Kagehiro |

And I was part of a "big scene" centering around how a link to the complete mechanical profile serves the same purpose as a link to a completed profile, that finished not much earlier than your listing was built. Post 126 in this thread is the appropriate post for Marko, IIRC.
Soon as I saw big chunks of semi-heated arguing, I stopped caring about the content. Not the place or time, imo. And ultimately it doesn't really make a difference—that's just a list to tally the total number of applicants and what type of class they're playing. Given that the first list was dominated by Melee (and as a means of helping get the update in front of GM Thron) I was curious to see how the field had changed since the initial wave of applicants. Thankfully, it seems to have diluted a fair bit. I likely wouldn't have included the urls at all, but I worked off of a copied base from Thron's initial post.
I would highly recommend adopting a less combative style in your posts. Difference of opinion is fine (and healthy) but stirring a pot that needs no stirring accomplishes little. By intention or otherwise, and recognizing that text on forums tends to come off more harshly than spoken word, it results in a volatile label. As you said, people come here to escape stress and have a good time—frequently arguing semantics over trivialities is antithetical to that goal.

Duboris |

Apologies Alani! I hope to speak to you in-game when the choices finally come through. Truly, this promises to be an exciting campaign :D
SO MANY OF YOU GUYS DON'T HAVE GOBLIN. You've got like SEVEN languages, and not a single one of them for the audacious little buggers ;_; So many wizards and not a one of you took an interest in the lesser intelligent guys. Some of you are even from sandpoint XD.
I guess it works though. Most of you have either been away, or left. I personally like my angle.

Duboris |

*slaps knee with an unhealthy amount of sass*
I think I can do 1 more post before I officially lose consciousness. No classes tomorrow, and I've had far too much fun watching this thing unfold.
And Indeed he can. I still find it hilarious that I was the first person to get hexed. My will is atrocious, but that charm person was completely random, haha.

hustonj |
I would highly recommend adopting a less combative style in your posts.
This IS the internet, and I was being told that I am not worthy of consideration because I dared to try to find a way to meet the GM's needs other than his initial method of request. I replied in kind, not initiated.
As you said, people come here to escape stress and have a good time—frequently arguing semantics over trivialities is antithetical to that goal.
Part of my real-world stress is a military environment where the rules include comply to the letter of the tasking without seeking out the actual need and finding a way o handle that instead. Part of what I'm trying to escape is "Shut up and color." What response was I given by people with no authority, again? Oh, yeah. "Shut up and color." Now you are following that up with the corollary "Don't rock the boat." Both are part of manipulating people into not thinking about what the needs are, about how to solve problems, but to simply check the boxes on a checklist.
Wen I was a young, inexperienced kid in uniform, there were reasons to force me to work that way. I am no longer young and I am no longer in uniform, but I still have people who have no authority over me trying to force me to think and act as though I am both. Having it follow me into my escape is not acceptable.

Morythine Ettes |

I just want to say I'm still most definitely interested in this PbP, but I'm also staying with my in-laws in a very rustic corner of Vietnam, so access to the internet at the moment is sparse and erratic. As a result, I've not really been able to get involved in the terrifying monster the Gameplay thread has become. Hopefully the opportunity for some proper RP will arise at some stage next week.

