MiniGM |

So my Second Darkness Campaign just ended with a wipe, and since there was not really a good way to bring new characters in, and the modding of it was getting me down I am opening up a Jade regent recruitment.
Going for 4 players (though there is a player from the other game that is still learning the rules and if he joins he will be the 5th)
15 pt buy 2 traits +1 campaign
Here is the twist if you want to start as a Prestige Class at level one you may and all pre-reqs are waved. This offer is only good at level 1. In other words you can't go into a prestige class at level two unless you meet the pre-reqs.
Average Wealth+1 Item worth up to 500 gp. No you may not sell it for the gold. No you may not have two items that add up to 500. This item will increase in power as you level up so choose something that will be useful.
No evil
No PvP
I expect 2 posts per day, I know that this sometimes does not happen but I would like that to be the average. I have no problem with botting players, and if you have to be absent as long as you let the group know that you are going to be busy it is no problem. I will only put up with
random disappearances a few times before I boot the player, it is just rude to the group. I am in PST and always check in the morning and at night and depending on my work that day many many times during the day
I value players that will connect with each other and I despise min maxing. The AP is built for a 15 pt buy so it should be a challenge but with flavorful but well built characters. In other words if you are dumping your stats then you need to justify it.
If you want to do something that does not have a specific rule tell me what you want to do and I will tell you what dice to roll.
I do group initiative. So I roll the initiative and average it for each group then that group goes then the other.
Obviously the opportunity to enter a prestige class sans pre-req
Finally I do a fair amount of phone posting and when I do I often use a dice rolling app on my phone, so sometimes there will be rolling done off screen.
I will keep recruitment open until I see folks that I would like to have play, but I will be sure to give a 24-48 hour warning
Finally in your submission please list if you have a PFS number (I don't need the number just if you have one. I intend to allow PFS players to get credit)

YoricksRequiem |

Here is the twist if you want to start as a Prestige Class at level one you may and all pre-reqs are waved. This offer is only good at level 1. In other words you can't go into a prestige class at level two unless you meet the pre-reqs.
Many Prestige Classes, especially ones based around spellcasting, give Spells Per Day of "+1 to Existing Spellcasting Class". How exactly are you handling that?
Likewise, things like the Eldritch Knight require Martial Proficiency, but do not add any additional Proficiencies. Would this mean that starting with that Prestige class would give you Martial Weapon Proficiency?

MiniGM |

Thank you for reminding me.
Spellcasting class you will just pick one and then you will be on that progression
I also know that SOME prestige classes still might not work and I am ok with that. It is not an exact science really, just an option for people that like the classes.
Things like Eldritch knight I will handle on a case by case basis based on the story of the character. Depending on the story they would have simple weapons only or martial.
EDIT: so basically you could start with it if you wanted, you just have to come from a martial background, or have been in the militia or whatever

Saint Caleth |

This PrC thing sounds interesting. I have been wanting to play Jade Regent and I play PFS so this is perfect.
I have a question though. If I want to start as a Dragon Disiciple, can I work out a bloodline based on one of the Tian dragons? The idea would be that no one knows what kind of dragon the character's bloodline comes from and he can discover exactly what he is later on in the campaign.
The one wrinkle is that in a few months I am going to be moving to a radically different time zone East Coast -> Asia. That will not affect my posting frequency, just the time.

MiniGM |

we could discuss the then dragon idea, i would say it would need to be close…very close to an existing one and fully planned out prior.
In general I have a phobia of 3pp things, not because they are inherently bad, but because every time I have allowed a player to create something with one they have wound up being a mega pain in the butt.
What is the time diff between West coast USA and East Asia? I don't have a problem with it in principle.

Saint Caleth |

When I say Tian dragons, I mean the Imperial dragons from the Bestiary 3, not some wacky 3PP thing. The Sovereign Dragon would be the best match thematically, but the sonic breath weapon is probably a bit much. The Sky Dragon though is pretty much in line with the traditional Chromatics and Metallics.
Basically the character is conceptually a weird and slightly castier variant on the bloodrager on the mechanical side and thematically someone who was marginalized even from the marginalized subculture of people with draconic heritage.
The time difference is 12 or 13 hours depending on daylight savings so the morning and evening times when people are usually free to post actually line up reasonably well.

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East Asia if you're near to me It'll be GMT/UTC +8 or somewhere there.
The caravan rules sounds fine to me. You're the GM you call the shots. I just hope the dice roller doesn't kill me lol.
I was thinking Dragon Disciple but I'll go for maybe a Tengu ranger, rogue or fighter. Else I could try the nice Ifrit Cleric.

Saint Caleth |

East Asia if you're near to me It'll be GMT/UTC +8 or somewhere there.
I am going to be in Singapore so I think that is the time zone.
I was thinking Dragon Disciple but I'll go for maybe a Tengu ranger, rogue or fighter. Else I could try the nice Ifrit Cleric.
Shadowdancer/Possibly Ninja might be neat for the tengu. Or Holy Vindicator as a kind of off-brand paladin if you decide to go the divine route.

