undeath.
Portfolio: Necromancy, undeath, forbidden lore.
Domains: Death, Evil, Knowledge, Magic.

tenro: "The Artist", a mysterious divine of art
Portfolio: Art, creation, craft, vision
Domains: Artifice, Knowledge, Luck, Rune

Uh...did I miss the cut? I’d given a general concept, would’ve had it complete tonight. I’ve got the fluff half-finished in an alias right now.

No, youre good. I just dont want anyone new in the thread.

A couple questions off the top of my head, You want a how are characters would view the others and a full statblock alias included or no?

Is the 25k item supposed to be a "normal" item that we give a unique name, a homebrewed item pending your approval, or a legendary item as per the mythic ruleset (and in that case should we use one of our mythic path abilities on it or is it a freebie?)

Would I be able to be a Noble Drow with a level penalty? If not, what would the cost be?

@Mythicman - I'd like to see other deities that you think your character would pair well with, so I can get your opinion on what configurations would be a good party.

@Mat_H - The 25k item can be built as a 'custom' item using the item-creation rules, or it can be a 'normal' item, or it can be a 'legendary' item if you want to spend your mythic path abilities on it. That's entirely up to you.

If it's a custom item, though, I want to see the cost calculation math somewhere.

@Monkeygod - Yes, you could be a drow noble for 1 level.

Ahh, damn, ended up waffling on concepts for too long to get anything up in time. Have fun, everyone! This sounds like a fun one.


a few questions of "is this allowed?"

1. Spheres of power/might in general (i saw there were some approvals upthread)

2. Mirrorkin

3. Advanced Talents within Spheres of Power and Legendary Talents within Spheres of Might

@Tenro - I'm gonna say no to spheres and Mirrorkin in general. The mirrorkin is needlessly complex and opaque, and spheres doesn't really match with the balance point of other types of spellcasting.

The approval above was for a class whose abilities conform to standard PF casting types.

Thoughts on other deities:

blue text is from Artist point of view, not mine

Rednal: Name TBA, a nascent divine human of exchanging magical services for coin
Portfolio: Transactions, magic, fairness, loyalty
Domains: Law, Magic, Protection, Travel

Seems an amiable sort, nothing nefarious here. Artistic? Perhaps not. Art has value and can be bought and sold, and growing one's own business could be considered an art in and of itself.

Mat H: Priella, a nascent divine human of change for change's sake
Portfolio: Change, Unpredictability, and Whimsy
Domains: Chaos, Knowledge, Luck, Madness, Trickery

Unpredictability and whimsy are joyful, though reliability is desired in an ally. Change can be beautiful, trickery and madness can be bad.

Chapel Ty'El: Rthignynt, a nascent divine mindslaver ooze of life's cycle
Portfolio: Change, decay, fertility, growth
Domains: Death, Knowledge, Plant, Repose

anything with the name mindslaver is worrisome, but death is a natural part of life and can be made into art just as most things can. same with growth and fertility.

andreww: Ammon, a nascent divine human of information and service to a lord
Portfolio: History, humanity, service, spies
Domains: Law, Knowledge, Protection, Community

another stodgy sort. not artistic, but not necessarily evil. could be evil though. humanity is a great subject of art, spying can be an art of a sort, service is commendable if good in intent.

Mythicman19: Teras, a nascent divine human of gladiators and warriors
Portfolio: Camaraderie, war, glory
Domains: Law, Glory, Community, War

gladiators and warriors make great muses, it stirs the blood to see a painting of a battle scene or the statue of a great conqueror of old. it reminds people there are things worth protecting.

Brolof: Saint Uliaza, a nascent divine drow of freedom and revolutions
Portfolio: revolution, subterfuge, good drow
Domains: Chaos, Good, Liberation, Trickery

drow tend to have negative connotations, and so too with subterfuge and trickery. revolution is good if it is of good intent, and liberation is better than slavery for sure.

Artemis P: Nestellbam, a nascent divine dragon of the preservation of all things
Portfolio: preservation, restoration, living things
Domains: Law, Healing, Renewal, Preservation

what's not to like? Art is about preservation, after all. preserving a scene in canvas, a person in stone, a tale in tome.

