About Alina VasarioDescription/Picture:
Init: +1 Speed: 30' ---------------------------------
AC: 12
Special Defense: N/A ---------------------------------
Special Attacks: N/A
--------------------------------- Skills --------------------------------- Untrained
Feats & Traits:
--------------------------------- Feats ---------------------------------
--------------------------------- Traits ---------------------------------
Spells & Hexes:
--------------------------------- Spells Memorized ---------------------------------
--------------------------------- Spells Known --------------------------------- Patron: Enchantment
--------------------------------- Hexes --------------------------------- DC: 15
--------------------------------- Familiar --------------------------------- Name: Jobo Type: Flying Squirrel Bonus to Master: +3 Fly; Alertness when w/in arm's reach Familar Abilities
HP: 4 AC: 15 Touch: 14 Flat Footed: 13 Str: 3 Dex: 15 Con: 8 Int: 6 Wis: 12 Cha: 6 Skills
Attack: Bite +4 (1d3-1) Equipment:
--------------------------------- Gold ---------------------------------
--------------------------------- Armor ---------------------------------
--------------------------------- Other Equipment ---------------------------------
Weight Total:
Alina is young, rich, naive,and used to getting by on her looks and personality. Adventure is exciting, romantic, and exactly like the bard's tales. "Who wouldn't want to live that life. Now could you please be a dear and fetch my bags? Thank you." Background:
Alina grew up in what were probably the best circumstances that Cheliax could afford a young woman without corrupting her. Born to an elderly noble couple who governed a small dutiful but still insignificant town that was generally ignored by the rest of the empire, she was afforded a comfortable that bordered on luxurious. Her parent’s wealth and station provided her with all she could want and a freedom about town that no commoner would ever be afforded. Many Cheliaxian nobles raised under similar circumstances grew to embrace the empire’s drive for power and the corruption necessary to achieve it. Alina, however, had one thing most did not, a governess with a conscience. Technically Alina’s cousin, Lescivia was the result of what Lescivia’s father referred to as a moment of indiscretion and, “One of those things that happens when you’re young and invincible.” The tiefling never talked of the 18 years prior to Alina’s birth but it was clear Lescivia was her father’s daughter. According to custom, he should have been the family heir and governor of the town. He however had shirked his duties and left for a life of adventure, leaving his younger sister, Alina’s mother, to rule. A kind and boisterous man, Alina’s uncle often spoke of his adventures and annoyed his sister with his indifference with raising the family’s station. Not until she was older did Alina fully appreciate the differences between her uncle and mother. Her uncle had raised Lescivia for 18 years before Alina came along and because raising a child would have made her mother appear domestic, the tiefling was given the job. It wasn’t until Alina was in her teens and ready to be introduced at court, that that her mother realized her mistake. The young woman had been raised on stories of adventure and worse, with a moral compass that clashed dramatically with her mother’s sense of duty. The two fought endlessly over what was expected of Alina until the young witch could no longer take it. She was going to be an adventurer like her uncle no matter what her mother thought. So, using a few tricks she learned from a small mysterious brown squirrel named Jobo, Alina forced her mother to not only release her but do so with enough money that Alina would be comfortable. |