A Grim Moon Looms ; A Young Pantheon Grows (Inactive)

Game Master leinathan

Several young divinities gather together into a new pantheon, combining their strengths towards common goals. Together, they forge their sparks into the stuff of true gods.


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Monkeygod wrote:


Veldrin has the undead master wizard archetype, which allows him to select the corpse companion from the undead lord archetype.

Is there anyway such a companion could get some sort of boost, so as to continue to be useful at our high powered level?

Still need an answer to this Divinity :)

DM Divinity wrote:

@Alias - Looks correct, as far as I can see, except for one thing: Under ABP, cloaks of resistance and belts/headbands of +stat[/b] don't exist. You cannot buy them and have them stack with ABP.

Is there some reason that you chose to use the wizard, of all things, to represent your character's exploration-focused concept?

Check √ I got rid of the cloak.

As for opting for a wizard, setting aside my personal desire to play one, I found myself inspired by the ubiquitous trickster gods – and by Loki in particular, sans the evil penchant. I wanted a class that could allow for travelling, shapechanging, and divination, while representing a capacity to find extraordinary solutions to epic problems. How does one steal the Divine Flame from the Plane of Fire? The answer: a sound plan, carefully chosen spells, cleverness, and luck!

My initial idea was a wizard, but I did take the time to consider other… I felt that the ranger was too limiting. Same for the rogue. And they are both more warrior-like and deadly than I want the character to be. The bard was definitely an option, which I considered. But I’ve never been much of a fan. Admittedly, the archeologist would have suited the Lucky theme, but that’s about it as far as I am concerned. I didn’t want to be performing all the time!

Does that make any sense?

PS: note that Trickery is not one of the character's official domains, unfortunately. That will change, eventually...

Alright, think Calxakti is good.

@Monkeygod - Oh, you're right, sorry for forgetting. I will allow you to have a bonus on your companion. I believe I will allow you to add one of the mythic simple templates to it, (of your choice, when you create the companion). However, be aware that the agile template grants haste instead of an extra turn.

Also, you don't have to use just a simple human. You can use any creature whose HD your character qualifies for.

@Alias - It does make sense, thank you for the explanation. I totally understand.

I'm pulling out of the running. Too exhausted to complete submission. Have tons of fun!


1. What is your character? Where are they from?
Alithea grew up in Nex as a zealous devotee of Nethys. She served on a research team tasked with finding new types of weaponized magic. After some of her team's experiments led to a release of a massive amount of magical energy, Alithea tried her best to contain the energy, being the most skilled abjurer on the team, but the whole team and innocent bystanders were killed. This catastrophe rattled Alithea to her core and helped redefine Alithea's understanding of magic. Magic was now something that could be devious and dangerous, and that it must be treated with great caution, and that one must understand not only magic but how they are choosing to use it. After this revelation, she left Nex and enrolled in the Magaambya, a school known for their more cautious and different type of magic. After spending a few years exploring the magic at the Magaambya, she began to explore her divine powers moving to the Serene Circle Irori's realm, to cultivate her discipline.

2. What is your character's portfolio?
Portfolio: Truth, Protection, Magic, Self-Acceptance
Domains: Law, Magic, Knowledge, Protection
Subdomains: Purity (Law), Education (Knowledge), Thought (Knowledge)

Alithea's concerns are primarily based on truth, understanding, and protection, especially when it comes to magic. She encourages the study of magic to understand its fundamental nature and be able to see through and undo what she now sees as the duplicitous and addicting power of magic. This inspection should be aimed not only at the outside world but internally, to also understand one's self. She stands firmly opposed to Nethys's unrestricted pursuit of magic.

3. What does your character look like?
Alithea is depicted as a very average woman of her followers' race or nationality, often in simple attire, such as a plain white gown. She is often shown deep in contemplation or meditation. She is distinguished by the appearance of her holy symbol, a stylized eye emblazoned on a shattered mask.

In actuality, Alithea is a Garundi human woman with several grey streaks in her hair, which is long but often worn up in a bun. She favors plain robes rather than ostentatious robes, despite her divinity. Her appearance is intentionally left as her human self, as that is her true origin, and she does not seek to change it.

4. How did your character become a demigod?
When Alithea tried to contain the massive amount of magical energy from her cult's catastrophic experiment, Alithea was infused with a large amount of magical energy, which awakened her divine spark. Alithea refused to indulge her mythic powers at first, and spent a decade in seclusion, reflecting on her new powers and the ways to best use them. Once she understood her new powers, she set out into the world to unravel what she saw as the greatest injustices of magic.

5. Where does your character live?
Alithea primarily wanders Golarion, seeking out nefarious uses of magic and seeks to unravel them. Her teachings require considered reflection, but also demand action, so she rarely spends much time in her residences, instead preferring to take action. When she does seek rest on Golarion, she retires to her temple in Absalom (more below). She has also carved out a small portion of the Serene Circle, Irori's domain on Axis, though she only retires from the Material Plane when she seeks to reflect on particularly difficult topics.

Deity Block:

The Unraveling Eye
Alignment LN
Areas of Concern Truth, Protection, Magic, Self-Acceptance
Domains Law, Magic, Knowledge, Protection
Subdomains Purity (Law), Education (Knowledge), Thought (Knowledge)
Favored Weapon Knobkerrie
Symbol A single eye over a cracked mask
Sacred Animal(s) Mantis Shrimp
Sacred Color(s) White

Obedience Spend an hour reflecting carefully on your past day. Think carefully about your motivations and ways you were dishonest to yourself or others. Then consider both your strengths and shortcomings in the past day.

The Cult of the Unraveling Eye:

1. Where in the verse is your cult centered?
Alithea maintains a temple in Absalom that also serves as a place she can rest when she wishes to reflect or recover. She tries to visit at least somewhat regularly to offer inspiration and guidance to her clergy to nurture the new faith that has sprung up around her.

Her biggest following is centered in the River Kingdoms and Galt, where notions of truth are particularly important yet distrust is common. Her following has grown here in recent years as Alithea has begun to challenge Razmir and his Visions.

She also has picked up supporters among the Iobane group in the Mwangi that protect the powerful Doorway to the Red Star. She has supported the group in the past for their goal of protecting a place of powerful magic.

2. What sorts of people worship you?
Alithea has two primary types of worshipers, those who have been harmed by magic or seek to keep powerful magic from being abused, and those who seek the truth, either internally or externally.

3. If your character has one, please describe your character's herald.
The only other survivor of the arcane eruption that granted Alithea her godlike powers was a gnome occultist. When the ritual grew beyond the control of the casters, he attempted to escape into the First World. He managed to escape as the most volatile magical energies erupted. Although he survived, the gnome was instantly struck with the Bleaching, and lost his memory.

Left only with his sense of his own fault for his amnesia, the gnome made his way to the closest city in the First World, Anophaeus, hoping that he might discover the truth of his past in dreams. After several years in Anophaeus, he was granted a vision which sent him on a journey to the Serene Circle, where he believed someone in Irori's realm would be able to help him regain his past.

It was there that the gnome found Alithea, still very early in her initial reflections and trying to understand her newfound abilities. Though she and the gnome were never close, she recognized the gnome. She convinced The Old Man, with whom she was training, to help the gnome uncover his memories. Irori's herald produced a tome, containing all the gnome's life and knowledge, including what he had lost. With his past now within his grasp, the gnome was afraid of facing it. It was at this moment that Alithea came up with the Rememorization. She called over a scrivenite from Irori's archives and had it strip away her knowledge, producing a tome similar to the gnome's, offering to undergo the experience with the gnome. Touched, the gnome read his tome, and relearned of his past, as an adventurer and follower of Nethys. Understanding the gravity of his mistakes, and the difficult experience Alithea went through with him, he denounced his old life, and took up the name Bookworm, becoming Alithea's first follower.

When Alithea established her temple in Absalom, Bookworm took on the role of her herald and high priest. His service to Alithea is focused on the location, neutralization, and destruction of dangerous magical artifacts. He carries with him a tome almost as big as him containing the record of his former life.

I wrote this before I saw your comment about builds. I was imagining a Tome Devourer Occultist using his life tome as his implement. You can do whatever, but I really loved this idea.

A Priest's Role
Priests tend to have different roles depending on whether they adventure, or ministers to a congregation.

Adventuring followers of Alithea tend to be focused on ending the abuses of magic, and often have magic heavily focused in Divination and Abjuration to see through the nefarious uses of magic. Adventuring worshippers of Alithea are often paladins, warpriests, clerics, or monks, though lawful casters of other persuasions turn to Alithea when they seek to use their magic responsibly.

The few ministers of Alithea that have formed cults in their towns or cities come from all walks of life, usually focusing less on Alithea's concerns around magic, and instead focusing on helping their congregation understand and accept themselves, serving as some of Golarion's first therapists. Alithea's cult does not have group rituals for prayers, though, for those who wish, her priests will also run group therapy sessions.

Cruelties of Magic This rite involves intentionally subjugating one's self to nefarious uses of magic to remember the pain and power of such magic. Usually, this involves enchantments, particularly of the compulsion and charm subschools, as well as illusions and in some circles, even transmutations are included. This rite is often undertaken by members of the clergy that have not suffered at the hands of magic before.

Rememorization This is a particularly extreme rite that only the most dedicated followers of Alithea seek out. They seek to replicate a most extreme method of self-reflection she sometimes uses, having a scrivenite strip their history bare so that they may absorb their unbiased truth and reflect on what it means about them. The requirement for summoning an outsider limits this to followers with access to more powerful spellcasting.

Summary Day This falls on the last day of the year (31st of Kuthona). Though the idea that a new year is an opportunity to start anew, this day demands introspection over the past year, and an honest reckoning of one's strengths and weaknesses. Alithea does not demand any particular dedication to improve in the new year, instead only seeking understanding of one's self.

The truth is blinding This particular aphorism is used both as an admonishment of deceivers, but also as an encouragement to initiates that struggle to see themselves honestly.

Doubt with vigilance This saying is used to caution people who seem to be acting recklessly, encouraging them to reconsider somewhere they've placed their trust or a course of action.

Understanding before mastery Alithea's experiences with magic has taught her the dangers of getting lost in the pursuit of a goal. Self-possession and a clear mind are needed before a skill can be wielded effectively.

Paladin Code:

Alithea is one of the few neutral gods that actively seeks paladins. Though she encourages all to know themselves, whether Good or Evil, she accepts that paladins are most likely to help cut through the sinister uses of magic for the purposes of deception or subjugation. Though her paladins lack some of the absolute conviction of other paladins, they rarely are wracked with the same uncertainty other paladins face.
• I must know my own self and my resolve. I cannot help others without knowing my own strength and purpose.
• I will seek out the truth of what is, and expose that which is not. I will not suffer deception.
• I will protect those who cannot protect themselves from magic.
• Understanding is the greatest gift I can give. I will strive to help others understand themselves.

Relations with other gods:

Nethys The reckless use of magic promoted by Nethys as well as his favoring the idea of dualities, rather than balancing opposing forces have lead Alithea to have a vehement opposition to Nethys.

Irori The focus on knowledge and self-perfection make Irori a natural ally for Alithea, though her teachings of acceptance rather than refined perfection are a point of contention between the two. She views Irori as a mentor who pushes her to improve herself.