The Waskally: Avram, a nascent divine human of Aroden's return
Portfolio: humanity, protection, Golarion's restoration, heroism
Domains: Good, Glory, Nobility, Travel

nothing bad here, humanity and heroism and glory make great muses

Daedalus: Blood Emperor Ruithvein, a nascent divine vampire of cunning and plans
Portfolio: cunning, patience, subtlety, control
Domains: Evil, Law, Darkness, Charm

control is somewhat of an enemy of art. charming people into thinking your way is also detestable. in darkness one cannot see art. not so great.

Alias ad Tempus: Caladrel, a nascent divine elven aasimar of guidance and navigation
Portfolio: the sun, navigation, exploration, fate
Domains: Travel, Luck, Trickery, Fire

without exploration, we would not see new things. it gets boring making the same old art, keeping things fresh by traveling is important.

JoshB: Ranam, a nascent divine ifrit patron of swordsmiths
Portfolio: the forge, metal, hard labor
Domains: Law, Earth, Fire, Artifice

hard work is respectable, and so is the creation of long-lasting pieces of art such as by way of hammer, anvil, and fire.

Simeon: Calxakti, the sightless prophet
Portfolio: unfulfilled prophesy, nightmares, solitude
Domains: Chaos, Madness, Prophesy, Void

how sad, one who cannot see beauty as the rest of us. chaos is no problem, and madness understandable at times.

yiannisph: Alithea, a nascent divine human of truth and understanding
Portfolio: Truth, protection, magic, self-acceptance
Domains: Law, Magic, Knowledge, Protection

nothing bad here, protection and self-acceptance are important, as is truth to a degree.

Monkeygod: Veldrin d'Sharen a nascent divine drow of necromancy and undeath.
Portfolio: Necromancy, undeath, forbidden lore.
Domains: Death, Evil, Knowledge, Magic.

well, evil is no good, but is a necessary force in the world. lore should not be forbidden. necromancy is no trouble as long as it is not harming people, but such a case is rare indeed.

DM Divinity wrote:

@Tenro - I'm gonna say no to spheres and Mirrorkin in general. The mirrorkin is needlessly complex and opaque, and spheres doesn't really match with the balance point of other types of spellcasting.

The approval above was for a class whose abilities conform to standard PF casting types.

ah, cool. i'll back out to make space for someone else then.

All right, I *think* I got everything...

Maika, the Purveyor of Transacted Miracles:

