![]() I will use these dice to make a character if it is not too late to be considered. 4d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 3, 1) = 15 = 14
Not too great on the rolls, but I might be able to work with them. ![]()
![]() Reading through the document, I do not have much interest in many of the hybrid classes that are presented. I understand that the designers wanted to stick to mechanics they already knew worked and not re-invent the wheel, but I do not see the purpose of certain classes presented here. Could they not have just as easily been achieved with archetypes or multi-classing and leading into a prestige class? The slayer for instance seems like something that could have easily been achieved with a ranger archetype. Same with the war-priest. I think we may have been better served with a war-priest by making variant Paladin roles that fit for each alignment type. To be fair, Blood-Rager looks like it works in a manner that could not effectively be represented by multi-classing or an archetype. Investigator seems weird. I always envisioned an investigative type being better served by an off-shoot of the Inquisitor. The blending of alchemy and rogue just doesn't seem to work, at least in my opinion. The Shaman looks very interesting, very flavorful, and unique. This is the sort of approach I wish more of the classes presented here took. It definitely fills a niche that was missing and could provide some excellent role playing experiences. The Swashbuckler is also a nice addition. Not quite as unique as the Shaman, but definitely a class I would want to try and with enough additional rules (panache) that it would have been clunky in an archetype. ![]()
![]() I'm not sure I agree with the idea that one character being more powerful than all the others is a good thing / acceptable. True, everyone has the same points and material to build a character, but if certain players are building a character around the RP concept and others are building the most powerful character they can mechanically, you could end up with vastly different character strengths. In addition, some players are simply better at designing an optimized character than others. Minor differences in power-level's are fine, especially if the characters all do something different than one another, but I can definitely see how player enjoyment can be decreased if one character is vastly more powerful than the others. It could lead to the other players feeling like their characters are unnecessary, sidenotes, or even side-kicks to the optimized/twinked character. This is also why generally as a rule all players start at the same level and with the same materials to build their characters. I know some friends of mine who back in the days of AD&D would quickly lose interest in characters whose randomly generated ability scores were sub-par at best and other characters in the same group had multiple 18's and generally super-human scores. They were sometimes even derided for this, but these days I don't think that was fair, especially since it was the dice dictating to them an altered vision of the character they originally had. Let's face facts, few people would want to play a regular police officer, when the rest of the players are Spider-man, Thor, etc. ![]()
![]() Good Afternoon, I just wanted to let everyone know that I am still here, I have just had no time to be able to really post anything this week. I've already clocked in a full work week and it's only Wednesday. I hope to post something soon, but I don't want to promise tomorrow and then not be able to deliver. ![]()
![]() Jelani, What is the guns level for this campaign or does it depend on whether Alkenstar is selected as our benefactor? Thank you for the update about the Holomog. They sound interesting, but I am going to stick with my choices. The Great Padishah Empire of Kelesh seems like a very interesting choice. First, we know from Canon that they dominate the Super Continent of Casmaron. Second, they have so many Satrapy's not detailed it allows Jelani free reign. Plus very little about the geography to the East or South of Casmaron is detailed at all. Lastly, maybe I just like the idea of potentially founding a new Satrapy to the Great Padishah Emperor, whose unbroken line has continued for thousands of years. ![]()
![]() The majority of my RPG experience was actually in 2nd edition. I played in many homebrew 2nd edition games and ran a long lasting and widely successful Forgotten Realms 2nd edition game (Though I dramaticly changed the political/social landscape). I often also added modifications to the rules, house rules, etc. It was necessary. I tried to go back to 2nd edition and it just didn't work. I feel that Pathfinder is just better at doing what I always wanted 2nd edition to do when I was younger, better. ![]()
![]() To be honest, I like your home brew world/setting. None the less, I will work with the changes: Setting 3) Start on Golarion and then getteleported/gated/flung/sucked or travel to some other previously unknown plane or planet. --> I am actually envisioning something like the sovyrian stone, our employer discovers a gateway/creates a gateway to a new world and begins colonization of this world through the gateway. Available Races 4) All Paizo published -- > Why the heck not. Starting Level 1) 4th; Two levels of NPC class, two of PC classes. 2) 3rd; Three levels of PC classes. -- > I am fine with both these options. Ability Scores 1) 4d6 straight down the line, no moving stats, reroll anything below 7. To me this option is interesting as it potentially creates characters with flaws to be roleplayed --- > Lets gamble. EDIT: As for our employer, I think Alkenstar / Nex would be very interesting. ![]()
![]() I'm not sure why this conversation is even continuing. Yes, despite Scott's insistence the policies were not customer friendly and did not gain them any support in the 'gaming' world. However Microsoft wisely saw the light and has since done an about face on all the negative features (save for the kinect) that people have harped about. http://news.cnet.com/8301-10805_3-57590134-75/microsoft-pulls-a-180-reverse s-xbox-one-always-on-drm-and-used-games-policy/ ![]()
![]() Robert Brookes wrote:
The animal archive was more focused on feats, archetypes, and additional options to add onto animal companions and familiars, but was not focused on the Animals / creatures themselves. As far as an issue would be concerned, you could go into detail about the Hippogriffs that are used by groups like the Sable company Marine's of Korvosa, or Elephant/Mammoth riders, or Axebeaks, etc. Just a thought - this is far lower on my desired list than Aboleth's and their spawn. ![]()
![]() I will probably put up the beginnings of my character on the weekend. I was thinking of using either a whip or a net as Huntmaster is proficient in both and they both fit the theme. Which would be more interesting? (I could in theory have both, but I am trying to decide which one - if any - to sink feats into) ![]()
![]() @Darkwhisper - If you'd much rather be the vanara character that you seem to be leaning toward, I could be convinced to abandon my idea for a huntmaster and instead adapt to being a Summoner. That would give the party access to: See Invisibility, Fly, and some AoE spells. The biggest problem with summoners I see is that they only know a very limited number of spells? I can't find any specifics, but am I right to assume that they do not have spellbooks and cannot learn new spells through scrolls or the like?