Gozreh Alithea admires Gozreh tremendously. Gozreh's role as the force of nature is a pure and fundamental understanding that it makes her envious at times. She considers Gozreh as a mentor in her aspect of self-understanding, and for representing the natural world in its purest form.

Abadar Alithea strongly admires the restraint and consideration implied by Abadar's teachings of putting the society first. She admires the god, though she offers guidance to his followers that have trouble reconciling what is expected by society with what they want.

Shelyn Art is a powerful form of self-expression and is often used as a means of self-exploration, causing Alithea to have a respect for Shelyn's push for art. Though she does not care much about the art itself.

Kurgess His push to have his followers face ever-newer challenges gives Alithea a difficult relationship with Kurgess. The god seeks honest challenges and competitions, which are a way to learn about one's limitations practically, but his more impulsive nature cause some conflict.

Asmodeus The Prince of Darkness teaches that using trickery to subjugate others is not only acceptable but virtuous. This use of magically enforced subjugation through infernal contracts is anathema to the Unraveling Eye.

Sivanah The goddess of illusion and mystery falls firmly opposed to Alithea. Though her teachings don't encourage malicious use of magic, illusions are inherently dishonest, if not always evil.

Norgorber Strangely, she harbors little resentment for followers of the Reaper of Reputation, as his brand of cruelty targets those who lie about their true selves, ensnaring them in their own lies. Alithea is more firmly opposed to sects of Norgorber's other aspects.

Relations with other submission demigods:

Oh my, so many archmages. Probably a tough sell for Alithea. It certainly wasn’t totally unexpected, but the idea struck me fully formed, so we’ll just have to see where the chips land.

Teras Their portfolios have little overlap, and little tension. I think Alithea would have respect for Teras, for his focus on order, and the discipline such a soldier might have.

Priella I think rather than scorn, I think Alithea would feel some respect and pity for Priella. She’s given up all her will and sense of self, though she’s done it in the interest of stopping the plans of other nefarious gods. I think there's an interesting tension with the two, where Alithea would be very interested in helping Priella free herself from the grips of the Elder Gods and find her true self again (if Priella’s player would be interested in such a plot).

Ulliaza I think this would be a contentious relationship, though not outright acrimonious. Alithea doesn’t agree with Ulliaza’s teachings but believes that Ulliaza’s actions are considered and made with purpose. The Trickery domain is more problematic for Alithea than the Chaos aspect.

Rthignynth The original version of Rth’s background was a huge issue for Alithea, but the newer version that involves less charm and compulsion is less contentious. Rth doesn’t seem to have a strong sense of self (from my reading), because he cannot take a steady form, and seems to consist of several consciences. Alithea probably wonders how Rth makes any decisions, but would certainly be wary.

Maika The fact that Maika is so clear about her goals is something Alithea can respect, though she will likely keep an eye on the godling, because her willingness to loan her magic to whoever can pay has some potentially disastrous consequences. Realistically, though, both of them have at least some focus on dispelling makes for more mechanical tension than story tension.

Kage Kurai This is certainly the toughest story match-up for Alithea. Kage Kurai has Trickery as a strong focus, and his very appearance is a deception.

Amnon’s Ties to Iomedae make his particular brand of deception far easier to swallow. While Alithea has some disagreements with Iomedean dogma, she generally views the god favorably and therefore is happy to find a way to reconcile her differences with Amnon.

Caldarel I think Alithea would view Cladarel as a rival. Though they have different portfolios, they both seem like strong mages with modest temperaments. She also respects his great focus on divination, though it is secondary to her concerns of protection.

Calaxti The focus on Madness and the sense of self so strongly tied to what is external is problematic for Alithea. She would likely seek to guide Calaxti towards himself, rather than putting all his worth into the visions he experiences.

Ranam Will probably need an update with the full submission, but the idea that Ranam is lawful and wishes to focus on crafting makes it sound like and he Alithea will get along just fine, if not have much common ground.

The Artist Aside from changing appearance regularly, the demigod seems to have little overlap either positive or negative with Alithea.

Veldrin and the two newer submissions don’t have enough information to actually make a determination yet.

Build Summary:

Alithea is the Unraveling Eye, and her foremost specialty is dispelling magic she deems harmful, and her ability to undo even the most powerful magic is a fundamental part of her skill and portfolio. She focuses on Divination and Abjuration, and generally eschews Illusion and Enchantment, though will make some exceptions for spells like Mirror Image that is more protective, and Heroism that can help bolster others. For this same reason, Alithea considers spells such as Feeblemind, Amnesia, and Baleful Polymorph anathema.

I’m looking at other player’s stats, and several of them seem so much higher. I don’t think I missed anything, but perhaps I’m wrong.


Alithea Human Arcanist 14 / Archmage 6
LN humanoid (human)
Init +9 Senses: Perception +16, Darkvision 60ft, Aura Sight, Arcane Sight 120ft
Aura: Lawful (strong)
Languages: Taldane, Osiriani, Kelish, Tien, Hallit, Varisian, Elven, Dwarven, Halfling, Undercommon, Azlanti, Thassilonian, Ancient Osiriani, Draconic, Sylvan, Abyssal, Celestial, Infernal, Aquan, Ignan, Auran, Terran, Protean, Aklo

Ability Scores:
Str 10 Dex 16 Con 18 Int 28 Wis 16 Cha 14
BAB +7/+2 CMB +7 CMD 20

HP: 140
AC 20, touch 15, flat-footed 17(+3 armor +3 dex + 2 deflection +2 natural)
Fort +12 Ref +11 Will +16
Defensive Abilities Hard to Kill, Mythic Saving Throws, Improved Counterspell (exploit)

Speed 30
Melee +10 Knobkerrie (1d6 +3 x2)
Ranged +10
Special Abilities
* Mythic Power (15/day)
* Arcane Reservoir (10 points)
* Mythic Surge +1d8
* Amazing Initiative
* Dimensional Slide
* Potent Magic
* Consume Spells
Spell Like Abilities
Divine Source
Domains: Law, Magic
Spell-Like Abilities (DC 19 1/level/day)
1st—protection from chaos, identify
2nd—align weapon (law only), magic mouth
3rd—magic circle against chaos, dispel magic
4th—order's wrath, imbue with spell ability
5th—dispel chaos, spell resistance
6th—hold monster, antimagic field
Spells Prepared
Spells Per Day


Adventuring Skills
*Acrobatics (DEX) +20
Athletics (STR)
Bluff (CHA)
Diplomacy (CHA)
Disable Device (DEX)
Disguise (CHA)
Heal (WIS)
Intimidate (CHA)
*Knowledge: Arcana (INT) +26
*Knowledge: Dungeoneering (INT) +26
*Knowledge: Local (INT) +26
*Knowledge: Nature (INT) +26
*Knowledge: Planes (INT) +26
*Knowledge: Religion (INT) +26
Perception (WIS) +17
Ride (DEX)
Sense Motive (WIS) +17
*Spellcraft (INT) +26
Stealth (DEX)
Survival (WIS)
*Use Magic Device (CHA)

Background Skills
*Appraise (INT) +13
*Craft: Alchemy (INT) +13
*Craft: Books(INT) +13
*Craft: Calligraphy(INT) +13
*Craft: Carpentry(INT) +13
*Craft: Cloth(INT) +13
*Craft: Clothing(INT) +13
*Craft: Glass(INT) +13
*Craft: Leather(INT) +13
*Craft: Pottery(INT) +13
*Craft: Sculptures(INT) +13
*Craft: Ships(INT) +13
*Craft: Shoes(INT) +13
*Craft: Stonemasonry(INT) +13
Handle Animal (CHA)
*Knowledge: Engineering (INT) +13
*Knowledge: Cultures (INT) +26
*Linguistics (INT) +26
Perform (CHA)
*Profession (WIS)
Sleight of Hand (DEX)


Tr: Gifted Adept (Dispel Magic)
Tr: Reactionary

Hu01: Improved Initiative
Lv01: Spell Focus (Abjuration)
Lv03: Varisian Tattoo
Vm03: Spell Specialization (Dispel Magic)
Lv05: Spell Penetration
Lv07: Dispel Focus
Vm07: Greater Dispel Focus
Lv09: Persistent Spell
Lv11: Leadership
Vm11: Destructive Dispel
Lv13: Echoing Spell

Arcanist Exploits
Ar01: Dimensional Slide
Ar03: Potent Magic
Ar05: Quick Study
Ar07: Counterspell
Ar09: Metamagic Knowledge (Quicken Spell)
Ar11: Greater Counterspell
Ar13: Counter Drain

Mythic Path Abilities
Archmage Abilities
Archmage Arcana: Wild Surge
T2: Eldritch Breath
T3: Competent Caster
T4: Divine Source (Law, Magic)
T5: Ultimate Versatility
T6: Crafting Mastery

Mythic Feats
T1: Mythic Spell Focus
T3: Mythic Spell Penetration
T5: Mythic Spell Lore

Mythic Spells
1) Dispel Magic
2) Haste
3) Plane Shift
4) Globe of Invulnerability
5) Contingency
6) Limited Wish


I'll be getting a Blessed Book, so triple the expected number of spells. Those with asterisks next to them come from purchased scrolls.

Bolded Spells also have Mythic Versions

1st Level
Heightened Awareness
Expeditious Retreat
Magic Missile
Ray of Enfeeblement
Comprehend Languages
Protection from Chaos
Protection from Evil
Protection From Good
Protection from Law
Enlarge Person
Feather Fall
Liberating Command
Obscuring Mist
Air Bubble
Touch of the Sea
Crafter’s Fortune
Unseen Servant
Memorize Page
Speak Local Language

2nd Level
Arcane Lock
Human Potential
Investigative Mind
Blindness / Deafness
Create Pit
Detect Magic, Greater
False Life
Euphoric Cloud
Raven's Flight
Resist Energy
See Invisibility
*Mirror Image
*Stone Call
*Suppress Charms and Compulsions
*Make Whole

3rd Level
Dispel Magic
Arcane Sight
Aura Sight
Collaborative Thaumaturgy
Ray of Exhaustion
Resist Energy, Communal
Protection from Energy
Siphon Might
*Stunning Barrier, Greater
*Magic Circle Against Evil
*Magic Circle Against Chaos

4th Level
Aggressive Thundercloud, Greater
Akashic Communication
Arcane Eye
Bestow Curse
Enchantment Foil
False Life, Greater
Dimension Door
Emergency Force Sphere
Globe of Invulnerability, Lesser
Remove Curse
Dimensional Anchor
*Make Whole, Greater
*Resilient Sphere
*Planar Adaptation

5th Level
Overland Flight
Grand Destiny
Gravity Sphere
Mage’s Private Sanctum
Stoneskin, Communal
Trace Teleport
Wall of Force
Break Enchantment

6th Level
Borrowed Time
Globe of Invulnerability
Antimagic Field
Chains of Light
Curse, Major
Dispel Magic, Greater
Flesh to Stone
Heroism, Greater
Stone to Flesh

7th Level
Limited Wish
Plane Shift
Spell Turning
Waves of Exhaustion
Teleport, Greater

Legendary Item:

Ring of Spell Unmaking

This ring at first glance appears to be a ring of counterspells. This particular ring of counterspells was forged by The Unraveling Eye during her studies of magic craft and undoing spells. This ring holds 4 spells, and each spell can be automatically consumed to counter a version of the same spell directed at the wearer without an action, much like a ring of counterspells.

