Zedroom: PbP Superstars (Inactive)

Game Master Wilmannator

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Happy Father's Day to all the gamer dads! #BestDadIsAGamerDad

-Posted with Wayfinder

Dark Archive

Human (Minnesotan) Rules Lawyer 4, GM 5!

who is all going to Gen Con? I am a little confused.

As an FYI - keep your Wednesday night open... I may have a surprise for you all.

Male Human Engineer/4 (ding!)

  • Papasteve08 aka Cyrus the Flea aka Boros the SuperAlt
  • Damien aka Lort aka Zud the SuperAlt
  • Lockwood aka Ibid aka Rattus the SuperAlt
  • John aka Finarin aka Nugats the SuperAlt aka Poochie, the Nagaji who has stolen all of our hearts
  • Aaron Shears aka Glarifyur the SuperAlt
  • Jon Stoddard aka Vorathan the SuperAlt (aka Surf)

PM'd you...

Dark Archive

Human (Minnesotan) Rules Lawyer 4, GM 5!

Ah, a large group, then.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Papasteve08 wrote:
  • John aka Finarin aka Nugats the SuperAlt aka Poochie, the Nagaji who has stolen all of our heart))

You are too kind sir. Too kind.

Silbeg wrote:
Ah, a large group, then.

I have recently lost some weight so there is that ...

Male Human Engineer/4 (ding!)

I know what everyone in our group is planning on Wednesday evening except for John, because I can't remember when he said he was getting in.

Whatever it is specifically, it will include all of us hanging out together, with the high likelyhood of adult beverages.

I get in late on Wednesday. I plan to be at the bar by 11:30pm, earlier if I can at all manage it.

Dark Archive

Human (Minnesotan) Rules Lawyer 4, GM 5!

bummer, Damien.

Sorry for being vague. I am getting in Wednesday mid-afternoon. I have some sessions Wednesday ending by 3.

Dark Archive

Human (Minnesotan) Rules Lawyer 4, GM 5!

So, as a turn of events, my schedule for Gen Con has changed (for the better)

Slot 1, Thursday AM: 7-28 Ageless Ambitions
Slot 2, Thursday MID: 7-28 Ageless Ambitions
Slot 3, Thursday PM: 7-98 Special: Serpent’s Ire
Slot 4, Friday AM: playing 8-03 as Lucius Vizinni, Rat Pimp with AJ
Slot 5, Friday MID: 7-28 Ageless Ambitions
Slot 6, Friday PM: 8-00 Special: The Cosmic Captive (level 10-11)*
Slot 7, Saturday AM: playing 8-01 as Thorval Thorvalson with AJ
Slot 8, Saturday MID: 7-28 Ageless Ambitions
Slot 9, Saturday PM: 7-99 Special: Through Maelstrom Rift
Slot 10, Sunday AM: 7-28 Ageless Ambitions

Still a full schedule, but much lighter prep work (Thank you, Ryan).

Male Human Engineer/4 (ding!)

Holy balls Jack - Every single slot?


No way I could do it. I am anticipating great fun by playing 8 of the 10 slots, and dreading the exhaustion that will most definitely follow.

Good for you that you can run the same scenario, one more thing I couldn't imagine, prepping for multiple scenarios. So much stuff....

I am curious. It appears that the coordinators won't release what the GM boons are going to be until we actually get to the Con, but I am super anxious to find out what they might be.

Actually, if I am brutally honest, I am super anxious to find out if there will be any Catfolk boons available. I'm not even sure what my PFS play will be like post-Gen Con, but I would slap a baby for a catfolk boon...

If you know and are sworn to secrecy, just know that I am very good at keeping secrets too!!!

Dark Archive

Human (Minnesotan) Rules Lawyer 4, GM 5!

well, I am playing in two of those.

But it is a blast for me, I really enjoy it.

But four preps is way easier than seven!

Just wanted to give you guys a heads up. I may not be at GenCon at all. My brother's last minute bachelor party is being held this weekend, so I am trying to figure out some time to come visit you guys (it might need to be in a bar or something after hours). I definitely will not be able to play with you on Saturday (the day of the party) or on Sunday (will probably be too hung over and it is in Cincinatti, so a long drive!).

Are you guys up to anything on Thursday night?

Dark Archive

Human (Minnesotan) Rules Lawyer 4, GM 5!

After running Serpents Ire, I'll definitely be out and about!

Sovereign Court

Male God Forum Paladin 20

Any particular reason this thread was thrown to previous campaigns on my campaigns page?

