DarkestHeart |
Nope... I am right there with you Korak. Really most of that stuff needs to be pointed out by the DM, not by another potential player. Like... Just tone it back till the party is decided at least? I'm sure it is well meant but it is become a little excessive.
I've noticed a lot of mistakes here and there through the characters I have taken an interest in but I won't say it to anybody because hey, it aint my place.
Cleo Gingerberry |
Mistakes happen. Please point it out if I made any with Cleo. Critiquing is different, more of why did you make your character that way, cause the answer is almost always a variant of cause I wanted to. First is great, second can be annoying.
Of course now would be the time to find out if we are going to annoy the hell out of each other.
Vandra Geaux |
Vandra looks over at his mother-in-wallaby. "Mom, these people are weird," he says, looking over at the various people in the strange, pure white dimension they currently resided in. "Do you think all adventurers are this strange?"
Jeaux shrugs her shoulders, resting the glaive beside her. She points over at the halfling and makes various motions with her hands.
"Yeah, she does seem like fun, maybe she knows some good jokes," Vandra replies, lying back and resting his eyes.
Torvald Ragnir |
Hi everyone. I'll go ahead and throw my hat into the ring here. Still a little tweaking to be done, I think, and I welcome feedback. Full information and the initial background is in my profile. Hopefully I did the numbers right.
Obligatory recruitment post things:
I've got a fair amount of experience with both Pathfinder and play by post.
I have no problem with character death, though I prefer to avoid it.
I'd be happy to join later, assuming I'm in a position to pick up another PbP game. Naturally, I'd rather be in the initial group.
I like Roll20, but I don't have a problem with whatever is used. Theater of the mind is certainly easiest, though I can occasionally get confused if there are several enemies.
I can post several times a day throughout the summer, and probably at least twice a day after September.
I have most likely forgotten something, but it is rather late so I will just have to fix it in the morning.
Mary Morrickson |
I am looking on seeing if I can join in as well!
Character Death: I do not mind if the dice roll as the may, but if we are high enough level, I know I wouldn't mind contributing to someone's raise dead, and I would hope the same could be done for me. But if it happens, it happens.
Joining Later: I don't mind, though I would like to be one of the first chosen, so we can get along better, I bet.
Maps: I don't mind really, as I haven't had experience with any so far even though I am already a part of a MM campaign. But I already have a Roll20 account, so I wouldn't mind that.
Posting: I know I can post at least once a day due to my current situation, though if something comes up, I will let you know.
Recent History
For the last few months of being in Absalom, she has been training as an initiate of the Pathfinder Society. Due to her choice of weapon, most people don't seem to want to get too close to her when she is practicing with her firearm.
Though, one day while doing chores around Skyreach, The Society's main lodge in Absalom, she received a missive from a old uncle she knew when she was little. A Robert Schetnek was his name, and it was fun visiting him as she remembers. He has written thathe is not well these days, and that he has a gift for her, by way of a friend named a Mr. Daviren Hosk. Mr. Hosk is the owner of Goblin Squash Stables in Sandpoint. Her uncle writes that if he is not around, he would certainly have her gift. After reading the letter, she decides that going there could help get her mind off of how somewhat quiet everyone has been to her. So she decides to go to Sandpoint to see about the gift that was waiting for her.
Though during packing, a Venture Captain came by to ask what she was doing. She mentions the letter and that she is going to retrieve a gift left to her by her uncle. The Venture captain notes that there are some ruins up that way, that if she is able to check them out and send a report, she might be able to be initiated into the ranks of the Society's field agents. Mary became excited and promised to do what she needed to do. So she finished packing and got on her way to Sandpoint. But before she could leave, the Venture captain tosses her a book, sayingto study it on your way there. It contains translations for nearly every word of the Thassilonian language, so it should be useful. Mary heads out, excited for her gift, and the prospect of finaly becoming a Pathfinder Field Agent!
Also, I was wondering, since I am going gunslinger, what is the ammo cost for you? Would I be able to make it at a reduced price or would it be at full amount? I have put a rank in Craft Alchemy just in case I will have to make my own.
Edit: I have added the crunch of Mary's stats in her profile, though still need to purchase ammo for her musket.
Edit, Edit:Never mind of the ammo cost, just found it, will have the correct ammo shortly!
DM TreasureFox |
Hey guys! I'm loving the characters, so please keep it up!
I'd just like to express that while pointing out errors or considerations to another applicant may be helpful, just keep in mind that some people really put their heart into making a character. Criticism can come across harshly, even if it is not intended.
I had a particularly busy day at work today, so I haven't gone through all the characters in detail yet. I'll probably take a closer look tomorrow and let anyone know if there is something that needs to be changed.
In regards to wordcasting: This is completely new to me. I honestly had no idea it actually existed. I will take a closer look at a slightly later time and come up with a final judgement.
Deadline is coming up! (Saturday the 11th, sometime in the late night) I'm honestly so excited!!