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Singapore? Then you're in my time zone and we have a PFS group here in Singapore as well.
Tengu Ninja/shadowdancer? That's near what I intended but it's best to clarify.
What happens if I Went PrC in first level then went Core class in seond level. Would that be fine?
I have an intention to do a shadowdancer/rogue Tengu who's like a retainer to someone.

DajellyMan |

Hey all,
I am thinking of making a halfling pathfinder chronicler, but I am still debating how well a prestige will do without a prior class. Might end up being something like a halfling ranger (trapmaker) or a rogue and then just go into the prestige later? I'm torn up about it.
I basically want to do a classic bumbling adventurer that thinks he knows oh so much more than he does, and knows oh so much more than he thinks.

Saint Caleth |

Go ahead and plot of the bloodline up to level 16 where the ap tops out and I can let you know what I think.
I was planning on using the Draconic bloodline wholesale with only a few changes.
The energy type would be sonic, so all references to energy damage will be replaced with d4's of sonic. So my breath weapon would be a 30ft cone doing d4's of sonic damage. The arcana and energy resistance would be a wash since there are so few sonic spells and it really doesn't come up that often The most problematic thing about this change would be the 1d4 sonic added to the natural attacks, but that is not until 11th level and the natural attacks only last for a limited number of rounds/day so I don't think that is too much of a power gain in the end.
The other change is that Imperial dragons don't have wings, so I would just fly magically. I could just have the wings though, as this is a pretty minuscule thing.
Everything else is pretty generic to dragons and can stay the same. I am trying to change up the balance as little as possible.
I assume that I should fill in stuff like proficiencies from the sorcerer.

Irnk, Prodigal of Old Deadeye |

I will need to adjust the build down, but this is my submission for Jade Regent.
edit: I haven't ever played PFS, but my # is 24018. Technically, I have a floating credit for completing Burnt Offerings, but I haven't ever seen a Chronicle sheet for it.
Posting twice daily sin't a problem. Except under significant situations I always give advance warning if I am unable to post for an extended time due to external events.

Irnk, Prodigal of Old Deadeye |

here is the Mystery Cultist PrC.
I have adjusted the points & returned him to the original Campaign trait of Rescued by Shalelu. I still need to double check on his gear to adjust it to your specs.
edit: now I see what you meant by the item. Wow, that is going to be difficult.
second edit: Or not. The optimal weapon for him right now is exactly 500 gold; Mwrk. (+1 Str. Mod.) Composite Longbow...
third edit: Going to hold off on deciding his item until I have a better idea who else is likely to be part of the group. If Irnk winds up being the party 'beat stick', a Longbow isn't going to be terribly useful. Of course, the first time I played him, I discovered I was having an unusually great amount of fun playing with a Heavy Flail.

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The main issue with a low level mystery cultist is the obedience boons, as normally without the prc you get the boons at 12 16 & 20 or 10 13 & 16 under normal circumstances with the prc. starting at level 1 in the prc would result in getting the boons at levels 3 6 & 9 most of the boons are not extremely powerful though.

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Actually, a MC of Black Butterfly would be boss!!
Except the Obedience would be all but impossible through much of the AP...
How would it be impossible, as long as you are with your party I see no reason why they couldn't be the target of your obedience. I can see the temple part being an issue, but just dont get caught.

Irnk, Prodigal of Old Deadeye |

Irnk, Prodigal of Old Deadeye wrote:How would it be impossible, as long as you are with your party I see no reason why they couldn't be the target of your obedience. I can see the temple part being an issue, but just dont get caught.Actually, a MC of Black Butterfly would be boss!!
Except the Obedience would be all but impossible through much of the AP...
I will have to double check but I thought the deed had to be for someone you didn't know either. If you just have to not get caught doing it, then yeah, difficult/not impossible...
Actually, the RP potential, if/when everybody else figures out what is going on, ratchets up to hilarious...
Irnk, Prodigal of Old Deadeye |

What is he obedience for black butterfly?
You have to do something nice for someone (I thought it was a stranger) without them knowing/catching you at it.
edit: It is very appropriate given Black Butterfly's relationships with both Desna & Shelyn. I've always gotten a 'Practice random acts of kindness & senseless beauty' vibe from BB...

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What is he obedience for black butterfly?
Here's the text for the obedience for the black butterfly. I don't see anything about not needing to know the target.
act. If you accidentally see or speak to the person you help,
spend an hour blindfolded and praying in silence, then tithe
to a temple of the Black Butterfly (or another good god,
giving preference to Desna). Gain a +4 sacred bonus on
saving throws against gaze and sonic attacks.
Anyway, I'm thinking I should make Ameiko's younger sibling as a Master Spy. With Ameiko being a bard/rogue (and Tsuto being a Monk) I think it would fit fairly well.