Female human eldritch godling 5/agent of accrual 9/Mystic 6
LN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +19; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +28
Aura aura (10 ft. radius)
AC 27, touch 16, flat-footed 26 (+9 armor, +2 deflection, +1 Dex, +3 enhancement, +2 natural)
hp 130 (14d6+46)
Fort +11, Ref +10, Will +20; +4 insight vs Spells/SLAs, +4 resistance bonus vs. blindness and visual effects
Defensive Abilities hard to kill, mythic saving throws
Speed 50 ft.; agile feet, dimensional hop
Ranged +3 javelin +11 (3d6+3)
Special Attacks channel positive energy (6d6), mythic power (15/day, surge +1d8+1)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 12th; concentration +16)
. . 1/day・align weapon (law only), antimagic field, dispel chaos, dispel magic, hold monster (DC 26), identify, imbue with spell ability, magic circle against chaos, magic mouth (DC 22), order's wrath (DC 24), protection from chaos, spell resistance
Psychic Spells Known (CL 12th; concentration +15)
. . 6th (3/day)・disintegrate (DC 25), find the path
. . 5th (5/day)・explode head[OA] (DC 24), plane shift (DC 24), teleport
. . 4th (6/day)・dimension door, greater invisibility, mind thrust IV[OA] (DC 23), rainbow pattern (DC 23)
. . 3rd (7/day)・dispel magic, fly, force punch[UM] (DC 22), haste, major image (DC 22)
. . 2nd (7/day)・invisibility, locate object, make whole, mirror image, see invisibility
. . 1st (7/day)・charm person (DC 20), color spray (DC 20), ill omen[APG], longstrider, magic missile, remove fear
. . 0 (at will)・arcane mark, detect magic, ghost sound (DC 19), mage hand, mending, message, prestidigitation, read magic, stabilize
Str 10, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 28, Cha 18
Base Atk +7; CMB +7; CMD 20 (25 vs. trip)
Feats Ascendant Spell, Combat Expertise, Deadly Aim, Dispel Focus, Eschew Materials, Extra Path Ability[M], Greater Dispel Focus, Greater Spell Penetration, Improved Initiative, Lucky Surge[M], Persistent Spell[APG], Potent Surge[M], Power Attack, Psychic Sensitivity[OA], Sacred Geometry, Spell Penetration, Unseen Spell
Traits aura (10 ft. radius), reactionary
Skills Acrobatics +6 (+14 to jump), Appraise +20, Climb +5, Diplomacy +15, Handle Animal +8, Heal +15, Intimidate +8, Knowledge (arcana) +18, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +4, Knowledge (engineering) +11, Knowledge (history) +7, Knowledge (local) +4, Knowledge (nature) +4, Knowledge (nobility) +4, Knowledge (planes) +10, Knowledge (religion) +10, Linguistics +20, Perception +28, Profession (Banker) +17, Sense Motive +23, Spellcraft +20, Stealth +6, Survival +10, Use Magic Device +18
Languages Aboleth, Abyssal, Aklo, Androffan, Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Common, Daemonic, Draconic, Dreamspeak, Dwarven, Elven, Ignan, Infernal, Protean, Sylvan, Terran; tongues[MA]
SQ aligned spellcaster class, amazing initiative, ascendancy, ascendancy: defiant magic, ascendancy: talent for mysticism (x2), commission, crafting mastery[MA], diversify holdings, divine source[MA], divine traits, divine weapon, dt: divine portfolio i, dt: mystic inheritance i, dt: paramortal i, dt: paramortal ii, dt: paramortal iii, dt: seer i, enduring armor[MA], erase from time, force of will, forewarned, legendary item[MA], legendary item[MA], legendary item[MA], legendary power, legendary surge, lineage domain: travel, miraculous accounts, mythic bond, protect interests, psychic overload [mythic], recuperation, rejuvenating, returning, sacrificial deposit, soul safe, spells: arcane spell failure, spells: concentration, spells: dispel resistance, tongues[MA], transact miracles (wizard/cleric), void awareness (+4)
Other Gear javelin, - legendary/dynamic item -[MA], cybernetic arm, cybernetic arm, cybernetic eyes, cybernetic legs, 28,000 gp
Special Abilities
Agile Feet (12 rounds/day) (Su) As a free action, you can gain increased mobility for 1 round. For the next round, you ignore all difficult terrain and do not take any penalties for moving through it. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modif
Aligned Spellcaster Class (Ex) Agents of accrual come from several spellcasting and veilweaving traditions, each offering a unique perspective and skill set. At 2nd level, an agent of accrual must choose a spellcasting or veilweaving class they belonged to before adding the presti
Amazing Initiative (1/round) (Ex) As a free action, use 1 power to gain an extra standard action (can't be used to cast a spell).
Ascendancy (Ex) As expressions of the godling’s innate mystic power, her spells are subject to her desires, and can be altered through pure acts of will. This power is known as the godling’s ascendancy and is divined into minor and major powers. An eldritch godl
Ascendancy: Defiant Magic (Ex) Because the spell like and supernatural powers of godlings are powered by internal immortal might, rather than drawn from a pool of magic accessed by some mortal heritage or tapped through skill and training, they can be much harder to dispel or supp
Ascendancy: Talent for Mysticism (x2) (Ex) Your godling magic has expanded into other magic powers. You gain a bonus scion talent (or greater scion talent if you are at least 10th level). The talent must be a spell-like or supernatural ability. (You cannot use this to gain a scion talent that
Ascendant Spell Imitate mythic version of a spell. +5 Levels.
Channel Positive Energy (6d6, 5/day) (Ex) Regardless of alignment, any cleric can release a wave of energy by channeling the power of her faith through her holy (or unholy) symbol. This energy can be used to cause or heal damage, depending on the type of energy channeled and the creatures ta
Combat Expertise +/-2 Bonus to AC in exchange for an equal penalty to attack.
