Patrick Curtin |

This campaign seems to have a really high posting velocity, so fair warning: I plan to be out and about all day without access to Internet. Go ahead and bot me along with you as needed if you get rolling.
Headed here on my last day of freedom. Didn't move here to sit in front of a computer all day and all night! Really. I can do mountain/cold weather ranger research, too.
No worries. We took two years to get through the first half of this AP.
That looks like fun! I have melded my posting with my iPhone now. I can even BBC code. Now I have a second of standing around, I can post. I never sit by my computer these days. It's mostly my stereo at this point (And Photoshopper)

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This campaign seems to have a really high posting velocity, so fair warning: I plan to be out and about all day without access to Internet. Go ahead and bot me along with you as needed if you get rolling.
Headed here on my last day of freedom. Didn't move here to sit in front of a computer all day and all night! Really. I can do mountain/cold weather ranger research, too.
How was it?

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Alikai wrote:This campaign seems to have a really high posting velocity, so fair warning: I plan to be out and about all day without access to Internet. Go ahead and bot me along with you as needed if you get rolling.
Headed here on my last day of freedom. Didn't move here to sit in front of a computer all day and all night! Really. I can do mountain/cold weather ranger research, too.
No worries. We took two years to get through the first half of this AP.
That looks like fun! I have melded my posting with my iPhone now. I can even BBC code. Now I have a second of standing around, I can post. I never sit by my computer these days. It's mostly my stereo at this point (And Photoshopper)
For some reason I can't log on to Paizo on my phone - I can access the site, just can't sign in; it's a pain.

Patrick Curtin |

I have made my peace with long expository posts via iPhone. Like anything, with practice it becomes easier. I don't get too much time at home, and when I do, I usually am either eating or cleaning or playing with my dogs. Perfecting my iPhone posting skills allows me to be flexible with the various downtime the day presents me.
Oh, and I am an idiot. I was so busy getting ready for GenCon I forgot to get the scrolls from the module. Mea culpa. I know thar spell book is arcane and has several 1st level spells within it. I'll get the info, or if someone has the proper AP, and wishes to post the info, feel free. I'll assume you won't read ahead, as that would spoil your fun anyway.

Alikai |

Oh Great Dungeon Monkey...
For those of us that started at 2nd level, what was our starting gold? I used max 1st level gold but nothing for 2nd. We won't get equipped from the loot, so will need a few purchases.

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Group loot:
120 gp
Rohkar's corpse yields A finely-crafted set of leather armor, a very nice crossbow, a nicely-made short sword, three vials containing oily substances, 15 gp, a blue potion (healing), a white fur cloak, a slim book with the simple legend: 'spells' written on it, a necklace with an amulet with what looks to be a blank black face, and a ring of several keys With the key I mentioned previously on it, and a scroll tube.
A gold ingot stamped with the Taldan Royal seal
A spyglass
three small tiger eye gens
fine leather boots of a smallish make
A silver dagger
A leather portfolio containing a sheaf of parchment
Donsby's gear: +1 handaxe, composite longbow, 12 arrows, wicked daggerSome things may still need to be identified.
I forgot I was going to reference the module for Patrick:
In the box:
Gold ingot 50 gp
Spyglass 25 gp
3 tigers eye gems 10 gp each
Leather boots 15 gp
Silver dagger contains 1 dose of small centipede poison
Scrolls: endure elements, magic weapon (x2), unseen servant
Mwk studded leather
Lt crossbow with 10 bolts
Mwk short sword
Cloak of the yeti
Mwk thieves tools
Greenblood oil
Oil of tagget (x2)
I could use the masterwork studded leather unless someone else wants it.

Malden Sunspark |

Oh Great Dungeon Monkey...
For those of us that started at 2nd level, what was our starting gold? I used max 1st level gold but nothing for 2nd. We won't get equipped from the loot, so will need a few purchases.
I (perhaps in error) used the average wealth for second level characters to equip, I think its 1000gp.
DM, if that's too much, let me know and I'll tone things down.

Patrick Curtin |

Oh Great Dungeon Monkey...
For those of us that started at 2nd level, what was our starting gold? I used max 1st level gold but nothing for 2nd. We won't get equipped from the loot, so will need a few purchases.
Go for max on 2nd as well. I'm buzzed and benevolent

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If we were to sell all gems and valuables (not magic and gear) it breaks out to:
773 gp
Lesser animate dead (3)
Endure elements
Magic weapon (2)
Unseen servant
Magical and mundane potions, oils, alchemical items:
Oil of magic weapon (3)
Alchemists fire (10)
Greenblood oil (3)
Oil of tagget (2)
Magic and masterwork items:
Cloak of the yeti
Mwk studded leather
Mwk short sword
Mwk hand axe
Silver dagger with 1 dose small centipede poison
Mwk thieves tools
Rohkar's spellbook (alarm, chill touch, expeditious retreat, feather fall, identify, locate object, ray of enfeeblement)
If you like, we can divide the wealth, and anyone can lay claim to the gear they want.

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Unseen Servant is the only spell on my spell list (and I apparently can't copy spells from a Spellbook), so that's the only scroll I can use.
I'd like the Silver Dagger (although if anyone else wants the centipede poison they're welcome to it) though, just 'cause even though it's not MW, it seems like something that would appeal to Ecaterina.
That's all for me. :)

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Sahsara can have the masterwork studded leather. I am upgrading to chain shirt for a little more AC. Also, be sure to take one or more of the cold iron weapons mentioned in thread, as I suspect we will continue to need them.
The niftiest item in the hoard is probably the cloak of the yeti. Constant endure elements in cold weather, +1 natural armor bonus, +2 on intimidate checks with the hood drawn up. Gaelin could use it, but so could virtually anybody else in the party, and I don't want to be greedy.
Some of those oils of magic weapon would come in handy for him too.

