Zedroom: PbP Superstars (Inactive)

Game Master Wilmannator

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As a quick story, when I played a lot of Living Greyhawk, there was a local group that would not game with guys who played girls, and vise versa. They felt that the players overplayed their PC gender attributes. They even had shirts made that read, "I don't game with dudes who play chicks." Methinks this group can handle it ... looking at you Steve.

Dark Archive

Human (Minnesotan) Rules Lawyer 4, GM 5!

I actually have 2 characters, currently, that are female. One is Lady Natalia Landros, "Paladin" of Aroden (actually a Battle Oracle). She is Taldan to the core, and lets everyone know it. While she is quite beautiful, she doesn't let that bother her... you will more often find her in her full plate than any other garb.

The other is Dierdre "Smiles" Findic, a halfling druid from the sands of Qadira. She rides Lord Snappy, her Giant Scorpion animal companion. She is quite cute (just ask her, she'll tell you!), and I have learned that she really doesn't understand punctuation!

There are a number of local players (in the Twin Cities) that play as many, or more, female characters than male. None go overboard on the male vs female, but do a very nice job of RP.

But, I get the issue. Some people in our hobby don't have what are known as "social skills".

I'm very, very bad at playing female characters - for all the reasons that John's friends had those T-shirts made. I've got a GM Credit Baby Sylph Sky Druid - I couldn't imagine that character being anything other than female. I think I can do it over PbP... in RL, though, I actually find it quite off-putting when men play women. I think I would have less trouble with it if they wore a wig. I just always find myself superimposing the player's face over their character's.

Anyway, I've got no issues that would ever stop me from allowing a male player to have a female character.

Dark Archive

Human (Minnesotan) Rules Lawyer 4, GM 5!

You don't want to see me RPing Miss Feathers then (if you don't know Miss Feathers, then I have some scenario ideas to run IRL).

Drawing a blank on Miss Feathers...

Dark Archive

Human (Minnesotan) Rules Lawyer 4, GM 5!

Then you have never encountered... her. Trust me.

Not surprising, since "she" mostly been in earlier seasons... I think at least a couple in season 2, one in season 4, and one in season 5

Liberty's Edge

Yes, you'd remember her if you'd met her :)

Male Human Engineer/4 (ding!)
TheBobJones wrote:
As a quick story, when I played a lot of Living Greyhawk, there was a local group that would not game with guys who played girls, and vise versa. They felt that the players overplayed their PC gender attributes. They even had shirts made that read, "I don't game with dudes who play chicks." Methinks this group can handle it ... looking at you Steve.


Yea, I am pretty sure all the chicks that Cyrus got all awkward with were all played by dudes before we made it around to this group. I usually would PM them ahead of time to let them know, so they didn't get weirded out. It is much easier to do on the boards, because you can take a picture and just associate that. Its all cinematic in my head, and on the boards.

At a table on the other hand... it is much harder to separate that. I have never had a problem with a guy who wants to play a female character at a live table, but I tend to treat the character kind of 'genderless'. ie, my swashbuckling, charming character doesn't flirt with the female pc played by a dude...

I think that is one of the big reasons why I am loving PbP so much. Damo hit the nail on the head earlier when he said he loves to Game, and he loves to Write, and this medium blends those things so well. I can detach my imagination from reality the same way I do when I watch a movie or read a book. Its all about the story and the characters. I grew up listening to Ernie Harwell, one of the greatest baseball play by play announcers of all time. The reason why he was so great was the way he painted a picture for the listener who couldn't see anything. You felt like you were there. That's what I want when I read a book, and that's what I want to portray when I write. I want people to see it the way I see it in my head. I think everyone in this group does that, and enjoys that part of it, which is what has made this so much fun and vivid.

Dark Archive

Human (Minnesotan) Rules Lawyer 4, GM 5!

OMG -- this shows how good this group is. I am playing Prince of Augustana with, perhaps, the worst tactical players, ever. (well, at least two are horrid).

So, if you follow the link, there WILL be spoilers.
However, we are fighting some bad guys, and several of our team mates are nauseated. My bard is not. So, he's pretty much THE ONLY ONE FIGHTING (even though we have a ranger in the group). Said ranger finally moves up, after my bard is shredded to exactly 0 hp. I have backed up and healed w/ a CLW wand. Next round, my bard casts Hydraulic Push with Hydraulic Maneuvers (allowing him to use if for trip, disarm, and dirty trick instead of just bull rush). I trip one of the bad guys. What does he do? Backs up 5', drops his sword, and fires his bow (missing). Instead of hitting the now prone bad guy, who can now just freaking stand up and kill me. All because he took 2 out of 11 hp in damage.


Easy scenario made impossible. I am going now start just taking care of myself, so that I survive. One of the other players, is decent, and is standing in to take a hit, even though she is nauseated.

