Last Hope of the Hollow

Game Master Deaths Adorable Apprentice

Roll20 maps
loot list!

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The small village of Falcon’s
Hollow is a wild place. Nestled
in the shadow of Droskar’s Crag, the
people of Falcon’s Hollow are hearty
and stern. Theirs is a life of hardships,
broken only occasionally by a handful
of festivals and the infrequent
merchant caravan.
They face constant adversity from
both the wilderness and the wiles of
man. Wolves nip at their heels and
cutpurses ply at their pockets. It is a
testament to their strength that they
even manage to survive at all

Third Party Materials. not keen on it but you are welcome to try to convince me of a 3pp class.
Ability Scores: 20 point buy
Classes: No Anti-paladin though a Vigilante or Vampire Hunter will struggle.
level: you start at level 1
Races: Core, Standard, Advanced are all fine. This takes place in a small town but there are a lot of caravans and travelers that pass though so there might be some strange looks outside of the core races.
Hit Points: maximum at first level, average thereafter or you can roll if you want t
Traits: two traits and no drawbacks
Alignment: no evil please and the characters can totally be prickly with each other but gotta be willing to work together.
Starting Wealth: max for your class
Home Rules: background skills,
Background: Falcons Hollow is a small town. Caravans travel though frequently but the town is miles away from any major city. You can have arrived with a caravan, you can be a local. Lone travelers are less common due to the various dangers to be found on the road but some people get luckly. Thats up to you. If you wanna be a local I can give you some info about the locals if you want. Though I have no issue with you making people you might have ties to.

HP:28 | AC:14 ; T:14 ; FF:11 ; CMD:13/10 | Fort:+1 ; Ref:+3 ; Will:+5 | Init:+2 ; PER:+12 (Low Light)

signing in

Elowen Loot Sheet Female NG Human Grasping Vine Shaman (Wood) 4 | HP 29/29 (0 NL) | AC 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMB +5, CMD 17 | F: +3, R: +3, W: +7 | Init: +2 | Perc: +12 (+14 dark/dim light) | Speed 30ft |Tree limb 5/5|Darkvision 60ft | Channel 2/3


Female Skinwalker (Fanglord) HP 32/32AC 18/15/13 For=2 Ref=3 Will 4/7 (vs charm compulsion) CMD 16 Init 2 Perc 4/-1 (to spot enemies) Level 1 spells 7/7 Level 2 4/4gore 6/6 Oracle 4 Jump 0/1


Male Mildy oversized fun having kitten Animal Companion 3


Roll20 has where in the town you all are starting with. So happy everyone can actually post now :)

HP:28 | AC:14 ; T:14 ; FF:11 ; CMD:13/10 | Fort:+1 ; Ref:+3 ; Will:+5 | Init:+2 ; PER:+12 (Low Light)

FWIW, our Gameplay posts in the other thread have appeared. So... that's a thing.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
longbow +9 | lay on hands 5/5 her image Paladin (Divine Hunter) 3— 29/29 hp— AC 17/14/13— CMB +6, CMD 20— Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +7 — Perception +0 — Init +4—

Sorry! Just noticed I put an s on Jenkin, turning him into a piece of software or a butler depending on your outlook. Can't edit now so either ignore or maybe Penelope just gets his name wrong all the time :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Got an email from paizo last night saying they fixed it. But we already have things started so Im inclined to stay here.

HP:28 | AC:14 ; T:14 ; FF:11 ; CMD:13/10 | Fort:+1 ; Ref:+3 ; Will:+5 | Init:+2 ; PER:+12 (Low Light)

Agreed. I just thought it was interesting. You might want to deactivate that game so it vanishes from the feeds.

Male Human (Taldan) Fighter (Two-weapon Warrior) 2/ Rogue (carnivalist) 2— 26/36 hp— AC 22/13/19— CMB +7, CMD 20— Fort +5, Ref +8 Will +1 — Perception +10 (+11 for traps); Fox Perception +11 — Init +3—
Penelope Pinch wrote:
Sorry! Just noticed I put an s on Jenkin, turning him into a piece of software or a butler depending on your outlook. Can't edit now so either ignore or maybe Penelope just gets his name wrong all the time :)

Good thing I didn't go with calling him Jeeve...

Laurel runs an alchemical shop. So you could find most alchemical items here if you are interested. If there are any other places you all want to stop at. Otherwise its about a 9 mile walk to get to the forest.

There will be a few nights spent camping to get everything you need to collect.

any encounters in town I can do. Once you all are ready to go we can meet at the town wall. Absolutely no rush. I'm all about roleplay and story.

not rushing yall just chiming

Also for completely innocent reasons what is the marching order you all are most likely to use?

And how will you set up watches when its camp time?

I'll assume these will be the standard unless told otherwise.

general map is on roll20. There is a red circle on the location of the ruins where the mushrooms are. A purple circle for the rough location on Ulizmila's hut. And a green circle for the Eldar Tree. So you have a rough idea of where you are going.

