The Embers of Wrey (Inactive)

Game Master Elsine

Our heroes venture into the ruined city of Wrey to retrieve truth and treasure, and may just save the world in the proccess

Welcome, welcome. A thousand welcomes. I think the first order of business is sorting backstory with everyone, then a bit of world building.

I would appreciate it if you guys already knew each other, and were friendly. Other than that, go wild!

Human Warlock [ HP: 9/9 | AC: 15 ]

Hello Hello! Happy to be here!

@DM - Do you want to ask us questions or would you prefer a different approach?

Malachi Constant wrote:

Hello Hello! Happy to be here!

@DM - Do you want to ask us questions or would you prefer a different approach?

Yeah, I will, but first I like to see you guys interact with each other. It gives me a better feel for who you guys intend to play. I can do questions first if you guys prefer.

Female Elf Ranger 1 [ HP 21/21 | XP 4 | AC 1 | DMG D8 | ] [ STR -1 | DEX +2 | CON +1 | INT +0 | WIS +1 | CHA +0 ]

Happy to be here and can't wait to get started.

I love that we have an existing character tension from the backstories between Astora, Vulcarr and Ancient Morr.

Astora will have a lot of hesitation in working with Vulcarr - is he merely powered by fire? A fire elemental encased in a golem shell? Something else?

I suspect that Astora knowing the surrounding regions near Wrey means that she'll have guided some of the PCs before. Maybe Reno or Malachi?

Male Human Mentor | Lvl 1 | XP: 4 | HP: 13/14 | Armor 1 | d4 dam | STR 0 | DEX -1 | CON -2 | INT 1 | WIS 2 | CHA 0 | C: 100
Astora said wrote:

I love that we have an existing character tension from the backstories between Astora, Vulcarr and Ancient Morr.

Astora will have a lot of hesitation in working with Vulcarr - is he merely powered by fire? A fire elemental encased in a golem shell? Something else?

That is one of the things I have been thinking on the past couple days myself, the difference between an Elemental, and a Golem. Might have to get some of Malachai's input on what he thinks, considering he will be rocking an Arcane golem as well.

My idea on the subject? Different spirits. Elementals are created with their own "spirits" or animating force, whatever. Golems must have that animating force supplied. So, while the outer shell might be similar, within they would be somewhat different.

What do you guys think the difference is? Or maybe it just remains a mystery!

Male Golem | Lvl 1 | XP: 1 | HP: 17/23 | Armor 1 | d8 dam | STR +1 | DEX +2 | CON +1 | INT +1 | WIS 0 | CHA -1 | C: 0
Astora, and Din wrote:

Happy to be here and can't wait to get started.

I love that we have an existing character tension from the backstories between Astora, Vulcarr and Ancient Morr.

Astora will have a lot of hesitation in working with Vulcarr - is he merely powered by fire? A fire elemental encased in a golem shell? Something else?

I suspect that Astora knowing the surrounding regions near Wrey means that she'll have guided some of the PCs before. Maybe Reno or Malachi?

Well, I think Elemental Beings are more like natural occurrences while golems are made by someone or something.

Vulcarr was made by someone, in this case Morr, which used fire as the "main ingredient." Just think of Golems like you would Frankenstein.

Hope that helps.

Female Elf Ranger 1 [ HP 21/21 | XP 4 | AC 1 | DMG D8 | ] [ STR -1 | DEX +2 | CON +1 | INT +0 | WIS +1 | CHA +0 ]
Vulcarr wrote:

Well, I think Elemental Beings are more like natural occurrences while golems are made by someone or something.

Vulcarr was made by someone, in this case Morr, which used fire as the "main ingredient." Just think of Golems like you would Frankenstein.

Hope that helps.

Sounds good. I think elementals manifest in different forms, and are something akin to 'spirits' of a particular elemental type. The fire elementals that Astora fought would have come in all shapes and sizes - magma creatures, firey bats, sentient fire, and so on, all ruled by various elemental lords. Perhaps Salamanders and Magmin too?