The Math: Ring of Counterspells (4000), Adding an effect to an existing a slotted item (1.5x cost). 4000 + 3*6000 = 24,000

The particulars of the ring, of course, are subject to GM discretion. Was this supposed to be a Legendary Item per the trait, or does that require taking the actual talent?


Below are items I’m sure I’ll wish to buy. I’ll be filling in more of my items as needed.

5000 Darkvision
7500 Arcane Sight
7500 Aura Sight
20,000 GP

750 5 2nd Level Scrolls (added to spellbook)
1875 5 3rd Level Scrolls (added to spellbook)
2800 4 4th Level Scrolls (added to spellbook)
5,425 GP

1500 1 Diamond
1500 1 Ivory Statuette
1000 1 Silver Mirror
1000 Diamond Dust
5000 GP

2000 Ring of Counterspells
1000 Handy Haversack
2500 Numerology Cylinder
450 Lesser Talisman of Freedom
1750 Lesser Talisman of Life’s Breath
275 Lesser Talisman of Warrior’s Courage
7975 GP

TOTAL: 38400

This might be dumb question, but is Knowledge(Cultures) a background skill, since the 3 skills it's made up of are all background skills?

Edit: Could I take a drawback for a 3rd trait? Power Hungry is *perfect* for Veldrin, and I would suggest allowing it to bypass his normal immunities to such effects.

I really need bluff as a class skill, but don't wanna give up any of my wizard levels to dip into something that grants it. Firstly, most of the classes don't fit his concept, and also, I really want 6th level spells.

For simplicity reasons, i'll say yes about k. Cultures.

I wanna say no about the drawback, since i've already denied it from other people. You could just put ranks in it anyway and have a slightly lower bonus.

...Power attack is free... What about Piranha Strike, which is the equivalent for Dexterity-based Finesse builds?

There isn't anything saying that you can't use Power Attack with weapon finesse or light weapons, so there's no need to make Piranha Strike free.

The difference being the prerequisite... Unless it is waived?

Of course it is waived. It's a free feat for everybody.

leinathan wrote:
Of course it is waived. It's a free feat for everybody.

I've been taking a further look through profiles to take notes. I've noticed a couple things.

@Rthignynt cannot take the Vulture domain, as it is not among the domains that he himself is able to grant. As I said in the character gen post, if you gain domains, you must choose domains that you yourself grant.

Rth also has Leadership but no description of his herald.

@Maika should have to re-do her skill ranks to accommodate for K. Cultures, Athletics, and Acrobatics missing jumping.

@Calxakti, I believe you need to choose two subdomains. Also, list somewhere obvious on your character sheet where your domains are.

If Priella wants a herald, she will need to provide a non-mechanical description of who her herald is and why they are her herald.

I believe Caladrel needs relationships with the other submissions, so I can tell who would be good to pair with him.

Sovereign Court

DM Divinity wrote:

I've been taking a further look through profiles to take notes. I've noticed a couple things.

@Rthignynt cannot take the Vulture domain, as it is not among the domains that he himself is able to grant. As I said in the character gen post, if you gain domains, you must choose domains that you yourself grant.

Rth also has Leadership but no description of his herald.

I'd likely swap Repose out for Vulture and then, if that's ok.

As far as the herald goes, I would still like to know wether it needs to be a "human" character or if it can be a creature. I don't want to describe a monster only to have to scrap it all for a man.

Most/all of the character gen rules will apply to whatever creature you want to end up using. Cohorts won't get background skills or 30 point buy (or, indeed, mythic tiers. I don't think any of you have Mythic Leadership), but it can be whatever you describe it as.

DM Divinity wrote:
I believe Caladrel needs relationships with the other submissions, so I can tell who would be good to pair with him.

@DM Divinity I've thought a lot about the herald, and have several background stories/concepts depending on your ruling involving monster cohorts. As I mentioned in the profile, if I was making the cohort I would consider a Shae, a Huldra, or an Imentesh if allowed, and any of these three would have a very different personality and reason why they would choose to follow her. Obviously if you went with normal races only that would change it as well.

Could I get your thoughts on the monster cohort and what would be allowed? If not, I can always provide you with 4 different writeups for you to use depending on what you choose.

EDIT: I should have refreshed the page before submitting this as it seems you already mostly answered by question when replying to Chapel. I looked at the monster PC rules you gave and as such I'll just modify my question to ask if a Shae or a Huldra are approved monster races and go from there (Huldra seems in line with the already approved races, Shae I'm unsure, and looks like an Imentesh would be a bit too powerful and as such a no-go)

Also, a short description of Caladrel's Herald √

Either a shae or a huldra should be ok.

DM Divinity wrote:

@Teras - The reason I asked about money was because you mentioned several times in his backstory that the thing that drove him as a desire for more money. I'm just trying to figure out what his basic, core motivation is. It seems to be glory, yes?

Ah ok, so yeah his core motivation would be glory. He cared about money only for the fact that he wanted to help his family out. That’s why he got into fighting and eventually became a gladiator, to pay the bills. And as an accomplished gladiator it’s safe to assume he probably was easily able to help set up his parents with some money so that could live comfortably a gold goes a long way.

But once that goal was met he kind of had to look for a new goal, since his main goal in the first place was to help his family. With that done he had some self reflection and realized that combat was something he enjoyed and the winning of combat was spectacular. So through that he started to fight not for his family anymore but for himself. Then joining the red legion he was able to decide who and how he would fight for himself as part of the company.

Then with him taking over he’s now in complete control of his destiny and with only his passion for combat, he’s going to seek out glory and combat that he feels that will help him to reach greater heights glory. When you’re a young simple guy, who’s really good at fighting and has no real wants what else is there to fight for then glory, at least in his mind

DM Divinity wrote:
@Amnon - I'm not seeing that rule that translates spells known -> spells prepared. Can you link me somewhere that the rule is? As far as I know, spells known just go into the arcanist's spellbook.

It is in the Arcanist class Spells entry.

In particular:

Unlike the number of spells she can cast per day, the number of spells an arcanist can prepare each day is not affected by her Intelligence score. Feats and other effects that modify the number of spells known by a spellcaster instead affect the number of spells an arcanist can prepare

Silver Crusade

If recruitment is still open id like to submit a character as well, will type it out when i get home.

One other question before i do: i have a really good idea but it is a humerous take, sort of like cayden cailean. Is that allowed as a submission or do you take only very serious backstories?

Priella's herald has been added to the profile but here is the information on her if you don't feel like clicking.

Priella's herald: Tirfa is a huldra who fell in love with an Ulfen warrior and joined him in his travels. As they adventured she began to miss her untamed northern homeland, and when he joined the Ulfen Guard in Taldor she began to resent him for what she felt was an attempt to 'tame' her by bringing her to this awful civilized and ordered place. She smacked her mate into ugliness and left him, headed off to wander this strange land. During her travels she commonly fought against those who attempted to expand the order civilization into the wilds, either by harassing their troopsor by seducing them and attempting to change their ways. During one of her harassment missions she encountered Priella, who was simply traveling through but in the process was wreaking havoc on the same target due to her own desire to keep order from affecting the wild. Tirfa was fascinated by how much more effective Priella was, and began to follow her out of curiosity and eventually joined her out of friendship. Now she travels with Priella, sometimes joining her in her random tasks but just as often acting as a intermediary between Priella and her followers, as Priella herself is sometimes too separated from reality for the average person to be able to understand or deal with directly. Tirfa is a Huldra with class levels in Fey Prankster Bard.

I would just like to point out that the Huldra's tail slap ability has finally allowed me to use the phrase "smacked her mate into ugliness". This is a good day.

Funny is allowed, if that's seriously your question. Slapstick would not be appreciated.

Put another way: if Adam Sandler could believably play your character, I would rather not.

@ Everyone: After chatting with someone a bit about putting a previous relationship into our writeups I realized I should put something out for everyone who is working on relationships. (If anyone else wants to add a previous relationship with Priella just PM me, She's content working with almost anyone as long as the task/event doesn't betray her convictions)

Although Priella, in her own personal actions, is very random and will try to change little things just because of her mood or the thought she just had, that level of randomness and chaos is not what she teaches. It's just what she is.

What she, and her followers, really push for is similar to the Protean society, where everyone is allowed to fulfill their desires and be 100% themselves while attempting as much as possible to not infringe on other creatures' ability to do the same. This would be a chaotic society without delving into the chaotic stupid realm. It's more in the concept of chaos in terms of a complex natural system than the concept of complete madness and bedlam if we're using dictionary definitions.

In her mind, if a person or organization's desire IS to infringe on other people's ability to be themselves then they need to have their minds changed. If that isn't possible then they've forfeited their right to their desires and need to be eliminated. Whether this is by her own hand, by revolution, by supporting someone else's actions, or by some random act does not matter.

She's moved more in this direction as I worked on her, as I realized that "change for change's sake" is an outstanding idea, but left as just that it is not conducive to working with a group in an organized game.

This might clarify things a bit for people working on relationship writeups. She's very random on a personal level but not in her overarching goal/mission.

On a side note @ GM: My areas of concern changed from Change, Unpredictability, and Whimsy to Change, Unpredictability, and Self Empowerment for your tracker, based on the thoughts in my last post.

Alright, I've done the requisite updates.

I also wanted to give a bit of clarification on the nature of prophecy as it intersects with Calxakti. He is not a god of prophecy, any longer. Concrete and absolute prophecies are a thing of the past, a relic of a world that was. Rather, he is a deity of the fallen, shattered prophecies, the countless certainties of things to be that never were.

His own relationship to prophecy is deeply conflicted, as with most things about him. On one hand, he deeply wishes for its return, to go back to how he was, happy and stable and content. However, he also despises prophecy for abandoning him, as much as an abstract concept can. He is glad it is gone, free of its burden and can act without the knowledge that ultimately, his destiny is foretold.

Veldrin's backstory:

1. What is your character? Where are they from?

Hailing from the city of Shraen in the Black Desert, Veldin is a noble drow son of Nyrinda Shraen before she became a vampire, thus making him incredibly ancient. While he pursed vamprisim much like his mother, he attained that state through magical experimentation, and thus became a much more cerebral type of vampire(psychic).

2. What is your character's portfolio?

Necromancy, undeath, forbidden lore. Veldrin was a nercomantic prodigy prior to his rise to demigod status and it’s his chosen area of concern now that his among the divine. While he was a worshiper of Zura as a mortal, and continues to serve her as a demigod, he counts all undead as worshipers and minions.

As he become a vampire through ritual magicks, he also concerns himself with seeking out and uncovering forbidden lore. While some gods hoard knowledge, protect it from the masses, or seek to spread it wide among mortals, Veldrin encourages his followers to gather such knowledge to further their own personal power.

3. What does your character look like?

Veldrin looks more less like a typical drow male wizard, around six feet in height, with short, spiky white hair. He tends to dress in incredibly fine, rich clothing, often purple with gold trim. He has two unique, notable features. His eyes are distressingly black in color, such that many mortals get the chills just from staring into them. The other out of the ordinary feature is that his right arm is entirely skeletal.