Female Skinwalker (Fanglord) HP 32/32AC 18/15/13 For=2 Ref=3 Will 4/7 (vs charm compulsion) CMD 16 Init 2 Perc 4/-1 (to spot enemies) Level 1 spells 7/7 Level 2 4/4gore 6/6 Oracle 4 Jump 0/1

Svetlana isnt all that tanky, and active antiperceptive due to her curse, so she is probably in the middle. Likely next to Sir Pounce so she can gracefully petition our feline majesty for aid an assistance :).

Elowen Loot Sheet Female NG Human Grasping Vine Shaman (Wood) 4 | HP 29/29 (0 NL) | AC 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMB +5, CMD 17 | F: +3, R: +3, W: +7 | Init: +2 | Perc: +12 (+14 dark/dim light) | Speed 30ft |Tree limb 5/5|Darkvision 60ft | Channel 2/3

Between her Knowledge Nature and Survival mods and actually having Know Direction, Elowen is probably in the lead since she calls the forest home and knows where she's going.

HP:28 | AC:14 ; T:14 ; FF:11 ; CMD:13/10 | Fort:+1 ; Ref:+3 ; Will:+5 | Init:+2 ; PER:+12 (Low Light)

I'm literally 'riding the tiger', so Svetlana and Pounce get that decision. :D Middle of the pack is fine for me.

And I will make a good sentry at night (low-light and PER +9) so I'm happy to take one of the darkest shifts.

Female Skinwalker (Fanglord) HP 32/32AC 18/15/13 For=2 Ref=3 Will 4/7 (vs charm compulsion) CMD 16 Init 2 Perc 4/-1 (to spot enemies) Level 1 spells 7/7 Level 2 4/4gore 6/6 Oracle 4 Jump 0/1

Svetlana has the best darkvision you can have at level 1, but is garbage at actually perceiving enemies due to her curse.

See in Darkness 60 feet is pretty cool otherwise.

longbow +9 | lay on hands 5/5 her image Paladin (Divine Hunter) 3— 29/29 hp— AC 17/14/13— CMB +6, CMD 20— Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +7 — Perception +0 — Init +4—

Penelope is an archer, so she'd be best in the rear, and while she does have low light, she's got nothing for perception.

Maybe Elowen followed by Jenkin, Svetlana, Pounce and Odelai in the middle, with Penny in the rear?

Elowen Loot Sheet Female NG Human Grasping Vine Shaman (Wood) 4 | HP 29/29 (0 NL) | AC 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMB +5, CMD 17 | F: +3, R: +3, W: +7 | Init: +2 | Perc: +12 (+14 dark/dim light) | Speed 30ft |Tree limb 5/5|Darkvision 60ft | Channel 2/3

+9 perception and 60ft Darkvision (on a Hunan no less), so definite candidate for night watch

Male Human (Taldan) Fighter (Two-weapon Warrior) 2/ Rogue (carnivalist) 2— 26/36 hp— AC 22/13/19— CMB +7, CMD 20— Fort +5, Ref +8 Will +1 — Perception +10 (+11 for traps); Fox Perception +11 — Init +3—

Jenkin should definitely be in the first rank. Maybe walking two abreast so that he can step in and try to block anyone coming at Elowen.

So Odelai in the evening, Elowen and Swetlana in the dark parts, and Penelope in the earliest of mornings. To save time I'll go ahead and roll for the night watches.

I'll leave it till monday evening. Sorry I had stuff typed up but then it was eaten this morning and i had an appointment that took all day

longbow +9 | lay on hands 5/5 her image Paladin (Divine Hunter) 3— 29/29 hp— AC 17/14/13— CMB +6, CMD 20— Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +7 — Perception +0 — Init +4—

Sounds good

Elowen Loot Sheet Female NG Human Grasping Vine Shaman (Wood) 4 | HP 29/29 (0 NL) | AC 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMB +5, CMD 17 | F: +3, R: +3, W: +7 | Init: +2 | Perc: +12 (+14 dark/dim light) | Speed 30ft |Tree limb 5/5|Darkvision 60ft | Channel 2/3


Male Human (Taldan) Fighter (Two-weapon Warrior) 2/ Rogue (carnivalist) 2— 26/36 hp— AC 22/13/19— CMB +7, CMD 20— Fort +5, Ref +8 Will +1 — Perception +10 (+11 for traps); Fox Perception +11 — Init +3—

And apparently non-spell preparing Jenkin just gets to sleep through the night and have the ladies do all the work.

Typical of him, really.

Elowen Loot Sheet Female NG Human Grasping Vine Shaman (Wood) 4 | HP 29/29 (0 NL) | AC 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMB +5, CMD 17 | F: +3, R: +3, W: +7 | Init: +2 | Perc: +12 (+14 dark/dim light) | Speed 30ft |Tree limb 5/5|Darkvision 60ft | Channel 2/3

Literally everyone has better vision in the dark than he does so it makes sense sort of.

longbow +9 | lay on hands 5/5 her image Paladin (Divine Hunter) 3— 29/29 hp— AC 17/14/13— CMB +6, CMD 20— Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +7 — Perception +0 — Init +4—

He does have a better perception than Penelope, +2 vs Penny's lovely +0, so they can do that shift together.