Having fought the elementals for so long, I'm sure she could tell that Vulcarr is different - but that might not be enough to put her at ease; I'm sure our Bonds will reflect this.

Human Warlock [ HP: 9/9 | AC: 15 ]

That sounds reasonable to me. The way that I imagine mine working is that it's (for lack of a better term), just an ordinary mannequin that I then have to imbue with magic.

Vulcarr could be more naturally occurring, (eg: a personification of fire, which is more what I think Astora would have fought) or because he's been created by Morr, could well be similar to what I do.

In fact, if they are similar, it could be that's my background connection with Morr - perhaps I got my golem from him, but for whatever unknown reason, mine doesn't hold life permanently as his does.

Male Human Mentor | Lvl 1 | XP: 4 | HP: 13/14 | Armor 1 | d4 dam | STR 0 | DEX -1 | CON -2 | INT 1 | WIS 2 | CHA 0 | C: 100

I'm down with having some history with Malachai. Morr is old as dirt, and it's easy to see him teaching Malachai a bit about making a Golem. Problem in the current is he probably wont remember doing so!

Male Half-Elf Paladin 2 | 25/25 HP | 1 Armor | Visual status: Haggard | 3 XP | +2 Str | +0 Dex | +1 Con | -1 Int | +0 Wis | +1 Cha | Load: 1/12 Weight

Reno Jackson would be fascinated by Vulcarr and would try to study him at every opportunity. His first instinct would be to find out if he's being powered by something that gives him life, some valuable artifact or trinket, perhaps.

Regardless, if it helps him to accomplish his goal, Reno is down to work with him!

Now, I'm going to be styling myself as a world-famous explorer, even though I've only really been doing my thing for about 10 years. Have any of you heard of me?

Can I get everyone to answer 2 questions.

1.) What is your characters theory about the fall of Wrey (no promises anyone's will be right, but I ,like to have ideas)

2.) what is one feature that differentiates this setting from a regular tolkienesque fantasy?

Female Elf Ranger 1 [ HP 21/21 | XP 4 | AC 1 | DMG D8 | ] [ STR -1 | DEX +2 | CON +1 | INT +0 | WIS +1 | CHA +0 ]
Reno Jackson wrote:

Reno Jackson would be fascinated by Vulcarr and would try to study him at every opportunity. His first instinct would be to find out if he's being powered by something that gives him life, some valuable artifact or trinket, perhaps.

Regardless, if it helps him to accomplish his goal, Reno is down to work with him!

Now, I'm going to be styling myself as a world-famous explorer, even though I've only really been doing my thing for about 10 years. Have any of you heard of me?

Astora may have heard of Reno if he's been spinning tales if his greatness for 10 years. Now that she's rejoined civilization after the war, shed be interested to see and hear what has changed in the rest of the world.

A good reason to seek out an explorer?

Perhaps they have mutual interests? Wrey was Astoras old stomping ground, and she might be a good guide into and around the area.

Din the panther takes a shine to Reno, acting like a fat housecat around him for some reason, and much to Astoras chagrin.

DM Volsung wrote:

Can I get everyone to answer 2 questions.

1.) What is your characters theory about the fall of Wrey (no promises anyone's will be right, but I ,like to have ideas)

2.) what is one feature that differentiates this setting from a regular tolkienesque fantasy?

For Astora and Din, these would be

  • Astora suspect that the Elemental War was fought on many fronts across the world, and by all kinds of elemental forces be they arcane, fire, ice, or something else. She suspects Wrey was the target of one such attack.

  • Rather than being favoured creations of the Gods, Elves are the children of the Elements and of the beings that would become the mortal races before the veil of creation was drawn. They venerate the Harmony, a pantheon of three deities of Fire, Wind, and the Arcane.

    The elves bear strong connection to the lands and spirits they pay tribute to due to their Elemental heritage. They bear the physical marks of these in their appearance. For Astora this means that her people, who were of the world forest Aiune (Eye-yoon) they formerly had the appearance of green or blonde haired, fair skinned elves. Now that their homeland has been reduced to an ashen, molten wasteland by the war against the Fire Elementals, they have the appearance of ash and charcoal, with red or amber eyes that gleam with an inner fire.

