Keeper Myre

V'Thamuus 'Thim' Diwanimi's page

123 posts. Alias of Dolarre.

Full Name

V'Thamuus Diwanimi


Human (Mwangi/Chelexian) Wizard (Thassalonian Evoker)1


HP (11/11) AC:12 (touch:12/ff:10) Saves (F+1/W+2/R+2) CMD:12 Init +6 Per +1


prepared spells:
0th - detect magic, mage hand, ray of frost; 1st - magic missile x2, hydrolic push, windy escape; (Sp) Force Bolt (8/8)










Common (Taldane), Polyglot, Varisian, Giant, Cyclops, Azlanti, Thassilonian


Scribe and scroll maker for the Arcanist's Circle of Kaer Maga

Strength 10
Dexterity 14
Constitution 12
Intelligence 20
Wisdom 10
Charisma 11

About V'Thamuus 'Thim' Diwanimi

V'Thamuus, Thim to his friends and companions, is a talented young wizard determined to prove himself to his people. He was born in the Expanse to a Mwangi mother and quickly absent Chelaxian father. (Mother does not speak of him, but she smiles then scowls each time the subject is broached.) Magic was banned to him by his family, so much of his training comes from the single spell book he stole from deep storage in his uncle's house. He believes it belonged to his missing father; it's cover and several marginal notes are inscribed in Chelexian, though the book itself is a handwritten modern copy of an ancient Thassalonian wizard primer. He doesn't understand why he was forbidden magical study because his homeland is usually comfortable with the Arcane arts, so when caught and beaten for using his favorite spell (Magic Missile) against monkeys attacking his female cousins, he left to follow in his (imagined) father's footsteps far to the north to Varisa. Save for this one rebellion, V'Thamuus was an obedient son, but the pull of adventure was too great.

The long journey is at an end. During his travels, he studied his primer and with a few helpful fellow travelers added a few additional magical techniques into the spell book. He was especially grateful to a Taldoran pathfinder - Balwin Lackhand, who allowed Thim to read a few chronicles and marvel at some ancient scrolls he was transporting. As he steps off the ship to the shores of Varisa for the first time, his thoughts turn to the secrets under the hills and monuments dotting the still savage land.

As my father before me, I will share your mysteries within me. Mother and Uncle forgive me; I must now and forever be a man.

Thim is a young wizard searching for a place. He is following in the completely imagined steps of a father who left before he was born. He is bold and a bit reckless. I see him as a swashbuckling wizard, specializing in blasting magic, and dancing across the battlefield as he casts.


Who am I:

-Who are you: (A seemingly straightforward question. What is left when you take away your characters abillities, past and future actions? What is the core concept of this person?)

I am a man! Mother and Uncle cannot take that away from me. I am a man and I will prove to my fath . . . I mean myself that I am worthy and not someone you can run away from!

-What inspired/forced/motivated you to take on the life of an adventurer?

I was not born to be a clerk. I am destined to follow in my father's footsteps. I know he must have been a great wizard, so I will be on too.

-What is your biggest weakness? (Think personal character flaws)

I am young . . . but I am powerful. I let my temper get away from me sometimes. People don't always understand I know what I'm doing and treat me like a child. I am no child! I made it to Kaer Maga from Sargava on my own. Uncle was a fool to try and hold me back. I know it is wrong to defy Mother, and I miss her, but she didn't understand, I need to prove myself

-What is your biggest strength? (What separates your character from another character with the exact same statblock.. in a positive way.)

I am determined. I will be a force for good in this place. When I prove myself, I will return in triumph to support and serve my family.

-What is the most enjoyable thing you remember doing?

The day I met Moninga. Finally someone who saw me for myself, finally someone who I didn't have to hide from. We like to pretend he is bird. He stands on an old board and I make it fly. He snaps at the bright lights I can create. We steal sweet treats from Uncle's store, and he helps with my paints. I see he is more than he appears to be, like me. We will be friends forever.