4. How did your character become a demigod?

Much like how he became a vampire through his own mastery of necromancy, Veldrin ascended to nascent divinity via forbidden lore he spent over a thousand years collecting. For you see, the powerful drow mage did something few even dreamed of and even fewer ever accomplished. He gathered the pages of the Books of the Damned, piecing together that profane artifact, and using it to enter the demiplane within. Once inside, Veldrin was able to research a series of occult rituals that when used collectively would allow him reach the first steps of godhood.

Spending the next several hundred years gathering the components required, including 1,313 souls, the heart of a phoenix, dragon’s blood and similar esoteric ingredients, he finally conducted the rituals during a grand conjunction of Eox and the Negative Energy Plane.

Of course, he now seeks to rise even further through the ranks of the divine, and little will stop him.

5. Where does your character live?

Veldrin has several residences, as befitting an ancient and powerful drow noble.

Deep in the heart of the Abyssal realm of Nesh, he maintains a modest three story house. It’s moderately furnished as he doesn’t spend much time there. However, on the occasions his mistress Zura has required his presence, he enjoys having his own dwelling removed from the chaos and debauchery of the palace.

He also has a sprawling, lavish mansion within Sharen. Spread out over half a city block, it serves as his primary lababorty, as well as housing his extensive personal library. When he decides to hold a party or large gathering, which are quite rare, it is this mansion that always plays host.

Finally, under the dark cover of the Uskwood, in the capital city of Pangolais, is his main living quarters. While the house is just two floors, it extends far underground, with a second smaller lab, a portal to his home in Sharen, and a respectable library, that’s mostly for show.

Here he entertains important guests, conducts minor occult rituals and gathers the resources for whatever his next endeavor might be.

Silver Crusade

Quick note, my submission will come tonight as I wasn't able to finish it yesterday.

OK guys. Two days until recruitment is closed. If you guys are still looking to finish up, go ahead and squeeze in until these last two days. If you need an extension, just ask!

I'm trying to gather my life together at the moment, so there may be a short delay. I'm putting together multiple potential parties and writing up plot hooks and relationships and all that good stuff to see who I think might be the best fit for one another.

Sovereign Court

@Divinity Gotcha, boss. Herald info coming later today.

For now...

PC Deity Relations:

Preface: Any deity or demigod that falls into one of the four corner alignments is automatically met with wariness.

If anyone has differing opinions on what they think the relationship would be like, feel free to let me know in here or via PM.

Teras - A prime example of an oddity that Rthignynt would undoubtedly watch with great interest. ”A mortaaal that...mmmm...simply fought time and time again against death until it transcended its...own limitations? Fascinating.”

Priella - No doubt Priella’s connection to the Great Old Ones would elicit some concern from Rthignynt (nature and aberrations) but, it would probably be the spirits she hosts that would cause the Molded One some discomfort. “Mmm…spirits from beyond sharing flesh with a still living creature...should…not be.”

Saint Uliaza - With the few encounters Rthignynt has had with Uliaza and her followers he has formed a solid opinion. Rthignynt would probably be wary due to the extreme nature Drow are known for. “This one…mmmm...dangerous, no? Perhaps and ally though!”

Maika - With the two demigods overseeing such opposite areas of concern, Rthignynt has yet to have any contact with Maika or her cult.

Kage Kurai - With ties to fey, Nethys, and Pharasma, and the shared interest in gaining knowledge (though via different means), it is highly likely that Rthignynt and Kage have met at some point. Possibly even forming a working relationship. “This one brings death….mmmm...death and...knowledge.”

Amnon - The shared desire for knowledge and hatred for undead would spark an initial interest within Rthignynt but, it’s probably that Amnon’s Lawful leanings would cause The Shifting Decay to keep the spymaster at a distance. “A...mmm...useful ally but one to be wary of.”

Caladrel - A rare instance where Rthignynt was not the more curious of two beings at first meeting. Still clinging to the plant-like mindest, Rthignynt has a...healthy fear of fire. “The burning destruction lives inside this one.”

Calxakti - At this point, the Molded One is likely unaware of the oracle.

Sovereign Court


Wild Stalker Ranger

One of the few members of the tribe that originally worshipped Rthignynt, Ayana has managed to survive through the years as a member of the Umasi, or Harvestmen. Accused of helping their god escape by the shamans, Ayana was grievously injured and left for dead along with other members of the tribe. Members of the Umasi happened upon the group of fresh corpses and saw them as a bounty of new body parts. When they discovered Ayana not only still lived but was clung desperately to life, she was offered the chance to join the Harvestmen ranks.

Years have passed and still Ayana clings to life, spreading the word of her god, the Molded One. When Rthignynt first returned to the Mwangi jungles it was Ayana who recognized The Shifting Decay and brought him to the humble temple in the Mwangi Jungle. As a Wild Stalker Ranger, she acts as guardian and vanguard for the Molded One and his followers.

Though Rthignynt was originally alarmed at the seemingly undead creature, his curiosity got the better of him and he has since accepted the Umasi as his herald. The strange, in-between life and death nature of Ayana fascinates Rthignynt.

I'll be withdrawing as I don't have enough time to get all of the character done.

Silver Crusade

All right, the first part of my submission, hoping it's not too late to be seriously considered:

Adol Cristin:

1. What is your character? Where are they from?

Adol is a paladin formerly in the service of Iomedae, hailing from Galt in Golarion and a former venture captain for the pathfinder society. He is known for being a gullible buffoon, which has gotten him into trouble on numerous occasions. For one, he was tricked by a rogue into worshipping a false god, which eventually let to his expulsion from the order of the sword when he was tried for heresy. The twist - as it turned out, he himself had unknowingly assumed the identity of this god, and became stronger the more influence his new cult gave to this 'false god'. He himself is unaware that he is now a god and simply believes it is a natural result of progressing his martial training, along with the power he gains from divine worship of his 'patron', as he once gained from Iomedae. More on his ascension and cult are described under those topics.

A brief personal character background on Adol: Adol hailed from Galt and saw part of his family murdered during the many revolationary struggles. Only he and sister were saved from the guillotine by a mysterious stranger. As he was a child back then, his memories of his rescure are hazy. However, from that point on he vowed to one day return to Galt to at least save his parents' souls and if possible restore order. He has since trained fervently to this goal both as a paladin and broadening his knowledge of the world as an agent of the pathfinder society. Eventually, throughout many adventures and facing many dangerous adversaries, he succeeded in the first goal, but did not have time to go to the second when he was suddenly in charge of a cult.

Adol is an incredibly famous adventurer in Golarion of whom many extremely far fetched stories do rounds; some say he fought a runelord one on one in a sealed tomb and lived. Others say he once literally bit a dragon to death with his teeth. Yet others insist that he released an elemental god from a supposedly unbreakable prison. These tales are mixed with amusing accounts of how he was allegedly tricked by the same certain rogue to perform a barrel dance on the Absalom markets naked, claiming this was the divine ritual of Estivas, his 'diety'. All of these stories, for better or worse, are true.

As a character, he is gullible, honest, righteous and self-sacrificing to the benefit of those he wants to protect. He is a type of lovable strong buffoon that gets into a lot of situations that should be impossible for anyone to handle, yet somehow he usually manages. Traps that are set for him sometimes ashtonishingly work out in his favor. When he entered a room full of hidden demons and they used an ice wall to trap him, they soon learned that it was they who were the ones trapped, with no more fragilke charges for him to take care of.

(He is a continuation of my first PFS character, and many of the events described above hail from actual play. I always hoped I'd have a chance to play him in a higher level campaign, which is why I'm applying :) Some elements of the story were left vague for more potential plot hooks)

2. What is your character's portfolio?

Adol's main portfolio consist of good, law, travel and protection. In general, he does his best to care for and protect those that are less able to fend for themselves. He hates disorder and chaos as it reminds him of his homeland of Galt and how these circumstances can lead to a spiral of abuse of power, suffering of innocents and revenge. He has also seen enough to know that the huge threats that people need protection against aren't always the ones that come knocking on your door by themselves. Thus, he often actively seeks out these dangers to remove them. He believes that even in the absense of found danger, no journey is ever truly a wasted one: there is always something useful gained, whether it be new friends, strategic knowledge of the area, or simply a means to remain fit and better able to defend yourself and those close to you.

3. What does your character look like?

Adol is a youngish Adult male human with fiery red hair and blue eyes. A disarming charm belies well-toned muscles and the subtle grace of a master swordsman. Years of service as a knight protector have left him carrying a large number of scars all over his body - trophies from both hard won duels and results of prologned Shield Other use on allies. He radiates a calming presence of hope, as if being around him instinctively makes you think that everything, no matter how dire things get, will be okay. After all, it couldn't possibly be worse than everything he'd been through so far, right?
...At least, so long as he doesn't have to think his way out of trouble too much...

4. How did your character become a demigod?

(continued tomorrow)

Saint Ulliaza:
1. What is your character? Where are they from? Ulliaza was born to drow nobility in life, as a member of House Vonnarc. Her easy life amongst the elite of drow society would never come to be, as her parents were taken out as political enemies incredibly quickly. She was spirited away from her potential murder by one of her parents servants, but they were both captured by duergar a little later.

Thus, she spent her childhood growing up amongst the slaves of the duergar. She was sold to a wealthy merchant for her ‘rarity’ and grew up a trophy. Her fellow slaves provided bits of kindness when they could to the young child, and she kept her head down while her magic grew in her blood. She grew quick witted, intelligent, and rebellious. A soft word here, a swipe of a knife there, and a single thrust was enough to end the merchants life and start her revolt.

She rallied the other escaped slaves and together, they tore their way out and into the Darklands proper. It was only the beginning of their fight, as they didn't stop at freeing themselves. Slave caravans of all factions were attacked, raids were made into towns and cities, they sparked revolts wherever their trail left. At the head of all of it, was Ulliaza, throwing the weight of her wits behind the cause. It all came to a head when she through her mind against the First Daughter of House Vonnarc to give her followers time to escape during a raid gone wrong. Shefstalled to the bitter end, eventually being overwhelmed by a horde of summoned demons. Her followers mourned her death, but that was not the end for her…

2. What is your character's portfolio? Revolution, Subterfuge, and Good-Aligned Drow. Ulliaza is in a lot of ways similar to Milani, if Milani had the natural deviousness and ruthlessness of a drow. One way that she differs from Millani is her willingness to forgive those who seek her blessing. She views revolution as something that can happen on more than just a societal level, as something that can happen on a personal level as well.

Domains: Chaos (Riot), Good (Redemption), Liberation (Revolution), Trickery (Deception)

3. What does your character look like? Her appearance is similar to what she looked like in life, a silver haired drow woman with a mischievous smile, clothed and cloaked in dark greys and blues. The only change noted in her appearance since her ascension are the dark blue roses woven into her hair. A sign that she has visited a location are a few blue petals along a doorway, or an entire rose tucked away somewhere private if you have gained her favor.

She is also known to take many, many disguises as the situation suits her. It has been observed though that they're not magical disguises, rather entirely mundane in origin. An old ragged shawl and some makeup, or a wig, bulky furs, green paint, and fake teeth are some of her favorites.

