The Jade Regent (Inactive)

Game Master Vuvu

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Female Human (Tian) Master Spy 2
HP: 12/18, AC: 17_ T: 13_ FF: 14, Percep +6: Init+3, F: +2_/ R: +4_/ W:+3, CMB: -1, CMD: 12, Speed: 30
Acrobatics +5, Bluff +8, Diplomacy +5, Disable Device +8, Disguise +8, Escape Artist +7, Knowledge (Local) +6, Linguistics +7, Perception +6, Sense Motive +8, Slight of Hand +7, UMD +6
Condition: -none-

Congratulations mini

Female Human Veiled Illusionist/2 - [HP 14/14; AC11,T11,FF10; F+2,R+2,W+1; Per+0; Init +1]

Congrats Mini

I will take a scroll of Haste if that is an option.




here comes the color spray to save the day Koy these are 2 HD creatures

Female Human Veiled Illusionist/2 - [HP 14/14; AC11,T11,FF10; F+2,R+2,W+1; Per+0; Init +1]

That will be next round. As I posted in the IC thread, my intention was to slow them down so that only one at a time could get at our fighters.

Color Spray will be next round if I can get more than one target.


it is next round. your wall is up, on the surprise i posted in gameplay. not doing a retcon over there since i boted your wall.

Female Human Veiled Illusionist/2 - [HP 14/14; AC11,T11,FF10; F+2,R+2,W+1; Per+0; Init +1]

Just trying to figure where the wall is. You have 3, 4, and 5 directly adjacent to Vis and Shiori.


the wall i figure was moving, along grid lines, # 6 is on the heroes side of the wall, the rest are on the other side

Hp 16/16 AC 18 , touch 11 , flat-footed 17 Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +0 Resist 5 acid, electricity, fire Sr 11 Dr 2/silver

Be for her color spray vis gets to ginzu crit the one that hit him.


No color spray is first. You can either use your 20 on the save or take a chance that you fail and don't get an attack


A note on closing your eyes. Starting w the next combat any time you choose to close your eyes you will be considered blind until your next turn.

This is the suggesstion of JJ from the many threads about mirror image and closing your eyes


Also even if you were in a chair you would take -4

Hp 16/16 AC 18 , touch 11 , flat-footed 17 Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +0 Resist 5 acid, electricity, fire Sr 11 Dr 2/silver

Fine I can take the penalty. But I still think we should go with the first set of Koytine s actions as me being down is what caused her to change it. The original plan for her was to delay mini. And I was never downed. Or we should wait on her and see what she wants to do because that penalizes the party because they acted off of incorrect info. And my Dr is right there in my stat line. Also she can willingly fail her spell pen check. I shouldn't have to save either way.


I have made my ruling you can attack before or after the spell I don't care but you have to make a save period

She doesn't know you have sr

Female Halfling Oracle 2
HP 15/15 AC: 18, touch 13, flat 16; saves fort 2,reflex 3, will 5 +2 to fear

Btw still here just watching to see what happens before Mary goes as far as the saves for Vis and the birds. It's possible if the birds fails their save that Mary could coup de gras one with the longspear even while sitting.

Also I think I am going to go with a scroll of prayer. Thanks for the boon MiniGM.


That is true

Question about silent image when does it go away...since concentration is not maintained does it last another ts or does it go away immediately

Hp 16/16 AC 18 , touch 11 , flat-footed 17 Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +0 Resist 5 acid, electricity, fire Sr 11 Dr 2/silver

Fine I attack and she can roll her spell pen then if needed I will save. Grumble grumble grumble. So even with the -4 I should turn the bird into goo. No idea if she will even want to cast if its dead. Lol. Which is funny cause she can still not cast she nust loses her action for the turn.

Female Halfling Oracle 2
HP 15/15 AC: 18, touch 13, flat 16; saves fort 2,reflex 3, will 5 +2 to fear

I have always played that as soon as the concentration en the spell is over. Thus it would be gone at the end of her turn.