-What is the most significant thing you remember doing?

The day I found my father's book. It must be my father's, whatever my cousins say. Buried deep in storage in my Uncle's offices. How dare he try to keep it from me. With it I discovered my legacy.

-What do you fear?

I fear disappointing Mother. Something I have done, but will correct when she sees how powerful I become. I fear losing the path of my father. It is cold and difficult to see sometimes, but it is the path set to me by fate and a legacy of greatness. (I fear I am wrong, and there is nothing special about me. I am just a foolish boy who found a book and dreams stupid dreams. But that is Uncle talking and not what whispers to me in the dark, far from home . . . missing my home and cousins and most of all Mother)

-How do you want to be remembered?

I will be remembered with the same breath that shouts the name of my father! I will be remembered as one of the great wizards of the world! I will be remembered as a good son. I will be remembered as doing the right thing when my story is done, though all denied it at the start.

-What is the line that you won't cross?

I said I would do it all on my own, but . . . but it is no fault to except help kindly and freely given. I said that my powers are to be used in service only, but it is no failing to earn money for food and clothing and shelter. I said I would not hurt Mother, but Shailii said Mother cried when she read my note.

This I will never do, I will never turn from my destiny

-What do you see as future goals? Both long and short term.

I seek to learn to foster my gifts with the knowledge of this savage land. I want to learn more of Thassalonia, and the Varisians who came after. I wish to find the thread of my father's journeys and follow that thread to see why he was not able to come back to us. I wish to prove my greatness to all who doubted me. Beyond this, I will let destiny reveal itself to me.

-What path do you want your character to take? (Answer this as a player, what kind of growth would you like to see in your characters and what kind of trials would you like to see him overcome. How would you like your character to 'end up' at the end of the campaign? Take note that this doesn't need to be in line with your characters goals. They may even contradict. These are your goals!)

I want to see V'Thamuus grow from the naive scared boy he is into a true man. I hope to explore Thassalonian magic to its natural conclusion. I want him to become a true student of Wrath. I see his alignment shifting from NG to LN throughout the campaign as he makes sacrifices for what he perceives as his destiny. This is already a big part of his personality, but I'd like to be put into positions where his morals come into conflict, and he has to make tough choices - be great or be good. I expect his to make the wrong choice frequently, but hope he has a chance at redemption at the end of the campaign. I don't know if he'll ever find his dad, but that is almost an excuse for V'Thamuus to imagine a great destiny for himself. Actually meeting his dad might just crush him.

Mechanically, I want V'Thamuus to become the greatest wielder of magic missile there has ever been. To support that I included an adaption of the Force Missile Mage prestige class I would like to work towards. The original was published by Paizo for 3.5, and I changed it very little, changing the requirements to reflect the changes in Pathfinder, and reducing the save bonuses and adding a capstone ability to compensate.

-Why are you at the swallowtail festival?

I have been sent by the Arcanist's Circle of Kaer Maga to retrieve some rare components. It is my hope that I can use this to become a full member of the guild and get access to their rarer tomes. I want to do more than scribe minor scrolls for the shops, and this is the first opportunity they have given me to do something important.


Currently he has found a place of sorts in Kaer Maga. He works with the Arcanist's Circle scribing minor scrolls for the shops. He wants to become a full member and is constantly seeking opportunities from his guild contact, an explosively corpulent bloatmage by the name of Twaddle.

V'Thamuus is a young slender man with dark skin and classic Mwangi features, his hair is black and styled in dreadlocks to his shoulders. Rings and small bits of jewelry are woven in the locks. His eyes are light, a startling amber, and are constantly in motion trying to take in everything around him. He is dressed in simple serviceable clothes in shades of brown, holding a stout serviceable walking staff in one hand with a brand new dagger slung to his belt. The only flash of real color is a brightly patterned red and blue scarf, most often tucked under his cloak. Across one shoulder is slung the Golarian equivalent of a pet satchel. At his side, or poking its head from the satchel is Thim's faithful companion Moninga.