You need to Re dot the gameplay... same as me just now! Happens once in a while...

-Posted with Wayfinder

Male Human Engineer/4 (ding!)


I feel like a zombie. I was exhausted, but couldn't fall asleep last night. I need more sleep...

Gen Con was great. It was awesome seeing all of you amazing people. Thanks for the fun!

Was a great time all around. Yeah, exhausted doesn't quite cover it does it? Gaming with you fine folk is amazing.

Special mention to the new folk I got to play with:

  • John: You shared a room with me, mate, after never having met me. I couldn't have hoped for a more courteous and fun roomie. Such an absolute blast playing with you.
  • Mikko: Great to finally meet you in person ever since you started stalking us. Congratulations on getting not only a book in the AP, but the only AP that has been announced in the last 3 years that I've really wanted to play. A journey to lost Azlant? F#&+ yeah! My first character was Azlanti (well, Taldan but with familial ties) and I've been obsessed ever since.
  • Aaron: The little tank who could. You kept chugging and chugging and in the end, your build paid off. At first it was, 'beware of doors', but in the last scenario it was our enemies who needed to be wary of such objects! Not to mention you're great fun out of character, too.
  • Surf: Shocking grasp. Nuff said. ;-)

To the folk I got to see again, I'd love to see all of you so much more often. If you're ever even close to Houston, drop me a line. Even if you can't make it to Houston proper, maybe we can find a way to meet half way.

Damien Wilmann wrote:

John: You shared a room with me, mate, after never having met me. I couldn't have hoped for a more courteous and fun roomie. Such an absolute blast playing with you.

Seriously, you were a fantastic roomate, too. Anyone who makes me coffee is a friend for life.

GenCon, for me, was AWESOME! The only part that makes me sad was not having Jyri there.

I have invested so much time and effort to PbP with this online group, so much emotion, that even though we hadn't met in person I knew that we'd all share a connection. And we did. Everyone I gamed with was just a pleasure to meet, and I couldn't have had a better time.

I owe all of your a debt of gratitude.

Dark Archive

Human (Minnesotan) Rules Lawyer 4, GM 5!

SkålCon Website!

If you were interested, or wanted to donate, that is.

The Exchange

Male Humanoidish Yahoo 4/Painlord 6/Punk 2/Cleric of Happiness & Sunshine 1
Damien Wilmann wrote:

Was a great time all around. Yeah, exhausted doesn't quite cover it does it? Gaming with you fine folk is amazing.

Special mention to the new folk I got to play with: Grapes. Grape. Grapes. Wine. Grapes.

Ah piddlespot. I'm totally not jealous about not being there. No, totally not.

Also, I bet the grapes are sour. I didn't want them anyway.

Hmm. The grapes tasted sweet to me, but may taste sour to some.

*looks at Rand*

Have a good one mate, and you were missed!

Dark Archive

Human (Minnesotan) Rules Lawyer 4, GM 5!
Painlord wrote:
Damien Wilmann wrote:

Was a great time all around. Yeah, exhausted doesn't quite cover it does it? Gaming with you fine folk is amazing.

Special mention to the new folk I got to play with: Grapes. Grape. Grapes. Wine. Grapes.

Ah piddlespot. I'm totally not jealous about not being there. No, totally not.

Also, I bet the grapes are sour. I didn't want them anyway.

I am still lamenting not being able to taste the sweet sweet tears of the Painlord after I brutally destroy his beloved character. So sad...

(And usually, I don't really want to kill characters)

Silbeg wrote:
(And usually, I don't really want to kill characters)

I call bullshit ;)

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Aasimar Level 9, #-6

You didn't even see Jack complaining about how his dice didn't want to kill me at our last table!

Grand Lodge Contributor

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Dudes (mates), it was great meeting you! I hope we'll meet again at Gen Con or somewhere else.

Thanks Damien! I'm honored that Adam Daigle chose me to write the third book, and I'm also really excited that it's an Azlant AP. There are lots of ancient mysteries that I'll get to explore in that adventure. :) As the adventure's name suggests, there's a temple/cathedral in it, and they are always fun to write about.

Dark Archive

Human (Minnesotan) Rules Lawyer 4, GM 5!

I said usually. Hell, with the way my dice were rolling, I couldn't even challenge you all. Of course, you were playing at an APL of almost 9 in a 7-11, so that should have been expected. :P

Liberty's Edge

Sigh... You guys really make me wish I had been there :)

BTW, I'm not sure if you've totally given up with pbp, but I decided to run one scenario in GD5: Thralls of the Shattered God. Feel free to join, if you haven't played that one already.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Level 1 Human Commoner
Silbeg wrote:
I said usually. Hell, with the way my dice were rolling, I couldn't even challenge you all. Of course, you were playing at an APL of almost 9 in a 7-11, so that should have been expected. :P

It would have been even easier if Steve's toon had flipping pulled his own weight in combat.