Vandra Geaux |
Alandrian Verium |
"I wouldn't distract her, she might drop those and I don't see that going well." Ali stands up as Azerie bursts in to being beside him. Ali brushes off his knees and takes a seat by the fire, watching the juggling.
"Really talented isn't she? I heard she is a cannibal though. Or maybe that she is part Goblin. Que no puede ser verdad no?"
I just went with Spanish for Goblin. But I can't speak Spanish so that is a Google Translate job. My apologies to any Spanish speaking members.
Azerienzal |
"Mm. Coffee!" Azerie moves to the fire and takes the coffee off of the Half-Orc, pouring himself some, nodding to Tsakua as he moves back to stand at the edge of the campsite, leaning casually against a tree.
"I told you she isn't a Cannibal. Those are rumours Ali. Don't believe everything you hear kid!" He sighed and took a sip of coffee. 'It isn't even burned. Delicious!'
Maria the Great |
She makes the knives disappear as she juggles until there's only one which she catches in her teeth. Her lips remain parted her teeth gleaming as she stares at Alandrian, hoping she's chosen the right option. Well thanks Alandrian, you've given me something to work towards in a bit of a legend and rumors vibe.
EDIT: Why is it that basically every archetype replaces the Rogue's Key feature? I was gonna be a knife master after that little show.
Hogeyhead |
Hogeyhead, why are you auditing everybody else's characters? You pointed out my mistake yes, but you started to one guy about the fallacy of him needing defense to be a tank, You're now on this guy about whether or not he can use wordcasting, which is ONLY the job of the GM. You're offering unwarranted suggestions on the Kobold's character and talking about how he's going to die.
If nobody else has a problem with him I'm sorry for dragging you into this, it's just getting a bit annoying to me.
Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. (Or however that spelled)
Azerienzal |
Azerie feels the flash of momentary panic, mixed with admiration through the link and sighs, taking another sip of Coffee. 'Jeez kid, calm down already!' He reached out through the link and sent a quick soothing burst of emotion, before whispering in to Alis mind. 'She isn't a cannibal or a Goblin. And no, I can feel the thought forming already, she DOESN'T devour peoples souls. Who even suggested that?! You gotta stop taking everything at face value kid!'
Haha Glad to be of assistance.
Hogeyhead |
Hey guys! I'm loving the characters, so please keep it up!
I'd just like to express that while pointing out errors or considerations to another applicant may be helpful, just keep in mind that some people really put their heart into making a character. Criticism can come across harshly, even if it is not intended.
I had a particularly busy day at work today, so I haven't gone through all the characters in detail yet. I'll probably take a closer look tomorrow and let anyone know if there is something that needs to be changed.
In regards to wordcasting: This is completely new to me. I honestly had no idea it actually existed. I will take a closer look at a slightly later time and come up with a final judgement.
Deadline is coming up! (Saturday the 11th, sometime in the late night) I'm honestly so excited!!
I feel I should mention that I'm new to PbP, I had no intention of offending anyone, it's just at the tables I've played at that is what we would do, not just the GM, I should have realized that that was not the case as I was the only one doing it, obviously I did not.
Again I had no intentions of offending everyone, and I didn't realize what I was doing wasn't kosher, and I have no intention of being 'that guy'.
Just try to understand it was all friendlily meant, and I will obviously stop now.
Korak The Boisterous |
Alright well here's a friendly bit of advice for you. An actual error is one thing, like what happened with my stats. The kobold you going to die boay was a very different matter. I certainly understand joking around, but unless you know him, well that just comes off mocking, there is no intonation here that tells us you're joking, though a winking emoticon or a j/k goes a long way.
Wordcasting is of course up to GM and he hadn't noted it before so you did that character a favor, though it might have been better taste to send a message to the player, I'm really not sure on that one.
Hogeyhead |
Alright well here's a friendly bit of advice for you. An actual error is one thing, like what happened with my stats. The kobold you going to die boay was a very different matter. I certainly understand joking around, but unless you know him, well that just comes off mocking, there is no intonation here that tells us you're joking, though a winking emoticon or a j/k goes a long way.
Wordcasting is of course up to GM and he hadn't noted it before so you did that character a favor, though it might have been better taste to send a message to the player, I'm really not sure on that one.
That's great advice, but for instance when I said that one character is going to die, I said 'you gunn die boay', to me nobody's going to take that seriously, but it seems I'm wrong. So my intuition just doesn't lend itself to the situation, again with wordcasting, that is a very sensible solution, but it didn't occur to me, so simply to avoid future problems I'll just keep it to myself. Thank you for your understanding.
Azzerix Wyrmclaw |
Yeah, I forgot to add my posting rate. I should be able to do at least one post a day, if not more. I try to shoot for once a day at least.