DM Thron |

hustonj, I will not be considering your application any longer, and the reason is that you went out of your way to start a second argument in my recruitment thread. This was the comment made in regards to healing earlier:
If needed he can keep some healing options open, but that is not his primary focus, though if needed later on he may focus on things that would let him make items for the others to use and help them in a fight.
To which Kala Steelheart made the following comment:
Healing is best accomplished by using wands and the like out of combat. Using the occasional potion in combat is a-ok as well.
Note that at no point have you, or your character's build, been mentioned yet. Nor had Kala directly disagreed with the original poster regarding his healing style. He even stated that it was not his primary focus, so in effect, Kala was simply agreeing with him. Now, your response was as follows:
So, you inherently disapprove of my intentionally healer focused build, then, I take it?
I have a habit of building and enjoying characters that the "build experts" say shouldn't be used.
I think a social role-playing game and a solo "role-playing" game have very different goals, and I believe that most of the focused build advice is far more suited to the second than to the first.
Just an opinion, offered BECAUSE you offered the counter.
To make it clear, I don't disagree with your theory on gaming. It is an escape for me as wel. I'm currently sitting here sore, like I had done bench presses all day, from holding pressure on a patient's bleeding femoral artery for a very long time. I don't like to spend all of my time pondering my job, so I like my distractions. And I too enjoy playing a concept rather than a build. Granted, I don't always enjoy playing someone who isn't good at things, but it can be fun. I've played a 3 (yes 3) intelligence Orc who died the first night of play, but in those few hours, it was fun as all get out. So, as far as a standpoint goes, I'm on your side.
What I am NOT TOLERATING however, is a second argument causing more distraction from my game, and likely deterring perfectly good applicants from signing up. Heck, it's distracting me from even looking over submissions on one of my days off.
Finally, you also confronted someone who had, despite this not being their recruitment and without being asked, took the time to put together an application list to make things a little easier for me. There was no call for it, and it could have been handled tons of better ways, primarily of which would have been not saying anything and just letting it slide, as I had told you already that I was fine with your previous set up for the recruitment phase.
I wish you the best for your future applications, and hope you take something from this that helps you with them.
As frustrated as I am at this, and while I still have interested applicants, I am regretfully making the following decision:
I am not going to let the recruitment thread to continue to be a hotbed for petty arguments. So, I am going to go ahead and cut it short, since there is already a sizable list of applications. To those still looking to apply, please feel free, but hurry.
As I am cutting recruitment short, I am also going to be placing very little weight on the RP section. To be honest, it wasn't going to hold a ton of weight in the first place. I merely wanted a collected place to gauge people's posting styles. It would be unfair of me to penalize those who have not had a chance to contribute to the pregame RP by my own action of cutting the phase short, so I will be leaning primarily on the fluff, then the crunch, of the submissions.
By all means, feel free to continue in the RP thread until my decision is made ultimately made (possibly by Sunday evening, but if not then, Wednesday at the latest).
Current submissions are as follows:
Character Submissions
Ravboom - Goblin Barbarian - mdt
Os'dyn Brackwater - Half-Elf Magus - Bathmat Djinn
Morythine Ettes - Dhampir Monk - Transylvanian Tadpole
Helgarr - Human Barbarian - Edeldhur
Kala Steelheart - Human Fighter - Earl Wheaton
Baern Steelskull - Dwarf Fighter (Phalanx Soldier) - Crustypeanut
Lars, the Watcher – Human Fighter – Duboris
Vilk Vendrovki - Half-Elf Ranger - TheCarrionCrawler
Eugeni Silva - Aasimar Warpriest - Jelani
Zoli Telani - Halfling Bard (Archeologist) - gyrfalcon
Varius Garret - Half-Elf Ninja - LilWilly5
Xamarath Fingoth - Human Wizard - Kagehiro
Loupe Ardoc - Human Wizard - Harakani
Alina Vasario - Human Witch - Kalem
Cerinnibert - Aasimar Druid - Anoirtrou
Marco Bodi - Aasimar Oracle of Life - hustonj
Garrett Goodleaf - Halfling Oracle - Faelyn
Pallok - Human Shaman - Fabian Benavente
Eagle Eye – Aasimar Druid – thestrongangel
If I have missed anyone from the previously updated list, please let me know and I will update it as soon as possible.

Alina Vasario |

*Blah Blah Blah*
*Tosses Axe*"Liar!"
*Charms person that was lied to*And that's how I saved Narnia.
Hahaha. pretty much. still going from a friendly stranger to conspiring to hurt me is a pretty big jump to make. especially considering i tried to help her before hand.
Humm... I hope I didn't really offend you all and stir the pot too much. I can tame Alina down a bit if she came off too far off the reservation. I was just having a good time playing up her inability to understand what was going on around her.
Either way she'll calm down in a bit, and all will be good.
DM Thron: I may have missed this in the inital post but have you determined how many characters you'll be accepting? Is it one from each of the catagories above, or will it be some other mix?

Duboris |

Good to hear Thron :D This promises to be a very interesting game, no matter what the outcome.
Also Alani we weren't really that bothered by it. It was just a hilarious turn of events that made sense, just not from our own characters perspectives because we could actually understand each other. I was just trying to be grossly comical. My apologies :3 Don't bother taming her down.

Duboris |

I find it rather nice to stem some of your original background story during a pre-lude. You get to flesh it out just a tad bit more for interest, because the other PC's will ask questions about your character you've not even asked.
Such is the way that I came up with Lars's makeshift shack in the scrapyard, his lack of literacy, and his broken common.
It was fun for the whole family.

Alina Vasario |

I'd planned to flesh out the details of Alina's background in the GP thread as well. For example I have no idea what happened to the person she hexed and left alone, but plan to figure it out in future posts. Typically I just create a basic background that allows me framework to create details as the character developes.