Malden Sunspark |

Malden and Alakai obviously wont get a share of the treasure, but if there is a cold iron dagger or better yet some sling stones left from what the townsfolk have supplied, I wouldn't mind getting some of that - seems like we will be facing more fey.

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The niftiest item in the hoard is probably the cloak of the yeti. Constant endure elements in cold weather, +1 natural armor bonus, +2 on intimidate checks with the hood drawn up. Gaelin could use it, but so could virtually anybody else in the party, and I don't want to be greedy.
It is a nifty item. While Ecaterina would certainly benefit from the +1 Natural Armour, she already has Endure Elements (Cold) permanently active, so I feel it's a waste and should go to someone else.

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In regards to the cloak, the natural armour bonus is good for anyone, but arguably more useful for someone who tends to be a frontline melee warrior-type. The Endure Elements effect would be most useful for someone with a low Fort save or who doesn't already have some sort of cold resistance or similar. The Intimidate bonus is probably most useful to someone who is likely to use the skill - either already has ranks in it or has a decent charisma bonus already.
On that basis the cloak would probably be best for either Gaelin (melee type, ranks in intimidate) or Sahsara (worst Fort save in the group and no cold resistance I can see, ok charisma score, not sure if she gets into melee).

Patrick Curtin |

Hi everyone.
Just a check in. I'm sorry about my silence. I got back from GenCon and went back to work. Usually I am able to update a bit there, but things were a bit hectic. Then I volunteered yesterday and ended up working in a downpour for five hours before they called the day because of weather.
I am working a bus thing today, so hopefully I can catch up with everything

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It seems prudent for everyone to stock up with cold weather outfits.

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We should make sure all the items of loot you have found are designated to someone or sold and the cash divided amongst the original / continuing characters.
The list (including the cold iron weapons) is below – items claimed by people so far are marked with their name in bold, my suggestions are in italics.
Lesser animate dead (3) (Sell or destroy?)
Endure elements (Jeydavu?)
Magic weapon (2) (I think Malden’s the only one that can use these)
Unseen servant (Ecaterina)
Magical and mundane potions, oils, alchemical items:
Oil of magic weapon (3) (Two or all to Gaelin)
Alchemists fire (10) (Five to Tristan, three to Jeydavu)
Greenblood oil (3)
Oil of tagget (2)
Magic and masterwork items:
Cloak of the yeti (Sahsara)
Mwk studded leather (Sahsara)
Mwk short sword (Sahsara)
Mwk hand axe
Silver dagger with 1 dose small centipede poison (Ecaterina)
Mwk thieves tools (Sahsara)
Rohkar's spellbook (alarm, chill touch, expeditious retreat, feather fall, identify, locate object, ray of enfeeblement) (Sell?)
Cold Iron:
masterwork cold iron greatsword (Gaelin)
40 cold iron arrowheads ( Sahsara)
3 cold iron daggers (one to Ecaterina, one to Sahsara, one to Jeydavu)
20 cold iron sling bullets (Some to Jeydavu) (Suggest Malden take a few)
Masterwork cold iron longsword (I think Gaelin and Alikai are the only two in the party who are proficient with longsword)

Alikai |

I don't feel right taking anything, and I already have a cold iron weapon. If Gaelin already has a cold iron weapon as well, we could either save it as a backup (just in case) or swap around weapons if the proficiencies work.

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Here is the revised list, does everyone like the look of this?
Lesser animate dead (3) (Sell or destroy?)
Endure elements (Jeydavu?)
Magic weapon (2) (Malden)
Unseen servant (Ecaterina)
Magical and mundane potions, oils, alchemical items:
Oil of magic weapon (3) (Two or all to Gaelin)
Alchemists fire (10) (Five to Tristan, three to Jeydavu, one to Gaelin) (that leaves 1)
Greenblood oil (3) (Sell or destroy?)
Oil of tagget (2) (Sell or destroy?)
Magic and masterwork items:
Cloak of the yeti (Sahsara)
Mwk studded leather (Sahsara)
Mwk short sword (Sahsara)
Mwk hand axe (Sell?)
Silver dagger with 1 dose small centipede poison (Ecaterina)
Mwk thieves tools (Sahsara)
Rohkar's spellbook (alarm, chill touch, expeditious retreat, feather fall, identify, locate object, ray of enfeeblement) (Sell?)
Cold Iron:
masterwork cold iron greatsword (Gaelin)
40 cold iron arrowheads (40 to Sahsara)
3 cold iron daggers (one to Ecaterina, one to Sahsara, one to Jeydavu)
20 cold iron sling bullets (20 to Jeydavu)
Masterwork cold iron scimitar (Jeydavu)

Alikai |

Can you give us an approximate temperature? Love is love is love is love is love is love is love, but cold is not necessarily cold, if you get my drift.
Drift, get it? Cold, snow, drift... :/
Also, I see that my HeroLab Noobness caused me to equip a grappling bolt rather than a grappling arrow. I'd like to swap those since I have a bow, not a crossbow.

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Jeydavu, dressed in his cold weather gear, watches intently as the weather changes from humid warm to freezing temperatures. He brushes the snow off of Chtonthoth.
When the group reaches the valley, he moves to the front to survey the land. "I think we should keep moving the day is only half over. Chtonthoth and I can lead the way. Follow in his tracks."
He carefully attempts to pick out a safe route into the valley, leaving no trail as he moves through the snow.
How can we follow in his tracks if he doesn't leave any?