GM Tarondor |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Hey folks! I’m back.
For our 35th anniversary, the wife and I took the kids to the Black Hills and Yellowstone National Park. Saw the Badlands, Mount Rushmore, Crazy Horse, Jewel Cave, Devil’s Tower, the Bighorn Mountains, Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons. We saw bison, bears, bighorn sheep and elk up close (relatively) and even (supposedly, I’m not sure) a mountain lion at some distance. Despite our best efforts, we saw no wolves.
A came home with a bonus gift: COVID. So I’m taking things slowly, but I’m getting back to my games today.

Sargon Starbright |

Hey folks! I’m back.
For our 35th anniversary, the wife and I took the kids to the Black Hills and Yellowstone National Park. Saw the Badlands, Mount Rushmore, Crazy Horse, Jewel Cave, Devil’s Tower, the Bighorn Mountains, Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons. We saw bison, bears, bighorn sheep and elk up close (relatively) and even (supposedly, I’m not sure) a mountain lion at some distance. Despite our best efforts, we saw no wolves.
A came home with a bonus gift: COVID. So I’m taking things slowly, but I’m getting back to my games today.
You doing okay?

GM Tarondor |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Dear GMs and Players:
I apologize for my absence over the last 8-9 days. I have suffered a serious bout of COVID. That plus the stresses of business and family have really beaten me up, physically. I am now up and out of bed, but I continue to live life in the slow lane.
I don’t want you to worry about me. I’m not gone, but I do ask your patience.
If I am your GM, I will return soon. If I am your player, I will understand if you remove me from the game.
Best Regards
Scott / Tarondor

Jotun "Son of Jungarr" |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Take care of yourself and your family first my friend, we'll be here whenever you're ready to take up the reins again. Hope you feel better soon!

Báin son of Thrombur |
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Alrighty then, so bright and early tomorrow morning, I'm taking 14 Boy Scouts to Summer Camp at Camp Tuckahoe, PA.
Immediately following that will be my family reunion for a week.
I expect to be back online on the 21st of July.
Feel free to make decisions for me while I'm gone!

Waylon. |

Have fun with that!

GM Tarondor |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I’m back. I won’t bore you with the details, but life has gotten a bit harder for me. For one thing, I’m about to have a third child in a few weeks, so I’ll be quite busy for a while.
I’m dropping some of my games, but this isn’t one of them. I hope to be able to dedicate greater attention to this game from here on out. Now back to our show.

GM Tarondor |

To answer some of your questions about healing, there is little in-combat healing in this game (with a few exceptions). Most likely, you have to live (or die) with your injuries until you can get to a place of safety and use the Healing skill.
Possibly someone will remember a certain bottle they obtained from a dead ranger...

Padraig Proudfoot |

Hope she's sleeping, mine didn't. Those early weeks were 'magical' alright, mainly through sleep deprived hallucinations.

Jotun "Son of Jungarr" |

I remember those days well, my friend. Have fun with your newborn and get to us when you can! We shall wait patiently... :)
As for who attacks, I'd like Jotun to be in the mix, if possible. He's a natural fighter - even if he's lost his dang shield!

Waylon. |

I figured it was first in first to fight. So charge in Bain and be the third.

GM Tarondor |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Hope she's sleeping, mine didn't. Those early weeks were 'magical' alright, mainly through sleep deprived hallucinations.
Yeah, this. Except I'm no longer so young that 3-4 hours of sleep a night is feasible. Well, we'll muddle through. The other kids are fed and washed. Running a bit feral, though. School starts tomorrow for them so maybe I can sleep then?

Waylon. |

School starts tomorrow for them so maybe I can sleep then?
Good luck with that!

Waylon. |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I will be on vaction over the holiday weekend. It sounds like my internet access will be pretty bad. Please bot as needed.

GM Tarondor |

I owe you, my players and GMs, an apology for my ongoing absence. My daughter is now 1 month old and it’s me who generally cares for her at night, meaning I’m getting 3-4 hours of sleep a night. It’s not that I don’t have -time- to play these games, it’s that I’m so mentally blasted I don’t have the energy.
As she moves into her second month of life, she is sleeping slightly longer and I hope for more sleep and thus more play in the weeks to come. Thanks for bearing with me. I will eventually get back to the old me. :-)

Jotun "Son of Jungarr" |

Definitely agree with Bain! Get your rest, and we'll be here when you get the chance to post.

Sargon Starbright |

I owe you, my players and GMs, an apology for my ongoing absence. My daughter is now 1 month old and it’s me who generally cares for her at night, meaning I’m getting 3-4 hours of sleep a night. It’s not that I don’t have -time- to play these games, it’s that I’m so mentally blasted I don’t have the energy.
As she moves into her second month of life, she is sleeping slightly longer and I hope for more sleep and thus more play in the weeks to come. Thanks for bearing with me. I will eventually get back to the old me. :-)
I hope that no one is bearing with you, I would hope we're all actually happy for you; I certainly am. I also don't need the old you back, I'm much more excited about the new you; pretty sure he will be worth the wait.

Jotun "Son of Jungarr" |

Holy crapola, hope all's OK, Sargon - sounds like nothing came of them except stress and extra work?

Sargon Starbright |

At some point, I guess I should post that Sargons Circlet of Stargold begins to glow of its own accord -- my apologies for having been asleep at the wheel here for a minute.
Sargon's greatest gift, other than being a elf, is Lore. I would even petition for a free point of Inspiration given that I wrote his entire background based on his search for moon-touched gold.
So with Lore-4 and a little help from Elbereth, let's see what we get.

Sargon Starbright |

I think maybe this is a good time for me to say Thank You ... and exit the campaign. Coming in to my campaign page has begun to be a really depressing experience so I thought I would excuse myself and wish everyone the best :) Sargon is a character I truly adored and I will miss his potential as much as anything.
Whatever your holidays are, enjoy them with people you love.
Take care.

Waylon. |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Take care Sargon!

Sargon Starbright |

Maybe tomorrow I can wirte to customer service ...
I remember when I first started with PbP, and someone posted something like, "Well, it's the holidays, and I'll be baking; will probably post in a couple weeks." I was like, for real? I won't remember this character's backstory in 3 weeks without rereading it. I was stunned.
I get that life happens and stuff, I really do. But here's the thing, I've seen people text. Actually, in my last career, I was an email architect, so I am pretty clear on what it takes to get a post posted.
I love other people's lives, I love other people's boundaries, I love other people's families. But when part of the campaign pitch is "a 10 year committment" - well I am expecting the same thing from everyone.
All I want at this point is for these campaigns to cease to be clutter in my campaigns page. Seems like a simple request, and I really do wish the best to everyone remaining. Have a great 2024 :)

Waylon. |

I will be on vacation from Thursday through next Monday. I am not sure how much I will be able to post in that time. Feel free to bot me as needed.

GM West |
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A baby daughter can definitely mess with one's schedule, believe me I know! My daughter was born when I first started pbp gaming about 25 years ago and I still remember how tough it was to post. Not just the time involved, but the creative energy needed to do so. Anyway, hopefully your Campaign page will become uncluttered soon. I'll still keep an eye on the campaign in case Tarandor returns. Hopefully his family is doing well!