Commission (Su) At 2nd level, the agent of accrual gains a special miraculous account for themselves. They gain 5% of the value of a sacrificial deposit as value added to this account each time it is used. They may use this to transact miracles for themselves as the
Crafting Mastery (Ex) Can craft any magic item. If you also have the feat, 2x speed & roll all checks twice.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Deadly Aim -2/+4 Trade a penalty to ranged attacks for a bonus to ranged damage.
Dimensional Hop (120/day) (Sp) At 8th level, you can teleport up to 10 feet per cleric level per day as a move action. This teleportation must be used in 5-foot increments and such movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. You must have line of sight to your destination to
Dispel Focus +4 CL when you attempt a dispel check.
Diversify Holdings (Ex) At 5th level the agent of accrual may select a second class spell list to use for the transact miracles ability. If a spell appears on both class lists, the agent may use the lesser scroll cost of the two classes.
Divine Source (2 domains) (Su) You can grant divine spells to those who follow your cause.
Divine Traits (Ex) Divine traits are special powers an eldritch godling gains through her divine heritage. Players may select any divine traits for a godling character, regardless of the godling’s divine parentage. A godling gains the benefit of all the degrees of a
Divine Weapon (Ex) You have developed a supernatural weapon of pure immortal power. Summoning the weapon is a free action, and it is permanent until you dispel it (a swift action) or it leaves you hand (causing it to dissipate at the end of your turn). You may wield th
DT: Divine Portfolio I (Ex) Divine Portfolio I: The godling selects one oracle mystery. He gains one revelation from the mystery. He must meet all the revelation’s prerequisites. The godling treats his godling level as his oracle level for this revelation (including fulfillin
DT: Mystic Inheritance I (Ex) The godling selects one sorcerer bloodline or wizard arcane school. If the godling selects a bloodline, he gains the bloodline arcana and the bloodline power gained at 1st level. If he selects an arcane school, he gains one power the arcane school gr
DT: Paramortal I (Ex) The godling does not need to eat or drink. While the godling may partake if she desires, she suffers no penalties for lack of food or water, and does not suffer starvation or thirst. The godling ages only 1 year for every 2 years that pass.
DT: Paramortal II (Ex) The godling suffers no penalties from the fatigued condition. A godling that is fatigued and gains the condition again becomes exhausted, as normal. The godling gains darkvision out to 60 feet. A godling that already has darkvisions adds 60 feet to h
DT: Paramortal III (Ex) The godling does not need to sleep. If the godling has a class that grants spells that normally require a full night’s sleep, the godling instead regains spells once per day (at a time agreed upon by the player and GM). Preparing spells for the day
DT: Seer I (Ex) As a standard action the godling can attempt to gain knowledge and learn rumors about a given topic. This functions as the gather information function of the Diplomacy skill (expect for the reduced time taken) and the godling gets a special check to
Enduring Armor +9 (Su) Armor of force grants armor bonus equal to 3 + your tier.
Erase From Time (2/day) (Ex) As a melee touch attack, you can temporarily remove a creature from time altogether. The target creature must make a Fortitude save or vanish completely for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your oracle level (minimum 1 round). No magic or divinations
Eschew Materials Cast spells without materials, if component cost is 1 gp or less.
Force of Will (Ex) As an immediate action, use 1 power to reroll any d20, or force non-mythic to reroll.
Forewarned (Su) You can always act in the surprise round even if you fail to make a Perception roll to notice a foe, but you are still considered flat-footed until you take an action. In addition, you receive a bonus on initiative checks equal to 1/2 your wizard lev
Hard to Kill (Ex) Automatically stabilize when dying, and only die at neg Con x 2.
Legendary Power (4/day) All legendary items contain a pool of power - at least two uses that recharge each day. This power is called legendary power, and it works differently than mythic power. Any creature bearing the item can expend the items uses of legendary power, whet
Legendary Surge (+1d6 to Saving Throws - All) All legendary items have a legendary surge ability, similar to a mythic character's surge ability (see page 170). It can be used only on specific rolls or checks based on the nature or purpose of the legendary item - see the Legendary Surge sidebar o
Lineage Domain: Travel (Ex) As a result of their divine bloodline, eldritch godlings gain access to the powers and spells of a cleric domain. Once these domains are selected they cannot be changed. (While the player selects these domains, the godling character gains these as in
Lucky Surge [Mythic] Roll surge dice twice and take the highest result (or thrice if already roll twice).
Miraculous Accounts (13 at a time) (Su) As a full round action, the agent of accrual can create a pool of magical energy linked to a target they touch. They can have a number of these pools equal to their Charisma Modifier + their Agent of Accrual Level. These pools are then tied to those
Mythic Bond A legendary item is typically bonded to a single mythic creature. Others can pick up and use a legendary item for its basic functions (like hitting a foe with a legendary mace), but only the creature bonded to the item can utilize it fully.