Moninga is a tiny bipedal dinosaur about two feet high and three feet long including tail. It is covered in pebbly scales primarily in green, with a bright pattern of red and orange across his back and head. Colorful frills on each side of its head spread out when Moninga is agitated or cries out making him look something like a flower with sharp teeth.

Male Human Wizard (Thassalonian Evoker) 1
NG Medium Humanoid
Str 10 Dex 14 Con 12 Int 20 Wis 10 Ch 11 (25 point buy)
Init +6; Senses: Perception +1, Sense Motive +0
Spd: 30 ft. (20 ft with backpack)

AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+0 Armor, +0 Shield, +2 Dex)
CMD: 12
HP: 11 (1d6 +1 Con +1 fav. class +3 toughness)
Fort +1(+0 base), Ref +2(+0 base), Will +2(+2 base)

OFFENSE Base att: +0
-dagger: +0 (1d4/19-20/x2)
-quarterstaff: + 0 (1d6/20/x2)

-Dagger: +2 (1d4/19-20/x2) Range 10

-Ray of Frost (CR): +2 touch (1d3+1[cold]/20/x2) Range 25, Save (none), SR (yes +1)
-Magic Missile (CR): auto-hit (2 missiles 1d4+2[first]/1d4+1[all others][force] targets within 15 ft) Range 140, Save (none), SR (yes +4)
-Ear-Splitting Scream (UM): auto-hit (1d6+1[sonic]+daze [1rd]) Range 25, Save (Fort DC16 [1/2, no daze]), SR (yes +1)
-Hydrolic Push (APG): auto-hit (+7 bull rush/extinguish normal fires) Range 30, Save (none), SR (yes +2)
-Snapdragon Fireworks (UM): auto-hit (1d4+1[fire]+dazzled [1rd]) Range 480, Save (Ref DC17 [1/2, no dazzled]), SR (yes +2)

Special Attacks:
-Force Missile: auto hit (1d4+1) Range 110, Save (none), SR (yes +1) (8/day)

Special Abilities:

Arcane Bond - Familiar: Dinosaur, Compsognathus - Valet template (Moninga) +4 initiative

Arcane School: Thassalonian Evoker - 2 addition evoker spells per spell level (must be the same spell). Prohibited schools - conjuration and abjuration (these spells are not considered part of Thim's spell list.)
Intense Spells (Su): Whenever you cast an evocation spell that deals hit point damage, add 1 to the damage. This bonus only applies once to a spell, not once per missile or ray, and cannot be split between multiple missiles or rays. This damage is of the same type as the spell.
Force Missile (Sp): As a standard action you can unleash a force missile that automatically strikes a foe, as magic missile. The force missile deals 1d4+1 points of damage. This is a force effect. You can use this ability 8 times per day.

Prepared Spells: 0th - 3, 1st - 3+2
0th - detect magic, mage hand, ray of frost
1st - magic missile*3, hydrolic push, windy escape


0th - detect magic, detect poison, read magic, daze, dancing lights, flare, light, ray of frost, ghost sound, bleed, disrupt undead, touch of fatigue, mage hand, mending, message, open/close, arcane mark, prestidigitation, spark
1st - disguise self, ear-splitting scream, enlarge person, hydrolic push, magic missile, snapdragon fireworks, vanish, windy escape


scribe scroll - wizard bonus
spell focus (evocation) - 1st level
spell specialization (magic missile) - human bonus
toughness - game bonus


Acrobatics (+1+0+2) +3
Appraise (+1+3+5) +9
Intimidation (+1+0+0) +1
Knowledge (Arcane) (+1+3+5+1 trait) +10
Knowledge (History) (+1+3+5) +9
Linguistics (+1+3+5) +9
Perception (+1+0+0) +1
Spellcraft (+1+3+5) +9


Magical Lineage: One of your parents was a gifted spellcaster who not only used metamagic often, but also developed many magical items and perhaps even a new spell or two—and you have inherited a fragment of this greatness. Pick one spell (magic missile) when you choose this trait. When you apply metamagic feats to this spell, treat its actual level as 1 lower for determining the spell's final adjusted level.