Seriously, learn how to make an optimized character, Steve :0

Male Human Engineer/4 (ding!)
christopher lockwood wrote:
Silbeg wrote:
I said usually. Hell, with the way my dice were rolling, I couldn't even challenge you all. Of course, you were playing at an APL of almost 9 in a 7-11, so that should have been expected. :P

It would have been even easier if Steve's toon had flipping pulled his own weight in combat.

Seriously, learn how to make an optimized character, Steve :0

Nobody likes a ronald mcdonald showoff. The last thing I need is you guys making fun of me behind my back...

/checks to see if hangouts is logged off...


I suddenly see the appeal of a level 20 commoner.

I want to roll one up now too.

Dark Archive

Human (Minnesotan) Rules Lawyer 4, GM 5!

I know, right?

He only destroyed two big bads in those fights. I mean, really... an archer doing 1d8+20+2d6 per shot? That's just not good enough. (or too good, I may be getting things backwards)

Male Human Engineer/4 (ding!)
Silbeg wrote:

I know, right?

He only destroyed two big bads in those fights. I mean, really... an archer doing 1d8+20+2d6 per shot? That's just not good enough. (or too good, I may be getting things backwards)

Maybe we should have fought 3 of those divs...

-Karma- wrote:

Sigh... You guys really make me wish I had been there :)

BTW, I'm not sure if you've totally given up with pbp, but I decided to run one scenario in GD5: Thralls of the Shattered God. Feel free to join, if you haven't played that one already.

Ah man. We played this. Our GM was the VC from Paris.

It is an awesome adventure and I really like it. Glad we played up.

Male Human Engineer/4 (ding!)
TheBobJones wrote:
-Karma- wrote:

Sigh... You guys really make me wish I had been there :)

BTW, I'm not sure if you've totally given up with pbp, but I decided to run one scenario in GD5: Thralls of the Shattered God. Feel free to join, if you haven't played that one already.

Ah man. We played this. Our GM was the VC from Paris.

It is an awesome adventure and I really like it. Glad we played up.

And he was awesome too. I wish we had been able to hear him better, but I thought he did a fantastic job.

At least for me, the only bad experience of the whole weekend was Through the Maelstrom Rift. I personally put more of that on the GM who ran that for us than the scenario itself.

Setting aside the formulaic same-same-same aspect of every PFS scenario, there wasn't a single one we played that I didn't enjoy. Shoot, I even loved running Ward Asunder. I had as much fun running it as I would have had playing it. That's saying something for me... :)

Dark Archive

Human (Minnesotan) Rules Lawyer 4, GM 5!
Papasteve08 wrote:
At least for me, the only bad experience of the whole weekend was Through the Maelstrom Rift. I personally put more of that on the GM who ran that for us than the scenario itself.

I would say that should fall on the GM's head (and were I you, I would give feedback about that... send an email to Bob Jonquet <pfs.illinois@gmail.com> about that experience.)

This was a fun, whimsical scenario that let you do things, and play characters, you would never have been able to do in "normal" PFS play. My table had a blast, as did I.

I was shocked when I saw all the long faces around your table.

Well, I have learned something about how to guarantee placement to a GM's table (something that was not announced anywhere) -- the GM needs to tell the Marshall that he has a table (and this is ok to do now). In future, I will do that!

Male Human Engineer/4 (ding!)

I can't bring myself to complain... About the only reason we complained about a GM last year was because he told a brand new PFS player to "Shut the F*&$ up and take the damage".

It wasn't because he didn't care (as far as I could tell) it was because he didn't read the scenario at all before we started playing. Preparation is key, and there was apparently zero prep work done. He didn't know what he was doing, or what was coming.

And I'll say it before Damien can - Damien's character was an Oread Inquisitor... No longer a character that you can't do in "normal" PFS play.

I do agree that the majority of it falls on the GMs head. A poorly prepared or bad GM can make a scenario seem awful that otherwise might not be. But the Scenario itself did have a few things that could have been better.