    Some of these Elves have retreated beneath the surface to hide their shame, and have started forming cruel tormented societies. Others band together as grey skinned nomads, wearing thick wools, traversing the steppes and plains, and finding solace and peace in a simple existence. There are many more (such as Astora) who have gone on to find a new home with the other mortal races, and seek to build a better future for themselves as an adventurers.

  • Male Human Mentor | Lvl 1 | XP: 4 | HP: 13/14 | Armor 1 | d4 dam | STR 0 | DEX -1 | CON -2 | INT 1 | WIS 2 | CHA 0 | C: 100

    Fall of Wrey? Perhaps it could be something similar to one of the greatest mysteries in a well known Fantasy universe, Elder Scrolls. For those not in the know, an entire race in Elder Scrolls vanished when they tapped into the heart of a God, vanishing without a trace. Perhaps somebody in Wrey tapped into something powerful, and it caused the population to vanish.

    As far as Morr is concerned? He does not even remember the city is a ruin! Perhaps whatever caused the fall of Wrey had some part in stripping him of his memories. Or perhaps he's just a senile old man no one should listen to..

    I would think that the land would be different because of channelers and the fire war. From what I read, when channelers die, a rift is formed that I connected to whatever plane they channel magic from..I would think people would not want walking doorways to other dimensions just wandering around Willy nilly. Maybe the Fire War was started by a Channeler, or a group of Channelers. Perhaps in this world they are hunted and imprisoned, for public safety. Just a small idea.

    Male Golem | Lvl 1 | XP: 1 | HP: 17/23 | Armor 1 | d8 dam | STR +1 | DEX +2 | CON +1 | INT +1 | WIS 0 | CHA -1 | C: 0

    Vulcarr has been following Morr around since he was born just because one he has nowhere else to go, and two because he is hoping Morr will remember why he created Vulcarr. He thinks about life and understands the differences between right and wrong. All Vulcarr knows is that he and Morr was leaving the town of Wrey.

    Something cool to differentiate the world from others would be the different lands of people. For example, the dwarfs live with dwarfs in their own land, the elves live with elves, etc. You could also have maybe like little villages along the boards of the lands where people like us could meet? Just spitting ideas out.

    Male Half-Elf Paladin 2 | 25/25 HP | 1 Armor | Visual status: Haggard | 3 XP | +2 Str | +0 Dex | +1 Con | -1 Int | +0 Wis | +1 Cha | Load: 1/12 Weight

    Astora, I would definitely have reached out to you to assist me in navigating the dangerous wilderness. Deep inside caves or ruins, I'm your man to lead the way, but out in the jungle it's very useful to have a guide. You would be one of the few people who would know me as I am on my adventures - crass at times, with a deficit of caution, but good-hearted.

    I would have asked you if you wanted your name to be mentioned alongside mine when I tell tales of my past adventures as an explorer. What would you say to that? Would you like to have a little of my fame rub off on you or would you prefer to remain the anonymous elven guide, wrapped in mystery?

    DM Volsung wrote:
    1.) What is your characters theory about the fall of Wrey (no promises anyone's will be right, but I ,like to have ideas)

    My theory is that it's connected somehow to the Golden Monkey Idol that I discovered so many years ago. There were deep, unsolved mysteries about that thing that I was just on the verge of discovering when Doctor Zeller made me give it away to the Museum of Wrey. For my own good, he insisted.

    DM Volsung wrote:
    2.) what is one feature that differentiates this setting from a regular tolkienesque fantasy?

    There was an offshoot race - maybe a subset of elves or dwarves - that long, long ago in this planet's history, achieved great technological marvels. They even had minor space travel. However, that civilization came to ruin many centuries ago, and only traces of their technological wonders remain in the world today. Some technology was built to last, however...