F'ing A! If any of you ever do that...

not an issue... I already know from past experience that you wouldn't.

Male Human Engineer/4 (ding!)

You linked back to this thread... I am intrigued...

Dark Archive

Human (Minnesotan) Rules Lawyer 4, GM 5!

Fixed the link - odd.. I copied from the right place.

Wow, what a cluster f*ck! If this group ever falls through, I may just quit PbP. I've seen some pretty bad sh*t out there. Then again, my recruiting strategy worked last time...

... just don't leave me, okay?

Dark Archive

Human (Minnesotan) Rules Lawyer 4, GM 5!


Yeah, PbP is so totally hit or miss. I've had a few decent groups... but nothing this spectacular!

I have also been warned that there are just a lot of bad players out there, and that we're pretty spoiled in the Twin Cities. Of course, we have our share, but I think I've just run into a couple of tables that are more annoying to me.

Oh, Damien, did you notice that Deussu has hit 4 stars? Just proving quantity != quality!

Apparently Deussu does quite a bit of RL and only had a limited foray into PbP. He might well be a good RL GM. For PbP though... urgh!

Male Human Engineer/4 (ding!)

Ok, there are two funny things about that thread

One is the obvious, people with horrible tactics and selfishly only caring about themselves. Who doesn't attack a prone creature? duh?

Second... Adrianna was the first female Cyrus got all awkward with. Cyrus and Ibid's first scenario was the confirmation, and she was in the party. (pretty sure it is a dude playing the character). I chuckled because here we are at level 3, and she is still at level 1.

Any more evidence as to why this group is awesome? Shoot, even what I used to take for a good group feels 'pedestrian' after playing with this group.

Dark Archive

Human (Minnesotan) Rules Lawyer 4, GM 5!

If you want more amusement (this time without spoilers, since you've played the scenario) check out my Slave Ships of Absalom

They've approached things quite a bit differently than we did. To say the least. Of course, it is probable that I haven't done as well at GMing as Damien did, but I am trying :D

Dark Archive

Human (Minnesotan) Rules Lawyer 4, GM 5!

Oh, Papasteve, the funny thing on that thread with Prince of Augustana... I started Z'hor'll off flirting with Ishingka Thulkarian, who I am pretty sure is played by a guy, but...

Wasn't that awkward, but, again, I try to think of the character, not the player.

Male Human Engineer/4 (ding!)

Umm... It wasn't actually awkward. I mean I established Cyrus' personality of extreme awkwardness around females with her...

You gotta read at least 8 or 9 posts from the one I linked. I had a good laugh just now remembering....

Don't have time to do more than skim read - but what's Ibid doing in your game?

As for quality of GMing, I assure you the quality of players is directly proportional to the amount of quality possible from a GM. I'd also just picked up the Guide to Absalom and was just dying to pepper that particular game with color from my new source book. I also had the author looking over my shoulder... creepy but encouraged me to try harder. Now I run all my games as though the author were reading (because they might be).


"Nice boots..."
-- the pickup line that only works in Texas.

"Want to flank with me?"
-- the pickup line that is only understood at GenCon.

Male Level 1 Human Commoner
Damien Wilmann wrote:
Don't have time to do more than skim read - but what's Ibid doing in your game?

... You don't want to know... playing a terrible early version of Ibid, an elf bard (archeologist).... I didn't end up loving this character until I switched to join this group.

Male Human Engineer/4 (ding!)
Damien Wilmann wrote:

"Want to flank with me?"

-- the pickup line that is only understood at GenCon.

Ha! Now you finally have the context for why I posted this and thought it was a hilariously funny way to introduce my character to the party. Cyrus was always asking girls to flank with him in the most awkward way possible.

Damien Wilmann wrote:
Don't have time to do more than skim read - but what's Ibid doing in your game?

Not really a looooong story, but here are the highlights.

Chris (aka Ibid) convinced me to try play by post. He got into a game and was telling me about it, and was trying to get me in the game as well. Eventually we succeeded, but the GM changed his mind, couldn't commit, and the game never got off the ground.

At the same time, he had been telling me about PFS, and it sounded fun. I was hooked on the idea of both of them enough, that I started searching the recruitment threads, and found a PFS game. I decided to try a halfling cavalier concept I had kicked around, and even though it wasn't a very good game, I was hooked.

Eventually I strong armed Chris into giving it another try. He made Ibid, and I made Cyrus, and the intention was to keep them together, just to see how far we could get with PFS. We figured at some point we would create a backstory for them (still under development) but they have actually always adventured together. (awwww, so sweet)

In fact, that is the reason why Cyrus wasn't there for Trial by Machine. Both him and Ibid were currently investigating the docks of sandpoint and the seedy underbelly therin...

And now you know... The rest of the story.