Grand Lodge Contributor

-Karma- wrote:
Sigh... You guys really make me wish I had been there :)

I'll tell you everything about Gen Con the next time we're playing at the same table. :) Anyway, there's always next year, everything is possible when you plan ahead, sacrifice a few goats on a dark altar, and so forth. :)

Dark Archive

Human (Minnesotan) Rules Lawyer 4, GM 5!
Papasteve08 wrote:
It wasn't because he didn't care (as far as I could tell) it was because he didn't read the scenario at all before we started playing. Preparation is key, and there was apparently zero prep work done. He didn't know what he was doing, or what was coming.

That's the fatal sin. Please do report that.

Liberty's Edge

Male CG Human Rogue 1 | HP: 9/9 | AC: 16 (14 Tch, 12 Fl) | CMB: +1, CMD: 15 | F: +1, R: +6, W: +1 | Init: +4 | Perc: +1, SM: +5 | Speed 30ft | Sneak Attack +1D6; Trapfinding | Spells: none | Active conditions: None

AH - HA! I think I found the thread! At least you guys were posting in it yesterday so that's a start! Mikko, had a great time running your adventure, love the depth of the potential twists, clever! Jack, that was a great game to end on, even tho I spent most the time puking on my invisible shoes. Definitely interested in some pbp! Hopefully Steve and Aaron are down for some too!

Grand Lodge Contributor

Vorathan Albercoft wrote:
AH - HA! I think I found the thread! At least you guys were posting in it yesterday so that's a start! Mikko, had a great time running your adventure, love the depth of the potential twists, clever! Jack, that was a great game to end on, even tho I spent most the time puking on my invisible shoes. Definitely interested in some pbp! Hopefully Steve and Aaron are down for some too!

Thanks, man! Very glad to hear that!

How'd it go for the PCs? Did any PCs die? How many groups ended up fighting the BBEG?

Male Human Engineer/4 (ding!)
Mikko Kallio wrote:
Vorathan Albercoft wrote:
AH - HA! I think I found the thread! At least you guys were posting in it yesterday so that's a start! Mikko, had a great time running your adventure, love the depth of the potential twists, clever! Jack, that was a great game to end on, even tho I spent most the time puking on my invisible shoes. Definitely interested in some pbp! Hopefully Steve and Aaron are down for some too!

Thanks, man! Very glad to hear that!

How'd it go for the PCs? Did any PCs die? How many groups ended up fighting the BBEG?

I'll try to clear up the mis-understanding... Vorathan didn't run it, he was referring to playing it at the table with me running it...

Male Human Engineer/4 (ding!)

Going to take a second to apologize for the thread blast in gameplay!

Aaron and I had worked on that before Gen Con, but just finally got around to posting it. Don't feel obligated to read it all (or all of it at once). It was just a fun little thing to do to wrap up the Carrion Hill debacle...

Hope you like it!

Male Human Retail Manager 9 / Musician 8

Now we just have to summarize the 7 disparate adventures and 2 levels we gained at GenCon! That, my friends, will be a series of posts to apologize for!

Male Surfer Brawler 21 / Healer 5

Pretty good tie in, nothing like getting warped to challenge your resolve!

Yeah Mikko, I was talking about when Steve ran it for us, I just posted from the Vorathan acct and should have from this one to reduce confusion!

Dude, I ducking loved that chain. Couldn't sleep this morning so I thought I'd check out some posts... thank you for keeping me entertained! So awesome and the timing couldn't be better.

Never, never, never apologize for awesome story posts on the Zedroom! Blasting a regular thread? Yeah, maybe. That was just shear awesome (see what I did there?).

Glad you liked it! I know I had fun writing it. Now as Aaron said, to sum up gen con! Good thing I took all those notes...

-Posted with Wayfinder

Grand Lodge Contributor

$URF3R wrote:

Pretty good tie in, nothing like getting warped to challenge your resolve!

Yeah Mikko, I was talking about when Steve ran it for us, I just posted from the Vorathan acct and should have from this one to reduce confusion!

Hahah I didn't realize it was you. Anyways, it was fun to play it with y'all. :)

Ach, it's my last night in NYC, tomorrow flying back to Finland. It's great to get back home but I really liked it here, especially Brooklyn. So tired right now, I'm probably going to sleep for two days straight when I'm back home.

Glad you enjoyed your time stateside! Hopefully there will be some more opportunities down the road.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Grand Lodge Contributor

It's been awesome. Made a lot of new friends, did a lot of fun things. Helsinki will feel very small and boring after all of this. :D

7d20 ⇒ (12, 8, 2, 1, 19, 18, 1) = 61
1d10 ⇒ 4 sp
1d10 ⇒ 9 sp
1d6 ⇒ 5 gp

7 gp 3 sp

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