    Vulcarr, Morr, Malachi, have either of you have heard of the great Reno Jackson, world renowned explorer?

    Male Human Mentor | Lvl 1 | XP: 4 | HP: 13/14 | Armor 1 | d4 dam | STR 0 | DEX -1 | CON -2 | INT 1 | WIS 2 | CHA 0 | C: 100

    Well, with the way my head canon and RP is going, I have Pre-senile Morr and Post-senile Morr.

    With the story magic Vulcarr and I have woven, we have a few solid base "ideas". One is that we were in Wrey when whatever happens to it happened. The way we are explaining our lack of knowledge on what happened is this: Pre-senile Morr "may" have been aware of what was going to happen, and was in the process of awakening Vulcarr for the first time when "Something" happened.Perhaps it is related to what happened to Wrey, or it could be something else. Either way, Pre-senile Morr was KTFO, and becomes Senile Morr. Vulcarr awakens, post Wrey disaster, notes Morr unconscious on the ground. He watches over Morr until the old man awakens, ranting and mumbling to himself in a delusional state and they leave the Post-disaster Wrey. Morr does not take note of his surroundings because he I in a delusions senile state, Vulcarr does not take not of his surroundings leaving Wrey because he is literally just awoken, hours old, and does not know what is strange and what is not.

    Obviously this is just an idea, subject to DM approval. More DOES have a cottage in Wrey (one of my inventory options) and it was what caused this idea to come about.

    If Reno had been adventuring and exploring for the past 10 years, More would not know of him, nor would he remember hearing the name in his wanderings. He's been focused in trying to regain his own memories and his own mind.

    Malachai, one of my ideas for why Vulcarr is different then your own arcane golem is that in order to create a true "living" golem, one is required to give/sacrifice a portion of your essence in order to awaken the golem permanently. This in turn has lead to another idea of perhaps attempting to awaken Vulcarr caused his memory loss. It's an interesting idea, one I leave to the DM.

    Female Elf Ranger 1 [ HP 21/21 | XP 4 | AC 1 | DMG D8 | ] [ STR -1 | DEX +2 | CON +1 | INT +0 | WIS +1 | CHA +0 ]
    Reno Jackson wrote:

    Astora, I would definitely have reached out to you to assist me in navigating the dangerous wilderness. Deep inside caves or ruins, I'm your man to lead the way, but out in the jungle it's very useful to have a guide. You would be one of the few people who would know me as I am on my adventures - crass at times, with a deficit of caution, but good-hearted.

    I would have asked you if you wanted your name to be mentioned alongside mine when I tell tales of my past adventures as an explorer. What would you say to that? Would you like to have a little of my fame rub off on you or would you prefer to remain the anonymous elven guide, wrapped in mystery?

    “Thanks… for the offer.” Astora would have said. She isn’t a self-promoter like Reno. She’s made a small name for herself, but mostly as ‘the Ranger’ around these parts. While she makes a living out in the wilds, and traffics in civilization occasionally, it isn’t for fame or fortune.

    Reno would have learnt from Astora that in her former Elven society, rangers and their animal companions are tasked with being scouts and lone operatives that guard the borders and trafficked areas of the world-wood Aiune. The ever shifting nature of the forest would have meant that the Elves always needed people charting courses and tracking the changes, warning towns or cities of any natural disasters and threats. She isn’t interested in fame or fortune because Astora sees her job in this region as the same. The places she has lead Reno are boring to her, but she appreciates the peace after a decade of fighting.

    While Din would certainly be comfortable prowling around rocky caves, Astora finds them claustrophobic. I wonder how many times she’s waited at the edge of a cavern for Reno and Din, calling out to them every now and then to check on them. And how many times she’s had to dive in despite her fear to help get him out of trouble? Any particular encounters come to mind?

    Human Warlock [ HP: 9/9 | AC: 15 ]

    Ack I missed so many things. @GM can you make a Gameplay thread for us to Dot?