Valerie Wintrish |

Interested! Can post twice a day, but fri/sat might get sketchy (As in, those are my WoW raid nights so I can post before, but after might be too burned out/tired to post, or at least post well)
Have a couple ideas kicking around. The first one can get a little weird rp-goal-wise.
First:Aasimar Mystic Thuerge (Sorce(celestial) and Oracle (probably life, with either legalistic(In a Holy 'Keep your word' sort of way rather than hell's bargain) or tongues curse)(Not that these will matter for the first 10 levels but~)
Oddly enough is something of an atheist that's gunning for godhood (but in a nice way), her oracle powers coming from inside/a natural connection to divine planes. Views deities simply as very powerful beings that stake out concepts like royalty claim kingdoms. Good deities get sort of a 'Nice older sibling to mortal races' view while evil ones are just bullies
Brought up in a church(deity to be determined), sort of used by the church that raised her as a mascot (which she grew tired of) and ran away ending up in sandpoint.
Second:Street-Rat Wizard: Orphan raised on the streets, stealing to survive. Discovered she had some magical talent and was taken in by an abusive wizard as an apprentice. Got tired of it, robbed him blind and took off going back to her old gang. Figured out that she really does have quite a bit of talent and after the funds from her first foray into magical learning dried up, decided to get apprenticed to someone else. Jumping from one teacher to the other as a magical prodigy.
But then the people she burned wised up, got together and tracked her down forcing her to skip town.
Possible classes:Arcanist(if you're allowing the advanced class playtest), Sorcerer with Arcane bloodline, or if I'm feeling sort of adventurous, rogue with a huge focus on use magic device.

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Submitted for your approval, Sarannae Dawnborn. I have an office job that allows me to check and/or post many times daily, and most weekends I can post at least once a day, usually more.
As a 1st level Eldritch Knight, I assumed she would have Medium Armor Proficiency and Simple Weapon Proficiency. If I can get better, great, but those seemed appropriate to the backstory.
Let me know if you'd like me to flesh out her backstory a little more. I wanted to post before all the slots are taken. :-)
I have PFS id for this character.

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As I was looking at this occurred to me that the backstory for one of my PFS characters would give him a compelling reason to help a displaced heir to a Tien throne.
Last son of a disgraced noble family that once served the Dragon King of Xa Hoi, Exiel was cursed by the Dragon King for attempting to lie to protect his family (he will take a level of Oracle at second level, but I will have him suffer the legalistic curse from level 1 - the curse was inflicted on him to teach him honesty). He was however exiled rather than executed with the rest of his family on account of his youth. (Apologies to Valerie if the curse steps on your portfolio abit, but it is a large part of the way I've RPed this character. But hey, it could also be a source of mutual respect.)
Saved from the path of bitterness by his paladin-mentor, Exiel was encouraged to seek to reclaim his family's lost honour instead, though at this stage of his life he has no idea how he will even begin to go about that. He has spent the last few years in Varisia (possibly coming on the same boat as one of the Kaijitsus) looking for some glorious endeavour to embark on in hopes that news of his deeds will reach his homeland.
Crunch-wise, I will have him go Paladin 2/Oracle 1/Tattooed Sorcerer X (all other levels), with the legalistic curse and nature mystery, and the imperious bloodline and noble scion feat on account of his heritage. If you permit, he will be an Aasimar with the Scion of Humanity alternate racial trait. Role-wise, he will be a lightly armored front-line warrior (actually he will be relying on magic for armor and buffs for combat, and will sport the 'Wu Xia' unarmoured-swordsman look) and party-face.
His code of conduct is adopted from the movie Dragonheart:
A knight is sworn to valour.
His heart knows only virtue.
His blade defends the helpless.
His might upholds the weak.
His word speaks only truth (though in his case, I will RP him as being supernaturally literally incapable of willingly telling a lie).

Shiori Kaijitsu |

Decided on Master Spy with Younger Sibling (Ameiko) still need to know her sister's age, I'm planning on Shiori being three years younger then her sister (meaning Shiori was 10 when their mother died) Shiori will be Ameiko's full blooded sibling, rather then half like Tsuto.
Additionally would it be possible to use Ninja profiencies instead of Rogue? Nevermind.

Fiendish Zen |

Hi there, this sounds like a great game :) I do have a PFS number but this would be my first PFS game. The only thing to note is I'm in New Zealand (GMT +12). Oddly it shouldn't affect things much as I post mostly during the day, which would be your afternoon/evening anyway! Just FYI.
I've checked out the AP Player's Guide and have an idea for a Kitsune Bard (Arcane Duellist maybe dipping a level or two in fighter depending on the composition of the rest of the party). The offer of a prestige class was very tempting arcane archer-wise, but just couldn't justify losing the bard class abilities and associated usefulness to the party. Thinking of the 'student survivalist' trait, being found by Shalelu at a young age. Definitely interested in doing some RP before we start as this AP more than others I've seen has the PCs knowing each other, particularly with the campaign traits being so intertwined!
I've played PbP games before and I can post multiple times per day. Will stat the character tonight and cross my fingers :)
In the meantime, those are some very interesting character concepts being bandied around folks!

AdamWarnock |

Dotting for interest. As for Shiori's question, I think Ameiko is in her early to mid 20's. If she was 16 when she bought the Dragon, she'd be 22 in RotRL and then enough time's passed for Second Darkness to happen and Shelalu to be out of town for a few years.
Thinking Armored Hulk Barbarian. Should be interesting.