Hp 16/16 AC 18 , touch 11 , flat-footed 17 Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +0 Resist 5 acid, electricity, fire Sr 11 Dr 2/silver

He talking about the color spray. I am perfectly happy with the wall being there for now. Thats what the fuss was about. Koytine changed her actions cause mini isnt used to having characters with dr and forgot about mine. No biggie. The problem is because she thought I went down I was gonna be blasted with a color spray be for my crit which made me cranky. I pointed out she was gonna let me move first he pointed out was sitting and im like I know. No idea where I thought that we had benches came from. So now I get my crit then get popped by color spray. I have about a 20% chance of making that save. No idea the spell is coming so I cant close my eyes my move is to stand and then I pray she fails spell pen.


no I'm talking about the wall, that is what i needed to know

Female Halfling Oracle 2
HP 15/15 AC: 18, touch 13, flat 16; saves fort 2,reflex 3, will 5 +2 to fear

Vis I got the sequence no problem I was answering MiniGM about the concentration on the wall. Casting a new spell stops the concentration which gets rid of the wall at that time or effectively at the end of her turn. In group Init it can get tricky with when spells expire and who acts when.


ok guys I am going to say this again, and for the last time

I take the map as gospel. If you are healed you need to fix it on the map...period. If you don't check and I don't catch it then you are out of luck, and if that means you get killed, then you get killed.

Female Halfling Oracle 2
HP 15/15 AC: 18, touch 13, flat 16; saves fort 2,reflex 3, will 5 +2 to fear

I am with you MiniGM. Also for what it is worth can we stop the bickering (looking at you Vis) and move on please.


agree w the arguing.

On that note, moving forward this is how we will handle it

If you disagree, or think I make a mistake you may point it out. However, I will then make a ruling and you may agree you may not, but that will be the ruling. I do my best to be fair, and will allow rule of cool or logic to trump RAW.

But from here on out I will not argue.

Female Human Veiled Illusionist/2 - [HP 14/14; AC11,T11,FF10; F+2,R+2,W+1; Per+0; Init +1]

Yikes, about to read the IC thread. I had totally forgotten that Silent Image is concentration. It should disappear when I cast the next spell.

Hp 16/16 AC 18 , touch 11 , flat-footed 17 Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +0 Resist 5 acid, electricity, fire Sr 11 Dr 2/silver

Well we all just posted at once. I would have grabbed the body so one but wanted to be sure thats what we were doing lol.


That's fine you can be carrying. A body

Female Halfling Oracle 2
HP 15/15 AC: 18, touch 13, flat 16; saves fort 2,reflex 3, will 5 +2 to fear

Heading to bed myself. I don't care which watch Mary is on if it matters or not. See ou tomorrow.

Female Halfling Oracle 2
HP 15/15 AC: 18, touch 13, flat 16; saves fort 2,reflex 3, will 5 +2 to fear

Tried to update the map to remove the strength loss and add the 2 hp from sleep. I think it took the edit to the strength but Mary should be at 15/15 hp and I dont' think that took.


oh i forgot you all awoke completely healed from your rest

Female Halfling Oracle 2
HP 15/15 AC: 18, touch 13, flat 16; saves fort 2,reflex 3, will 5 +2 to fear

Oh well then that means I get my action back...will post shortly as I am at work.


Happy 4th all characters may have a firework of their choice

Female Human Veiled Illusionist/2 - [HP 14/14; AC11,T11,FF10; F+2,R+2,W+1; Per+0; Init +1]

I only use illusionary fireworks. Happy 4th all.


Traveling today, there may or may not be posts in games I am running, games I am playing in I will try to get something up!

Female Human (Tian) Master Spy 2
HP: 12/18, AC: 17_ T: 13_ FF: 14, Percep +6: Init+3, F: +2_/ R: +4_/ W:+3, CMB: -1, CMD: 12, Speed: 30
Acrobatics +5, Bluff +8, Diplomacy +5, Disable Device +8, Disguise +8, Escape Artist +7, Knowledge (Local) +6, Linguistics +7, Perception +6, Sense Motive +8, Slight of Hand +7, UMD +6
Condition: -none-

Posting this in all the PBPs that I am in, today is my Daughter's 2nd birthday and as such I will not be posting much today.



Female Human Veiled Illusionist/2 - [HP 14/14; AC11,T11,FF10; F+2,R+2,W+1; Per+0; Init +1]

Happy Birthday - didn't realize you were in Corsario's Kingmaker as well.

