About RavboomBackground:
Growing up, Rav knew he was smarter than the other goblins. That was fairly easy to spot early on. In fact, he was almost certainly the smartest goblin he'd ever met. Indeed, he'd so far not met anyone who was smarter than he was, no matter what the race. His tribe of deep goblins were led by an oversized and lard-assed idiot named 'Goro Mojo'. Goro detested anyone smarter than him, so Rav avoided him as much as possible. This gave him a healthy sense of when to duck and cover or when to run. While growing up, he spent most of his time out on scout duty, or on prisoner watch detail. It was here he first started to learn longshank languages. One particular longshank he spent a great deal of time with over a couple of years was an odd old elf with grey hair who meditated a lot and exercised in confinement. The old elf was a monk-sage, who had picked up a lot of skills, including alchemy. The old sage was not killed by the tribe because he was useful, making alchemical fire (Goblins loved alchemical fire!). Old Elastrian was shocked to find a goblin with an intellect superior to his own, and he encouraged it, even cajoling the goblin into the forbidden and teaching him to read and write in secret. Eventually, after a couple of years, Rav decided that he was tired of avoiding Goro Mojo every time the chief got annoyed (which was all the time). The next time Goro Mojo decided to beat the uppity smart goblin, Rav shoved a couple of oversized alchemical fire bottles down the chief's pants, and then kicked him in the nads and broke open the bottles. While the rest of the tribe was trying to put out the fire in Goro's pants (at his very loud orders to do so post haste), Rav and Elastrian left with enough of the tribe's meager treasures to get them on their way. When they reached the surface, a truly strange experience for Rav, Elastrian took to teaching the goblin about the surface world, and introduced him to an old friend, Braendar StoneShield. Braendar was a high muckety-muck with the Silver Shields, and Elastrian convinced his old friend that the goblin was a good hire, with basically a mercenary outlook on life who was smart enough to know what side of the bread his butter was on (Rav loved bread and butter once introduced to them!). Rav is a new recruit with the Silver Shields now, and will be assigned to a squad soon.
Formulae List : 1st Level Formulae:
Blurred Movement Crafter's Fortune Cure Light Wounds Detect Secret Doors Hightened Awareness Long Arm Shield Old Stuff Below this Line
Old Build:
[spoiler=Skills] Barbarian : 4 + 1 (FC) Acrobatics (Dex) +7 (+1 Rank + 3 Stat + 3 Trained)
BAB +1 ; CMB +2 ; CMD 15
Special Abilities
Base Atk +3; CMB +3; CMD 13 (17 vs. trip) Languages
Carried Equipment : 39 lbs
[/ spoiler] [Spoiler=Background]
But things did not go normal for the goblin baby. His village was destroyed by a clan of humans with fox painted faces who had come seeking the territory his tribe controlled. Most of the goblins, even the babies, were killed with ruthless efficiency. But Ravboom was very survival oriented, even at the young age of 8 days. Unlike his siblings, he leapt on the man about to kill him, and took a great bite out of the man's face, mutilating him horribly. So fierce was the young goblin's attacks, and so fearless, that the human fell back in fear of the baby. Ravboom then tumbled into the man's companion, a woman with a fox tail in her hair. He ripped a chunk out of her leg, sending her screaming to the floor. Ravboom ripped the tail out of her hair and went tumbling out of the hut he'd been in, and by the time the humans friends came to help them, Ravboom was gone, scuttled off into the brush. Ravboom fled into the swamp, and despite being so young, managed to survive by sheer violence, killing animals his own size and eating them. It was during one of his hunts that he came across Morgrin Flametail, a tiefling Monster Hunter. Despite being only a few months old, Ravboom was already sporting muscles an adult goblin would have been proud of. Thus it was that just as a panther was about to pounce on the downed and wounded Morgrin, that Ravboom took advantage of the panther's distraction to launch a savage attack on it and rip it's throat out. Ravboom didn't do this to save Morgrin. He hadn't even seen the tiefling, who'd been blocked by bushes from his sight or he'd not have attacked. But Morgrin saw him, and saw how ferocious the goblin was. Morgrin, with a combination of gratitude for an unintended rescue and liking the potential of the young goblin to be a good hunter, cajoled and talked the goblin into staying with him. Over the next few years, Morgrin took the goblin along with him as he hunted monsters, training him to use a great sword, and to channel his ferocity into mighty attacks against his prey. He taught him to wear armor like it was a second skin. He also provided cover for him when they went to town, kicking in a few townie's teeth a few times when they wanted to run Ravboom off for being a goblin. Over the next 10 years, Ravboom grew into an excellent young monster hunter, and would still be assisting Morgrin, if Morgrin had not received word from his family that he had to return. Unable to take the goblin with him for reasons he couldn't explain, Morgrin left Ravboom in the city of Ikarida. It was the city they'd most frequented over the last 10 years. Ravboom waved as Morgrin's caravan trotted offinto the distance. Then he turned around, and rather dejectedly made his way back into the city. Ravboom waited as long as he could, but after 6 months, and his teacher still not returned, he set off to find him, the only thing he knew was the letter had come from Jevenwist, and so he headed out, being told by others he'd need ot make his way to mountains to get there. And so Ravboom finds himself on the nasty smelly train winding it's way through the mountains.
Big Ears (+2 Perception, can hear dog whistles) Monster Hunter (+1 Attack/Damage vs Aberrations & Magical Beasts) Armor Expert (-1 ACP) Paranoid (Aid Another attempts to help require 15 DC, not 10) [/ spoiler] [spoiler=Monster Hunter]
[Spoiler=OLD STUFF]
But things did not go normal for the goblin baby. His village had been overrun by a tribe of Kellid (his small clan was in Numeria at the time). Most of the goblins, even the babies, were stomped to death. But Ravboom was very survival oriented, even at the young age of 8 days. Unlike his siblings, he leapt on the man about to kill him, and took a great bite out of the man's hand, then climbed up and took a bite of his ear. So fierce was the young goblin's attacks, and so fearless, that the barbarian laughed and slapped him down and put him in a cage. Ravboom was kept as a pet by the kellid, abused, mistreated, and treated like a motley fool for entertainment. Again, the young goblin's fate would have seemed sealed. But the kellid went on a raiding party, attacking a Brevic community. The kellid brought his pet along, considering him good luck. This ended up being a fatal mistake. While raiding the home of a lord in the area, the kellid was preparing to ravage the noble's daughter and dropped his pack behind him. Ravboom's delight knew no bounds when the cage door opened and he was released. With no hesitation, he leapt free and proceeded to bash the kellid's skull in with his own helmet. The lord, still wounded nearby, was grateful to the small goblin who'd saved his daughter, and heaped praise on the goblin in his native tongue. Ravboom had never heard his own language spoken in all the years since his captivity. He listened to the first words spoken in his native tongue in a decade, and the first words of kindness he'd ever heard. Not raised in a typical goblin community, he'd ended up chaotic but neutral. He went on to serve the lord, until this lord asked him to travel south to the Stolen Lands on his behalf, and Ravboom agreed to do so. Big Ears (+2 Perception, can hear dog whistles)