Patrick Curtin |

Hey all. I'm going to be proactive and just let you all know that the next month or so might see some long gaps in updating. Now, I might get some done, but there is an awful lot of stuff going on in my life at the moment. Please bear with , I will keep you all in the loop as I can. Thank you for your patience.

Storyteller Shadow |

I am buried under a significant amount of work for Friday and on Friday night I will be running my table top Forgotten Realms game. Saturday I have a number of errands to run. Please DMPC me as needed until this Saturday evening. Thank you.

Athromar Karthis |

DM, do I have time to wait to see if the others act before the Bandits go? I want to make sure I get the drop on them if I can...

Patrick Curtin |

Hi folks!
I apologize for my tardy postings, but there is good news on the horizon. I have found a place to live, and hopefully within the next few weeks I will be fully moved in. Once that is done my posting rate should be much better.
In the meantime bear with me and I will still attempt to keep current

Storyteller Shadow |

I will be away from tomorrow (Tuesday) through Saturday on vacation. Please DMPC me as necessary. Thank you.

Patrick Curtin |

Hi folks. I just wanted to drop by and let you know I am still committed to keeping my games together, it's just a very chaotic period right now. There's a lot of stuff going on, and I am trying to rebuild my life, which is never easy.
I finally have internet again, I just need to find some time to set my laptop up and get my notes out of the box I put them in (somewhere). I have Tuesday and Wednesday off, I am hoping to have a bit of time then to take care of things.
Thank you all for your patience. I do promise that after August things will have shaken out sufficiently and I will have some good opportunity to spend time making these games great again.

Patrick Curtin |

Hello all!
September looms, and with it, my desire to play. I am going to be bringing back my games.
Besides a strange month, I was floored by an unexpected surgery this August. Hernias suck, just to let you know.
I also visited my ancestral spawning grounds in the wilds of Nova Scotia, where I sat upon the beach, ate well and drank mightily.
But now, I am back! Refreshed, sewn up in more or less whole fashion, and ready to get back to the gaming. Stay tuned!!

Athromar Karthis |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Welcome back!

Athromar Karthis |

FYI, I will be away from the 3rd through the 7th. If I do not post it is because I do not have internet access. Feel free to DMPC me as necessary.

Storyteller Shadow |

I will be unable to post or very spotty from this Wednesday through Sunday as I am moving. Please DMPC me as needed. Thanks.

Patrick Curtin |

Hi everyone
Just an update: my house is going through the sale process right now.
Bad news: along with that and the job most of my free time is spoken for
Good news: Once it is finished, a large time eating segment of my life will be over
Please bear with and I will be posting as I can. Thanks

Patrick Curtin |

Just after I posted last my computer got horribly bunged up. I had to summon the fearsome command prompt daemon box to try and fix it*
*Note: IANAITguy
Good news: I fixed it!
I am finding a bit more time, so I am working on things. Hang in there folks!
PS: Great news Tordek! I know all about life getting in the way :/

Storyteller Shadow |

I will be away from January 1 to January 6. Will check in as I am able but likely I will be unable to post anything significant until my return.

Patrick Curtin |

Hi everyone!
I just want to wish everyone a Happy New Year and give you all an update on my schedule
As some of you have likely noticed, I have not been about a lot. I have had a lot on my plate these past couple of months, and although I truly love GMing, I had to cut corners somewhere. Thus, I have not been updating in a timely fashion. For this I apologize. If I wanted to take the easy way out, I would just shutter the three games I am running, but I don't want to do that. Gaming is one of my most cherished pastimes, even if I have not had time for it lately.
On a more positive note: it seems like my house will be sold this Friday. This is the culmination of eight months of pretty intensive labor and stress, especially since I was left to do it all on my own. Having this project done will free up some time.
I am also beginning a Paralegal program this week. Paradoxically I think that I might have some extra time with the MBTA commute into Boston. That's a developing issue, and I will see if it affects my time.
Anyway, thank you all for your patience. I love our games, and I am loathe to shutter them. I hope we can get to a place where I am posting regularly again

Patrick Curtin |

Heidi ho neighborinos!
Just a quick update. Since this fight is a bit hairy and in a tight space I wanted to have a map up before I proceeded further. I finally had some time today to get it going, and...
The damn thing ate three hours up like candy. I am pushing on with it, but it will be at least Sunday afternoon before I can get back to it. But, I should have it posted soon! Keep the faith, things are progressing.

Athromar Karthis |

OK sounds good!

Athromar Karthis |

How was Deadpool?

Athromar Karthis |

No worries, DMing is time consuming when RL gets in the way its damn tough!

Patrick Curtin |

Just a quick update for my long-suffering players:
I have mid-terms this week, and I also need to get a CDL permit at some point. However, I also do not have any shifts (as of yet). So, while I do hope to get things moving along, I might get caught up in the chaos of my life and be unable to. Just a heads up. I am still around.

![]() |

Just a quick update for my long-suffering players:
I have mid-terms this week, and I also need to get a CDL permit at some point. However, I also do not have any shifts (as of yet). So, while I do hope to get things moving along, I might get caught up in the chaos of my life and be unable to. Just a heads up. I am still around.
no problem.good luck on your exams and getting your permit!

Patrick Curtin |

Hi all. Just a quick update:
I had hoped to keep things rolling along, but the added time commitments of school and CDL training have left me working 15-18 hr days. I am still here, and I do want to carve out some time for the game, but in all fairness I think I will be locked up at least until mid May. I don't want you guys to be waiting. So, I am calling a hiatus, and hopefully once I finish my semester and the CDL training I will be able to refocus on moving us forward.
Thank you all once again for putting up with my crazee life and inconsistent posting.

Patrick Curtin |

Ok. Quick update. I labored with my ailing older laptop today, and it finally just died. Well, at least the keyboard did. I am working on getting this together again, but I have to wait until Thursday when I get paid and I'm signing up for the Adobe Photoshop CC service. I just need to get it onto my newer laptop. The $10 a month is worth it.
Anyway I know you have all been very patient, and I feel confident I can get things rolling soon

Athromar Karthis |

Sounds good, I was away all weekend and will check I/C updates on this and the other Game tonight or tomorrow.