Twisted Night

Game Master FabesMinis

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It was a power of the night twist's, so no, it doesn't affect the night twist. It simulates the tree swinging its branches around. It radiates out in a burst 2 from the 4 squares the night twist occupies.

Male Human Ranger 3


That is why I was asking. Were Ddraig, Nechtan and V2 not 3 squares away from the twist? I can't access your maps at work, so I cannot check.

Male Human - dash of elf Miniature painter/ Heroic


Now I need to check if I actually meant burst 3. Sigh. Ever had a week you want to start again?

Male Human Ranger 3
FabesMinis wrote:


** spoiler omitted **

Sorry to be a pain. I think that it's a side-effect of being at -11 hp :)

OK, folks. I screwed up - I'll press the reset button to the night twist's turn and take it again, as well as putting Darvyl where he should be. Apologies. That will teach me to try to run a complex fight during production week.

Male Dragonborn Paladin, Level 4

Fabes DM


Hey, boss - I've been too ill to notice, so no worries!


The tree shakes its branches...

Lethal Terror - 31 vs Will on Nechtan 6 psychic damage to Nechtan

Nechtan feels a horrid fear overcome his senses. Greylan fires a magic missile to no avail.


Darvyl's turn.

Male Human Ranger 3

Nechtan still falls unconscious.

Male Halfling Bard 4

Have you used your second wind yet?

Male Human Ranger 3

Not yet :)

Male Halfling Bard 4

Emergency CPR as perfected in the northern lands coming to a square near you soon.

Male Human Fighter 3

Is any of our opponents (excluding the night twist) bloodied? If so, Darvyl fires at it, else at the oni

Darvyl nocks another arrow and lets fly.


Verbeeg 1 moves to Q13 and attacks Ddraig. And misses. Verbeeg 2 attacks Ddraig. 19 vs AC. Miss.

The verbeeg gang up on the dragonborn but with his sword and shield he fends off their polearms.

Ddraig's turn.

Male Dragonborn Paladin, Level 4

"The time for playing is over" hissed Ddraig, shifting to N15 and lunging at V2.

Righteous Smite v V2 (1d20+8=25, 2d8+4=14)

"I will see the end of your days, foul one."

As a minor action, Ddraig uses Lay on Hands to assist Greylan who can now regain hit points as if he'd spent a healing surge.

I've finally worked out how to link to Invisible Castle properly!!!

Male Human Ranger 3
Ddraig Goch wrote:

As a minor action, Ddraig uses Lay on Hands to assist Greylan who can now regain hit points as if he'd spent a healing surge.

I assume this was Nechtan? If so, thanks!

Male Dragonborn Paladin, Level 4
Nechtan of the Krutne wrote:
I assume this was Nechtan? If so, thanks!

Indeed, Nechtan - sorry, I've not been well!! It's been that sort of week for everyone!

Playing a bit loose with your moves, Ddraig, as you can't shift in difficult terrain.

Ddraig Goch cuts down the verbeeg and strides to his comrade, invoking the power of light to heal Nechtan. The ranger's eyes flutter open as he regains consciousness.

V2 is dead. Healaugh's turn.

Male Halfling Bard 4

"There'll be a reckoning yet old un. Tha boggart!"

Healaugh hurls another insult at the oni and then heads towards his fallen comrade. Move to S13.

Vicious Mockery (Will) v Oni (1d20 6=26, 1d6 5=11). Hmm. IC likes the oni as little as Healaugh. Crit. Oni takes -2 penalty to attack rolls to end Healaugh's next turn.


Healaugh spits out an insult at the giant, and then rushes over to the grove.

Ynyr's turn.

Male Dragonborn Paladin, Level 4

Fabes DM


Right - I'm now a very confused dragonborn! What colour of terrain is not difficult?

Please can I restart this week - it's generally been crap!

>>>>MAP - difficult terrain is in red

Male Human Atrificer/3

Ynyr moves to W11 and throws his dagger at the oni.

Magic weapon against the oni. (1d20+9=29, 1d4+4=5)

Crit!! so that is an extra d12 against the oni and Ynyr also uses the dagger's daily power to do an additional d20 damage

Crit damage on the oni. (1d12+1d20+8=16)

Humph! Lousy damage for a crit, but at least he did some...

"Now why don't you just stop being in our way and... just stop!" Ynyr says as the dagger returns to his hand.

Male Dragonborn Paladin, Level 4
Fabes DM wrote:
>>>>MAP - difficult terrain is in red

Thank you, kind DM - now I understand!!!

Male Human Atrificer/3

Oh... and I forgot to add that Darvyl gets +1 to his attack rolls until the end of my next turn.

The oni snarls in pain as Ynyr's magic dagger from the mansion of the Sea King bites deep.

He surges towards the Korrinishman and smashes him with a mighty blow, sending the little tinker down the slope of the hill.

13 damage to Ynyr and he is pushed to X12 Ynyr: please make an Athletics check.


Nechtan's turn; you're prone.