LurkingTyranny |

I will use these dice to make a character if it is not too late to be considered.
4d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 3, 1) = 15 = 14
4d6 ⇒ (4, 6, 1, 2) = 13 = 12
4d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 6, 3) = 16 = 14
4d6 ⇒ (2, 4, 6, 4) = 16 = 14
4d6 ⇒ (5, 2, 1, 3) = 11 = 10
4d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 2, 6) = 15 = 13
Not too great on the rolls, but I might be able to work with them.

![]() |

I'm going to do my best to get a character in tonight as long as you don't mind a current RotRL GM applying. I'm currently running 3 PbPs of RotRL, but would love the chance to play!
4d6 ⇒ (6, 6, 1, 2) = 15 14
4d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 4, 5) = 20 16
4d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 2, 3) = 12 10
4d6 ⇒ (5, 2, 5, 4) = 16 14
4d6 ⇒ (4, 5, 3, 4) = 16 13
4d6 ⇒ (3, 4, 6, 1) = 14 13

V'Thamuus 'Thim' Diwanimi |

A young man, a very young man - almost a boy - jogs into Sandpoint just as the festival is getting under way. "Did I miss it?!" A brightly colored scarf flares out behind him as he almost trips over a green, chicken-legged, bipedal lizard bedazzled with red and orange spots. "Moninga, we can't be too late. Something tells me at long last that this is where my destiny begins."
The lizard sneezes, almost in contempt.
The youth chances a stern look downward as he continues to run. "Don't you start. I know I said that on the ship, and at port, and even at Kaer Maga. This just feels different. Now hurry!"
I'd like to submit V'Thamuus Diwanimi (Thim to his friends) and his childhood friend Moninga for consideration. He is a Thassalonian Evoker and (though he doesn't know it yet) is on a long journy to either embrace or overcome Wrath. The only thing he is missing is upgrading his gold to reflect max for first level, and I am inclined to just keep it as cash to spend after the adventure begins. All information is in the profile. I will happily answer any questions you might have. thanks for the opportunity to apply.

V'Thamuus 'Thim' Diwanimi |

Just trying to make my application a bit more interesting than another "Hey! me too!" Heh.
But you're right, might be fun to pal around with the others in GamePlay. I hadn't looked, but wow! The party hasn't even been chosen yet and its on the third page. I hope I've got a shot coming in late like this. I would love a high post frequency game.

hustonj |
hustonj, I will not be considering your application any longer, and the reason is that you went out of your way to start a second argument in my recruitment thread.
Well, within our purview, and as I suggested in my last post, expected.
I am amazed at the phrasing though. It suggests that I started two arguments. The first was started by two people telling me that I shouldn't have asked for alternative methods of character submission. The second wasn't even an argument. Another player posted a clearly judgmental statement about how people should play the game, and I countered that judgement of others, not the personal preference or the right to have one.
All of you, enjoy your gaming! But remember to try to work with people to encourage and grow the community. My part in both of the identified arguments were reactions to unnecessary behaviors to close the community.
Have fun.

DM Jelani |

Lurking Tyranny - I think he's saying you abused the dice roller, because there is a new random seed for each post. But I'm not even sure if that's true. Let me test....
Just previewed a d20 and it came up an 11. Now let me post this and roll again in a new post just after to see if the number changes.

DM Jelani |

1d20 ⇒ 7
Indeed it did. So you could have potentially cheated by previewing 24d6 in your first post, not liking the results, so posted something offhand.
Then did it again, not liked the results again, so posted another one sentence comment to reset the seed.
Then you saw numbers you liked in the third try, so posted those.
Now that implies an understanding of the dice bot which you clearly don't have, either that or you're just lying. Since we have no evidence that you're lying, I'd say you weren't cheating, had no intent to cheat.
Also, since the DM didn't specify that you roll your stats with your first post, it's even less cool to call it cheating.
-shrug- DEFINITELY NOT trying to start an argument, just pointing out what he meant by "you are abusing the dice roller".

Eugeni Silva |

Well maybe I'm lying :P
Just try it yourself if you don't believe me. It's true. Each thread generates a random seed for your account which resets each time you post in that thread. It's supposed to prevent cheating, but if one really really needs to be an asshat to have fun, there are ways to circumvent it (obviously, see above).

Eugeni Silva |

Sounds reasonable. Cheating is totally lame, and takes away the point of even having rules in the first place. Cheating+role playing is that game that everyone used to play when they were little kids.
"You've got a bazooka? Well I've got fifty bazookas!"
"Well I've got a t-rex with a bazooka dick and laser teeth!"
"Well, well...I've got a t-rex with Death Stars for eyes!"