Missing Pages from Pathfinder Ultimate Equipment

Customer Service

I bough Pathfinder Ultimate Equipment back in April but as it's an encyclopedic reference book and I have access to its content in the srd I didn't check the entire book until a few days ago when I noticed pages 354 to 369 were missing.

I contacted the vendor but they said that they can't help me because expiration of returns/reclaim period.

The book is in pristine condition other than the missing pages.

Is there a solution to my problem? I'm from Panama by the way, but I have a proxy mail service at Miami.

Customer Service Representative

Hello Kurviak,

I'm sorry to hear you got a misprinted book! I should be able to get a replacement sent out to you. I see 2 address on your account. Did you prefer I send the book to the Panama address or the Florida address?

Also, if you are able please send me a picture or 2 of the book at customer.service@paizo.com that I can pass along for quality control.

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