4. How did your character become a demigod? In life, she was a force of substantial change in the Darklands. Her and her groups existence provided hope to untold numbers of slaves stuck in the flightless depths. Such a person managed to gather extraplanar attention, from both those below, and above. It was her final act of martyrdom that pushed it over the edge for one goddess. When her soul made it to the Boneyard, she found herself getting scooped up by an azata and carried to Elysium, directly into Milani's Garden.

It was there that The Everbloom was waiting. The two talked for a long time, the goddess showing her what became of her followers and her name in the time since her death. Even though she had never done anything particularly holy in life, or had been religious at all, they had raised her up as a saint. They still fought and survived in the Darklands, though they were getting slowly whittled down. Milani guessed that they would likely not last another year without aid. Thus, she got to the point of why she had Ulliaza brought to her domain. She offered to grant her a portion of her divine power, to raise her to the level of a true saint, and bring hope to the one place on Golarion where it was needed the most. She accepted, and ascended.

5. Where does your character live? Ulliaza has two places she can truly call home. The first place is a small series of caverns located underneath Milani's Garden that she was allowed to set up residence in. The other is the home of her cult on Golarion, the Secret Sanctuary, a well hidden base in Nar Voth that contains multiple ways down into Sekamina, and up into the nation of Andoran.

The Petal Trail:
1. Where in the verse is your cult centered? Her cult is almost entirely centered in the Darklands of Golarion, mostly in the Nar Voth and Sekamina regions. They're almost never too far from the major slave empires that exist below, whether it be the Derro, Duergar, or Drow. They have a smaller presence in Orv, in the intellect devourer city of Ilvarandin, where they raid the slave ships of the Denizens of Leng. Even smaller is their presence on the surface, where their follower are only those they have aided in escaping, or members who help those who have escaped in finding a new life.

2. What sorts of people worship you? Ulliaza is worshipped almost entirely by former slaves, or individuals who have seen the wrong in slavery and seek its abolishment. Her motto of “no one is free, until everyone free” brings in many differing types, including a surprising number of disenfranchised duergar and drow. If they come seeking a revolution in their life and way of thinking, then she accepts all with open arms.

3. If your character has one, please describe your character's herald. Ulliaza doesn't have a herald as much a second in command, a duergar tyrant pyrokineticist named Gorna Firehammer. A red haired and fiery eyed young duergar with a temper to match, she was freed during an early raid against the derro. She has proven incredibly reliable and zealous, with enough sense to be able to keep things together when Ulliaza goes on her longer expeditions. Ulliaza is also the only person allowed to call Gorna by a nickname, Gorny. In return, Gorna calls her Ulli.

Relationships and Diety Block:
- Amongst the divine, Ulliaza’s mentor is Milani, as well as being her closest ally, friend, and confidant. As the one who raised her into godhood, she feels like she owes the Everbloom, even if is a debt that she never intends to collect.
- Thanks to the close connection Milani shares with Iomedae, she also tries to keep a close connection with the Inheritor. She is quite proud of the fact that she is referred to by the warrior goddess as ‘her sister’s star pupil’.
- Cayden Cailean is also considered a true ally and friend, stopping by his realm during her occasional break to ‘get some of the best booze in the universe for the folk back home’. It is noted that she has gotten Thais to stop by the Secret Sancutary at least a couple times to join in on large celebrations the cult occasionally holds. She brings the beer.
- Her relationship with Desna, Shelyn, and Calistria is friendly, though she rarely meets the much busier and important deities. She respects Desna’s sense of freedom, Shelyn’s ability to completely revolutionize a society's culture, and Calistria’s skill in deception.
- She practices a policy of avoidance towards Sarenrae, Torag, and the majority of the elven pantheon for differing reasons. Her feelings on Sarenrae are conflicted, as while she respects her endorsement of redemption, she can’t respect her allowing her followers to practice slavery. She avoids Torag for the simple fact she’s fairly sure he might try to kill her on sight, as his doctrine is very much ‘no mercy’ to his chosen people’s enemies. The elven pantheon would like nothing more than to forget the fact that some of their worshippers fell, and the feeling is mutual.
- While she has her dislikes and hatred of several evil deities, circumstance leads her to not interacting with them very often. She most commonly is in opposition to various demon lords, Droskar, and Hastur, though only in the sense that her cult is regularly in conflict with their worshipers.

(This’ll be the section for other submissions. If anyone has any issues with these, feel free to tell me and I’ll change it.)

- She has no real opinion on Maika, seeing as she rarely ever visits Axis or Hyraeatan. She enjoys the benefits her cult brings though.
- She sees Priella as a somewhat hard to predict ally, as while she personally tries to bring revolution for good, she can’t always trust her to do what’s ultimately best. Someone to work alongside, but keep a close eye on. Which she does frequently, sending her a message whenever she needs someone to be a distraction or to provide some extra magical might for larger raids. Or whenever she needs someone to Plane Shift her somewhere. Or just whenever she gets a funny idea and wants her herald’s help to execute it.
- She doesn't really have knowledge about Rthignyt. Her few run ins with his cult have been few and far between, and she can't really make an opinion on them.
- Her relationship with Ammon, while mostly business related, is friendly enough, even if that feeling is mostly one sided. If Iomedae views him favorably, then she considers him very trustworthy. Ammon is one of the few people she feels comfortable actually asking for information from, much preferring to get information herself most of the time. The two have worked together on occasion to get particularly difficult intelligence.
- She views Teras as an interesting case, enjoying the sense of community he tries to build amongst his followers. His actual goals and purpose in life however, seems a bit shallow to her. Her few encounters when out and about near the Worldwound have left her with the impression that he could probably be doing more.
- She has a fairly decent opinion of Caladrel, personally enjoying a good bit of exploration. She really doesn't interact with the demigod though, as her interests keep her fairly far away from ‘his corner of the cavern’.
- She's only heard of Ranam in passing. Her thoughts can be summarized with “I wonder if he would give Gorny some tips…”
- From what little she's heard of Calxakti, she can't help but feel sorry for the man. She doubt she'll ever meet him though, as her business has no interest in Arcadia.
- Her relationship with Alithea is complicated, at least in her eyes. She stands opposed in a lot of ways to the rigid study and pursuit of the truth just through her very nature. Yet, she respects where the woman is coming from and her pursuit to end the misuse of magic. If there’s ever anything particularly magical going on in the Darklands, she’s the first person she gets into contact with, at least knowing that she can work alongside her.
- If there is one demigod she truly hates, it is Veldrin. She considers him everything wrong with her people, boiled down into one person. A heartless being using the ultimate form of slavery in her eyes to further his own pursuits. She takes great joy in causing as much trouble for him and his cult as humanly possible.
- She likes art, and singing, so she likes The Artist. If she could get a hold of him, she'd invite him to all of the parties held in the Secret Sanctuary.
- Kage Kurai is deity that Ulliaza really, really doesn’t trust. While not evil, his mercenary attitude and desire to learn secrets worries her. He comes recommended by Milani, but she can’t help but wonder how much he knows about her cult. And how much it’d take for him to share those secrets with her enemies.
- Henrietta Howard is someone she enjoys being around, but can’t say she respects. Her willingness to do what it takes to get what she wants is something she can admire, but what she wants is seems too insignificant for her potential. Still, definitely someone she can share a drink with.

Deity Stat Block
Alignment: CG
Pantheon: ???
Areas of Concern: Revolution, Subterfuge, Good Drow
Domains: Chaos, Good, Liberation, Trickery
Subdomains: Deception, Redemption, Revolution, Riot
Favored Weapon: Shortsword
Symbol: A rose shaped into a smirking face.
Sacred Animal: Newt

Obedience: Hold a set of shackles and study them in their entirety, before practicing whatever method you have may have of getting out of such devices. After having practiced the method, sit the shackles in your lap and contemplate what, physically or mentally, might be shackling you down in your life and how you may free yourselves of those shackles. Gain a +2 on all attempts to escape the grappled, or pinned condition.

A Trinity of Divinity:
"Ulliaza was not having a particularly good day when she first met Priella and Alithea. A contact had recently informed her of a slave raid that the Drow did onto the surface, and having actually gotten a fair amount of them in the process. Following her usual process, she slipped into Zirnakayin to figure out where they had gone. Much to her chagrin, it was her former, and least favorite house. Vonnarc. And they were being held in her least favorite place in her least favorite city, the Tower Solacus.

It was while sitting on a corner outside of the city, trying to figure out exactly what in the Nine Hells she was gonna do, she spotted the strangest sight. A human woman just walking about, being followed by a curious drow... both of which were glowing very intensely with magic. Curious as to what could possibly be going on, she got their attention and sat them down to talk. Upon learning who they are, and why they are there, she saw an opportunity. A great, great opportunity. Proposing a joint venture to free those cruelly kept in the magic academy was readily met, and she set a plan into action.

Letting Priella just walk in the front entrance to cause havoc, she took Alithea with her to sneak in a side entrance. Taking out guards where she found them, picking locks, and pointing out the various magical set ups that really, really shouldn't be allowed to exist any further. She had to admit, this was a pretty nice team up. Being able to focus entirely on the locks and traps, and leaving the more magical elements for her to disenchant and dispel. Once she figured they had gotten everyone they could reasonably protect, she'd lead them out the way they came, enjoying the amusing sight of crying drow guards.

Meeting back up with the two other demi-gods and starting the long journey of escorting the freed slaves to the surface, she couldn't help but feel that it was the beginning of a beautiful, beautiful partnership. Her day had gotten much better."