    DM Volsung wrote:

    1.) What is your characters theory about the fall of Wrey (no promises anyone's will be right, but I ,like to have ideas)

    2.) what is one feature that differentiates this setting from a regular tolkienesque fantasy?

    The Arcane Magic that Malachi channels comes from a living source - a being of pure energy. There are many who worship this entity as a god, and believe that it is made up of billions of souls, and that when we die, we will join it. Malachi does not worship it, and does not believe that, and suspects that it has its own motives. He has tried to find ways to communicate with it, but has so far been unsuccessful. Regardless, he believes it is behind what happened in Wrey.

    Reno Jackson wrote:
    Vulcarr, Morr, Malachi, have either of you have heard of the great Reno Jackson, world renowned explorer?

    Probably, if you're that famous. Malachi would have come to Wrey to do some investigating of his own. He tends to be a loner in general, but (though he'd never admit it), Wrey scares the hell out of him. Whatever actually occurred, it's likely something that shouldn't have ever happened, and in his mind it's a pretty big game changer. He'd have wanted others around who were more knowledgable about certain things.

    Ancient Morr wrote:
    Malachai, one of my ideas for why Vulcarr is different then your own arcane golem is that in order to create a true "living" golem, one is required to give/sacrifice a portion of your essence in order to awaken the golem permanently. This in turn has lead to another idea of perhaps attempting to awaken Vulcarr caused his memory loss. It's an interesting idea, one I leave to the DM.

    That's a good idea, and is something that Malachi would absolutely not ever do.

    Male Half-Elf Paladin 2 | 25/25 HP | 1 Armor | Visual status: Haggard | 3 XP | +2 Str | +0 Dex | +1 Con | -1 Int | +0 Wis | +1 Cha | Load: 1/12 Weight

    Astora, once, when I was nearer to the beginning of my career than I was to my present day, I was traveling with Din down into a long-abandoned tunnel that led to a temple for spiderfolk. However, I became entangled in an ancient trap made of spiderwebs that I had never encountered before, and you arrived just in time to save me from the stone spider constructs I had unwittingly animated with my struggling.

    Okay, time for more questions!

    What do you want in Wrey? we know why you are going, but what do you hope to find?

    is the elemental war really over? What spoil do you still carry from it?

    Are channelers a new thing?

    Does your Rift have a voice?

    What minor artifact do you carry with you?

    Would you please make the Researcher move?

    How do people react to you?

    What do you want? beyond servitude?


    I actually might make a custom move for your memories, would you be cool with that?

    Male Human Mentor | Lvl 1 | XP: 4 | HP: 13/14 | Armor 1 | d4 dam | STR 0 | DEX -1 | CON -2 | INT 1 | WIS 2 | CHA 0 | C: 100

    I'm down. Fire away!

    Male Half-Elf Paladin 2 | 25/25 HP | 1 Armor | Visual status: Haggard | 3 XP | +2 Str | +0 Dex | +1 Con | -1 Int | +0 Wis | +1 Cha | Load: 1/12 Weight


    When you spend some time researching a nearby dungeon, roll+INT. *On a 10+,
    choose two from the list. *On a 7-9, choose one. *On a 6-, pick one from the list above, but don’t describe it yet. Instead, ask the GM what it will cost you or what you must do to gain that benefit.
    • You find part of a map, draw it out or otherwise present it to the group.
    • You learn of a trap or similar hazard, describe it and hold +1 preparation. (see the Bolster move)
    • You learn of a dangerous enemy or group in the area, describe and/or name them and hold +1 preparation.
    • You learn of a valuable treasure, describe it and where it’s kept.
    • You learn something useful about the area’s history, layout, or politics; tell us what.
    • You gain something that will be particularly useful in there (a key, a password, etc.), tell us what you got.

    Researching the City of Wrey: 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (6, 6) + 1 = 13

    That's a damn good omen!

    I choose:
    • You learn of a valuable treasure, describe it and where it’s kept.