Sitting over in the corner, a small hooded figure sits, most if not features covered up by his garment. Every so often, though, when his (or her?) arms move, the sleeves roll off, revealing a pair of clawed hands covered in white scales. The sleeves immediately shift back to cover them up though. It's hard to tell if the figure is paying attention to the ruckus nearby or if he (she?) is off in their own little world...
Tsakua |
Kids... Tsakua thought to himself. And now I'm a babysitter. Tsakua grins despite himself, the antics of the two teenagers reminding him of his time in the circus. Feeling rarely sociable, he looks at the glowing bear and says, "But I've seen worse falls. Like the time our juggler took a bet that he could juggle 3 knives and two short swords while balancing on a barrel with one foot...while drunk."
Cleo Gingerberry |
All's good Hogeyhead. Yeah, tone and intent are very easy to get mixed up in writing that doesn't happen around the table with friends. Most times I'm a sarcastic arse which happily those that know me have learned to accept. Sorry if I caused any negative feelings.
Cleo ain't there yet. Still travelling the roads, first time on a long trip by herself and she's misjudged how long it would take her. Plus how many rations she'd need. So the little bit is mighty hungry when she finally makes it to the festival.
Alandrian Verium |
From where he is lying, Ali watches Vandra get clipped around the ear, and laughs softly. "Personally I woulda patted you on the back. I'd shake your hand now but I think I'mma get another kick in the butt!" He looked up at the burly Eidolon standing over him with a despairing look on his face.
Acrobatics1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15
He rolled back and up on to his feet, before taking a bow and sitting down.
Mary Morrickson |
Mary has been traveling for a while, and her pack has been weighting her down for the last few days. Finally at Sandpoint, she begins her search for her uncle, or the owner of the Goblin Squash Stables. She sees the work being done for the festival that will be happening soon. She thinks,A festival? That could be fun. Though I hope it doesn't take much time, I do want to know what this gift my uncle got me.
She continues on, noting different people and places of this rather large, little town. Not having any luck, Mary decides to ask one of the groups helping out with the preparations for the festival.
"Hey, excuse me. My name is Mary. I am looking for my uncle, his name is Robert Schetnek. Have you heard of him? Or the, what was it;" Mary rummages her pocket for a letter she received and then pulls it out to read it. "Um, the Goblin Squash Stables? Do you know where that could be?"
Azerienzal |
Azerie stood up straighter and coughed in to his hand politely, before crouching and beginning to draw a rough map in the ground with one razor sharp claw. "Yeah the stables would be down this way,"he says, tracing out the path, "but you aren't likely to find them open right now I wouldn't think. Everyone is out getting ready for the Festival. Oh, and it is a pleasure to meet you Mary, Azerienzal is my name!"
Vandra Geaux |
Vandra sees the girl suddenly bring out her daggers and glare at him, causing him to try to hide behind his mom. "Mom, she's threatening me with daggers!" he exclaims, gripping his spear fearfully.
Jeaux slowly shakes her head, sighing softly before walking away, leaving her son to fix his own mistakes.
Mary Morrickson |
The bear can talk. I never seen one that can do that. Seen more than enough back at Skyreach, but none that can talk.
"Oh, um, nice to meet you too, Azerienzal. I must ask, but what exactly are you? Are you some kind of super smart bear or something?"
Mary sees the kid being punted, for a lack of a better word, into a water trough. "Er... Is he going to be alright?" Mary shakes her head after the little incident and continues speaking. "You said the stables will be closed for now till after the festival, right? Hm, maybe I should see about finding my uncle, but the letter said he was not doing too well, maybe a Inn would be better."
Azerienzal |
"A super smart bear? Heh... Kinda. I'm the wet ones Guardian." He nodded towards Ali who sat spluttering in the water trough, his crossbow dangling beside him, a bolt sticking out of the earth. "I'm just a creature from another Plane, best way of thinking about it!"
"Aye, there is a inn around here, the finest Inn for miles around, name of the Rusty Dragon. You'll want to talk to Ameiko when you get there. Could you tell her Ali will be by to clean out her stables before night falls, if you do talk to her?"
"Aww! But I wanna hang around with Maria and Vandra. And I'm all soaked to the bone!"
"Just ignore him. He isn't the brightest spark in the fire. He has a HUGE imagination though!"
Mary Morrickson |
Mary shakes her head again after the little exchange of egos of the young ones.
"Ha. Well, let me see that little one. I got some knowledge of persons bodies, so lemme look." She moves over to the one that got knocked on the shin with the pommel of the dagger that was tossed.
Untrained Heal Check: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17
Mary speaks up after a few seconds.
"You'll be fine, nothing is broken. You will only have a bruise that will go away in a couple days time. It is not like you got stabbed with the pointy end, at least."
Mary turns to the girl to speak to her.
"Now, that is not nice. What would happened if your hand slipped due to some reason? What would you do if you truly did hurt him greatly? Now, I am no parent, but being taught how to fight, and how the mediate disagreements, is kinda similar, so both of you apologize to each other."