Good Day!

christopher lockwood wrote:
Damien Wilmann wrote:
Don't have time to do more than skim read - but what's Ibid doing in your game?
... You don't want to know... playing a terrible early version of Ibid, an elf bard (archeologist).... I didn't end up loving this character until I switched to join this group.

Actually, I was referring to this guy. :-)

I love that you guys entered PFS with a dual-character concept. One of the reasons I was willing to boot someone to have you on board. Sorry, Jyri! Worked out well in the end.

Male Level 1 Human Commoner
Damien Wilmann wrote:
christopher lockwood wrote:
Damien Wilmann wrote:
Don't have time to do more than skim read - but what's Ibid doing in your game?
... You don't want to know... playing a terrible early version of Ibid, an elf bard (archeologist).... I didn't end up loving this character until I switched to join this group.
Actually, I was referring to this guy. :-)

Oh, ha! I didn't notice that! I (hope) it's a less cool version of Ibid.

="Damien Wilmann" wrote:

I love that you guys entered PFS with a dual-character concept. One of the reasons I was willing to boot someone to have you on board. Sorry, Jyri! Worked out well in the end.

I do feel a little bad about that, but that feeling became lass and less as I realized how amazing this group is. Now I feel like I got picked by the prettiest group of girls to dance with them.... even though I actually don't know how to dance :)

Male Level 1 Human Commoner

Well, my RPG Super Star wondrous item is (basically) done. Anyone else planning to submit something?

If anyone wants, let me know if you'd like me to read over your item (be sure to send in via PM or email so it's private!). I'd be happy to give any thoughts or critiques if you'd like.... not that I know more about this stuff than anyone else :)

Dark Archive

Human (Minnesotan) Rules Lawyer 4, GM 5!

I keep thinking I should try this, but never get around to doing the work!
Have they already posted the challenge for this year?

Male Level 1 Human Commoner

Not yet, but expect Paizo to announce it soon. The banner of the RPG Superstar page was updated to remove last year's logo and now there is now text in it's place basically stating "RPG Superstar is almost here! Check back soon for more details..." or something like that.

I expect it will be announced soon, and then there may be a one or two weeks before you're allowed to start submitting. If I had to guess.

Male Level 1 Human Commoner

p.s. this will be my third year submitting, and I think it's a blast.

Hey boys, well it appears we have another stalker on our thread! This keeps happening. Since we have our own semi-private discussion room, I thought I'd copy the PM through to you. Lots of compliments for our group!

Benchak the Nightstalker wrote:

Hi, I'm Ben Bruck, I wrote the Segang Expedition

I hope this isn't weird, but I've been following your play-by-post, and I just wanted to let you know I really dig the stuff you've been doing to flesh out the scenario! The expanded dinner scene was especially entertaining, and the way you've been running the relationship between the count and the baron is spot on what I had in mind. I also have to say, you have an awesome group of excellent role players. That whole limerick competition! And the way they've handled the count in the last two encounters (spider and hunting).

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know, it's been a true delight reading along with you guys. If you ever make it up to PaizoCon Seattle, hit me up and I'll buy you a drink!

Sovereign Court

Male CG Halfling Bard 6 | HP 33/33 | AC 24 (15 Tch, 21 FF) | CMB +1, CMD 14 | F +7, R +10, W +8 | Init +7 | Perc +11, SM +12 | Speed 20 ft | [ooc| Inspire 16/18[/ooc] | Spells: 1st 5/5, 2nd 4/4 | Active Conditions: Short Sword shrunk

That's pretty awesome. It's also quite pleasant to know that these authors are patrolling the threads, looking over how players are digging their stuff.

Male Level 1 Human Commoner

Wow, that's amazing! What a delightful surprise!

Male Human Engineer/4 (ding!)

We are getting a reputation! [excited face] that is so cool!

Male Level 1 Human Commoner

Also, Damien, you should let Ben Bruck that a bunch of this flipping awesome group will be at GenCon, he can buy us (or at least you) a drink there :)

No pressure, no pressure, no pressure.

Also I am not complaining but our posting on the Accused Halls has dropped dramatically. I can't even remember when I talk about killing dead people last....

About the superstar, I though there was a 'theme'. Last time it was something for Cheliax right? I had a (what I thought) great idea, but I am not great with mechanics.

TheBobJones wrote:
Also I am not complaining but our posting on the Accused Halls has dropped dramatically. I can't even remember when I talk about killing dead people last....
GM Silbeg wrote:
Roudi, Jaender, Sven, Arturo, Poochie are up.

There's probably another quote about first stones I could throw in here... but, y'know...

Dark Archive

Human (Minnesotan) Rules Lawyer 4, GM 5!

Well, I didn't help this weekend by not being able to post. But, we're back on to it. This fight is almost up!