    ===The valuable treasure is a scrying orb that was known to be kept inside the Tower of Divination at the center of the City of Wrey. This scrying orb was said to be able to see things at any distance away from it, through stone, steel, or timber. You need only to describe a location and peer into the stone, and you are granted a vision of it.

    • You gain something that will be particularly useful in there (a key, a password, etc.), tell us what you got.

    ===The Tower of Divination that houses the scrying orb of Wrey is locked tight via complex locking mechanisms, but I have the key. It's ornate, made of worked bronze and jade, and weighs about a kilo.

    As for the rare artifact, it's my hat! This wide-brimmed hat has been previously owned by many famous explorers that came before me. It's recognizable by those who follow history and exploration; also, when I'm stumped between two options and I have no idea which to choose, I can throw my hat up in the air and which way it lands - upside down or rightside up - helps me to decide. It hasn't steered me wrong yet!

    Male Half-Elf Paladin 2 | 25/25 HP | 1 Armor | Visual status: Haggard | 3 XP | +2 Str | +0 Dex | +1 Con | -1 Int | +0 Wis | +1 Cha | Load: 1/12 Weight

    Also Morr, I think you have your stats a little off, unless that's a feature of your class? You're supposed to have the stats of +2, +1, +1, +0, +0, -1, and you have yours as +2, +1, +1, +0, -1, -1. So one of your -1s should be a +0. I suppose that could be because you're old and wizened. Is that why?

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Male Human Mentor | Lvl 1 | XP: 4 | HP: 13/14 | Armor 1 | d4 dam | STR 0 | DEX -1 | CON -2 | INT 1 | WIS 2 | CHA 0 | C: 100
    Reno Jackson wrote:
    Also Morr, I think you have your stats a little off, unless that's a feature of your class? You're supposed to have the stats of +2, +1, +1, +0, +0, -1, and you have yours as +2, +1, +1, +0, -1, -1. So one of your -1s should be a +0. I suppose that could be because you're old and wizened. Is that why?

    I have a move called "I'm not getting any younger" that gives me a -1 to strength, con, and dex. Part of the consequences of age and being an old man. But, you did point out my error with strength, it's supposed to be a 0. Thanks!

    Male Golem | Lvl 1 | XP: 1 | HP: 17/23 | Armor 1 | d8 dam | STR +1 | DEX +2 | CON +1 | INT +1 | WIS 0 | CHA -1 | C: 0

    Whenever Vulcarr walk into a room people are frightened of me. He leaves round circles of char and ash as he walks through the streets. Vulcarr has also heard stories and rumors that people made up for him. Probably spread by Reno. Rumors that he is a demon from the underworld seeking destruction and wanting to create chaos through out the land.

    Vulcarr wants to find a place where he can call home. To live amongst others like himself, and be accepted by society. He want to be able to live in this world and people rejoice at the sound of the name, Vulccarr, instead run in horror. The only person in his life is Morr who does not even pay him any mind. He has heard of Wrey and does not really know what happened. He hopes that by help the city of Wrey that people will embrace him as a hero.

    Female Elf Ranger 1 [ HP 21/21 | XP 4 | AC 1 | DMG D8 | ] [ STR -1 | DEX +2 | CON +1 | INT +0 | WIS +1 | CHA +0 ]
    DM Volsung wrote:

    Okay, time for more questions!

    What do you want in Wrey? we know why you are going, but what do you hope to find?

    is the elemental war really over? What spoil do you still carry from it?

    Astora cares little for wealth and the secrets Wrey might offer. She is looking for signs of her old adventuring party, and whether they had any part to play in Wrey's fall. Did they escape? Die fighting? Or something else? They used to operate out of one of Wrey's smoking dens. Her companions were:

  • Kestrel - a proud young human girl, a paragon of martial prowess with strawberry blonde locks of hair, who never failed to do the right thing. She wore a lilac-steel circlet said to be blessed by the Gods.
  • Tom Wish - a stout halfling with a straw hat who could change his shape to that of woodland creatures
  • Sonora - a fellow elfmaiden, and cleric of Nayru - the elven deity of Love, Song, and the Arcane. Her harp skills, (the harp being Nayru's holy symbol) soothed many difficult situations between party members and their patrons.
  • Sting - A black garbed girl, whose greed, kleptomania, and desire to stab-first-ask-questions-later put her at odds with Astora on many occasions.