Female Halfling Oracle 2
HP 15/15 AC: 18, touch 13, flat 16; saves fort 2,reflex 3, will 5 +2 to fear

congrats and have fun

Hp 16/16 AC 18 , touch 11 , flat-footed 17 Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +0 Resist 5 acid, electricity, fire Sr 11 Dr 2/silver

Happy bday to her.


Folks I am leaning towards ending this game. We aren't posting twice per day and everyone somethibg goes poorly for the party someone implies that I am cheating and trying to screw you

Guess what I don't have to try to screw you I could just do it. For example the king would have continued his attack, (which is what his tactics imply) and I wouldn't have let koy move grab and move again. Or not let you block the door without and engineering check.

Female Human (Tian) Master Spy 2
HP: 12/18, AC: 17_ T: 13_ FF: 14, Percep +6: Init+3, F: +2_/ R: +4_/ W:+3, CMB: -1, CMD: 12, Speed: 30
Acrobatics +5, Bluff +8, Diplomacy +5, Disable Device +8, Disguise +8, Escape Artist +7, Knowledge (Local) +6, Linguistics +7, Perception +6, Sense Motive +8, Slight of Hand +7, UMD +6
Condition: -none-

That would be unfortunate.

We are however not currently equipped for fighting at a range, and the fight with the king would be much easier on us if we go up the stairs or somehow he gets down to our level.

He's a powerful enemy, we need a plan to combat him.


my point is that this room is SET UP as an ambush. you are supposed to flee, if you hit the room after you disrupt his play. If you went upstairs you would have opened the door and he would have hit you with a spell then DDoored away...the same thing. Not being able to go upstairs HAD NOTHING to do with it. Were you really going to leave these other room unexplored now that the whole castle knows you are here? Really?

I just really resent being caused of being unfair when things go poorly. It has happened too much in this game, and in other games I have been in. I don't like it, and honestly I have decided I am just not putting up with it anymore. I appreciate that the GM job is as a facilitator, and I WANT you all to succeed, but as I told Exiel when he quit the game is NOT easy mode. I play enemies smart (within their tactics) and if you are not cautious you will die.

Relationships are complicated.

Female Halfling Oracle 2
HP 15/15 AC: 18, touch 13, flat 16; saves fort 2,reflex 3, will 5 +2 to fear

Bringing your second post here MiniGM from the game thread not to start a complaining match but to explain how I am seeing it...

I did send the paladin in first with the hp and the fire resistance. Every conversation we had was about being careful as we did not know where the creature was situated and could ambush at any time. Since we could not see the enemy from our position then we had no choice but to enter. However if at that time since we could not see him then he could not see us if it truly was a line of sight issue and not a stealth vs perception issue. The second I have no problem with. The first I do and is how I perceived your post that

MiniGM wrote:

"As soon as the two of you enter you are able to get a goo view of the balcony

you ruined my play! a strange winged humanoid shouts. It has the voice if the king

Two fiery rays fire from his hands and slam into Mary for 17 damage and Vis for 15

Heroes win init note there is no easy access to the balcony.

You said that we won init so he had a ready action taken outside of initiative as we saw him immediately upon entering in full sight. This is the problem I had. I would be just as upset if I didn't get hit and VIs took both rays as he would be done in the same situation. NO stealth versus perception for surprise round or init checks that he won, just that a member of the party takes damage even though there was no way to prevent, circumvent, or even detect it.

If we were upstairs, which most of my groups do as soon as they find stiars they go up to clear the top level to prevent enemies from coming at multiple directions, it would take a full turn for his action of attacking and then D-Door which would require init that he lost.

True, Koytine may not have grabbed me as it would have been 3 move actions but Vis could have and exited in a double move action which is within the confines of the rules.

Take this as you will for me trying to explain my post previously of my frustrations. If you would like and if we continue then I will make sure to post a stealth check before every action in a dangerous area along with perception checks.


surprise round he hit you Mary. It is a standard action to cast scorching Ray. You would have been welcome to attack him but you went down and the party retreated.

And the stealth rules don't always help you. It is an open area, if you read the rules closely you will see that in a well lit room, with no cover you are pretty screwed.

Again I will point out that you are assuming I am trying to F you over. It is this attitude of Players vs gm that I f-ing hate. I am not against you. If I was against you, you would have been dead a dozen times over.

