Wilmannator |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Hey all! This is our new discussion thread. Any discussion not related to one of our games (like discussing the possibility of running an AP) can go here. Let me know if you object, and I'll shut it down. Otherwise, I'll try my best to keep this clean (no need for a gameplay thread as yet) and I'm happy to modify it anyway you like!
So, first up, it's called the "Zedroom" because of the alphabet. Starting with a "Z" means it will most likely be last on our campaign listings pages, until we play a module / scenario called "Zombie Smash" (or similar). "Zed" is how we Australians say "Z", so it made sense to me. Sounds cooler than "Zeeroom" in my opinion. Oddly enough I prefer the sound of "Zed Four" for the BMW Z4 but "Zed Zed Top" for a rock band just sounds weird.
Now for the juicy one: an adventure path. Based on everyone's comments so far, this would be my suggestion:
1. Only one GM. Multiple would be nice so we can rotate the chair a little, but spoilers, spoilers, spoilers - and I think there is a lot to be said for having a consistent cast of characters with a consistent vision.
2. Start after Thorrnkeep. That way those who are at the limit of there PbP don't get an additional game.
3. Silbeg has expressed an interest in GMing, but only after Thornkeep. This would seem to be the ideal option to me - finish Thornkeep and then move on to a full Adventure Path. That way I keep GMing PFS scenarios for our original group (and if anyone wants to take over GMing that group for a scenario or module, they can) and I get to play in an AP (my preferred option).
So, assuming everyone is happy to play after Thornkeep and Silbeg is happy to run it, the real next question is: what do we play?
Finally, what does everyone think about using real names for this? I've got mine on an alias that I'm happy to use. We have two Chris's, though, could get confusing. ;-)
For my part, you can call me Damo, Damien, Wilmannator, Lort, Arturo, Mr. Girl or whatever else you like.

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Good Day!
I would say we don't need to worry about what for a good while.
Also, did we want to "finish" the characters from Thornkeep (or the other group) with higher tier content (possibly modules)?
Finally, did we want either group of characters to go through Eyes of the Ten together?
Just a bunch of ideas and questions. :D

Wilmannator |

I'm certainly happy to play through the rest of Thornkeep with Arturo. What level with that put us on? I'd like to play higher-tier content, but I'd rather move on to an AP after Thornkeep (if I have to choose between the two).
Eyes of the Ten is a definite YES! I'd very, very much rather do that with Lort, though... unless it's replayable?

Wilmannator |

By the way, I almost forgot to mention that we will be having friends staying with us for the next 3 days or so. I will still sneak off and post from time to time, but I'll be on my phone more often and will post (overall) less often. I should be able to still get out any large updates (like that last one for combat! Phew!) in the mornings. They leave Thursday.

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Ha, almost lost the link to this thread amongst the other posts.
I'm fine with playing PFS + AP, Thornkeep + AP, or Thornkeep + PFS. Just all three might be too much, at least if we keep the current pace (which we should).
Eyes of ten sounds good, but I think it's quite far away still :) Shame it isn't replayable.
I've tried a couple of pbp AP's: Reign of Winter (the game died around half-way the first book), Skulls and Shackles (I think the game is on it's death throes at the moment), Way of the Wicked (still alive and kicking).
All have been fun (while they lasted). It's an effort, but pbp is pretty much the only way I can play an AP.
I'm fine with pretty much any AP, of course I would enjoy the ability to play for PFS credit.
And you can call me Amaranti, Roudantaimi, Karma, or Jyri. With the frequency of spelling mistakes on the first two, the latter might be better ;)

TheBobJones |

Arrgh, my post was eaten last night. Stupid golbinmoot. Anyway, I am always in. Whatever works, although getting PFS credit is always a nice bonus. I have not run across any materials that I was so interested in playing that wasn't PFS legal.
I have been kicking around a few character ideas like a hunter that uses his animal companion as a mount with the Undersized mount feat, or possibly a Skald. I have had a concept for Finarin's brother for a handful of months now, and was going to rebuild my druid into him so he had some credit, but that scenario is slowly plodding along. In my 3.0 days I played lots of druids, and I am playing one now in my other PbP, and just not really into it. Maybe because of the nature of the scenario.
How long will Thornkeep last?
@ Karma I misspell Finarin and Ophiuchus all the time, and they are mine - sorry ;)

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@TheBobJones -- Thornkeep is five linked modules
The Accursed Halls (1-2)
The Forgotten Laboratory (2-4)
The Enigma Vaults (3-5)
The Dark Menagerie (4-6)
The Enigma Vaults (6-8)
Each would take 5-8 hours in real life (or have when I have played/ran them). So, slightly longer than a scenario.
I would also recommend that we do something between The Dark Menagerie and The Enigma Vaults, so that you are all at least 7th level for the final chapter. It is tough, and you'll want the extra level(s).
Might be a good time for some "Guest GM" scenarios (where one of the other players GMs a scenario), or I could do some older scenarios that you all haven't done.