Male Human Atrificer/3

Athletics check. (1d20+3=4)

I'm guessing this is not good...?

Ynyr slides a further 1 square to Y13 and falls prone. You must make an Athletics check on your turn to move from your square.

Ynyr stumbles and falls on the steep hillside.

Male Human Ranger 3

Nechtan stands up, readies his weapons, and begins circling to where he can get at the oni again. P15

Block 1
Cyrollane the oni

Block 2

Block 3

Block 4

Eerily the horrid tree moves closer and closer to Healaugh and Greylan. It has concealment. Nevertheless Greylan fires off a searing bolt of white energy at it. "Take that, you... you twig!" he cries before haring off.

Male Human Fighter 3

Map, please, sir


Male Human Fighter 3

More than a little alarmed at the 'tree's becoming ambulatory, Darvyl nonetheless fires one more arrow at the oni before backing away from both.

Shoot at Oni (AC) (1d20+6=20, 1d10+4=5) Move to U14

The arrow misses the oni narrowly and Darvyl moves away. The remaining verbeeg moves to cut off Nechtan's pursuit and savagely swipes at him with his glaive. Moves to Q13. 26 vs AC; 7 damage and Nechtan is pushed back to P16. Block 4 are now up.

Male Halfling Bard 4


"Try setting tree aflame Ynyr!"

Hurling his javelin at the advancing Verbeeg, Healaugh invokes the power of Brigid on his foes and backs away.

Javelin attack on Verbeeg (1d20 6=14, 1d6 4=5). If that hits the Verbeeg, he'll invoke the javelin's daily power to hit both the tree and the Verbeeg for 1d6=4 lightning damage.

Move to U13.

Healaugh's javelin of power proves its worth, striking the verbeeg and unleashing lightning against it and the night twist.

Male Human Atrificer/3

"Now isn't the tree just too far to throw against just now? For me it is you know?" Ynyr says while getting laboriously to his feet. Still clutching his dagger he looks daggers at the oni (appropriately enough) and throws it once more.

Aggravating force against the oni still. (1d20+8=9, 1d4+4=5)

He's still a bit wobbly from the blow last round and only just manages to catch the returning dagger.


Male Dragonborn Paladin, Level 4

Fabes DM


I must admit, I was a bit surprised that we'd gone past Ddraig, but hey, he's an easy-going dragonborn!

Ddraig steps forward to N12, Divinely Challenges V1, and swings at him with Enfeebling Strike:

Rolls: 1d20+8 v AC; 1d8+1 damage
2+8=10 v AC (!)

Given that roll, I've not even bothered to try for damage!

Please make an Acrobatics or Atheletics check to stay upright - Ddraig is now wading in a pond.

Male Dragonborn Paladin, Level 4

Athletics Check to stay upright (1d20+1=21)

Ddraig, in a rare moment of caution, actually stays on his feet!

Damn. Wrong map. You don't need a check after all. Please see new map. Sorry folks. I don't know why this fight is turning me into an incompetent.


Oni's turn to come.

The oni stomps towards Healaugh, "Tell your gods that Cyrollane sent you, little one." he sneers as he smashes Healaugh down the slope of the hill.

28 vs AC. 15 damage to Healaugh and he is pushed to V14. Athletics/Acrobatics check, please Healaugh.

Male Human Ranger 3

What is the current location of the oni?

Male Halfling Bard 4

With a barely suppressed grunt of pain, Healaugh reels back from the blow, but keeps his footing.

"I tells tha' there'll be a reckoning", he manages to gasp.

Acrobatics check (1d20 10=20). Bloodied on 8hp

>>>>NEW MAP<<<<

Male Human Ranger 3

"Had enow!!!" Nechtan exclaims, and charges the oni. He then frantically attacks, with his claymore biting deep.

Charge to U12. Charge attack with handaxe (1d20+8=10, 1d6+4=10) Hunter's Quarry on oni. Action Point. Twin Stike with Hunter's Quarry (1d20+8=28, 1d10+2=4, 1d20+7=10, 1d6+1=3, 1d8=8) Both handaxe attacks miss, but sword is a Crit! So damage is actually 1d8+12+8=28 Yow!

If someone within 5 squares of Nechtan fails an Acrobatics check, he gives them some Crucial Advice on where to place their feet (Imm Interrupt). This allows them a reroll with a +2 bonus. All assuming that he doesn't lose his 2 hp before then.


Nechtan surges at the mystical giant and attacks like a rabid badger. The oni collapses to the ground with a mighty thud under the savage assault.

Oni taken to below 0 hp. Do you want to declare him dead or unconscious? Your choice.

Grand Lodge

Oni taken to below 0 hp. Do you want to declare him dead or unconscious? Your choice.

As much as I would like to question him, I don't think that Nechtan was pulling punches. Deaded.

The oni expires, a spray of blood arcing forth as Nechtan fairly foams at the mouth, the battle frenzy of the Krutne upon him.

Male Halfling Bard 4

"Grand work our Nechtan" calls Healaugh breathlessly from the hillock.

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