    As for the war, and Astora's spoils... The Elves promised a great deal when they summoned their peoples to war, and of what they could take from the Fire Elementals; secrets of flame, of life, and of the Elven Deity of Fire. Astora doesn't know who started the fighting, or how the Elves gained access to the elemental plane of fire,. but after ten years the Fire Elementals finished it. Whether the Elves can ever muster again, Astora does not know. They are soundly beaten, and she has no clue what the Fire Elementals will do now that they have consolidated their power.

    The elves adapted to fight their enemies, and the martial types learned to forge weapons and armour of Obsidian to withstand the flames of their adversaries. Astora's role was primarily as a scout, tracking the progress of fire and salamanders through the world-wood. Instead of obsidian armour, she and Din wear amulets of protection; The amulets work by subtly shifting the wearer towards the Elemental Plane of fire, allowing them to harm fire elementals with mundane weapons and attacks, and to partially resist their burning influence.

  • Human Warlock [ HP: 9/9 | AC: 15 ]
    DM Volsung wrote:


    Are channelers a new thing?

    Does your Rift have a voice?

    I don't think they'd be new. I imagine the Rift has been around for a long time. Maybe they've always been kind of a closed community? Something between a cult and a secret society.

    It does have a voice, but not physical. It's telepathic, and sounds like the thousands of souls that make it up (or are trapped within it or whatever) all speaking at once, saying the same thing, but kind of overlapping. There are legends within the Channeling "community" of people who have spoken with it, but they may or may not be legitimate.

    Male Half-Elf Paladin 2 | 25/25 HP | 1 Armor | Visual status: Haggard | 3 XP | +2 Str | +0 Dex | +1 Con | -1 Int | +0 Wis | +1 Cha | Load: 1/12 Weight

    I'm excited for this campaign to begin. Let me know when you create a gameplay thread, so I can post in it!

    Vulcarr: I'm thinking I may consider you in-character to be an animated golem at first, so I may refer to you as "it" or subtly as Morr's possession. Don't worry though, I'll probably come around after getting the chance to adventure with you a bit.

    Human Warlock [ HP: 9/9 | AC: 15 ]

    @Reno - There is an empty gameplay thread for dotting purposes!

    Male Golem | Lvl 1 | XP: 1 | HP: 17/23 | Armor 1 | d8 dam | STR +1 | DEX +2 | CON +1 | INT +1 | WIS 0 | CHA -1 | C: 0
    Reno Jackson wrote:

    Vulcarr: I'm thinking I may consider you in-character to be an animated golem at first, so I may refer to you as "it" or subtly as Morr's possession. Don't worry though, I'll probably come around after getting the chance to adventure with you a bit.

    I think that would be good idea and make for a fun relationship between Reno and Vulcarr.

    Malachi Constant wrote:
    @Reno - There is an empty gameplay thread for dotting purposes!

    Not just for dotting anymore. the first prompt is up.

    Human Warlock [ HP: 9/9 | AC: 15 ]

    Hey are we in town together having already joined up, or is it more that some of us have met before and will reunite for joined efforts? I'm basically not sure if I should be surprised or not when I inevitably see someone else.

    Male Half-Elf Paladin 2 | 25/25 HP | 1 Armor | Visual status: Haggard | 3 XP | +2 Str | +0 Dex | +1 Con | -1 Int | +0 Wis | +1 Cha | Load: 1/12 Weight

    I say that Astora and I have adventured together in the past, and I'm seeking to put a group together to venture into Wrey, but none of the rest of us have met yet. You, Malachi, have heard of me and seen pictures of me, along with vague tales of an Elven guide that aids me sometimes on my journeys, but that's about it. Morr and Vulcarr are both loners for the most part.