Statblock and Unique Item:
Saint Ulliaza, Our Lady of Liberty
Drow Noble Unchained Rogue 4/Sorcerer 1/Arcane Trickster 8/Trickster 6
CG Medium Humanoid (Drow)
Init +20; Senses Perception +18, Detect Magic
AC 28, touch 20, flat-footed 21 (+5 armor, +8 dex, +2 deflection, +2 nat armor, +2 shield)
HP 136 (4d8+9d6+26+24)
Fort +10, Ref +20, Will +12
SR 24
Defensive Abilities Danger Sense +1, Evasion, Hard to Kill, Mythic Saves, Uncanny Dodge
Spd 30ft
Melee; +2 Adamantine Shortsword +18/+13 (1d6+11/19-20)
Special Attacks Fleet Charge, Impromptu Sneak Attack 2/day, Mythic Power (15/day, surge +1d8), Sacrificial Boon (9/day), Sneak Attack +6d6
Spell Like Abilities (CL 13)
At will - dancing lights, deeper darkness, faerie fire, feather fall, levitate
1/day - divine favor, dispel magic, suggestion (DC 23)
Divine Source Spell Like Abilities (CL 13)
6th - Animate Objects, Blade Barrier (DC 22), Greater Dispel Magic, or Symbol or Persuasion (DC 22)
5th - Dispel Law, Dispel Evil, Atonement (DC 21, or Break Enchantment
4th - Chaos Hammer (DC 20), Holy Smite (DC 20), Forced Repentance(DC 20), or Freedom of Movement
3rd - Magic Circle Against Law, Magic Circle Against Evil, or Remove Curse
2nd - Align Weapon (Chaos Only), Align Weapon (Good Only), Qualm (DC 18), or Enthrall (DC 18)
1st - Protection from Law, Protection from Evil or Remove Fear
Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 11th, Conc +17)
4th (5/day) - Dimension Door*, Greater Invisibility
3rd (7/day) - Battering Blast, Fly*, Nondetection
2nd (8/day) - Invisibility*, Mirror Image, Whispering Wind, Scorching Ray*
1st (8/day) - Arcane Pocket, Floating Disk*, Magic Missile*, Mount, Snowball
0 (at will) - Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Mage Hand, Message, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Scrivener's Chant, Spark
Bloodline; Martyred, * = Mythic Spells
Str 10,Dex 28, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 24
Base Atk +7; CMB +7; CMD 26
Feats; Skill Focus (Disguise)*, Skill Focus (Bluff)*, Skill Focus (Stealth)*, Improved Initiative, Precise Shot, Eschew Materials*, Dampen Presence, Deceitful, Conceal Spell, Hellcat Stealth, Leadership
Mythic Feats; Mythic Deceitful, Mythic Spell Lore, Mythic Improved Initiative
Mythic Path Abilities Aim for the Eye (DC 25), Master of Escape, Divine Source (Chaos, Good (Redemption), Liberation (Revolution)), Perfect Lie, Perfect Disguise (DC 23)
Traits Magical Knack, Slave Runner
Skills; Acrobatics +25, Athletics +11, Bluff +35, Diplomacy +17, Disable Device +25, Disguise +28, Knowledge (Arcana) +12, Knowledge (Local) +12, Linguistics +19, Perception +18, Sense Motive +13, Sleight of Hand +25, Stealth +41
Languages; Elven, Undercommon, Common, Aklo, Sakvroth, Dwarven, Celestial, Infernal, Abyssal, Ignan, Terran, Aquan, Auran, Gnome, Giant, Orc, Draconic, Vegepygmy
SQ; amazing initiative, bloodline arcana (+1 to caster level after taking damage), poison use, recuperation, rogue talents (fast stealth, coax information), ranged legerdemain, trapfinding +2, tricky spells (4/day)
Other Gear Shroud of Petals, Improved Shadow Spider Silk Bodysuit (16000 GP), Adamantine Shortsword (3010 GP), Lenses of Darkness (12000 GP), Heavenly Aegis Ring (16000 GP), Mithral Buckler (1005 GP)

Total Gold Spent; 48015
Total Gold Remaining; 1985

Shroud of Petals; This dark blue cloak looks plain, but finely made at first glance. If one were to get up close and inspect it, they would see that it was actually made of dozens of individual petals, all woven together with silver thread. Crafted from flowers of Milani's Garden by the goddess herself, she gifted it to the newly minted saint to help her “stay out of sight”. It does not detect as a magical item, and prevents the detection of all other magical items the wearer has on their person, unless identify or a similar effect is used on said item. It also blocks detect thoughts, discern lies, and any attempt to magically discern her alignment.

This is the final incarnation, fully updated in relationships to reflect who’s there and who’s not.

Tweaked Maika's profile on my end to account for skill changes. o wo/

As far as existing relationships, Maika probably at least knows of anyone whose church sells magic. Any faith that doesn't sell spells or magic items to people is outside of her area of concern, though she might have heard of them.

I really like how you wrote out the deity relationships. Seems very...fungal.

I'm going to need an extension to finish Veldrin.

I'm in NYC for the weekend to see a dear friend's band perform tomorrow night, and I just don't have the energy to work on him tonight.

Alithea's block being reposted with only one minor change in the block.

The big change here is the addition of a vignette in cooperation with Ulliaza and Priella. We thought our demigods all had some overlapping interests (even if they come at it differently). So we each wrote a version of an adventure in which we think we would have met.


1. What is your character? Where are they from?
Alithea grew up in Nex as a zealous devotee of Nethys. She served on a research team tasked with finding new types of weaponized magic. After some of her team's experiments led to a release of a massive amount of magical energy, Alithea tried her best to contain the energy, being the most skilled abjurer on the team, but the whole team and innocent bystanders were killed. This catastrophe rattled Alithea to her core and helped redefine Alithea's understanding of magic. Magic was now something that could be devious and dangerous, and that it must be treated with great caution, and that one must understand not only magic but how they are choosing to use it. After this revelation, she left Nex and enrolled in the Magaambya, a school known for their more cautious and different type of magic. After spending a few years exploring the magic at the Magaambya, she began to explore her divine powers moving to the Serene Circle Irori's realm, to cultivate her discipline.

2. What is your character's portfolio?
Portfolio: Truth, Protection, Magic, Self-Acceptance
Domains: Law, Magic, Knowledge, Protection
Subdomains: Purity (Law), Education (Knowledge), Thought (Knowledge)

Alithea's concerns are primarily based on truth, understanding, and protection, especially when it comes to magic. She encourages the study of magic to understand its fundamental nature and be able to see through and undo what she now sees as the duplicitous and addicting power of magic. This inspection should be aimed not only at the outside world but internally, to also understand one's self. She stands firmly opposed to Nethys's unrestricted pursuit of magic.

3. What does your character look like?
Alithea is depicted as a very average woman of her followers' race or nationality, often in simple attire, such as a plain white gown. She is often shown deep in contemplation or meditation. She is distinguished by the appearance of her holy symbol, a stylized eye emblazoned on a shattered mask.

In actuality, Alithea is a Garundi human woman with several grey streaks in her hair, which is long but often worn up in a bun. She favors plain robes rather than ostentatious robes, despite her divinity. Her appearance is intentionally left as her human self, as that is her true origin, and she does not seek to change it.

4. How did your character become a demigod?
When Alithea tried to contain the massive amount of magical energy from her cult's catastrophic experiment, Alithea was infused with a large amount of magical energy, which awakened her divine spark. Alithea refused to indulge her mythic powers at first, and spent a decade in seclusion, reflecting on her new powers and the ways to best use them. Once she understood her new powers, she set out into the world to unravel what she saw as the greatest injustices of magic.

5. Where does your character live?
Alithea primarily wanders Golarion, seeking out nefarious uses of magic and seeks to unravel them. Her teachings require considered reflection, but also demand action, so she rarely spends much time in her residences, instead preferring to take action. When she does seek rest on Golarion, she retires to her temple in Absalom (more below). She has also carved out a small portion of the Serene Circle, Irori's domain on Axis, though she only retires from the Material Plane when she seeks to reflect on particularly difficult topics.

Deity Block:

The Unraveling Eye
Alignment LN
Areas of Concern Truth, Protection, Magic, Self-Acceptance
Domains Law, Magic, Knowledge, Protection
Subdomains Purity (Law), Education (Knowledge), Thought (Knowledge)
Favored Weapon Knobkerrie
Symbol A single eye over a cracked mask
Sacred Animal(s) Mantis Shrimp
Sacred Color(s) White

Obedience Spend an hour reflecting carefully on your past day. Think carefully about your motivations and ways you were dishonest to yourself or others. Then consider both your strengths and shortcomings in the past day.

The Cult of the Unraveling Eye:

1. Where in the verse is your cult centered?
Alithea maintains a temple in Absalom that also serves as a place she can rest when she wishes to reflect or recover. She tries to visit at least somewhat regularly to offer inspiration and guidance to her clergy to nurture the new faith that has sprung up around her.

Her biggest following is centered in the River Kingdoms and Galt, where notions of truth are particularly important yet distrust is common. Her following has grown here in recent years as Alithea has begun to challenge Razmir and his Visions.

She also has picked up supporters among the Iobane group in the Mwangi that protect the powerful Doorway to the Red Star. She has supported the group in the past for their goal of protecting a place of powerful magic.

2. What sorts of people worship you?
Alithea has two primary types of worshipers, those who have been harmed by magic or seek to keep powerful magic from being abused, and those who seek the truth, either internally or externally.

3. If your character has one, please describe your character's herald.
The only other survivor of the arcane eruption that granted Alithea her godlike powers was a gnome occultist. When the ritual grew beyond the control of the casters, he attempted to escape into the First World. He managed to escape as the most volatile magical energies erupted. Although he survived, the gnome was instantly struck with the Bleaching, and lost his memory.

Left only with his sense of his own fault for his amnesia, the gnome made his way to the closest city in the First World, Anophaeus, hoping that he might discover the truth of his past in dreams. After several years in Anophaeus, he was granted a vision which sent him on a journey to the Serene Circle, where he believed someone in Irori's realm would be able to help him regain his past.

It was there that the gnome found Alithea, still very early in her initial reflections and trying to understand her newfound abilities. Though she and the gnome were never close, she recognized the gnome. She convinced The Old Man, with whom she was training, to help the gnome uncover his memories. Irori's herald produced a tome, containing all the gnome's life and knowledge, including what he had lost. With his past now within his grasp, the gnome was afraid of facing it. It was at this moment that Alithea came up with the Rememorization. She called over a scrivenite from Irori's archives and had it strip away her knowledge, producing a tome similar to the gnome's, offering to undergo the experience with the gnome. Touched, the gnome read his tome, and relearned of his past, as an adventurer and follower of Nethys. Understanding the gravity of his mistakes, and the difficult experience Alithea went through with him, he denounced his old life, and took up the name Bookworm, becoming Alithea's first follower.

When Alithea established her temple in Absalom, Bookworm took on the role of her herald and high priest. His service to Alithea is focused on the location, neutralization, and destruction of dangerous magical artifacts. He carries with him a tome almost as big as him containing the record of his former life.

I wrote this before I saw your comment about builds. I was imagining a Tome Devourer Occultist using his life tome as his implement. You can do whatever, but I really loved this idea.

A Priest's Role
Priests tend to have different roles depending on whether they adventure, or ministers to a congregation.

Adventuring followers of Alithea tend to be focused on ending the abuses of magic, and often have magic heavily focused in Divination and Abjuration to see through the nefarious uses of magic. Adventuring worshippers of Alithea are often paladins, warpriests, clerics, or monks, though lawful casters of other persuasions turn to Alithea when they seek to use their magic responsibly.

The few ministers of Alithea that have formed cults in their towns or cities come from all walks of life, usually focusing less on Alithea's concerns around magic, and instead focusing on helping their congregation understand and accept themselves, serving as some of Golarion's first therapists. Alithea's cult does not have group rituals for prayers, though, for those who wish, her priests will also run group therapy sessions.

Cruelties of Magic This rite involves intentionally subjugating one's self to nefarious uses of magic to remember the pain and power of such magic. Usually, this involves enchantments, particularly of the compulsion and charm subschools, as well as illusions and in some circles, even transmutations are included. This rite is often undertaken by members of the clergy that have not suffered at the hands of magic before.

Rememorization This is a particularly extreme rite that only the most dedicated followers of Alithea seek out. They seek to replicate a most extreme method of self-reflection she sometimes uses, having a scrivenite strip their history bare so that they may absorb their unbiased truth and reflect on what it means about them. The requirement for summoning an outsider limits this to followers with access to more powerful spellcasting.

Summary Day This falls on the last day of the year (31st of Kuthona). Though the idea that a new year is an opportunity to start anew, this day demands introspection over the past year, and an honest reckoning of one's strengths and weaknesses. Alithea does not demand any particular dedication to improve in the new year, instead only seeking understanding of one's self.