A myth
Mythic Saving Throws (Ex) A successful save negates all effects from a non-mythic source.
Persistent Spell Foes must succeed at 2 saves or suffer the spell's full effects.
Potent Surge [Mythic] Add 1 to the result of any surge roll.
Power Attack -2/+4 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Protect Interests (Su) At 5th level, the agent of accrual can also spend value from their miraculous accounts to defend an account holder or attack their enemies with transact miracles but only if the account holder authorizes it as an immediate action. The range of approv
Psychic Overload [Mythic] (Su) As a standard action, you can expend one use of mythic power to cast any one psychic spell without expending a prepared spell or spell slot. The spell must be on one of your psychic spellcasting class spell lists and must be of a level that you can c
Recuperation (Ex) Fully heal after 8 hrs rest, use 1 power and 1 hr to heal half and restore all non-mythic abilities.
Rejuvenating (60 hp) The bearer of this item can expend uses of legendary power to rejuvenate her body. As a standard action, she can expend one use of legendary power to heal herself of 10 points of damage per mythic tier she possesses. Alternatively, as a standard acti
Returning (Plane-Crossing) The creature bonded to this item can expend one use of mythic power to teleport the item to her waiting hand, as if using teleport object. The item must be on the same plane as the bonded creature for this ability to function. This ability can
Sacred Geometry (Quicken Spell, Maximize Spell) Use metamagic effects through mathematics without raising spell level.
Sacrificial Deposit (Ex) The agent of accrual can spend one minute in a ritual to sacrifice any object of greater than 100 gp in the name of one of its accounts. This item must have been in the creature’s possession for at least 1 week and believed by its bearer to be thei
Soul Safe Your item carries a part of your immortal spark within it, and unless the item is destroyed you cannot be permanently slain. If you are killed, your body reforms 24 hours later in the nearest open space within 30 feet of the item. If you are affected
Spells: Arcane Spell Failure (Ex) As long as an eldritch godling feels secure and confident, she can make very simple gestures to satisfy the somatic componets of her spells. As a result, godlings do not suffer arcane spell failure in armor with which they are proficient. This is tru
Spells: Concentration (Ex) As acts of will, the spells cast by eldritch godlings do not require focused attention to cast. Thus an eldritch godling does not need to make concentration checks to cast her spells, even if she suffers damage, distraction, violent motion, or is gra
Spells: Dispel Resistance (Ex) Because the spells of eldritch godlings are powered by internal immortal might, rather than drawn from a pool of magic accessed by some mortal heritage or tapped through skill and training, the spells are much harder to dispel or suppress. The godlin
Surge (1d8+1) (Su) Use 1 power to increase any d20 roll by the listed amount.
Tongues (Sp) You can understand and speak any language, as the tongues spell.
Transact Miracles (Wizard/Cleric) (Sp) At 1st level the agent of accrual can select one class’ spell list. As a standard action the agent of accrual may “spend” value from a creature’s miraculous account equal to the cost of a scroll for that class and level to create a magical ef
Unseen Spell You can render your spells invisible. +2 level
Void Awareness (+4) (Su) Your ability to recognize the void allows your body to react to magical manifestations before you’re even aware of them. You gain a +2 insight bonus on saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities. This bonus increases by +1 for every five
Short Version: Maika is primarily a support character, capable of hurling around metamagic'd psychic spells with relative ease. She possesses a strong divine weapon capable of dealing sonic damage, but as she's not a warrior, she can't actually bring out its full potential. However, she is excellent at dispelling magic and in general knows quite a lot about magic.