Female Halfling Oracle 2
HP 15/15 AC: 18, touch 13, flat 16; saves fort 2,reflex 3, will 5 +2 to fear

I am not assuming you are trying to screw us over but just saying that cover and stealth goes both ways. If he was in the open then we would have noticed each other equally and no surprise round is then taken. We won init as you said.

I understand full well that any GM can kill a player at any time he wishes especially if the GM does not show the dice on the post. Not saying you are doing this intentionally to sway things either way its just an observation I have had in the games I run and have played in. There is a lot less grumbling if both sides see the dice. I know this is more work and not asking you to do so but pointing it out.

I realize full well that he hit us both with a scorching ray and that he is at least 7th level in order to have 2 rays. The standard action is not the issue either. I guess I am asking for clearer posts in the future as to what exactly is going on to try and alleviate the disconnect. A simple "he heard you talking and new you were there so he had surprise" would have really been all it took to explain in the original post what happened and how 2 people got hit from a surprise round where every one is visible to each other.

Regardless it is over now and nothing I say now is of any matter so we may as well continue on exploring...


Or you could trust me. I do not post init because I have it set up on my phone, it is faster and easier, i do not post the dice when i phone post. nor do i ever post modifiers. plenty of offline rolls have gone your way as have plenty of inits.

as to the cover and stealth HE HAD IT he is up on a balcony, you are standing in a doorway to a door you just opened.

I am going to take an our or two to cool down.

Female Human (Tian) Master Spy 2
HP: 12/18, AC: 17_ T: 13_ FF: 14, Percep +6: Init+3, F: +2_/ R: +4_/ W:+3, CMB: -1, CMD: 12, Speed: 30
Acrobatics +5, Bluff +8, Diplomacy +5, Disable Device +8, Disguise +8, Escape Artist +7, Knowledge (Local) +6, Linguistics +7, Perception +6, Sense Motive +8, Slight of Hand +7, UMD +6
Condition: -none-

As far as who gets surprise, we opened the door and he saw it opening before we would see him, additionally, we would have made noise opening the door, so I understand him getting a surprise round. That damage though, ow.

I'm pretty sure most of us understand that you are on our side Mini, it was just an unfair situation, but not everything is fair, if it was the game would be a cake walk.


i have decided I am through here. I simply am not willing to continue this way. Mary's attitude does not jive with my sensibility. I am not saying it is wrong, but for me, that initial response struck me as belligerent and combative.

This combined with PC's that do not post the requested limit, despite my asking multiple times, and a group that simply does very little RP together.

This has been a good lesson for me. I simply am not a good enough GM to deal with open recruitments, at least without very specific details on how I play. A group that is not willing to completely trust that I will not cheat you is not one that I want to play with.

If anyone wants the JR chronicle I will be happy to post it for you and record it if at least 3 of you request it.

I will take the blame for the failure of this one. I would be happy to play in a game that one of you ran, perhaps I would do better. I will leave this game active for a bit in order to facilitate the PFS credit

Female Human (Tian) Master Spy 2
HP: 12/18, AC: 17_ T: 13_ FF: 14, Percep +6: Init+3, F: +2_/ R: +4_/ W:+3, CMB: -1, CMD: 12, Speed: 30
Acrobatics +5, Bluff +8, Diplomacy +5, Disable Device +8, Disguise +8, Escape Artist +7, Knowledge (Local) +6, Linguistics +7, Perception +6, Sense Motive +8, Slight of Hand +7, UMD +6
Condition: -none-

Its always sad to see a campaign end especially before the first book ends. I don't think we actually completed the sanctioned part of the adventure path so I don't believe that the chronicle was earned, and honestly without the chance to get the later chronicles I'm not much interested in the first chronicle for this one.

Sucks for it to end like this, but at least you didn't disappear on us like many people do, I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors and perhaps we shall play a game together again one day.

Female Halfling Oracle 2
HP 15/15 AC: 18, touch 13, flat 16; saves fort 2,reflex 3, will 5 +2 to fear

Very well if that is it then good luck every one. I am sorry that this was the straw to break the camel's back. I wish everyone luck in future games and hope that you all find something that you enjoy soon.

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