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So, just 'cause you are a fun group, I'll bounce this idea off of you.
Black Jak Sparrow, Source of the Inner Sea
Tengu Gunslinger (Mysterious Stranger)/Swashbuckler (Picarun)
Str 12, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 14
(I may drop his WIS to 9, moving it to a 12 INT).
He'll get a single level of Gunslinger, and then all Swashbuckler. He'll only use his pistol (shudder) when he is closing, but he'll get TWF for free with the archetype while using a one-handed firearm and rapier.
That's about as far as I've gotten on the build, but it looks to be... interesting.

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Oops, Scourge of the inner sea. Caw caw! Yar matey!
Yeah, the gunslinger is to allow him to actually own a gun. In PFS you have to have Gunsmithing to even buy a gun. Ever.
Also gives him another pool for grit/panache.
There is a feat that seemed useless to me that may be cool to get... opening strike. If you hit with a ranged Attack, you get +4 to hit with your next melee.
Have to see... This combo may not actually work as well as I am hoping.

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Character. Just had a moment of epiphany yesterday. Or was it Monday?
For some reason the idea of playing a character giving homage to Captain jack sparrow just seemed fun. Then to twist, he has to be a dirty bird.
He's going to be primarily melee, but at some time may have several pistols, including perhaps double pistols, but only to use TWF with. No reloading in combat. Probably the only ranged feat he will pick up will be deadly aim. He will also go Vital Strike, I am thinking, but we will see.
I am going to want to get the Custom Order boon for him, so that I can buy magic ammo in lots of ten. Should be fun. Maybe I will play him next scenario, so you all can catch up to Gunari. That would be... Interesting

Lufien "Silvertongue" Loamin |

Hello all! Miro/Strong Brute/Chris the 2nd here. I very much enjoy doing AP's, but I am on board with whatever the group decides. If we do an AP, I think I would like Reign of Winter...it seems I can't get in one that doesn't die a quick death. Maybe I'm the common denominator. :p

Papasteve08 |

FWIW, I think the idea of an AP after Thornkeep sounds amazing. I am open to any of them really, though I have personally played (IRL) parts of Curse of the Crimson Throne, Skull and Shackles, and Rise of the Runelords.
They all sound awesome in their own way, so I have zero preference as to which one.
One thing I want to understand for sure, AP's can be run with any character, and PFS credit can then be applied to an appropriately leveled PFS legal character? I just want to make sure I have that right. I am trying to think of other ways to level some of my characters without running out of scenarios to run. I have a level 2 halfling cavalier that may sit on the shelf for a little bit, but wouldn't mind getting him some "easy levels" so to speak.
As far as character ideas, I am going to test out a Barbarian/Alchemist idea I have been stewing on for a while IRL (Rage/Mutagen to stack strength) and if that works, I wouldn't mind submitting that concept for this eventual game, though that still seems like a ways off.
In other news... can't help but get excited about all these plans for moving into higher levels with characters! High level stuff is something I haven't done much of, because in the 20+ years I have been gaming, most campaigns end up dying around 4th or 5th level, and we eventually would start over. I am crazy excited for the possibilities!

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Yeah, we're talking several months, if not a year, at the min, the way PbP goes.
I'll look into the various APs, and see which are sanctioned. Also, look into which I can get on the PDF sale ('cause these things are a mite spendy).
Was thinking maybe Shattered Star... that has some interesting things to it, as I gather. RotRL would be fun, too.
I assume you'd all want to do the AP in campaign mode, not PFS mode. The former means you get your chronicle to apply, but play with a character specific to the AP. The latter means that we play only the sanctioned portions with PFS characters.

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I am currently in an emerald spire pfs pbp, so that would rule that one out for me unless it is repeatable.
I much prefer the option where we play an ap specific character, and get a chronicle that I can apply to a different pfs character...
-Posted with Wayfinder

Damien Wilmann |

I'm a fan of campaign mode! I'm not as keen on doing Emerald Spire - I prefer APs to super-dungeons. :-)
Shattered Star really appeals to me - as does Reign of Winter. Really, I'm happy to play anything except games I'm playing in or have played before:
- Kingmaker (unless you don't mind me playing it again)
- Rise of the Runelords
- Curse of the Crimson Throne
- Carrion Crown
- Second Darkness
I'm going to express a personal preference for Skull & Shackles: I love oceanic adventure settings and so rarely get to play them!