However, her real strength comes when others care to make use of her abilities. As an Agent of Accrual, people can open accounts with her and ask her to cast spells for them on-demand. This allows her to cast Wizard and Cleric spells for them essentially on-demand, including powerful heals or magical attacks, giving her allies enormously expanded capabilities when they choose to request additional help. Scroll effects aren't terrible expensive, so even a relatively small investment of their wealth could go quite a long ways.


Maika is the Purveyor of Transacted Miracles, overseer of the multiverse-wide standard exchange of magical services for money. This includes both the spells sold by churches and those sold by private citizens, including the merchants of magical items. In times of yore, she was a wizard of some renown in the planar junction city of Hyraeatan, a major trading hub and general supporter of balance on many levels - not the choice of the city, exactly, but the unique nature of some planar events near it meant that the city would either be balanced or destroyed, so people didn't have much of a choice.

Rising through the House of Prominence, Maika eventually ascended to mythic power and began to rapidly move towards immortality. During this process, the magic she'd studied infused every fiber of her being, shifting her from a scholar to an eldritch godling. Shortly thereafter, she began to work with the Temple of Coin and House of Prominence to create a better way to provide magic to others, leading to the largely-fixed pricing the multiverse knows today.

While not quite on the level of a full deity, Maika's had a significant impact on every church that provides spellcasting services to its members. Notably, however, she is completely neutral on the ethics and personal choices of each faith. She knows that different churches have different rules about who can get what, including occasionally having higher or lower prices, but this is kept in check partly by the standardized prices she enforces on non-religious sellers that participate in her organization (which is most of them). By offering standard prices, sellers have to compete based on quality of service, which means most people can buy spellcasting services and magic items without too much hassle.

Magically, Maika is fairly flexible. She maintains a set of psychic powers as her base casting abilities, complete with the knowledge of how to effectively apply the metamagics she knows to improve the potency of her spells. In many ways, she's among the most knowledgeable figures when it comes to precisely how to cast magic, and she puts this to good use.

As an Agent of Accrual - a prestige class discovered in her home city - Maika is also capable of forming contracts with people and casting spells on them if they're willing to pay for it. She can cast up to 7th-level Wizard and Cleric spells - which is, frankly, quite a lot of the spells that exist at all - and can do it as often as people are able to pay for it. This service carries a premium price - approximately twice the cost of buying it elsewhere - but that's what she decided was appropriate for the ability to provide magic on-demand. This was most notable when a rich planar visitor hired her to cast 50 Limited Wishes in a row for him, a feat of casting rarely surpassed. He walked away a poorer but happier man.

As a godling - whose powers have still progressed, albeit slightly delayed - Maika has a selection of useful powers. She can form a divine sonic weapon in a variety of shapes and use it to smack foes around (though she is not, and should not be mistaken for, a true warrior), and she can Channel Energy several times per day to heal a group. She can also gather information, and as if that wasn't troubling enough for her foes, her expertise with magic is such that she can almost always react before her foes and she is particularly resilient against damage from spells.

In general, Maika is neutral on the matter of what other people do with magic, but she has extremely strong opinions on the sale thereof. As far as she's concerned, a deal is a deal and the seller must follow through. She even hires herself out to provide exclusive magic on-demand, paid up-front or through an agreement with the Church of Abadar (whose banking services her own faith is intimately tied to). As the patron of selling magic, every spell she casts has a price - but she believes in fairness, not greed, and never seeks to try and push people into a purchase they can't afford. (Notably, Channeled Energy is not magic in the traditional sense, so she feels quite free to use that.)

She's willing to sell her services to anybody who will pay, with the only real caveat being that she will not actively seek to hurt herself or her personal interests. In that regard, she's fairly mercenary - utterly loyal while the money lasts, but when the job is over, she moves on. This helps her retain her standing among other faiths, and frankly, she doesn't really provide anything that people couldn't otherwise acquire if they put enough capital into the effort. If people wanted magical support, they'd hire someone else if she wasn't available, so most people don't hold it against her and churches generally agree that her presence is better for them.

Maika is missing numerous body parts - only her torso and most of her head is intact. The rest have been replaced with prosthetics. This is confusing to some - she's quite capable of casting Regenerate on herself through her Commission wealth - but she prefers to keep the advanced cybertech prosthetics.

She's capable of crafting almost any magical gear, but seems content with a shimmering golden holy symbol that she keeps tucked beneath her clothing. This item - Cariad Aur - helps her channel her powers and acts as a divine focus for her abilities. She can use it to heal herself or protect against troubling effects, and she's capable of summoning it across planar boundaries. As a major artifact, it's nigh-indestructable... and unknown to most, it anchors her soul to help prevent her death. This item was key to surviving her original ascension to mythic power and has helped her move closer and closer to true godhood in the years since.

OK, I should have seen this ahead of time, but I'd like you all to separate your normal feats, your mythic feats, and your mythic path abilities like in this statblock.

In addition, if you have VMC, can you include those choices in your feats sections, listed like VMC (familiar), VMC (spellcasting), VMC (hex) (for a VMC witch, for example), and in your headers next to your actual class?

I suspect that Rednal's character is not VMC, but it's a little difficult to see exactly what he's chosen with path abilities and mythic feats.

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