So, I made Jack do it (because I'm a turd) and my goblin tee finally arrived on Friday. In punishment for torturing Mr. Silbeg, I'm posting mine to the whole group. Here's a (somewhat blurry) photo of me in my goblin shirt.

Let me roll again please

Male Level 1 Human Commoner

Haha! Awesome! Check out those sideburns! Or are those technically mutton chops? Either way, well done, sir.

And, you "made" Jack do the same before? I don't remember this, I wonder how I missed that....

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Just dropping by to say hi. ("Hi!") Chris told me about your PFS group so I decided to track you down and join the ever-growing group of stalkers.

Fun fact: I've played a few PFS sessions with Karma IRL in Helsinki, The Paths We Choose and a number of other scenarios. Karma might remember Furlong, my halfling cavalier/zen archer and his loyal steed, a wolf called Shagger.

Glad to hear some of you are considering to enter RPGSS -- I strongly recommend it.

P.s. Silbeg, sorry about confusing people with the avatar. :D

Hi there "Serpent"! Welcome to the stalkers. Oooh! Scions of the Sky Key, and me with my Technology guide! Yes, yes, yes.

If everyone's still level appropriate and won't ding 6 in 3 scenarios, I'd say we'll definitely be running those with this group. I'll PM you when we get up to it, if you like. Any objections from the assembled crew?

Which Chris told you about us? We've got two. ;-)

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

The Lockwood one. :)

Sure, PM me if/when you start playing. It won't be until next year, though, since they'll be published in January, February, and March.

Male Level 1 Human Commoner

Hey-o, Mikko! Glad you could stop in and say "hi"! No need to be a stranger!

I'm super happy to hear we'll be running those scenarios, it's going to be amazing! I'm excited already! We don't seem to have much of a problem completing one scenario a month.

Also, we'll try to keep things interesting for any "stalkers" that might be out there. Though, it's not really stalking if we enjoy the attention :)

Dark Archive

Human (Minnesotan) Rules Lawyer 4, GM 5!

Yes, Chris, he did. But, I just sent him the link in a PM.

Here I am in my purple goblin volunteer shirt. Not the best picture, but when are selfies ever that good?

More authors stalking us! Very cool. Seems to be becoming a pattern... for me it started at Gen Con with Sam Polak having a table next to mine slot one (and I was running the incredible The Stranger Within). My table, with the "G-nomes" were ranting about how awesome the table and the scenario were. Then Tim Hitchcock asking about The Paths We Choose at Scotty's. Then...

All very cool. Great to get the chance to impress an author with the silliness we pull off! Just wait, Gunari will be pulling off more insanity in the weeks and months to come.

Liberty's Edge

Hello Mikko!
of course I remember you :) Just haven't seen you in a while (then again, I haven't been playing that much lately...) And you did get me confused with Silbeg's avatar :D Looking forward to playing your scenario!

Awesome pictures, gentlemen. Makes me want one of them shirts, too. I'm not sure if I even want to know how much the shipping plus customs to Finland would cost...

In other news, it looks like I'm going to be quite busy this week as well, but at least evenings should be free. Last week was crazy, and I spent my only free evening playing The Dalsine Affair




And our group survived with zero deaths! Woo, bragging rights!

Male Level 1 Human Commoner

Classic pictures, both of you! It's great to put a face to the multiple names we each have!

Dark Archive

Human (Minnesotan) Rules Lawyer 4, GM 5!
-Karma- wrote:

Awesome pictures, gentlemen. Makes me want one of them shirts, too. I'm not sure if I even want to know how much the shipping plus customs to Finland would cost...

You get four of the purple dragon shirts by being a volunteer GM at GenCon or Paizo Con (probably at Paizo Con UK as well). The were FREE!! :D

CLW: 0 charges left (0 wands), CMW: 43 charges left (2 wands) | Tactical | Portraits | Loot | Wiki

Okay, if Serpent is going to stalk us, he needs to change his avatar. ;-) I thought it was strange that he had a photo of Jack, passing it off as himself.... and then realized.

As for the scenarios being released Jan / Feb / Mar.... we may well be higher than level 6 by the time March rocks around. We do tend to play through things very quickly indeed. We'll see about potentially continuing our group that plays the Wounded Wisp as needed in order to keep the leveling up to a minimum - I'm super keen to play linked scenarios. Anyone else?

Male Level 1 Human Commoner
GM Damo wrote:
... I'm super keen to play linked scenarios. Anyone else?

I can second this, hopefully we can find a way to make it work out for the group.

Who's our highest level character?

Gunari, he'll ding level 4 after Segang. That'll make 3 scenarios we can play other than the linked scenarios until the end of March. We should be fine, but I can run with the "Wisp" group or take a break as needed.

Check these lucky bastards out:

Boon Rolls

Ha! Must freak you out having Merian on the thread, too!

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