Twisted Night

Game Master FabesMinis

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Male Human Atrificer/3

"Now, it's not that I want to, you see? But I think we should look at where we fought yesterday should we not? Could we not see more of what might have been causing all this? And possibly help some more wretched people before it happens again?"

Male Halfling Bard 4

"Think tha's int right there Ynyr. Back we go lads."

Male Human - dash of elf Miniature painter/ Heroic

The group head back to the hill; in the daylight they can see the ruins much more clearly, as well as the tracks at its foot, leading both up to the hill and also several more heading off to the north, away from the hill and village. It appears as though several creatures milled around in this area to judge by the ground up nature of the earth.

Male Halfling Bard 4

Healaugh examines the tracks and ground for clues about what kind of creatures the group may be following.

Home rolling. IC hates me again. Nature check 1d20+9=25

Healaugh believes them to be humans wearing shoes and boots.

Male Halfling Bard 4

"Off we go lads. Summat to follow here."

Male Human Atrificer/3

"Do you think, if I made up some words about our exploits here and you sang them to your hurdy-gurdy...? Do you think she might....?"

Sotto voce

"There came a group of travellers, six,
Who saw some large creatures up to their dirty tricks.
They followed them through the thick of night.
And when they found them, they started to put things right.

They won a fierce battle against fearsome odds.
You would have thought they must have had help from the Gods.
But they did it themselves, and soon all the nasties were dead,
But the place smelt so bad, they went to the village for bed.



"I'll try to finish it later"

Ynyr pulls himself together and follows the tracks with the rest of the party.

Male Human Fighter 3
Ynyr the Artificer wrote:

"I'll try to finish it later"

Ynyr pulls himself together and follows the tracks with the rest of the party.

Darvyl gives Ynyr a sour look, then returns his attention to the tracks.

Male Halfling Bard 4

Healaugh pats Ynyr affectionately. "Reet lad. You write song and I'll work out accompaniment for it. Might need a bit of work like, but tes good start."

He pauses for a second. "Tha'll not mind if I mebbe change scansion a bit? Just for musicality?"

A bit more searching by the light of day at the site uncovers manacles, a broken key, and evidence that a blanket was perhaps used to try to obscure the tracks (not very well though).

So, northwards?

Male Halfling Bard 4


The heroes follow the tracks as far as they can and then follow what seems to be a well-used trail across pasture and farmland for 2 miles or so northeast of the hilltop ruins.

They find themselves back on the coast. Short cliffs overlook a scenic beach ringed by shallow, sandy dunes. Waves crash gently on rocks to the north and a narrow peninsula juts into the bay to the south. A decrepit windmill and what appears to be an abandoned farmhouse lie among fallow fields gone to weeds on the peninsula. A narrow, double-masted galley-style warship is anchored in the waters off the beach, towing a small cog. Tents are pitched on the beach and the smoke of several campfires rises into the sky. The ground slopes down toward the cliffs and a wide gap offers easier descent to sea level.

You are on top of the cliffs, which are 30' tall. The cliffs normally require a DC15 climb check every 10'. If you descend via the gap, you don't need to make any climb checks. Characters may make a History check if they like to learn the name of the beach.

Male Halfling Bard 4

Healaugh scratches his head as he tries to dredge up anything he can remember about the beach or the boat.

"Summat seems familiar. Can't rightly put finger on what though."

History (1d20 6=19)

Nature to identify boat (1d20 9=25)

Healaugh recognises the beach as Horsejaw Beach, so-called because of the peninsula's shape.

Hmm, normally I don't think Nature would be used to identify ships, but that's a pretty damn good check, and given Healaugh's background, I'll run with it.

The halfling fisherman recognises the ships as Luskan in origin, being a mixture of designs, with a basis in the Northman culture.

Male Halfling Bard 4


Healaugh's face twists. "Pirates..."

His muscles tense as he prepares to plummet down the gap and accost the ship.

"... don't like pirates," he adds unnecessarily.


You are at the red X, at the gap down.

Male Halfling Bard 4

Healaugh considers the situation and his companions. Looking dubiously at Ddraig, he says "Happen we might want to get a bit closer. Quiet like. Think tha canst manage that Ddraig?"

How far away are we from the fires and the coast?

Male Dragonborn Paladin, Level 4

I would advise extreme caution in this - as I'm sure you can guess, a discreet approach is not easy for a 6'8" Dragonborn in full plate armour ...

Perhaps if we built an enormous wooden badger ...

Male Halfling Bard 4

At least he hasn't suggested a hurdy-gurdy recital to sooth the savage breasts of whoever is waiting there. Count yourselves lucky.

As you can see from the map scale you are about 800 feet (244 metres ;D )away. So quite a way.

Male Halfling Bard 4

"How's about I go with Nechtan and Darvyl and take closer look?"

Healaugh realises his chances of making a discreet approach will be better without the clanking form of his dragonborn friend.

