Patrick Curtin |

Is it possible to go back through the portal, or is it one-way?
I don't want to take up a lot of gameplay posts if it won't work. I'll just summarize and get current.
I’ll check, but I’m pretty sure it’s one way. But I have been trying to say things without having the AP with me and that’s been embarrassing

Patrick Curtin |

Patrick Curtin |

Ok folks, time to get real.
I’m dealing with a lot of RL issues right now, and my time for PbP is fairly short. This past month I’ve only been updating one, and even that one sporadically. I don’t want to be ‘that guy’ who just walks away without a word, so I’m going to just make the hard decision. I’m suspending this game. I apologize, I wish I had the time to dedicate to it, but I just don’t. It’s unfair to keep y’all hanging around waiting. This is entirely my fault, and I couldn’t ask for better players. Please forgive me, but it’s better to put a definitive end to it rather than have it hanging around slowly strangling.
Thank you all for sharing this story