Lore Seeker: The secrets of the ancient fallen civilization of Thassilon intrigue you, particularly the magical traditions of its highly mystical culture. You've studied magic intensely, and hope to increase that knowledge by adding Thassilonian lore. You've come to Varisia to pursue that study. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (arcana) checks, and Knowledge (arcana) is a class skill for you. If you cast arcane spells, pick three spells on your spell list (magic missile, hydrolic push, snap-dragon fireforks). You are particularly adept at casting these spells, so they function at +1 caster level when you cast them, and their save DCs (if any) gain a +1 bonus.


Backpack (2 lbs/31.5 lbs total)
-bedroll (5 lbs)
-candles [10] (- lb)
-flint and steel (- lb)
-grooming kit (2 lbs)
---comb, scissors, nail file, sponge, hairbrush, miniature mirror, soap, chewing stick, and tooth powder.
-shaving kit (.5 lbs)
---straight razor, whetstone, small mirror, brush, cup, shaving powder for 50 shaves
-ink (- lbs)
-ink pen [10] (- lbs)
-mess kit (1 lb)
---plate, bowl, cup, fork, knife, and spoon, made of tin
-flask of oil [2] (2 lbs)
-paper [10] (- lbs)
-parchment [18] (- lbs)
-chalk [8] (- lbs)
-spellbook (3 lbs)
-wandermeal [10] (5 lbs)
-trail rations [5] (5 lbs)
-waterskin (4 lbs) hanging on backpack
-hooded lantern (2 lbs) hanging on backpack
belt pouch (.5 lbs/2.5 total lbs)
-hip flask (.5 lbs)
-flask of oil (1 lb)
-scroll case (.5 lbs)
-chalk [2] (- lbs)
-parchment [2] (- lbs)

quarterstaff (4 lbs) in hand
spell component pouch (2 lbs) on belt
dagger (1 lbs) sheathed on belt
traveler's outfit (5 lbs)
---boots, wool breeches, sturdy belt, shirt with vest and cloak with hood
signal whistle (- lbs) on chain around neck
familiar satchel (6 lbs) slung over shoulder

48gp 2 sp 2cp


N Tiny animal
Init +6; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +4

AC 16, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex, +2 natural, +2 size)
hp 6
Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +2

Speed 40 ft., swim 20 ft.
Melee bite +1 (1d3–1 plus poison)
Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.

Str 8, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 5
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 9
Feats Improved Initiative
Skills Perception +4, Swim +10

Familiar:The master of a compsognathus familiar gains a +4 bonus on Initiative checks.

Poison (Ex):Bite—injury; save Fort DC 12; frequency 1/round for 4 rounds; effect 1d2 Str; cure 1 save.

Improved Evasion (Ex): When subjected to an attack that normally allows a Ref lex saving throw for half damage, a familiar takes no damage if it makes a successful saving throw and half damage even if the saving throw fails.

Share Spells: The wizard may cast a spell with a target of “You” on his familiar (as a touch spell) instead of on himself. A wizard may cast spells on his familiar even if the spells do not normally affect creatures of the familiar's type (magical beast).

Empathic Link (Su): The master has an empathic link with his familiar to a 1 mile distance. The master can communicate emphatically with the familiar, but cannot see through its eyes. Because of the link's limited nature, only general emotions can be shared. The master has the same connection to an item or place that his familiar does.

Class Skills: A valet treats Craft, Perform, and Profession as class skills.

Able Assistant (Ex): A valet's master treats the valet as if it possessed the Cooperative Crafting (APG) feat and shared all Craft skills and item creation feats he possesses.