"Happen rest of you can keep lookout and send word if tha sees owt strange."

Male Human Ranger 3

Nechtan squirms a bit, unaccustomed to the idea of being the voice of caution.

"Nae attack.", he tells Healaugh.

Male Human Fighter 3

"Ah, finally, doing our job," Darvyl mutters. "Yes, let's go."

Nechtan, Darvyl and Healaugh make their way down the gap, scrabbling to the level of the beach.

Male Human Ranger 3

Nechtan helps the trio find the least obtrusive way down to the beach.

Stealth (1d20+8=20) Should either of the other 2 roll poorly (14 or under), Nechtan will offer some Crucial Advice (re-roll with +2 bonus).

Male Halfling Bard 4

Stealthily towards the beach (1d20 6=22)

Healaugh takes advantage of his size to slide like a small shadow towards the beach.

Darvyl? Accompanying the stealth-meisters or hanging back?

Male Human Fighter 3

Going down, I wasn't aware stealth was needed, sorry.

With Nechtan's help, Darvyl makes it down the way with minimal ruckus.

Stealth reroll (1d20+3+2=23)

It's not so much that it's needed, it's just that Nechtan and Healaugh are using it.

The adventurers hear a piping call from behind some rocks and then the baying of hounds. A loud wood wind instrument makes a clarion call and then pipes out three times.

Please roll Initiative. Don't you love those words?

Male Halfling Bard 4

Healaugh is too startled to respond quickly.

Init (1d20 2=9)

Male Human Ranger 3

Huh? Wha?
Initiative (1d20+4=6)

Male Human Fighter 3

Darvyl goes first.

Init (1d20+6=26)

Male Dragonborn Paladin, Level 4

I presume that we can all hear the racket, so we all need to roll initiative.

In that case, Ddraig was clearly awake!

Initiative for Ddraig: 1d20+1 = 14+1 = 15

Sorry - I have to hand roll at work!

Male Human - dash of elf Miniature painter/ Heroic

Initiative so far:

Satyr Piper
Hunting Dogs

A pack of hunting dogs appear over the rocks and dunes, and the source of the music becomes clear also; a rather inebriated looking being with the torso of a man but the legs and horns of a goat.

Just need init from Ynyr.

Male Halfling Bard 4

"Everywhere we turn, there's abuse of music. Can't be doing with that." Healaugh looks grim.

Male Human Atrificer/3

Initiative. (1d20+2=19)


Satyr Piper
Hunting Dogs

Map to follow later, folks.


You guys are surprised, so the usual surprise rules apply. The rocks on the beach count as cover. Those of you on the cliff top (Greylan, Ynyr, Ddraig) cannot see the fight down below. The cliffs descend from 30 ft to 5ft in height. Before you ask, purple bits are cliffs and moving onto it requires Acrobatics checks and counts as difficult terrain. The gap in the cliffs and the beach are normal terrain.

Male Human Atrificer/3

On his turn (when it arrives), Ynyr will walk down the path to N9 and be mildly surprised at what he finds there.

Male Dragonborn Paladin, Level 4

After Ynyr, Ddraig will stride down to N10, and will be bloody outraged at what he sees!

Sorry folks, I have been ill. Pat? What's Darvyl up to, bearing in mind you guys are surprised.

Male Human Fighter 3

I've been waiting for the other guys to go, given that they can act in the surprise round and we can't. Or did I miss something?

You are, of course, correct. Doh.

The satyr and the hounds move in to ambush the heroes...


Satyr Piper
Hunting Dogs

Surprise round over. It is now Darvyl's turn. Sorry for the delay folks.


Male Human Fighter 3

"Healaugh, fall back!" Darvyl cries, likely unnecessarily.



Delaying at least until after piper, probably after Healaugh. In case I'm not available: I'm hoping Healaugh will step back, then Darvyl will move into his place and use Sweeping Blow (go ahead and roll for me). If the satyr does something to screw this up, we'll just have to wait.

Male Halfling Bard 4

On his turn, Healaugh will shift back diagonally behind Nechtan (to O11) and viciously mock the Satyr. Which won't do anything useful based on this roll, but at least he'll be out of the way.

Vicious Mockery at Satyr (Will). On hit Satyr is at -2 to attack rolls to end Healaugh's next turn. (1d20 6=12, 1d5 6=9)

Darvyl delaying, Ddraig and Ynyr moving closer I assume, as per their intentions.

Male Human Atrificer/3

Indeed I am, am I not?

Male Dragonborn Paladin, Level 4

Who's been a bad dog!

Male Human Fighter 3

Darvyl steps into the gap left by the halfling and whirls his scourge about him, laying into the hounds.

Sweeping Blow vs Dogs 1, 2, 3, 4 AC, mark 4 (1d20+12=13, 1d20+12=17, 1d20+12=30, 1d20+12=32, 1d8+7=13) 13hp to #3 and possibly #2, 15hp+2=17hp to #4, combat challenge #4

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