    So, Malachi I've just realized that I hadn't established if you get persecuted for this gift. if so, great (well, not great for your character, but for continuity). If not, that's fine too, ill just retcon the guy to be harassing you about something else (maybe he thinks you shoplifted)

    Female Elf Ranger 1 [ HP 21/21 | XP 4 | AC 1 | DMG D8 | ] [ STR -1 | DEX +2 | CON +1 | INT +0 | WIS +1 | CHA +0 ]

    @Volsung, not sure if you got my PM from a while back? I'd like to get your thoughts on Astora's char progression (early days yet I know, but even so!)

    I'm wondering if what happened to the elves would make it appropriate for Astora to multiclass into Immolator as she levels? Channelling her inner fire?

    Human Warlock [ HP: 9/9 | AC: 15 ]
    DM Volsung wrote:
    So, Malachi I've just realized that I hadn't established if you get persecuted for this gift. if so, great (well, not great for your character, but for continuity). If not, that's fine too, ill just retcon the guy to be harassing you about something else (maybe he thinks you shoplifted)

    Oh! Sure, I like the Persecution angle. In general I was intending to have my character be sort of secretive about it anyway, so this gives him more cause to not be "showy" with it.

    Astora, and Din wrote:

    @Volsung, not sure if you got my PM from a while back? I'd like to get your thoughts on Astora's char progression (early days yet I know, but even so!)

    I'm wondering if what happened to the elves would make it appropriate for Astora to multiclass into Immolator as she levels? Channelling her inner fire?

    Absolutely, cross out the cleric spells upgrade, and a couple others, and replace them with immolator moves, if you want. it think it's cool.

    Female Elf Ranger 1 [ HP 21/21 | XP 4 | AC 1 | DMG D8 | ] [ STR -1 | DEX +2 | CON +1 | INT +0 | WIS +1 | CHA +0 ]

    Hey DM, just checking if everything's going ok in this campaign? It's been a while since our last update and I noticed that your other campaigns seem to be chugging along all right.

    If it's a character, thematic, or game play issue maybe we can all resolve it together.

    If it's a time thing then no problem, but might be good to get a head's up so we don't keep checking the gameplay thread every couple of hours.... >_> (or is that just me?)

    sorry, I kinda... forgot about you guys (a couple days where nothing happened, and I was waiting for someone, and I kinda... goldfish memoried it)

    really sorry, my bad.

    Human Warlock [ HP: 9/9 | AC: 15 ]

    Glad to see this game come back!

    me too, sorry I went full goldfish on you guys

    Male Human Mentor | Lvl 1 | XP: 4 | HP: 13/14 | Armor 1 | d4 dam | STR 0 | DEX -1 | CON -2 | INT 1 | WIS 2 | CHA 0 | C: 100

    Remember, everyone still has a +1 forward to defy danger from Morr!
    Also, I forgot I have +1 armor from my amulet. I'm correcting my hp to 13/14

    Female Elf Ranger 1 [ HP 21/21 | XP 4 | AC 1 | DMG D8 | ] [ STR -1 | DEX +2 | CON +1 | INT +0 | WIS +1 | CHA +0 ]

    Do we all get that, considering our characters haven't officially teamed up yet?

    Male Human Mentor | Lvl 1 | XP: 4 | HP: 13/14 | Armor 1 | d4 dam | STR 0 | DEX -1 | CON -2 | INT 1 | WIS 2 | CHA 0 | C: 100

    Well, I assumed we did, but then you came in with your logic...GM ruling?

    so guys, I am really sorrym=, but my life has become kinda hetic, and I am having to slow down on my other camapign, and I think I have to put this on a Hiatus while I work it all out. I am sorry, I love this campaign and these characters, but I am really taxed for time

    Female Elf Ranger 1 [ HP 21/21 | XP 4 | AC 1 | DMG D8 | ] [ STR -1 | DEX +2 | CON +1 | INT +0 | WIS +1 | CHA +0 ]

    No problem DM. You do what you gotta do.

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