The truth is blinding This particular aphorism is used both as an admonishment of deceivers, but also as an encouragement to initiates that struggle to see themselves honestly.

Doubt with vigilance This saying is used to caution people who seem to be acting recklessly, encouraging them to reconsider somewhere they've placed their trust or a course of action.

Understanding before mastery Alithea's experiences with magic has taught her the dangers of getting lost in the pursuit of a goal. Self-possession and a clear mind are needed before a skill can be wielded effectively.

Paladin Code:

Alithea is one of the few neutral gods that actively seeks paladins. Though she encourages all to know themselves, whether Good or Evil, she accepts that paladins are most likely to help cut through the sinister uses of magic for the purposes of deception or subjugation. Though her paladins lack some of the absolute conviction of other paladins, they rarely are wracked with the same uncertainty other paladins face.
• I must know my own self and my resolve. I cannot help others without knowing my own strength and purpose.
• I will seek out the truth of what is, and expose that which is not. I will not suffer deception.
• I will protect those who cannot protect themselves from magic.
• Understanding is the greatest gift I can give. I will strive to help others understand themselves.

Relations with other gods:

Nethys The reckless use of magic promoted by Nethys as well as his favoring the idea of dualities, rather than balancing opposing forces have lead Alithea to have a vehement opposition to Nethys.

Irori The focus on knowledge and self-perfection make Irori a natural ally for Alithea, though her teachings of acceptance rather than refined perfection are a point of contention between the two. She views Irori as a mentor who pushes her to improve herself.

Gozreh Alithea admires Gozreh tremendously. Gozreh's role as the force of nature is a pure and fundamental understanding that it makes her envious at times. She considers Gozreh as a mentor in her aspect of self-understanding, and for representing the natural world in its purest form.

Abadar Alithea strongly admires the restraint and consideration implied by Abadar's teachings of putting the society first. She admires the god, though she offers guidance to his followers that have trouble reconciling what is expected by society with what they want.

Shelyn Art is a powerful form of self-expression and is often used as a means of self-exploration, causing Alithea to have a respect for Shelyn's push for art. Though she does not care much about the art itself.

Kurgess His push to have his followers face ever-newer challenges gives Alithea a difficult relationship with Kurgess. The god seeks honest challenges and competitions, which are a way to learn about one's limitations practically, but his more impulsive nature cause some conflict.

Asmodeus The Prince of Darkness teaches that using trickery to subjugate others is not only acceptable but virtuous. This use of magically enforced subjugation through infernal contracts is anathema to the Unraveling Eye.

Sivanah The goddess of illusion and mystery falls firmly opposed to Alithea. Though her teachings don't encourage malicious use of magic, illusions are inherently dishonest, if not always evil.

Norgorber Strangely, she harbors little resentment for followers of the Reaper of Reputation, as his brand of cruelty targets those who lie about their true selves, ensnaring them in their own lies. Alithea is more firmly opposed to sects of Norgorber's other aspects.

Relations with other submission demigods:

Oh my, so many archmages. Probably a tough sell for Alithea. It certainly wasn’t totally unexpected, but the idea struck me fully formed, so we’ll just have to see where the chips land.

Teras Their portfolios have little overlap, and little tension. I think Alithea would have respect for Teras, for his focus on order, and the discipline such a soldier might have.

Priella I think rather than scorn, I think Alithea would feel some respect and pity for Priella. She’s given up all her will and sense of self, though she’s done it in the interest of stopping the plans of other nefarious gods. I think there's an interesting tension with the two, where Alithea would be very interested in helping Priella free herself from the grips of the Elder Gods and find her true self again (if Priella’s player would be interested in such a plot).

Ulliaza I think this would be a contentious relationship, though not outright acrimonious. Alithea doesn’t agree with Ulliaza’s teachings but believes that Ulliaza’s actions are considered and made with purpose. The Trickery domain is more problematic for Alithea than the Chaos aspect.

Rthignynth The original version of Rth’s background was a huge issue for Alithea, but the newer version that involves less charm and compulsion is less contentious. Rth doesn’t seem to have a strong sense of self (from my reading), because he cannot take a steady form, and seems to consist of several consciences. Alithea probably wonders how Rth makes any decisions, but would certainly be wary.

Maika The fact that Maika is so clear about her goals is something Alithea can respect, though she will likely keep an eye on the godling, because her willingness to loan her magic to whoever can pay has some potentially disastrous consequences. Realistically, though, both of them have at least some focus on dispelling makes for more mechanical tension than story tension.

Kage Kurai This is certainly the toughest story match-up for Alithea. Kage Kurai has Trickery as a strong focus, and his very appearance is a deception.

Amnon’s Ties to Iomedae make his particular brand of deception far easier to swallow. While Alithea has some disagreements with Iomedean dogma, she generally views the god favorably and therefore is happy to find a way to reconcile her differences with Amnon.

Caldarel I think Alithea would view Cladarel as a rival. Though they have different portfolios, they both seem like strong mages with modest temperaments. She also respects his great focus on divination, though it is secondary to her concerns of protection.

Calaxti The focus on Madness and the sense of self so strongly tied to what is external is problematic for Alithea. She would likely seek to guide Calaxti towards himself, rather than putting all his worth into the visions he experiences.

Ranam Will probably need an update with the full submission, but the idea that Ranam is lawful and wishes to focus on crafting makes it sound like and he Alithea will get along just fine, if not have much common ground.

The Artist Aside from changing appearance regularly, the demigod seems to have little overlap either positive or negative with Alithea.

Veldrin and the two newer submissions don’t have enough information to actually make a determination yet.

Build Summary:

Alithea is the Unraveling Eye, and her foremost specialty is dispelling magic she deems harmful, and her ability to undo even the most powerful magic is a fundamental part of her skill and portfolio. She focuses on Divination and Abjuration, and generally eschews Illusion and Enchantment, though will make some exceptions for spells like Mirror Image that is more protective, and Heroism that can help bolster others. For this same reason, Alithea considers spells such as Feeblemind, Amnesia, and Baleful Polymorph anathema.

I’m looking at other player’s stats, and several of them seem so much higher. I don’t think I missed anything, but perhaps I’m wrong.


Alithea Human Arcanist 14 / Archmage 6
LN humanoid (human)
Init +9 Senses: Perception +16, Darkvision 60ft, Aura Sight, Arcane Sight 120ft
Aura: Lawful (strong)
Languages: Taldane, Osiriani, Kelish, Tien, Hallit, Varisian, Elven, Dwarven, Halfling, Undercommon, Azlanti, Thassilonian, Ancient Osiriani, Draconic, Sylvan, Abyssal, Celestial, Infernal, Aquan, Ignan, Auran, Terran, Protean, Aklo

Ability Scores:
Str 10 Dex 16 Con 18 Int 28 Wis 16 Cha 14
BAB +7/+2 CMB +7 CMD 20

HP: 140
AC 20, touch 15, flat-footed 17(+3 armor +3 dex + 2 deflection +2 natural)
Fort +12 Ref +11 Will +16
Defensive Abilities Hard to Kill, Mythic Saving Throws, Improved Counterspell (exploit)

Speed 30
Melee +10 Knobkerrie (1d6 +3 x2)
Ranged +10
Special Abilities
* Mythic Power (15/day)
* Arcane Reservoir (10 points)
* Mythic Surge +1d8
* Amazing Initiative
* Dimensional Slide
* Potent Magic
* Consume Spells
Spell Like Abilities
Divine Source
Domains: Law, Magic
Spell-Like Abilities (DC 19 1/level/day)
1st—protection from chaos, identify
2nd—align weapon (law only), magic mouth
3rd—magic circle against chaos, dispel magic
4th—order's wrath, imbue with spell ability
5th—dispel chaos, spell resistance
6th—hold monster, antimagic field
Spells Prepared
Spells Per Day


Adventuring Skills
*Acrobatics (DEX) +20
Athletics (STR)
Bluff (CHA)
Diplomacy (CHA)
Disable Device (DEX)
Disguise (CHA)
Heal (WIS)
Intimidate (CHA)
*Knowledge: Arcana (INT) +26
*Knowledge: Dungeoneering (INT) +26
*Knowledge: Local (INT) +26
*Knowledge: Nature (INT) +26
*Knowledge: Planes (INT) +26
*Knowledge: Religion (INT) +26
Perception (WIS) +17
Ride (DEX)
Sense Motive (WIS) +17
*Spellcraft (INT) +26
Stealth (DEX)
Survival (WIS)
*Use Magic Device (CHA)

Background Skills
*Appraise (INT) +13
*Craft: Alchemy (INT) +13
*Craft: Books(INT) +13
*Craft: Calligraphy(INT) +13
*Craft: Carpentry(INT) +13
*Craft: Cloth(INT) +13
*Craft: Clothing(INT) +13
*Craft: Glass(INT) +13
*Craft: Leather(INT) +13
*Craft: Pottery(INT) +13
*Craft: Sculptures(INT) +13
*Craft: Ships(INT) +13
*Craft: Shoes(INT) +13
*Craft: Stonemasonry(INT) +13
Handle Animal (CHA)
*Knowledge: Engineering (INT) +13
*Knowledge: Cultures (INT) +26
*Linguistics (INT) +26
Perform (CHA)
*Profession (WIS)
Sleight of Hand (DEX)


Tr: Gifted Adept (Dispel Magic)
Tr: Reactionary

Hu01: Improved Initiative
Lv01: Spell Focus (Abjuration)
Lv03: Varisian Tattoo
Vm03: Spell Specialization (Dispel Magic)
Lv05: Spell Penetration
Lv07: Dispel Focus
Vm07: Greater Dispel Focus
Lv09: Persistent Spell
Lv11: Leadership
Vm11: Destructive Dispel
Lv13: Echoing Spell

Arcanist Exploits
Ar01: Dimensional Slide
Ar03: Potent Magic
Ar05: Quick Study
Ar07: Counterspell
Ar09: Metamagic Knowledge (Quicken Spell)
Ar11: Greater Counterspell
Ar13: Counter Drain

Mythic Path Abilities
Archmage Abilities
Archmage Arcana: Wild Surge
T2: Eldritch Breath
T3: Competent Caster
T4: Divine Source (Law, Magic)
T5: Ultimate Versatility
T6: Crafting Mastery

Mythic Feats
T1: Mythic Spell Focus
T3: Mythic Spell Penetration
T5: Mythic Spell Lore

Mythic Spells
1) Dispel Magic
2) Haste
3) Plane Shift
4) Globe of Invulnerability
5) Contingency
6) Limited Wish


I'll be getting a Blessed Book, so triple the expected number of spells. Those with asterisks next to them come from purchased scrolls.