Female Skinwalker (Fanglord) HP 32/32AC 18/15/13 For=2 Ref=3 Will 4/7 (vs charm compulsion) CMD 16 Init 2 Perc 4/-1 (to spot enemies) Level 1 spells 7/7 Level 2 4/4gore 6/6 Oracle 4 Jump 0/1

Ah yes, Paladin skill ranks! (its honestly the main reason I never played one) I mean, its not really a problem because they dont really exist, right? :).

Nothing wrong with doubling up. Sorry for the slow weekend. I had some stuff come up and I wasn't sure if you all wanted to just rp anything.

Gimme whatever you are doing to get though the forest skill check wise whatever time has past. Feel free to be chatty if you want to.

Keep rping. I smacked my head on tge cage if my forklift and im going to bed. Sorry should be back tomorrow

Elowen Loot Sheet Female NG Human Grasping Vine Shaman (Wood) 4 | HP 29/29 (0 NL) | AC 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMB +5, CMD 17 | F: +3, R: +3, W: +7 | Init: +2 | Perc: +12 (+14 dark/dim light) | Speed 30ft |Tree limb 5/5|Darkvision 60ft | Channel 2/3

Oh damn. Imm so sorry. Feel better

Will post soon, was under the weather yesterday and recovering today.

longbow +9 | lay on hands 5/5 her image Paladin (Divine Hunter) 3— 29/29 hp— AC 17/14/13— CMB +6, CMD 20— Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +7 — Perception +0 — Init +4—

OUCH! Hope the rest helps the head. And hope the recovery for you, Elowen, has helped as well.

Female Skinwalker (Fanglord) HP 32/32AC 18/15/13 For=2 Ref=3 Will 4/7 (vs charm compulsion) CMD 16 Init 2 Perc 4/-1 (to spot enemies) Level 1 spells 7/7 Level 2 4/4gore 6/6 Oracle 4 Jump 0/1

Get better!

Most fey frequently practice sky burial. You don't know if there are set locations for were the bodies are traditionally set out.

And those nails are cold iron.

Elowen Loot Sheet Female NG Human Grasping Vine Shaman (Wood) 4 | HP 29/29 (0 NL) | AC 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMB +5, CMD 17 | F: +3, R: +3, W: +7 | Init: +2 | Perc: +12 (+14 dark/dim light) | Speed 30ft |Tree limb 5/5|Darkvision 60ft | Channel 2/3

Sorry. Getting caught up.

no worries. life happens.

I have had some medical stuff pop up. Unless there is something else here with the dead pixies I'll move it along in the morning.

new map is up

Roll20 invite I think one of you isn't in the roll20 so here is the invite again.

Female Skinwalker (Fanglord) HP 32/32AC 18/15/13 For=2 Ref=3 Will 4/7 (vs charm compulsion) CMD 16 Init 2 Perc 4/-1 (to spot enemies) Level 1 spells 7/7 Level 2 4/4gore 6/6 Oracle 4 Jump 0/1

Aded my increibly tacticool movement yesyes!

longbow +9 | lay on hands 5/5 her image Paladin (Divine Hunter) 3— 29/29 hp— AC 17/14/13— CMB +6, CMD 20— Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +7 — Perception +0 — Init +4—

Joined! Sorry for the delay

no worries. Wanted to give everyone a chance to do stuff

Poker poke?

longbow +9 | lay on hands 5/5 her image Paladin (Divine Hunter) 3— 29/29 hp— AC 17/14/13— CMB +6, CMD 20— Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +7 — Perception +0 — Init +4—

The pokiest!

Sorry. Had a bigger post typed up but my laptop froze and I did the smaller one. Give you chance to decide what to do about the fennec and them move on.

my fridge froze over. Had to throw a bunch of stuff out. I have no spoons. I'll try catching up tomorrow

longbow +9 | lay on hands 5/5 her image Paladin (Divine Hunter) 3— 29/29 hp— AC 17/14/13— CMB +6, CMD 20— Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +7 — Perception +0 — Init +4—

The first two seem very connect. Spoons, oddly not as much, but still bad. Good luck, may good fortune find you

Elowen Loot Sheet Female NG Human Grasping Vine Shaman (Wood) 4 | HP 29/29 (0 NL) | AC 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMB +5, CMD 17 | F: +3, R: +3, W: +7 | Init: +2 | Perc: +12 (+14 dark/dim light) | Speed 30ft |Tree limb 5/5|Darkvision 60ft | Channel 2/3

Spoons as in energy to deal

Very accurate on the spoon theory. Sorry about that. Things have been hectic and that was the final straw. Sorry it took me an extra day. We should be back to our regularly scheduled program of looking for stuff in the woods.

Thank you for your patience.

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