Prestidigitation (Sp): A valet can use prestidigitation once per hour.

Teammate (Ex): A valet is considered to have all the teamwork feats its master has.

Force Missile Mage:
Mages of this class focus on magic missile to push that spell beyond its normal limits.

Skills: Knowledge (Arcana) 6 ranks , Spellcraft 6 ranks
Feats: Spell Specialization (Magic Missile)
Spells: Ability to cast Magic Missile once per day.

Hit die: d6

Skill points: 2 + Int

Class skills: Craft, Knowledge (Arcana), Profession, Spellcraft, Perception

Class Features
Weapons and Armor Proficiency: Force missile mages gain no new weapon or armor proficiencies.

Spells: A force missile mage continues training in magic as he gains levels. At each level after 1st, the force missile mage gains new spells per day (and spells known, if applicable) as if he had also gained a level in an spellcasting class he belonged to before he added the prestige class. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained. If the character has levels in more than one spellcasting class before becoming a force missile mage, he must decide to which class he adds each level of force missile mage for the purposes of determining spells per day.

Bonus Missile: At 1st level, a force missile mage gains increased mastery over his spell of choice. Every time he casts magic missile he creates an addition missile, even if this extra missile exceeds the normal maximum of five missiles that the spell normally allows. Thus, a 1st-levelforce missile mage/6th-level wizard creates five magic missiles, while a 1st-level force missile mage/8th- level wizard produces six missiles. At 5th level, the force missile mage benefits from an additional bonus missile. This means that a high-level force missile mage can create up to seven missiles with a single casting of magic missile.

Still Missile (Ex): All of the force missile mage's magic missile spells lack a somatic component. He casts magic missile as if using the Still Spell feat but without an increase in spell level.

Energy Missile (Ex): A force missile mage becomes intimately attuned to the energies that compose the spell magic missile and may alter them in significant ways. Starting at 2nd level, a force missile mage may add either the acid, cold, electricity, or fire descriptor to any magic missile he casts. The type of energy added to the spell is chosen at the time of casting, and you can choose a different type of energy each time you cast magic missile. This altered descriptor affects all missiles created by a single casting of magic missile. Although still a force spell, any magic missile altered in this way deals additional damage against vulnerable creatures and less damage against creatures with related resistances and immunities.

Swift Shield (Sp): A force missile mage realizes the need to defend himself against the magic missiles of other spell casters. A 2nd-level force missle mage can cast Shield once per day as an immediate action. (An immediate action is like a free action, but only once can be made per round.) This spell is cast in addition to the force missile mage's usual number of spells per day and at the force missile mage's highest caster level.

Overpowering Missle: At third level, the force missile mage's magic missile spells become especially potent, breaking through spell resistance more readily than normal. She gains a +2 bonus on caster level checks to overcome a creature's sell resistance with the spell magic missile. This benefit only applies to magic missile spells she casts. In addition, a force missile mage's magic missiles penetrate shield spells, brooches of shielding, and other effects that specifically block magic missile as if they didn't offer protection from the spell.

Reflective Shield (Sp): At 4th level, a force missile mage can reflect the spell Magic Missile. For the purposes of being affected by Magic Missile, a force missile mage is constantly treated as being under the effect of the spell Spell Turning, thus reflecting offensive Magic missiles back at the caster. If that caster is protected by a Shield spell or a Brooches of Shielding, these reflected Magic Missiles are negated as normal. Missiles reflected back against a caster who also has Spell Turning in effect require the force missile mage to roll on the Spell Turning mishap chart. (Pathfinder Core pg. 347)

Adaptive Missile: All class effects that would alter magic missile take effect as if your class level were equal to your magic missile caster level. In addition, a number of times per day equal to your Int mod/2 you are treated as if you possess any one metamagic feat for which you meet the requirements. This feat may only be applied to magic missile and increases the spell level slot and/or casting time as usual for that feat. Each time you use this ability you may choose a different metamagic feat to apply. This ability can modify any single casting of magic missile only once.

