ziltmilt |

Here's what you'll see in the next couple of days:
Character sheets, hopefully with character portraits. I can supply them or you can. We'll use them for tokens on any battle grids. Combat in this game isn't as specific as d20, however. A grid will simply be a guide to relative positions during action.
Rules summary. A few paragraphs hitting the highlights, which will be enough to get the game underway.
Starting script. Instead of providing a big block of GM 'read-aloud' text, early d6 adventures featured a script of dialogue for the players, to get things rolling and to help with character. We obviously won't be reading aloud together, but think of this as simply a quick 'on-ramp' to the game.

E-3PO |

I noticed in the opening script, E-3PO called Trask "Master". Am I his protocol droid then, or was that just colloquial?

Lettu "Wings" Kan |

You guys take care of that tech dude, and I'll get the droid working :) lol loving it so far

ziltmilt |

No worries on building the character. I've already done that. There's a post with links to your character sheets. Here's yours: Harkan
There's also a rules primer linked above which explains the fundamentals of the game.
Don't worry about the rules at this point. This RPG has a much greater emphasis on story and character than on mechanics. Combat gets a bit more detailed, but we can walk though the basics of that if you should ever get in danger.

E-3PO |

I could do it up like I did with mine in photoshop by putting the pages side by side and and saving it as an image. Then send it to you.

Lettu "Wings" Kan |

I will try to copy my PDF later on and put in a text format to put in my profile notes here at the site... So I don't have to be opening the PDF all the time :)

Maro Trask |

A few questions/requests:
Could you place the information labeled "Background" (posted 6/2/15 at 8:21 pm) into the campaign info tab in a spoiler. There appears to be some information that we might need to occasionally refer back to and it would be easier to find it there IMO.
Is that a door in the area labeled 31 on the south side of the facility or is the only means of entering the security area via that "pit" area labeled 49?

ziltmilt |

The entrance you came through, which is the main entrance inside, is #40 on the map. Dr Lim doesn't mention or escort you through areas on the south side of the map, from area #49 (the big chasm) on down.
Area 27 appears, from QT's readout, to be some kind of detention facility; 31 may be some kind of vehicle bay. However, this information is classified and QT doesn't have access.
Sure, I'll copy that info over.
Whew! too much typing tonight !! fingers are tired.

Maro Trask |

Several seconds pass while near-microscopic X-Wings and TIEs swirl about a prominent trench etched into the base's surface. Then, the Death Star explodes in a blinding flash. Two scientists immediately launch into an argument.
"They had to have found some flaw in the Death Star's design."
"Nonsense, it's simply impossible that those puny ships could have hurt something that powerful and well-designed." Modest cough. "I, myself, had a small hand in the creation of the Death Star. I was part of the team which designed the thermal exhaust ports, you know ..."
Absolutely hilarious! Especially the bolded bit. :D
Btw, what is the time period in which we are playing this? Obviously, after the destruction of the Death Star in Episode IV, but when exactly?
I also wanted to point out how cool it is to have those links in your posts which give us looks at handouts/maps that we could have seen if we were playing around a table. Definitely gives a more face-to-face/immersive feel to this game. Thanks a lot.

ziltmilt |

The module doesn't get specific about when. I would say sometime between the first two films. Most of the West End stuff was set in this prime time period, if I'm not mistaken.
I'd place it before the Alliance got settled into Hoth; but that was the main Rebel base. You guys are based out of a sector-level HQ, a much smaller affair.

ziltmilt |

Hope everyone's enjoying the game so far. Are there any questions or problems anyone's still got? We've gone through a lot of info-dumping in the past couple of days, but now we're going to be getting into the good stuff (at last!).
The next scene coming up is a little different, and will largely take place via private message. After you get a pm, I need to ask you not to talk to one another about the game until all of the players' scenes are resolved via private message.
I'll be sending out these private messages later this evening. And, if anyone has any questions, please feel free to post here. I did miss one question a couple of days ago.
Is E-3PO property of another character? He can be. And, it helps the game become more immersive if you draw these kinds of connections to the other players.

E-3PO |

I went ahead and merged the two maps together. The numbers shrunk a bit on the northern map when scaling it down to fit.

ziltmilt |

Long, long ago, before Fantasy Flight released their X-Wing minis game, West End published 'Star Warriors', a starfighter boardgame with the same scope as today's X-Wing. Star Warriors is more detailed, uses a hex map, and most interesting to me, the early WEG modules incorporated Star Warriors scenarios to be played in conjunction with the RPG.
More recently, I whipped up an Excel application to handle all the number crunching for Star Warriors. As a user you just select your actions, and the app calculates the difficulties and determines the results.
So, I'm leaning towards using this old ruleset, if we end up with any space combat. I've never used a Star Warriors scenario in the RPG before, and I'm curious to see how it'll work. Nothing like old school, right?

Logan1138 |

Well...I need to go ahead and withdraw from this game.
Unfortunately, I sometimes get excited by a really cool sounding campaign and forget that I do not enjoy the process of Play-by-post gaming. I just need to admit that I probably won't be around for the long haul on this game so it would be better to acknowledge that right now and bow out before things get too far along.
Perhaps, Maro's seedy past has caught up with him and the security officers drag him away for more interrogation and extradition?
I fully intend to read along and see how this game plays out and I hope everyone has a blast. Have a great game everyone!
Logan1138 aka Maro Trask

Lettu "Wings" Kan |

Hey guys, I'm stepping out of the game. I'm sorry, just a little too confused and not having much fun. I hope you guys keep having fun, however. I apologize if I wasted anyone's time. Take care!