Bolded Spells also have Mythic Versions

1st Level
Heightened Awareness
Expeditious Retreat
Magic Missile
Ray of Enfeeblement
Comprehend Languages
Protection from Chaos
Protection from Evil
Protection From Good
Protection from Law
Enlarge Person
Feather Fall
Liberating Command
Obscuring Mist
Air Bubble
Touch of the Sea
Crafter’s Fortune
Unseen Servant
Memorize Page
Speak Local Language

2nd Level
Arcane Lock
Human Potential
Investigative Mind
Blindness / Deafness
Create Pit
Detect Magic, Greater
False Life
Euphoric Cloud
Raven's Flight
Resist Energy
See Invisibility
*Mirror Image
*Stone Call
*Suppress Charms and Compulsions
*Make Whole

3rd Level
Dispel Magic
Arcane Sight
Aura Sight
Collaborative Thaumaturgy
Ray of Exhaustion
Resist Energy, Communal
Protection from Energy
Siphon Might
*Stunning Barrier, Greater
*Magic Circle Against Evil
*Magic Circle Against Chaos

4th Level
Aggressive Thundercloud, Greater
Akashic Communication
Arcane Eye
Bestow Curse
Enchantment Foil
False Life, Greater
Dimension Door
Emergency Force Sphere
Globe of Invulnerability, Lesser
Remove Curse
Dimensional Anchor
*Make Whole, Greater
*Resilient Sphere
*Planar Adaptation

5th Level
Overland Flight
Grand Destiny
Gravity Sphere
Mage’s Private Sanctum
Stoneskin, Communal
Trace Teleport
Wall of Force
Break Enchantment

6th Level
Borrowed Time
Globe of Invulnerability
Antimagic Field
Chains of Light
Curse, Major
Dispel Magic, Greater
Flesh to Stone
Heroism, Greater
Stone to Flesh

7th Level
Limited Wish
Plane Shift
Spell Turning
Waves of Exhaustion
Teleport, Greater

Legendary Item:

Ring of Spell Unmaking

This ring at first glance appears to be a ring of counterspells. This particular ring of counterspells was forged by The Unraveling Eye during her studies of magic craft and undoing spells. This ring holds 4 spells, and each spell can be automatically consumed to counter a version of the same spell directed at the wearer without an action, much like a ring of counterspells.

The Math: Ring of Counterspells (4000), Adding an effect to an existing a slotted item (1.5x cost). 4000 + 3*6000 = 24,000

The particulars of the ring, of course, are subject to GM discretion. Was this supposed to be a Legendary Item per the trait, or does that require taking the actual talent?


Below are items I’m sure I’ll wish to buy. I’ll be filling in more of my items as needed.

5000 Darkvision
5000 See Invisibility
7500 Arcane Sight
7500 Aura Sight
25,000 GP

750 5 2nd Level Scrolls (added to spellbook)
1875 5 3rd Level Scrolls (added to spellbook)
2800 4 4th Level Scrolls (added to spellbook)
5,425 GP

1500 1 Diamond
1500 1 Ivory Statuette
1000 1 Silver Mirror
1000 Diamond Dust
5000 GP

2000 Ring of Counterspells
1000 Handy Haversack
2500 Numerology Cylinder
450 Lesser Talisman of Freedom
1750 Lesser Talisman of Life’s Breath
275 Lesser Talisman of Warrior’s Courage
7975 GP

TOTAL: 42400

Into the Darklands:

Alithea first noticed something was amiss when a modest cult of hers in Nirmathas ceased to offer their prayers. As a very minor divinity, Alithea noticed that one of her cults seemed to vanish. Finding the event curious, Alithea teleported to Skelt, where she learned of a Drow raid that captured several of the town's populace, including all of Alithea's cult.

Alithea used her magic to scry one of the followers, seeing a city within the Darklands. The Darklands were not a point of particular concern for Alithea in the past, so she knew little of them. Returning to the library within the Serene Circle, Alithea was able to find a map of the Darklands and reasoned out that the city from her vision must be Zirnakaynin, due to its proximity and status as home of the Drow. Studying a map of the area Alithea returned to the material plane, and made her way straight into the Darklands, arriving a few miles outside the city.

Setting up her protective spells and her arcane eye, Alithea promptly noticed she was being followed by someone, and he lack of any sort of aura caused Alithea to be cautious. While her follower kept her distance, Alithea decided to avoid inviting any confrontation. As she approached Zirnakaynin, Alithea knew she had to find someone who had information about where her followers had been taken, though the city seemed lousy with Evil inhabitants that Alithea was not keen to trust. It was then that she was approached by a drow that seemed different from the rest.

The drow introduced herself as Ulliaza, and laid out her issue. She was also seeking out those captured in the raid this morning, as was the other who was following Alithea. After taking a few minutes to benefit from Ulliaza's knowledge of the area, and the arcane academy that the prisoners were taken to for experimentation, the Tower of Solacas.

The plan was set, Priella, the conflicted one, would cause a scene at the front, while Ulliaza and Alithea disabled protections and liberated the prisoners. The strength of the wards around the place indicated that there was a powerful caster that had set up the school's wards, so the operation best be done quickly. The pair disarmed several wards, with Alithea simply blocking off the weaker wizards that tried the stop them. Gathering the captives, Alithea and Ulliaza quickly ushered out the captives.

The unlikely group then met up and shared stories of their adventures. While Alithea knew that each of them had quite different approaches, they shared a common theme. They each then went their separate ways, to pursue their own goals, but were confident they would meet again.

@Monkeygod, Okay! I'll postpone selections for a couple of days. It seems there are a few people still working on submissions, anyway.

I'm also out of town this weekend. My submission is complete, but if there's any questions or concerns I will be rarely able to check the boards between Friday afternoon and Sunday evening.

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To be specific, I will postpone selections until the 30th. I think that should be enough time for everyone who wishes to, to finish up.

Silver Crusade

Thanks for the time extension :)

Part 2 of my submission:

Adol Cristin part 2:

4. How did your character become a demigod?

Adol 'ascended' during a foray into a tomb of a forgotten crusader in Lastwall. It was hypothesized that the wards holding the ancient lich Tar-Baphon trapped were weakening due to a something there causing one of the critical wards to malfunction. During the expedition, he found a single word written on a wall in the complex: Estivas. It seemed this word only operated the level of water in a pool, but both the accompanying wizard and rogue talked him into believing this part was of critical importance, and that reciting this over and over during a flamboyant dance was they key in restoring the lost wards of the complex, as well as purifying the desecrated grave of the knight the wards were bound to. To everyone's surprise but Adol's (since he didn't know any better), this actually seemed to work.

Afterwards, the rogue, pretending to be Iomedae, wrote in his chronicle that Estivas was indeed the secret of the universe and that it was to be worshipped and sought after alongside her. Since then, he has championed the cause of 'Estivas' alongside Iomedae until he was charged with heresy and discharged from the order because of this. Despite this, he is still convinced that Iomedae herself instructed him to do so. Perhaps this is even true, and that it was Iomedae who pushed this rogue to do so, setting him on this path.

Ever since the events in the tomb, he began his string of increasingly diffcult feats that should have been impossible to mere mortals. Among the other examples named previously, he survived being shot succesfully around 60 times in under 30 seconds and constantly resisted being erased from reality by an inevitable. My personal explanation for all this madness is that Estivas was indeed the name of the forgotten legendary crusader and that restoring the wards passed a small vestige of mythic power onto Adol, who then unknowingly assumed his mantle/identity of a guardian of Golarion.

Growing stronger since then is probably the result of a combination of his own advancement, being present when these powerful entities died and their mythic power dissipated and the growing popularity of the cult of Estivas, which grew in popularity with his own reputation.

Throughout his career, he has fought and killed multiple creatures of varying levels of mythic power (multiple dragons, enemy champions with 7 mythic levels, inevitables, etc, can name specifics if wanted. Surviving these probably means he has no shortage of enemies seeking revenge). He was also present when one of his companions recently accepted a deal from Deskari, when she ate one of his hearts heart and in doing so became a demigod herself, a new demon lord of the abyss. He still blames himself for not being able to dissuade her from this course.

The final push for his own ascension came when he visited the red moon of Akiton circling Golarion in persuit of an extremely dangerous Champion. This champion had taken over the planet by force and was ruling it in typical tyrannical fashion, and was worshipped as a god, just as the people there were accustomed to worship anyone visiting them from Golarion as a god. Ironically, while Adol went there with the side goal of convincing them to drop these practices, he wound up as the resident worshipped god when he overcame the servants of this entity in a very public Arena event and consequently slew this champion himself. No amount of insisting otherwise could convince the populace to not worship Estivas/Adol afterwards, and it has since been the base of his cult.

Throughout all of this, Adol still believes he is in fact not a demigod and that it is Estivas providing for his believers, not he himself.

5. Where does your character live?
Adol relocated to the center of his cult on Akiton, a moon circling Golarion. The city has a portal connected to Golarion, specifically to locations related to some Decemverate members, the secret leaders of the society (I am assuming you know all this about the world/setting, but just in case). His connections in the pathfinder society combined with the resources at his disposal as a hero/prophet to the general populace of at least some of the cities of Akiton provide him with the means to get where he needs to be. The society also provides him with intelligence to know when he is needed (if divine instruction to do so is lacking), which is a good thing since he tends to be very busy trying to civilize the barbaric tribes of the moon. This is also what forced him to resign from the official position of venture captain, since he could no longer handle these duties alongside taking care of matters on Akiton.

6. Where in the verse is your cult centered?
-See above.

7. What sorts of people worship you?
-Adol has a reputation of a nearly legendary swordsman. He attracts followers from all walks of swordsmanship, especially swashbucklers due to the flamboyant nature of some aspects of his 'faith', and barbarians due to the ferocity with which he is known to fight (and since most of the people from Akiton are traditionally barbarians). His followers tend to be either wandering warriors supremely confident in their ability to turn fights single-handedly (with perhaps a bit of luck on their side), frontline commanders emphasizing leading by example, or shield bearers who truly believe in putting yourself in harm's way for the weaker ones behind you. Either way, they all seek to bring hope where previously there was none and prefer to act immediately rather than later.

8. Adol's herald is Kol Voss, a human barbarian who fought alongside him in the Arena fight on Akiton against the tyrant. Kol Voss was slain by Skelg the ripper during the fighting, rushing him before Adol was able to intervene. However, when Adol became worshipped shortly after emerging trimphant, Kol Voss returned to life as his Herald (Adol believes this is a blessing from Estivas). Kol Voss stands as he lived, a bare-chested savage barbarian wielding a bastard sword and javelins, carrying a horrific throat scar from where his head was originally severed from his body. He has a much more brutal physigue than Adol, yet equally carrying the proof of many fought and won battles. For some reason, he also wears bits of mostly non-functional armor all over his body. This perhaps symbolises how it is difficult and slow it is for the barbaric people to adjust to a paladin leading them and teaching them about more formal civilisation and knightly bearings.

Or perhaps he simply doesn't know how to properly don it.

9. Relations with other gods and witjh other submissions:
(continued tomorrow)

Thank you for the extension.

I should be able to finish up my submission this weekend.

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I just wanted to pop in and mention that I'm all outlined and planned out, that I'm super excited and ready to start, and that I eagerly await everyone finishing.

Also, just FYI - We will be doing a few of Paizo's higher-level modules in addition to homebrew content, back and forth as is necessary. I am looking at Blood of Dragonscar, The Moonscar, and the Witchwar Legacy.

Damn, all those modules sound pretty cool to me.

To the moon!

That is a really neat piece of Golarion lore.

Just so you know, I have run The Moonscar and Witchwar Leacy several times.

Are you still accepting applications? I've a character from a 3.5 game that I feel like she deserves ascension; whether she wants it or not.

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