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special Spells Per Day
1st +0 +0 +0 +1 Bonus Missile, Still Missile —
2nd +1 +1 +1 +1 Energy Missile, Swift Shield +1 level of existing spellcasting class
3rd +1 +1 +1 +2 Overpowering Missile +1 level of existing spellcasting class
4th +2 +1 +1 +2 Reflective Shield +1 level of existing spellcasting class
5th +2 +2 +2 +3 Bonus Missile, Adaptive Missile +1 level of existing spellcasting class

Arcanists' Circle of Kaer Maga:

Description from City of Strangers and mechanical write up based on the Magic Schools chapter of Inner Sea Magic

The circle has always been the most powerful shape. Endless, eternal, without corners to focus strain and with every point equal and carrying a matched burden, it is the shape of the world and the wheel upon which civilization turns. Or so goes the rhetoric of the Arcanists’ Circle, Kaer Maga’s foremost guild of magic-users.

Established centuries ago, the power of the Circle has waxed and waned with its membership, but the current guild is strong and vibrant, with over a dozen full members and at least as many apprentices swelling its ranks. The Arcanists’ Circle is an elite group of wizards and sorcerers who band together in support of a common idea: that shared knowledge benefits all involved. Within their guildhall in Tarheel Promenade the scholars meet to debate, compare notes, and share expensive equipment. The results are twofold: in addition to vastly accelerating their individual research projects, this approach has made them a formidable mercantile power. By sharing duties and workspaces, the wizards have been able to streamline and standardize many time-consuming aspects of item creation, and the first floor of their establishment sells enough of these mass-produced charms and potions to fund whatever research its members can imagine. What’s more, the vast amounts of experience represented by the guild as a whole means that those seeking unique or untested magical items can often commission them directly from the Circle.

For the most part the members of the Arcanists’ Circle maintain their own residences elsewhere, some not necessarily within the city walls. The day-to-day business is delegated to the members’ apprentices, often young but sometimes respectable magic users in their own right, hoping to earn their entry into the guild. While not expressly limited to arcane spellcasters, membership in the guild tends not to favor clerics or mystic theurges, as each member’s first priority (after himself, of course) must be the advancement of the guild, something few church hierarchies are willing to condone.

An elite group of wizards and sorcerers who band together in support of a common idea: that shared knowledge benefits all.
Location Kaer Maga (Varisia)
Entrance Fee 200gp
Entrance Exam DC 16 Knowledge (arcana) check
Tuition 100 gp/semester
Education Checks Appraise, Knowledge (arcana), Spellcraft (see special)
Semester 3 months
Flunk fail 3 consecutive education checks
Create Item (+1 Fame) Once per semester, if you create a magic item for sale by the Circle, your Fame score increases by+1. The item created must be worth at least 1,000gp per point of Fame you currently possess.
Journeyman Quest (+1 Fame) Once per semester, you may undertake a journey to retrieve artifacts, books of lore, or rare spell component for use in the Circle’s research.
Unique Contribution (+2 Fame) Once per year, you may donate to the Circle a unique spell, discovered or created by you as an example of your commitments to the expansion of arcane knowledge for all.

Adaptive Esoterica (3PP) You may add one spell from any list to your spell list for the purposes of using spell completion and spell trigger items only, allowing you to use scrolls, wands and staves of that spell without the need for Use Magical Device. This spell does not become a spell known, and it is not inscribed in your spell book. It cannot serve as the prerequisite for crafting magic items.
Scholar (2 PP) Your studies have paid off. You become specialized in one of the following skills: Knowledge (arcana), Spellcraft, or Use Magic Device.
Unparalleled Laboratories (2 PP) You can craft a magic item using the Circle’s extensive facilities and using the most efficient techniques. Doing so reduces the time needed for the item to be crafted by 1d3 days (minimum of 1 day to craft an item) and reduces the total cost of the item by 10%.