Papasteve08 |

Our RL group has just finished book 2 of Skull and Shackles (GM'd by Mr. Lockwood), so my personal preference is for something different, but that preference is not so strong as to eliminate it if everyone else really wants to do it. Just my 2 copper...
Edit: Cyrus'd! (never mind that I left my post without hitting submit for a half hour....)

TheBobJones |

So here are all the APs:
Rise of the Runelords
Curse of the Crimson Throne
Second Darkness
Legacy of Fire
Council of Thieves
Serpent's Skull
Carrion Crown
Jade Regent
Skull & Shackles
Shattered Star
Reign of Winter
Wrath of the Righteous
Mummy's Mask
Iron Gods
Why don't you reply with what you played and what you'd like to play. From there we can figure it out.

christopher lockwood |

I don't think I would mind running S&S for everyone, I like the adventure path a lot.
But I do think with my schedule, how often I post, etc., I'd back out of playing in any other PbP games during the period when I was GMing S&S, just so that I could try and do the best job I could as GM (i.e. to try and keep up with the quality and extremely high bar you two have set for us all in GMing).
Don't let that effect anyone's decision for picking an AP, i just wanted to say that up front.

Papasteve08 |

So here is my top 5 in no particular order. Please note that this is like asking me what my favorite color of M&Ms is.... (as in, its all chocolate and delicious. Please give me more.)
Giantslayer (newest one, looks fun)
Mummy's Mask
Reign of Winter
Anything I haven't played
Anything else I haven't played.
Ok, I started to write my top 5 and then couldn't make up my mind. I don't know, they all are going to be fun. (can we do them all?) I have found it is more about the players and character development, and how they 'grow' in the story more so than the story itself that makes this stuff fun :)
I know, I am terrible when it comes to helping to make a decision...

Scratch Pad |

Damien here...
Glad you guys finally got a room - the Zedroom!
Looks like Reign of Winter is getting lots of votes... here's a character I created for RoW before Chris B warned me against the GM - and I managed to insinuate myself into his game at the same time (with a different character).
Inspired by Lort's back story!

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I am totally open to trying any of the APs... though would prefer ones that were sanctioned.
As for Chris, and time it takes, I am sure you'd be able to adapt and grow. You might take a "session" off with Ibid, only to learn that you really want to play him some more. It's all good.

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I think these are the sanctioned AP's:
Rise of the Runelords
Carrion Crown
Jade Regent
Skull & Shackles
Shattered Star
Reign of Winter
Mummy's Mask
Since I'm still in S&S pbp, that's pretty much the only AP I'm not that interested in. Although the setting is very nice, and the game might dry up before we would even start playing.

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I am going to test out a Barbarian/Alchemist idea I have been stewing on for a while IRL (Rage/Mutagen to stack strength) and if that works, I wouldn't mind submitting that concept for this eventual game, though that still seems like a ways off.
Now make that a half-orc, and let's have another half-orc barb in the party both taking the amplified rage feat. That's +12 bonus to strenght by level 2 :)

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Throw in enlarge person, ragechemist archetype and its off the charts... Two handed weapon.... I'm in! Who wants to rage party with me? :)
-Posted with Wayfinder

Damien Wilmann |

Since I'm still in S&S pbp, that's pretty much the only AP I'm not that interested in. Although the setting is very nice, and the game might dry up before we would even start playing.
"Dry up", get it?
Anyway, that leaves the following sanctioned that no-one has expressed disinterest I playing:
Jade Regent
Shattered Star
Reign of Winter
Mummy's Mask
With Reign of Winter having the most interest, followed by Mummy's Mask. As Jack says, though, it's a year off now and something else better could easily come along (and be sanctioned) or they may sanction an existing AP.

Papasteve08 |

As Jack says, though, it's a year off now and something else better could easily come along (and be sanctioned) or they may sanction an existing AP.
This is probably the best point of all so far. I've heard some good things about the new Giantslayer, but if it isn't sanctioned then we should skip it. I say that to say this, if the new stuff coming out is getting good reviews, there might be something really good that has yet to come out, and we have a while before we have to really commit to anything. Who knows, with the way we are blowing through these scenarios, we may be close to retiring our original set of characters by the time we start seriously considering an AP...

Damien Wilmann |

Thought I'd start up a little game. Contribute when something cooky happens to you (no need to blast it, just whenever, you know).
You know you're posting too much on PbP when...
You write your mother an email and you put BBCode in it rather than using the italics function... and don't notice until after you press send (because at this point, Gmail has stubbornly refused to italicize the words).